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Everything posted by Barlan

  1. Everyone is different, this is a casual game and wont appeal to everyone. I like some competitive play in my gaming, thats just me, so this isnt the game for me. Doesnt mean the game is bad or anything like that. GL to all who stay
  2. unfortunately this is a casual only game, if you want to game at a serious & challenging level then this isnt the game for you, ive come to this realization and have unsubbed. GL to all
  3. Well said, BW should really have a look at blizz, look at D3 delayed because its not ready. Community has a moan etc but you know when the game comes out it will be almost bug free. SWTOR was rushed out with so many bugs, just not acceptable.
  4. Yeah the difference is in WoW the HM bosses are actually hard and can take weeks to get down, in SWTOR its so easy. you clear the content a hell of alot quicker in SWTOR so they have to release OPS alot quicker.
  5. Do you currently find that end game is to easy? - Yeah after playing many MMO's this game is to easy Did you think the leveling was to quick? - I levelled fast, wasnt into the story, took me just under 6 days to get to max Have you cleared all end game content on at least easy mode? - Cleared all ops on HM, its a dps race, the mechanics of the fights are very basic Is this your first MMO? - No.
  6. Nope cancelled my sub, my basic reasons are the operations are way to easy. this game is far more casual than wow ever was. I remember spending weeks on some HM bosses in WoW, in SWTOR couple hours and you sorted. The real thing that killed it for me was no add ons or meters, guess its game breaking for me. I just dont get how swtor can have so much missing that should be standard in the game, i mean target of target. I know its a new game, but its a new game in an old genre. All they had to do was look at other games and see what they need. the excuse of its a new game give them time, sorry i dont buy it. There are alot of other mmo's they can look at and see what should be implemented. there are no excuses as to why these features shouldnt be in the game. GL ALL
  7. Barlan

    Fix CC

    Jedi Sent here. lvl 64 valor. just had a huttball against 6 sorc. needless to say i was basically perma slowed and rooted unless my cc was off cd. I leap up to one, knocked off and rooted, run around aimlessly until my leap is off cd, rinse repeat. Was it fun ?? hell no, no one likes to be cc'ed the whole game. Theres is to much cc in this game, and please let roots and snares affect resolve. nothing worse than a sorc that can knockback every 20 sec and root you without it affecting resolve, then just force sprint away cc needs to be looked at in this game
  8. The single biggest problem with healers is that interrupts dont lock out the school just the spell, If BW fix that it will be much better
  9. This is all good and well, but then why do some classes have the ability to perform 2 roles at max level?, if what you say is how BW intended it to be then no class would be able to fulfill 2 roles. they have already made the decision to allow 1 class to perform multiple roles, dual spec is just a matter of time
  10. Im wondering this myself, im lvl 58 valor atm in full champ gear. Focus spec atm, with relic, singularity, felling blows all up i get around 4200 ish.
  11. Got 3 months of game time left, im still enjoying the game so no reason to leave, im eagerly awaiting some macro, and mod support, i do feel if that doesnt arrive within 6 months i will be leaving, but yeah lets wait and see.
  12. We dont need performance meters now, but in the future we will. If they are going to be making challenging content the meters will be needed, if the content will remain at this level (easy) then meters will not be required If the content doesnt get harder the challenge for some players will be lost and those players will prob leave. People want a challenge and something to work towards, if everything is just face rolled it becomes boring.
  13. I agree with what you say here, but how do we know which dps is slacking? do we randomly swop out raid members? Same applies to healers, how do we know which healer isnt healing the tank? maybe he switched to raid heals for a brief moment and tank dies. what if random DPS start dying to threat issues, we need a threat meter for that. Tank not doing enough threat equals lower dps equals wipe.
  14. Then they dont use the meter or whatever and play the game there way, no one says they have to use the meter.
  15. Basically when the content gets harder you are going to be wiping alot, now you need to know why you are wiping, is my tank getting 1 hit? is the tank not getting enough heals? is our dps meeting the requirements? are our raid members standing in fire? Combat logs answer these questions along with meters, without it you will be guessing as to why the raid is wiping.
  16. Yeah we really do need this, I love pve if there is no challenging PvE content then there is no point for me, i like the challenge of working out new strats, figuring out what is killing our tanks, are people missing interrupts? is our dps short, is our tank or raid healing short? to answer all of these you need combat logs. I dont see why people are scared of performance meters in the game, they give you a reason to improve your own gameplay, to strive to get better. I can only assume the people that don't want these meters are people who don't want to improve in the game
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