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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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I have no loyalty whatsoever to an MMO, to an IP, or to a developer


I am a slave to my enjoyment level


I am subscribed now, and will continue to subscribe as long as I am having fun.


How long that is, is really up to Bioware, what they have now will undoubtedly keep me happy for another 6 months or so at least, after that will be up to them.

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Roughly one month ago I would have said I certainly would be... now... after seeing more and more mismanagement from BW I'm really considering going back to WoW or Rift until Secret World, Tera or GW2 come out.
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Yup. My subscription runs through the end of April, and with 1.2 right around the corner, I see no reason to quit.


Simply put: as long as Bioware continues improving the game and adding content that interests me, I will continue subscribing. Plus, the Republic needs healers and I'm just the Commando to do it.

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Nope, been through two guilds now and everyone's left and with an average of 4/5 people per planet right now my server is dead..I may come back in a coulpe of months if they sort out the population.


The problem is the usual surge in players, remember all servers being blocked and 2 hour wait queues, now all the 'new game fans' have drifted off they need to consolidate the servers and start to ensure that people dont find they all have a server each and get a little bored.


I think controlled free server moves should be implemented soon. with someone trying to get whole guilds over so that communities stay together.

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Most likely not. I have a sub to play with my borther who likes the game but, aside from the people I know from RL, I can't stand most of the people that play this game. I know you can't escape immature kids in video games but when that's the majority it's time for me to leave. I'll not give up just yet but I already play two other MMOs way more that this one mostly because the players here behave terribly.
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I am a "casual gamer" by most definitions which are dependent on the time I an online for the game.


I subbed 2 weeks ago, and I have played 48 hours in those 2 weeks. I have only a level 26 char as I enjoy grouping and always help other players.


The average playtime ive seen on the servers is ~6 days to lvl 50 (thats just what I have seen on these forums)


So it is going to take me 6 weeks to get a character to lvl 50. That is one character, I am planning on having 3 at least 2 characters (scoundrel, guardian, and I don't know yet).


That's just getting to lvl 50, probably another 6 weeks to do all the HMs and lvl 50 pvp gear and things bioware is adding to the game.


I'll renew my subscription, though over time I might not if my server (Standard pop) continues to have less people on the Repub side. Last night it was 51 on Repub Station and 131 on Empire Station...


Server transfers please!


edit: if you dont want to play anymore, submit your grievances to Bioware and unsubscribe. If this game for $60 can hold me for 96 hours in the first month, then thats a better deal then any other game.

Edited by CJAShadow
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I'm subbed until late April. I'm on the fence about re-subbing. So many things I like in this game. So many things I don't. Customer relations need a big fix here. Customer Support needs a big fix here.

I sent a companion out on a Underworld trading mission, level 340. I accepted the items from that mission when the companion returned and they vanished. I submit a ticket and was politely told they investigated and can't confirm the items were ever mine. They then closed the ticket so I can't update it.

If you keep annoying, angering your customers don't be shocked if they go elsewhere.

The thing with my ticket isn't enough to make me unsub but it will be part of the reason if I do.

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Will you keep your subscription up?: Yes!




1. It's Star Wars!


2. I am having fun (bugs and all)


3. Contrary to the belief of some, there is alot to do from PvP, PvE, and RP. Expand your horizons and RP (especially if you RP-PvP!)


4. I have a bunch of alts and play on many servers, the game fits how I like to play.


5. No matter what is said in the end pretty much any mmo falls to the same type of end game: PvE and PvP gear grind. Meh if you like it cool. Not a priority for me. I just enjoy playing and its STAR WARS!. :)

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Yes, I bought a 6 month subscription for both the girlfriend and I. It's her first MMO and now she is addicted. Probably plays more than I do. The lack of population on my server (Rubat Crystal - Standard) might change that in 6 months though. At 12:30pm on Wednesday I was the only person on Voss. My guild was placed on Rubat and so I played there making a lot of alts. I used to play Vanguard and I am not willing to play a game where the servers were at those population levels. I will keep PvPing and playing alts until I get bored which will happen sooner if the servers don't get condensed.
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If after you finish ME3 you still have some faith in Bioware, then you are a far better person than me...




Alot of people have unsubbed from TOR (or have claimed to at the very least) in protest to Mass Effect 3's ending. There is a group on facebook that is 30,000 strong and growing every second that is demanding that a new ending is given to Mass Effect 3.


Mass Effect 3 was my last Bioware game, Bioware has been effectively black listed as a source that I will buy games from in the future (if I play anymore of their games it certainly won't be by purchasing them). I said before ME3 came out that it was Biowares last chance to keep me as a consumer and a fan, the ending threw it in there with the failures of DA2 and TOR (Everyone is entitled to disagree and good for them, I wish I was able to feel the way you do, but alas I do not. I respect your opinion so please respect mine).


Bioware is releasing an "Enhanced Edition" of Baldur's Gate, they will find a way to destroy that franchise too.

Edited by Tuscad
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My gametime is up in 3 days and I mostly stopped playing due to endless crashes. I've recently played a bit more with the desire to see the story for my character, yes still enduring black screens and computer restarts, but after reaching Voss, I have lost the will to go on, the game has become dull and repetitive. I signed up for a PvP server and in all my travels I have come across less than 10 republic players to beat on. The instanced game design no doubt doesn't help.


Whilst there have been enjoyable times in game I am generally disappointed. The game might be worth another look when it has matured a little but I have no plans on re-subbing. Since level 20 the game has become rather repetitive, outside class quests which are very good, and its just no fun.. going to kill n amount of this and blah blah in regions that are completely unconnected with a perpetual shortage of players.


If this game hadn't been skinned with the Star Wars galaxy it would just be another mediocre mmo. I havent been impressed with the lack of support and being reimbursed for times I couldnt play due to crashes and bugs. Whatever, I'll be wiser next time round.

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Yep still loving it after stomping frostworms and putting out fires for farmers I decided that GW2 is way too Facebookish for me; that and the voice acting is just horrid ...it is going to take something extremely special to pull me away from SWTOR at this point. Edited by Jett-Rinn
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