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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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Unsubbing largely because the developers are not meeting my needs or even standards. Graphic problems, long load times, bugs and typos at every corner. The game just does not feel like a professional finished product. Voice acting did not woo me over at all, it was really just wasted money. Furthermore, really lazy decisions by the developers (such as having a base where all NPCs share the same face) add to the lack of quality in this game.


PvP is nonexistant and botters are rampant.

PvE is a joke. Nightmare Mode is on par with LFR mode in WoW)


This game offers nothing new from WoW (Space Battles and Datacrons aside, and those aren't original ideas either).


Server populations have dropped to a point where I cannot find a group for anything I want to do, and our problems continue to be ignored by developers.


They say there is no population problem? Fine.

They say the graphics problems are on OUR end? lol, fine.

I'll spend my time with a company that understands gaming. Bye.


Basically, there is nothing I can do on SWTOR that I can't do on WoW quicker and better. Only reason to remain here is to play on bigger servers, but my HEAVY population server is now consistently LIGHT.

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I know you didn't ask me, but I can tell you. I have 2 level 50's, a few 40's, and the rest of my characters are done with Chapter One. My Legacy level is 30.


So, it's quite apparent what I've done. After I was done with my first character (a Gunslinger), I rolled an Imperial character (Bounty Hunter) and experienced a whole new game with not one single shred of repeated content. And the story was AWESOME.


Then, I rolled another Republic character and began experiencing the other class stories, which I am still going through. Rinse repeat for all 8, completely unique, class stories.


EVERY quest is identical


Kill x mobs.

Loot y items.

Travel to z.


EVERY Planet had the SAME REPEATED CONTENT. EVERY 'boss' while leveling up is just avoid this, interrupt that, if not just tank/spank. I cannot STAND questing on planets in this boring game.


From 1-50, you repeat various forms of these 3 quests until you reach Lv50. You can also PvP (which awards XP at a much slower rate), or you can try your luck with a FP, but you will probably have to spam for 1-2 hours for a dungeon that takes 20 minutes.


If you think that each quest represents "unique content", then you are only kidding yourself.


At least WoW had variations in quests...such as long epic quests requiring travel around the world (Onyxia key), or alternatives (Bombing Runs, Plants vs Zombies).


None of the storylines were particularly exciting, engaging, or interesting at all.

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1. not unsub'd yet but will do so in the near future


2. the lack of endgame content and amount of bugs are killing me. I was hoping to transfer to one of the Oceania servers but it looks like Bioware will never actually get around to that. Since I play during "off peak" hours and Bioware likes to schedule maintenance during my primary playing time I lose one day a week. I can't see how that is work paying for.


3. Will I come back? Probably no. Too many new games coming out to try and go back to an old one. Ask FF14 how they are doing trying to get old players back after their disastrous launch. That game will never recover and have a hard time bringing anyone back after the apocalyptic loss of consumer confidence in the product. I see SWTOR suffering from the same.

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Err...welcome to MMOs?


Don't like it, don't play MMOs.


This is such a BS rebuttal to a valid point. Do you seriously think that doing the same types of quests over and over is fun? There is literally NO variation in the types of quests you do in TOR. WoW did an excellent job of spicing things up when Burning Crusade launched. I don't think it's too much to ask for a game that's supposedly not just about the destination. As far as I'm concerned, they should create a 'team', like Bioware always raves about, just dedicated to providing the player base with interesting and unique side-quests. Hopefully this is represented on the job descriptions of the team that's now supposedly in charge of in-game dynamic events.

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Err...welcome to MMOs?


Don't like it, don't play MMOs.


Uh no....


The level of repetition in TOR is absurdly high. Every planet follows the exact same quest curve and is completely predictable. The only thing a new planet does is changes the color of the ground you walk on. Hell! They even use the same interior design of caves over and over and over. I don't know how many times I have been in the same cave on different planets.


The only thing TOR does to disguise this repetition is the class story quest...

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If you feel like unsubbing, just unsub. I quit for a week, but I missed the way my bounty hunter played, and I was bored. I came back, and i'm having more fun the second time around.


Agreed 100%


I cannot believe how fast I got bored.

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I'll not resub, as the 1.2 Patch just doesn't cut it for me. Too little content, and the changes make it even worse imho.


Looked at and tested the stuff on the PTS and endgame is still crap. And there's no intentions of playing another char after having three chars at LvL 50 with T2/T3 equipment.

The balancing they're doing is aswell in the totally wrong direction, just what you expect when the devs are listening to the PvP-whiners in a PvE-themepark MMO.


Additionally, bugfixes take too long and customer-support is pretty bad.


57 days left unfortunately, not knowing what to do.

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I must admit, looking over some of these responses - I do find it odd that people who like the game often seem to answer some of the issues raised by saying things along the lines of;


"well in WOW..."

"yes but WOW....."


everything is in comparison about WOW - the game isn't amazing just because it does something better than WOW - and the game isn't somehow 'not boring' if it copies WOW - the game should be judged on its merits and not compared to WOW - WOW is not some pinacle of gaming.

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No, I won't be renewing my subscription.


Simply put I am outraged. I started on one eu pve english server, leveled a 50 Jedi Consular sage, then a 50 Trooper Commando. at the time I leveled the chars the server was full most of the time. I noticed I never could find grps on that server so I started watching populaion and noticed that my server went from full to light almost all the time. now it barely crosses over to normal for about 2 hours around peak time. but population still so few never can find grps. Then after studying servers for several days, I picked the busiest eu pve english server i could find, went there and leveled another 50 only to see that server go from full to light/barely normal most of the time now. Finding grps to do anything has also become very difficult on that server almost all the time. Conclusion is that unless they merge servers or create cross server fp/operations grp finders, I will never play this game again. my acct has been off for about 2 weeks now and expires any day now. I think this game had great potential and I enjoyed playing it but when eu servers mostly went dead, it took the fun out of it to be honest.


So long swtor.

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I cancelled my sub as of tonight, simply put, lost my faith in the direction of bioware games.. yeap im also an ME3 fan.. so I just simply need a long break from biowares new direction in game styles. roll on the next MMO.


Have a great game guys


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I've run out of money here, won't be resubbing, my money going to cubscouts and soccer first. If i had the money, my friends are waiting for guild wars 2 to be released, I shall wait on that one.


I just hope that people that are complaining about questing and PvP in TOR aren't expecting the wheel to be suddenly reinvented in GW2... because it won't be.

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I just hope that people that are complaining about questing and PvP in TOR aren't expecting the wheel to be suddenly reinvented in GW2... because it won't be.


Look up GW2, it's interesting how they are making that game....


I tried to find a reason to re-sub because I love the pvp but the game is so bad and headed in such a terrible direction.. Def not worth it to re-sub if you have a guild in a solid game like WoW. IMO if you can't produce features like WoW from the start you better not want to charge what wow charges cause it's not going to work out for you.

Edited by Quintan
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Already unsubbed.




  • Dead servers galore with no plan to ever address the issue.
  • 1.2 is an abomination of class nerfs, and the legacy system is a let down.
  • Three months to patch in basic features such as a decent UI and guild bank.
  • Extremely poor developer interaction with community feedback.
  • Flat out developer lies and displays of incompetence.


This is Boware's first MMO and their lack of experience is painful. If this weren't Star Wars themed it would already be free to play.

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I just hope that people that are complaining about questing and PvP in TOR aren't expecting the wheel to be suddenly reinvented in GW2... because it won't be.


My son and i are doing 2 accounts, I don't want to pay 30 dollars a month on game. Shall put the money into guild wars 2 that doesn't have a monthly fee. I have a level 30 trooper sitting on server, my son playing outside with his friends, I don't wish to play this game solo.

Edited by matthewdbear
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My son and i are doing 2 accounts, I don't want to pay 30 dollars a month on game. Shall put the money into guild wars 2 that doesn't have a monthly fee.


Good luck. ;)


My experience with games that have no monthly sub is that people tend to spend MUCH more than $15 per month trying to get all the content. After all, if that didn't happen, then it wouldn't be a very good choice for the developer, would it? The fact is that non-sub games bring in more revenue than set monthly subs.


The average monthly expenditure on those games is actually $28 per month per player.


Let me see: $15 firm for ALL content, or much much more for all content.


I know what I choose. :p

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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I just hope that people that are complaining about questing and PvP in TOR aren't expecting the wheel to be suddenly reinvented in GW2... because it won't be.


C'mon guy, I know you're liking SWTOR & all, but there's no need to be clowning on the haters like so, it's uncool man.


People are people man, they'll like or hate what they will man, y'know? Besides, the Secret War Online is coming out in June & it's going to blow GW2 & SWTOR both outta the waters! :p


Alright, Jeramie, been a while.

Edited by Tricky-Ha
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C'mon guy, I know you're liking SWTOR & all, but there's no need to be clowning on the haters like so, it's uncool man.


People are people man, they'll like or hate what they will man, y'know? Besides, the Secret War Online is coming out in June & it's going to blow GW2 & SWTOR both outta the waters!


Hmm... didn't mean to seem that I'm "clowning on the haters". I'm really not. I just see a sad trend of people thinking that GW2 is going to somehow reinvent the MMO wheel when it clearly is not, that's all.

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Hmm... didn't mean to seem that I'm "clowning on the haters". I'm really not. I just see a sad trend of people thinking that GW2 is going to somehow reinvent the MMO wheel when it clearly is not, that's all.


How dare they, right?


They're so clearly wrong when everybody & their mommy knows that The Secret World is gonna be the One. :D

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