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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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I plan on leaving, already have cancelled my subscription and rarely even bother to log in anymore. Feel like TOR becoming more and more WoW's gaming model.


The pvp feels hollow lacking depths, there not real purpose to engage pvp in larger groups or to achieve anything as a group of people. PvP atm just a time sink candy coated with some flashy gear and a few fast paced instanced pvp minigames.


EDIT: That said i won't drive a heavy hate on TOR, felt the storyline content was fresh and interesting, they made many enjoyable features which i liked quite well, which made gaming more practical and less a pain leveling and interacting with world.

Edited by Barzarel
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Of course i will!


I love this game and am very excited to see the new things that are coming up already on patch 1.2.

The PvP is insane fun and the Raids are enjoyable even though they need a tad of a buff in difficulty, wich is beeing adressed with the new raid on 1.2.


Everything i hear is good news, and all this in 3 months when it took blizzard years to do it.


I couldnt be more thrilled to continue delving into the old republic. Heck, i feel like playing SWTOR more than i feel like playing my copy of Mass Effect 3! And thats an achievement cause i love the mass effect series aswell.

Edited by Nemmar
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I'm still not sure... I'm mostly a pvper but prefer to play alone. It's too early to speak of 1.2, but I already don't like few things I've read. By "don't like" I mean that I'll quit if it turns out as I afraid it to be. Let's just say that I only play swtor right now because I can log in anytime and play for top pvp gear any time I want, ALONE. That getting changed -- I'm done with game.

Honestly though, swtor is not a bad game, but the only thing that keeps me playing it is that I simply don't have any other decent mmo at the moment.

Edited by VincentWolf
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No. I really like doing the content but I don't care for the monotonous play over and over. As you can tell, However much fun it is, PvP should not be the main game play. 'In addition to' works well. It's a bit unfortunate. Edited by Palenen
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I'll be playing till i level my agent and JK up to 50 which will take me about 1.5 months (already have lvl 50 BH and SW). i'll probably quit then if endgame has nothing better to offer, PVE/PVP-wise. because current endgame content is very boring and repetitive and the only reason i'm still having fun is my guildmates and friends i play with. i'm not saying SWTOR is bad, it's just that when you hit level cap there's not much to do. i'll be back in... a year if this game will still have any people left playing it.
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Yes, I will continue to subscribe and play.


I will do so for several obvious reasons; I'm having fun, I enjoy the game, and my friends enjoy the game and are still playing.


I'm also continuing to subscribe and play because I'm not a lemming that gives into the hysteria and group think that dominates, not just these boards, but the internet as a whole.


Another reason is because I've been playing MMOs since 1999 and have a deep understanding of the genre's history and a tremendous sense of proportion as it relates to SWTOR's current stage of continual development relative to other MMO's at this stage of their continual development.


Finally, I'm continuing to play because I'm not of the current teen and twenties generation who seem to have the most outrageous sense of me, me, me, now, now, now syndrome. I guess I was like that when I was of similar age but now it drives me nuts. Finish your education, get a job, gain some experience, develop a sense of responsibility, and then go make your own gaming company and show us how's it done.

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Topicstarter is asking the wrong question.


I already cancelled my sub and can still play few months.

For me the question is: will I renew it.

At this moment I am still not sure: the way they handled the operative nerf, clearly showed, they hardly have a clue about balancing and after playing for several weeks after that nerf,

it's clear, that this nerf was not needed, after they already removed the stacking of stims out of the game.


At this moment, I am getting a bit bored.


The game is WAY too easy, I started now an alt and I can beat easily mobs 3 a 4 levels higher. So basically I can skip a lot of the content of the planets.

This only shows, that getting experience is too easy and that we outlevel the content way too fast.


About equipment: lets face it, you get WAY too easily good items and after few raids, you are done and barely can find anything to upgrade or to do.

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allready cancled, runs out on monday, will not resub (uninstalled the game on tuesday).




1. I got bored after first play trough, even though I thought that I would enjoy the second time around for the story.

2. Everyone I know is quitting, the server my characters are on are slowly emptying (imperial side, havent bothered with the rep side).

3. 15.05.2012 Diablo 3 is comming, I'we been waiting so long for this, I love hack and slash dungeon crawling, bonus for cooping with my wife, she also loves hack and slash dungeon crawling!

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As an EU gamer have I missed something??



Well the servers were brough down from 6-8pm GMT last night to make things workable for free players this weekend.


Pressure must be so high on them to get new players that current players must be taken for granted.


This was not the reason i cancelled, just illustrates the point of how EU are second class subscribers.

Edited by Beachcomberb
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I logged onto the forums, just to reply to this.


Yes! yes I will continue to sub! as will my husband, as will my friends. I have a friend who's husband finally finished building her a computer, and she just started playing!


btw I have 2 lvl 50's, 2 lvl 37s, the rest I'm holding off on for patch 1.2. I'm still having a ton of fun on this game. I'm excited because now that my youngest child is finally sleeping through the night, I'll finally be able to start running flashpoints and Operations!


Now, back to the game I go!

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I enjoy the game, I have been subscribed on the automatic month to month since the game was released, and will stay that way until the game dies.


OP: If you don't like the game, put up your gear for 1 credit on the GTN and get out of here.

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my sub ends at 19th of march. Ill resub for RL issues just at the end of april. I hoper that day with 1.2 patch there 'll be some improvement.

The game is quite good but without any spike of excitement (and im not an hardcore so im never playin 9 hours\day) that ive found in previous BW games (have you heard? BG enhanced version is to be released!!!!!!! wwowwwwwwwww)

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Everyone is different, this is a casual game and wont appeal to everyone. I like some competitive play in my gaming, thats just me, so this isnt the game for me. Doesnt mean the game is bad or anything like that. GL to all who stay
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