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Why people who are high rated should get better gear: Everyone will be happy!


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I dont need a carrot to enjoy pvp, I'd love some good open world pvp game but sadly their isnt one right now so we have to settle for instanced pvp and if I have to settle for instanced pvp then making it skill based is the best possible scenario for any good, bad or new pvper.


The ONLY people who want superior gear for time spent online in a video game are people who can barely handle peck at 1 through 4 without any clue as to what they do outside of the listed dmg amounts, they also have little understanding of whats happening around them in pvp and they also have little to no clue about what other classes are capable of.


Asking for gear advantages to me is pretty much telling us that you cant pvp even though you have near infinite time to do so and the only way you can win in pvp is by out gearing your opponents.


If you need gear as a crutch for your inability to pvp then you were not going to stay anyways.

You have serious reading comprehension issues. You didn't understand the message in my post at all. Edited by PalawaJoko
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Hey, I've been seeing a lot of posts lately about skilled players wanting better gear due to their superiority, and I see a lot of people say "No, then you will have advantage over me, and gear>Skill in this game". Others will say "I am not that good, so why give better players then me even better gear then I have?"


Answer to guy no. 1: If you are actually hindered killing the guy because he has better gear than you, but you claim you would beat him if everyone had the same gear, why don't you just grind the high rated gear youself?


Answer to guy no. 2: If you suck and are getting owned already as it is, then what difference does it make to you anyway?


Everyone is happy, give us good players gear to work for, rather than just to grind endless hours for. And don't give it to people who aren't good enough. Hell, even, make like Vanilla times, give only a RARE number of the best ones a supre rank with "Rank 14 PvP gear".


Any takers?


Haha the way I see it. A lot a people think there awesome at pvp will proberly have a shock if Arenas ever came in. It's a no win situation everyone's going to complain about something, me I don't like the way the Jedi is looking at me on the loading screen.

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Answer to guy no. 1: If you are actually hindered killing the guy because he has better gear than you, but you claim you would beat him if everyone had the same gear, why don't you just grind the high rated gear youself?




because its *********** silly.

pvp should be about skill, not the amount of time you spend in your parents basement.

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Bottom line, unless you're losing your 1 v 1's to BM's barely leaving them with almost no HP, then it isn't the gear, it's you.


Gear bonus is not that much. And like I said before if you are losing 1 v 1 against a BM with more than half his hp bar left, then gear is not a factor. At all. He's is just flat out better than you, get over it.


how is it not the gear. before I was a BM, when i attacked a BM with Grav Round I did between 900 - 2000 damage depending on if it crits. when i attacked someone in champion gear with Grav round I did between 2200 - 4600 damage depending on if it crits. Sounds like to me Gear is alot more important then you are suggesting.

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Hey, I've been seeing a lot of posts lately about skilled players wanting better gear due to their superiority, and I see a lot of people say "No, then you will have advantage over me, and gear>Skill in this game". Others will say "I am not that good, so why give better players then me even better gear then I have?"


Answer to guy no. 1: If you are actually hindered killing the guy because he has better gear than you, but you claim you would beat him if everyone had the same gear, why don't you just grind the high rated gear youself?

because if he came later he can't because the top ten (or what so ever) are hold by them due to better gear. :rolleyes:


Answer to guy no. 2: If you suck and are getting owned already as it is, then what difference does it make to you anyway?

people can improve, some do this faster some slower. but giving the top rated better gear will hinder the others to get that when they imrpoved their skills, simply because of the better gear.


well, you tried to logically argue for better gear for top players but i must say your logic is such a big fail even for an elementary school level that i really wonder what parents allow you to play this game.

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Simple. Answers in orange.


Hey, I've been seeing a lot of posts lately about skilled players wanting better gear due to their superiority, and I see a lot of people say "No, then you will have advantage over me, and gear>Skill in this game". Others will say "I am not that good, so why give better players then me even better gear then I have?"


Current gear grind was just about how big nolife you are. Because your progression was just matter of time you invest in game. It would never work for rated PVP. Because nr 1 in rated would be just a big sign: "Hey, I'm biggest no life in Europe!/USA!".


Answer to guy no. 1: If you are actually hindered killing the guy because he has better gear than you, but you claim you would beat him if everyone had the same gear, why don't you just grind the high rated gear youself?


Because... you know... girl/wife, job/school, friends and... life ? I can't invest so much time as some nolifes in the game that are so pathetic they spend every second of their life in MMO just because they sux at real life... Games are for fun. I have fun fighting 1vs1 against someone skilled BUT I don't have fun when I play against total noob that beat me just because gear gap... It's not like he should not get a reward for being nolife. It's just gear as reward is big mistake.

Olympic runner don't get better shoes just because he is fast. He is fast because he is fast and everyone know he is fast. Simple as that. Being best PVP player in rated WZ based on skill would be my biggest reward. No need to have a hat +2 str...


Answer to guy no. 2: If you suck and are getting owned already as it is, then what difference does it make to you anyway?


I joined lvl 50 gear grind and I was owned by everyone geared. Even when I own everyone < 50. I was owned NOT because I sux but because most people could 3-shot me. After 2 weeks of daily I was able to gear myself enough to NOT be total punching bag.

There was no fun in that. There was no skill in that. Nothing. Pure grind so I could fight against someone.

And I start owning people that own me. Why ? Because they are still noobs even at lvl 50 and GEAR was only thing that was carrying them.

So if ONLY GEAR carry you to victory then you are just the same noob as at lvl 10 mate...


Everyone is happy, give us good players gear to work for, rather than just to grind endless hours for. And don't give it to people who aren't good enough. Hell, even, make like Vanilla times, give only a RARE number of the best ones a supre rank with "Rank 14 PvP gear".


So ? Again only gear will carry you to victory. And this is how everybody will see you. "No life grinder". If you are good enough you will always win. Whatever happens. So why you need a gear gap ?

I do agree that folks with higher rank should shine so my idea is below for that.


Any takers?


No ?


No need for BETTER gear but I would vote for COOLER GEAR. PVP gear with same stats as everything else or almost the same BUT with much cooler look. So when PVP 1st champ enter the room everyone know who he is.


Skill > Gear. This is how this should work in proper PVP. Lame gear grind is good for PVE folks who don't want challenge. They want scripted bosses that take 3h to take down and that send 29834729834 signals before they fire AOE attack...

Edited by DariuszPol
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Hey, I've been seeing a lot of posts lately about skilled players wanting better gear due to their superiority, and I see a lot of people say "No, then you will have advantage over me, and gear>Skill in this game". Others will say "I am not that good, so why give better players then me even better gear then I have?"


Answer to guy no. 1: If you are actually hindered killing the guy because he has better gear than you, but you claim you would beat him if everyone had the same gear, why don't you just grind the high rated gear youself?


Answer to guy no. 2: If you suck and are getting owned already as it is, then what difference does it make to you anyway?


Everyone is happy, give us good players gear to work for, rather than just to grind endless hours for. And don't give it to people who aren't good enough. Hell, even, make like Vanilla times, give only a RARE number of the best ones a supre rank with "Rank 14 PvP gear".


Any takers?


I am sorry but having the best gear does not imply that you are a good player. Like many others said before, I'll say it again: if you feel that the only thing that will allow you to beat an opponent is better gear, then you my friend are a bad PvP player.


I would like to petition that the rated warzone would not add gear only available by playing rated warzone. If that will happen i feel bad for the good players that will not do rated warzones, because I have met a few skilled players that only log for 5 hours a week; but when they are in my group, man they rock that toon and make all the battlemaster title wearing imps look like keyboard turners and backpaddlers only to die because the gear put them at a huge disadvantage.

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This is the standard psychology of an MMO player...


"I play more than you therefore i'm a better player than you. If i'm a better player than you i must have better gear than you, because i play more than you!"


And round and round they go.


ATM rating (valor) in SWTOR is only about time played and not how skilled you are. Anybody who thinks different is kidding themselves.


Gear should never but more important that good play and skill. Too many people who think they are good PvP'ers are held up by their gear and not their skill.

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Why do people respond to these posts, they are invariably made by second rate scrubs looking to cling onto that last bastion of hope that the only reason they are currently being stomped is people have better gear than them.


Its not the skilled players that don't want the playing field levelled its the keyboard turners furiously clicking their auto-attack button that are worried what a level playing field might reveal.

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ATM rating (valor) in SWTOR is only about time played and not how skilled you are. Anybody who thinks different is kidding themselves.


You're the one who's kidding yourself. A current BM has hundreds, maybe thousands of PVP match experiences. That matters a LOT. The serious (as opposed to casual) PVPers have altered their mods, builds, and rotations to be optimal for PVP.


You guys that think you lose because of gear are in for a shock. If you're not willing to practice pvp for hours a night, optimize your mods, build, rotation, and learn all the other classes strengths and weaknesses, you're still not going to be competitive. Then no doubt you will call for nerfs.

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