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Mara/Pally Bubble needs to be looked at(Undying Rage)


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They are as susceptible to cc as any other class.... I do believe tho that the mara ranked warzone spec will not be the current annihilation solo spec, but carnage. Why? Because 6 secs total of roots every 12 secs, completely out of resolve are a HUGE asset. That with the already amazing survival of maras will make them IMO the kings of ranked warzone, the only class that will be able to effectively counter an assassin ball carrier, as well as healers or anything else that likes to pillar hump.


I disagree, the combo of speed and force shroud gives a sin tank a huge boost in reduced vulnerability to CC, since most CC is force/tech based. Carnage may be more viable in huttball, but that's a niche.

Edited by AGoldCrayon
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oh, so basically this is a nerf marauders thread. Not just UR.

And why not, Zed? Let them nerf us, so only good players will stay with class, same as from the start, when no one gave **** about us, only those who saw what we could do back then.

PS: please, don't nerf saber ward, cause you would hurt also the guardians, no one wants that, not now, when not so many of them play veng spec

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All good annihilate marauders have it. It's in one spec, and its not the only viable pvp spec. I think you'll find a huge resurgence of rage marauders for rated warzones for 100% uptime predation. Not to say that annihilate will be lacking, but as far as team utility goes, rage wins.


Since rated WZs aren't out yet, no one knows what mara/sents will spec. Guessing what they will or won't spec in the future is kind of moot. But as of right now, all the good mara/sents have the imp force camo. And that allows them to run away safely after getting beat on by 8 people. If you don't think mara/sent have too much survivability, go watch the 3v3 tournament stream I posted earlier in the thread.


A mara, mara, ops (dps) made it to the finals and only lost to a more overpowered class. vanguard, vanguard, commando (heals).

Edited by Smashbrother
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No, because there aren't other aspects of the Marauder that give them such an advantage over other DPS Classes.


Although technically speaking, I suppose nerfing UR does mean nerfing Marauders as well, but not in the way you're implying.


UR/GBTF it's one of the defensive abilities that makes a mara viable in PvP as a MELEE class without stealth mechanics (sin/op).


Juggs FULLY dps specced are in a much worst state. Due to the fact they lack such kind of survivability tools if DPS specced.


Remove those kind of tools and you can aswell just full every warzones with nothing but RANGED/CASTER classes.

Edited by atreyuz
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Wait a second.... Are we really asking to nerf the survivability of marauders? really? What do marauders have otherwise? squishy melee dps with 0 utility?



High SINGLE target dps

High survability WITH CDs

Best SINGLE target interrupts



Melee with terrible mobility

Worst CC of any class by FAR

Worst initial burst of any class due to starting at 0 energy

Worst aoe damage(basically 0)

Worst ranged damage (literally 0)

Arguably the hardest class to play at a useful level

Abysmal survivability with 0 CDs up

No taunt

No gaurd

No pull

No stealth

Extremely susceptible to CC due to the above and being THE ONLY pure melee class in a world of permaroots and knockbacks and requiring 3+ GCDs of being in melee before doing any damage.



And you want to remove one of the few things they have going for them? Seriously? They can do nothing besides being tough to kill and dps 1 person. Thats it. A far as utility goes marauders are by far the worst.


You think a class that does dps and is hard to kill is OP? Have you seen those tanky class doing good damage while guarding their healer, while taunting everything in sight, while having pulls, while having CC, while having stealth, while having ranged abilities?

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Since rated WZs aren't out yet, no one knows what mara/sents will spec. Guessing what they will or won't spec in the future is kind of moot. But as of right now, all the good mara/sents have the imp force camo. And that allows them to run away safely after getting beat on by 8 people. If you don't think mara/sent have too much survivability, go watch the 3v3 tournament stream I posted earlier in the thread.


A mara, mara, ops (dps) made it to the finals and only lost to a more overpowered class. vanguard, vanguard, commando.


As a marauder that has played all three specs, I can tell you right now that I'll be speccing rage for team based rated warzones. My guild has basically stated that 100% uptime predation is too critical to pass up, and I agree with them.

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I think people are looking at UR/GBTF too much from a 1v1 1v2 point of view. In that case I can agree with you guys that it is a REALLY powerful skill.


But in PVP group (wich is what and will matter the most, aka ranked). Maras needs those kind of tools to be somewhat useful to the party/Group PvP.



And why not, Zed? Let them nerf us, so only good players will stay with class, same as from the start, when no one gave **** about us, only those who saw what we could do back then.

PS: please, don't nerf saber ward, cause you would hurt also the guardians, no one wants that, not now, when not so many of them play veng spec


Who's your mara on LoL

Edited by atreyuz
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As a marauder that has played all three specs, I can tell you right now that I'll be speccing rage for team based rated warzones. My guild has basically stated that 100% uptime predation is too critical to pass up, and I agree with them.

I love you predation guys, we have one in our guild and it's so nice to ride on his sails!


Yours Sincerely

Random Operative.

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Immunities of this kind should have never ever made it to pvp. And on DPS class...yeah.


Assassin/shadow immunity needs to be also looked at.


Remove Marauders "bubble", however as a trade off, I think we should get either - perma stealth, a taunt + heavy armor, a knockback or a short CD stun


You forgot 50% perma damage dealt reduction and no burst capability as a part of the package

Edited by GrandMike
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As a marauder that has played all three specs, I can tell you right now that I'll be speccing rage for team based rated warzones. My guild has basically stated that 100% uptime predation is too critical to pass up, and I agree with them.


So that just means a sent has to pop force camo and run away before their GF runs out. It still means they will survive 8 people beating on them.


I'm not so mad that sents have all this survivability, I'm just mad my guardian doesn't have any of it. Saber ward is pretty lols.

Edited by Smashbrother
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And in rated warzones thats going to be an issue. The best ball carrier. The best node protector. The best voidstar door watcher. Same as if you had a pally prenerf in those situations. They would be the best for it too. It has to be looked at, redesigned or tweaked. Otherwise like others have stated its going to be FOTM for rated WZ. Why would you NOT want this class and this ability on your team. It will be mandatory.


Best ball carrier: Shadow/sin tank


Best node protector : shadow/ sin tank


best voidstar door watcher: any stealth class, which includes shadow/ sin.


I agree, Shadow/ sin need to be looked at, and redesigned or tweaked! Espcially since they are allready the FoTM

Edited by LiveandDieinLA
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Best ball carrier: Shadow/sin tank


Best node protector : shadow/ sin tank


best voidstar door watcher: any steal class, which includes shadow/ sin.


I agree, Shadow/ sin need to be looked at, and redesigned or tweaked! Espcially since they are allready the FoTM



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Best ball carrier: Shadow/sin tank


Best node protector : shadow/ sin tank


best voidstar door watcher: any steal class, which includes shadow/ sin.


I agree, Shadow/ sin need to be looked at, and redesigned or tweaked! Espcially since they are allready the FoTM


Both classes are FOTM and both classes need serious tweaking.

Edited by GrandMike
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So that just means a sent has to pop force camo and run away before their GF runs out. It still means they will survive 8 people beating on them.


I'm not so mad that sents have all this survivability, I'm just mad my guardian doesn't have any of it. Saber ward is pretty lols.


This is assuming you've already filled his resolve bar. You could completely take UR/GbtF out of the equation and arrive at the same conclusion. 'Oh, there were 8 people beating on him and he just combat cloaked and got away.' So really now you're not complaining about UR, you're complaining about a talent in the annihilate tree.


And Jugg/Guardians get other talents/skills. That's part of why there are AC, so that everyone isn't the same.


For anyone complaining about how OP this is going to be in rated warzones, I can tell you right now the strategy thats going to develop to counter this so called 'godmode'.


Focus a marauder till he blows UR, switch targets to a healer. If the healer focuses on healing marauder he dies. If he switches to saving himself, get back on the marauder after the 5 sec is up, marauder dies. And you can bypass the force camo by simply forcing him to blow unleash during the initial burst while not filling up his resolve bar. By the time you switch back to him, hit him with another stun and resume focus fire.

Edited by AGoldCrayon
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This all basically translates to: I don't want to pay attention during a fight, I want to mash keys and bang bang dead people.



  1. Marauder pop's UR
  2. I snare and kite for 4 seconds, or I stun
  3. I regen energy/heat
  4. UR comes off and I pop my big moves again



  1. Marauder pop's UR
  2. I snare, cleanse and kite for 4 seconds, or I mez and heal
  3. I avoid incoming dmg and heal
  4. UR comes off and I go back to kiting and healing and DoT'ing the Marauder until I get help or he dies.



  1. Marauder pop's UR
  2. I push or stun or stealth. UR nulified
  3. Back to tanking


Sad Terriblez

  1. Marauder pop's UR
  2. I pound on him doing 8 damage while he obliterates me and heals back 20% of his health.
  3. I go to forums to QQ


+1 well explained for qqers

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At OP do you really want to play the WoW game?


I will gladly give up my "immunity" in which I can be CC'd (so it isn't immunity) for these tools that a warrior has in WoW.


a second charge (heroic leap).


a get out of jail freecard on roots that makes me immune to ALL CC during the duration...oh yeah and it is also the hardest hitting aoe in the game (sweeping strikes/Bladestorm).


immunity to mez CC's (fear)


a charge that stuns


a stun that isn't channeled


a better mortal strike


a spell reflect


an aoe slow in addition to my "hamstring"


a hamstring that roots


when stunned you get healed


when stunned you get a CRAP LOAD of rage/focus so that when you get out you don't have to autoswing


don't get rooted through full diminishing returns (resolve) like you can from a hybrid sage/sorc


can interupt almost any cc in the game minus stuns (and ranged classes don't get much stuns in WoW and they aren't near as good as they are in SWTOR)


Summary? Ranged have it easier in this game then WoW. They have every advantage possible. They are WAY easier to play then any WoW ranged while sentinel/marauder is harder to play then an arms warrior.


LOL when patch notes come out for 1.2 and these faceroll classes are nerfed and sentinel/marauders are buffed. I will laugh hysterically as you attempt to play one and get your face kicked in.


Also sentinels/marauders are "fotm"? LOL. Yeah they sure are! These horrible rerolled ranged doing 50-100 k (how is it even possible to be this bad) dmg on their sent/marauders in 10-49 are taking over the world!


I would tell you to go back to WoW but you and I both know that you sucked on your frostmage. You have never had it this good. Yet you still complain.

Edited by biowareftw
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At OP do you really want to play the WoW game?


I will gladly give up my "immunity" in which I can be CC'd (so it isn't immunity) for these tools that a warrior has in WoW.


a second charge (heroic leap).


a get out of jail freecard on roots that makes me immune to ALL CC during the duration...oh yeah and it is also the hardest hitting aoe in the game (sweeping strikes/Bladestorm).


immunity to mez CC's (fear)


a charge that stuns


a stun that isn't channeled


a better mortal strike


a spell reflect


an aoe slow in addition to my "hamstring"


a hamstring that roots


when stunned you get healed


when stunned you get a CRAP LOAD of rage/focus so that when you get out you don't have to autoswing


don't get rooted through full diminishing returns (resolve) like you can from a hybrid sage/sorc


can interupt almost any cc in the game minus stuns (and ranged classes don't get much stuns in WoW and they aren't near as good as they are in SWTOR)


Summary? Ranged have it easier in this game then WoW. They have every advantage possible. They are WAY easier to play then any WoW ranged while sentinel/marauder is harder to play then an arms warrior.


LOL when patch notes come out for 1.2 and these faceroll classes are nerfed and sentinel/marauders are buffed. I will laugh hysterically as you attempt to play one and get your face kicked in.


Also sentinels/marauders are "fotm"? LOL. Yeah they sure are! These horrible rerolled ranged doing 50-100 k (how is it even possible to be this bad) dmg on their sent/marauders in 10-49 are taking over the world!


I would tell you to go back to WoW but you and I both know that you sucked on your frostmage. You have never had it this good. Yet you still complain.


You win again sir

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I don't like this design. "Invincible mode" is never a great design. But in the case of how a marauder is atm it's needed.


You talk about the healer being able to get him to full hp during this time while he can kill 3 people. That's not a fair thing. It's 3 globals, the marauder can do decent damage during this time and yes he can be healed but, you can move from the marauder, stun the healer, use your CC breaker as the marauder can, get your teammates to pull the marauder/healer or even get sorcs/sages to pull the teammate under attack away. Roots and Snares are not apart of the resolve system so they can be used. You can also kill healers before you kill marauders, it's usually a good idea. You can't assume one team supports and the other one doesn't do anything.


If this is removed marauders need to be changed fundamentaly and I for one don't want any such change happening before rated warzone's are out. Let's wait til we have had rated warzone's for a bit and see how class balance will be with the changes that will occur in 1.2 and the new gear. At the moment it is premature to take such major actions against marauders.


Teams can counter this ability, Marauders have two other tree's that don't have self healing and 100% dmg reduction Force Camo(4 second stealth) and you need to take a look at the entire class before nerfing something that efffects all aspects off it.

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marauders are fine, if u play one u know thet drop fast 1v1 guardian dps will win dont know wat the prob is but i think its the republic players CHANGING THE TOPIC TTTTROOOOPERRRRRRS NERF PLS !






FOCUS ON TROOPER ISSUE :mad::mad::mad::D

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