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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Selling XP boosts is just plain wrong

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I read that this is being considered for the future, and it is a BAD idea.


I think the devs are being swayed by a minority of lazy/impatient players who hate leveling... and this makes me wonder...


So you hate leveling alts?

This is an MMO right?

What do you want next? a purchasable collection of level 50s?

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I'm pretty sure these are legacy rewards or unlocks. I'm not sure how they exactly work but you would probably unlock or purchase the ability to buy these buffs. This is for people who already have level 50 characters so they can level alts differently.


For instance say you already have a level 50 Sentinel and you wanted to level a Guardian. Pretty much all the missions are the same so you decide to just do the class missions and pvp. Well since your legacy is at a high level, you can unlock xp buffs (or the ability to buy xp buffs) that give you extra PVP XP.


All they are trying to do increase the replayability of the game which is never a bad thing in an MMO.

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I read that this is being considered for the future, and it is a BAD idea.


I think the devs are being swayed by a minority of lazy/impatient players who hate leveling... and this makes me wonder...


So you hate leveling alts?

This is an MMO right?

What do you want next? a purchasable collection of level 50s?


The gameplay as far as quest-to-level is incredibly linear at the moment. Some planets are hell (walking tatooine, don't even argue that.) on the eyes and the patience. Some people are also like me and MUST have one of every tank and healer on a side or something like that; so that means playing two inquisitors and bounty hunters. And an agent. And a warrior. That means, at the least, I am playing every single planet (except quesh, I skip that one because I can.) at least 6 times, assuming of course I don't go back for a sniper and marauder. Per server. Do you really want to do THAT ALL AGAIN at the same rate of play?


Mind you this means my legacy should be through the roof. I have no want to play republic; they're just too.... flamboyant to me. Thankfully Legacy doesn't just promote dual-faction alts, but even solidarity in the alt factions.


EVEN THEN.... If I wanted to, say, bring up one of those proposed 6 (sans the pure ACs) through PvP, I am decidedly at a disadvantage because pound for pound I get more XP for doing Taris 6 times over than doing Huttball 28 times over. Congratulations on those that realize 28 is not a multiple of 6. I have a right, at this point, to want to speed up my exp gains if only by 5% or so (which is what I predict... or maybe at most 15%... and even then it could have a timer for all we know. 30% increase for 48hr duration?).


Notice i didn't say I had a right TO speed it up, I said I had a right to WANT to speed it up.


It's what the Legacy system is FOR.... making alts fun. Speeding up the process definitely is fun. The fact it's also purchasable is, as BW said at the guild summit, an extra money sink for those unbelievably rich people.


tl;dr... To answer your questions:

No. The whole POINT to this is that we don't hate leveling up alts. We hate having to level up alts at a snail's pace through content we've cleared some 3 times already(to even get up to that leg. level...)

Yes this is an MMO. BUT it's not runescape. We're not grinding to level 120 by killing rats in a dungeon.

What next? More story, more expansion, more stuff for us Legacy gear-heads to find in every nook and cranny.... because we're what the legacy system is about.

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I read that this is being considered for the future, and it is a BAD idea.


I think the devs are being swayed by a minority of lazy/impatient players who hate leveling... and this makes me wonder...


So you hate leveling alts?

This is an MMO right?

What do you want next? a purchasable collection of level 50s?


I have one war hero and 10/11 alts from 10-31 20-30 is a *****. 31-50 :eek: I will gladly pay 10,15,25$. Plus If this gets added I bet it gets added before transfers. It would give me a chance to play with my 2 best buds.

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It's purchasable through Legacy somehow.


Also, it's for specific game areas, PvE, PvP, Questing.


An example they gave is that someone may want to level a character almost strictly through PvP outside of class quests to get companions.


Buy purchasing the PvP XP boost, it makes this reasonable and a bit easier than it is currently.


It is not buying advantages with real money, go do your homework before making such absurd claims.

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It's purchasable through Legacy somehow.


Also, it's for specific game areas, PvE, PvP, Questing.


An example they gave is that someone may want to level a character almost strictly through PvP outside of class quests to get companions.


Buy purchasing the PvP XP boost, it makes this reasonable and a bit easier than it is currently.


It is not buying advantages with real money, go do your homework before making such absurd claims.


Ohhh thta's what OP is talking about? Well if they do and 500% xp boost or something for cash I'll buy.

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I read that this is being considered for the future, and it is a BAD idea.


I think the devs are being swayed by a minority of lazy/impatient players who hate leveling... and this makes me wonder...


So you hate leveling alts?

This is an MMO right?

What do you want next? a purchasable collection of level 50s?


WoW had heirlooms that could boost XP gains. This isn't a new idea.

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It's not cash, its for credits, please edit your post OP, your giving people the wrong idea.



Yeah, it took me a moment to realize the post was referring to credits. I think it could use some clarification.


On topic, it doesn't bother me one bit. I have quite a few alts myself, and it's painful to level them sometimes aside from their class quests. I wouldn't mind being able to choose how I level via perks through the Legacy system.


I've already leveled two characters to 50 (one Republic and one Empire), so I think I've seen all of the unique content I'd like to see aside from class quests.

Edited by Quind
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Already have and it should remain the way it is.


Heh... sorry, but THAT won't... People will be allowed to use legacy unlocks to speed leveling.



How in God's name do you have 7 50's already? o.O

Edited by Amulay
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I read that this is being considered for the future, and it is a BAD idea.


I think the devs are being swayed by a minority of lazy/impatient players who hate leveling... and this makes me wonder...


So you hate leveling alts?

This is an MMO right?

What do you want next? a purchasable collection of level 50s?


that other game is offering free lvl 80s...


i don't think letting people level an alt the way they want to is going to ruin the game.

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Already have and it should remain the way it is.


I secretly love pulling this card but outwardly I'm going to make a serious, yet self-loathing face.


Not your game, and frankly it's unrealistic to believe altoholics actually enjoy slogging through that to the degree where it's fun on the 8th time. Myself, I'm on my 4th char. I want to bleed myself dry on tatooine and Nar Shadda. Forget Alderaan. Oh don't get me wrong, I enjoy leveling new characters. But oh my god, some one shoot those morons that ever landed there. BW realizies that it's really linear too. AND they realize it's not entirely feasible to level on PvP ALONE(w/ cquests) because of the time consumption.


There ARE people who invest like 5 hours a week, and 12 hours a weekend on just alts. That's not hardcore by any gamer's standards. And they get real fricking far even with the way things are. Doesn't mean they don't wish they could go faster.


Also.... I made my two inquisitors already, one I'm working on as a baby right now. You know how loud I groaned when BW said I could be a miraluka sith quiteliterally moments after leveling my baby inquisitor for 20? I was like "Oh no *********** WAY am I doing Balmorra again as an inq" She is now 31.


Oh well. Things change.

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How in God's name do you have 7 50's already? o.O


Easy, and I've been slacking, could have been 8 ages ago but I'm taking my time on my final char which is to be my main.


I realise there will be something through the legacy to aid leveling speed, I'm just glad to have done it without such aids.

Edited by System_TOR
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As a player YOU DO NOT WANT THIS, my last "MMO" had a system in which you could earn extra xp when you play (like a 2 times bonus) and then that xp could later be converted with in game gold which was purchased for real cash, this is a very addictive system and I know a number of "hardcore" players that easily spent upwards of $500 in 1 years time, the game Devs then centered the game around "the grind" in order to frustrate players to the point that the xp boost was necessary. Its a very slippery slope and we as gamers need to reject this idea.
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Given that some people just want to see the other classes story quests, xp boosts are pretty fine, and uh those are people who already have more than a 50 probably, people must repeat every single mission on every single world because you decided it's fun? I respectfully ask that you fornicate yourself op.
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I think it's a great idea - it's XP boosts to your alts so that you don't have to grind through every quest on every planet, just the story mode. That's exactly what alts need since that's the biggest complaint about leveling them. It's not the game that sucks, it's the fact that you have to run all the same quests over and over again that sucks.


What's wrong with an exp boost that allows you to level up on only story missions, PvP, or Flashpoints?


For the record, the devs aren't even asking for real money for these boosts, you get them with credits as part of the legacy system.

Edited by Vid-szhite
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