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Anyone else bored already?


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Sounds like the OP got burnt out during his previous MMO, and is trying to throw the blame on this game.
Or could be frustration that this game isn't just like the last game only different. If one visits a new store and finds the store dissimilar to what they expected... that's ok. But going back into that store and razzing its customers because they're bored shopping there? Somebody please call security... Edited by GalacticKegger
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2 days in and I don't have the desire most MMOs give to play. Usually I am trying to skip work or training to game. Just to easy of a game with no real challenging content.


I mean who is even listening to the VO. I haven't seen EA started and still feel like I am wasting time having to space bar though it.


Now I know a bunch of Fanbois are going to flame but hey I paid for it also!

So you are complaining because a Bioware has too much story? Methinks you are in the wrong game.

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I am teetering between bored and excited. I absolutely love star wars. But right now, I feel more like a maintenance droid/errand boy than a jedi. My issue is with the sidequests. They feel like typical sidequests. I am playing a jedi consular right now and am at lvl 16. It feels like the main quest is maybe 3-4 missions drowning in a sea of 20 missions asking me to fix this or talk to this person, or get my girlfriend back or blablabla.


I dont understand why the sidequests cant be a bit more intriguing. I realize I can say no to the sidequests (and I will start to do so) but I didnt want it to come to that. Anyways, thats my issue right now. I dont mind the combat etc and things are more fun when you team up. Flashpoints are fun. So are the heroic missions. Coruscant without sprint was... painful. But the sidequests are like eating dry turkey with no gravy, stuffing or mashed potatoes. Justa big ol' plate of dry-*** turkey.

Edited by RXXL
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2 days in and I don't have the desire most MMOs give to play. Usually I am trying to skip work or training to game. Just to easy of a game with no real challenging content.


I mean who is even listening to the VO. I haven't seen EA started and still feel like I am wasting time having to space bar though it.


Now I know a bunch of Fanbois are going to flame but hey I paid for it also!

Paying for something that is a waste of time? Interesting... Edited by GalacticKegger
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2 days in and I don't have the desire most MMOs give to play. Usually I am trying to skip work or training to game. Just to easy of a game with no real challenging content.


I mean who is even listening to the VO. I haven't seen EA started and still feel like I am wasting time having to space bar though it.


Now I know a bunch of Fanbois are going to flame but hey I paid for it also!


This game honestly isn't for you..

so why come to the forums and post about your issue.. waaaa waaaa waaaa


I mean really, you know darn well noone is going to agree with you..


I for one am having a great time in-game, with the story


Sometimes I really don't get people I mean what do you think.. Bio and EA spent a boatload of money on this game, ya think there just gonna read your post and say ..Awwww Thorbrand no happy.. OK we will scrap everything and make all different for him .. that betta?



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2 days in and I don't have the desire most MMOs give to play. Usually I am trying to skip work or training to game. Just to easy of a game with no real challenging content.


I mean who is even listening to the VO. I haven't seen EA started and still feel like I am wasting time having to space bar though it.


Now I know a bunch of Fanbois are going to flame but hey I paid for it also!


I feel the same way, it's really weird actually. This is the first AAA mmo launch I've been a part of where I just........don't really care if I play or not.

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Very bored...


... of waiting to be let in the game yes.





This is the only thing that is boring in this game, To stand the huge queues to get into play, but when you get in and play, then the game is so awsome and enjoyable, even better if you play with your friends too!

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In short, no, I'm not bored.


Edit: Also, I've yet to come across an modern MMO that has what I'd class as challenging PvE content (as opposed to merely grindy), so I'm not sure what your complaint is there.

Edited by Grammarye
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I am.


And the fanboism does not make it any less true that new MMOs can not stand up to the polished ones. Do I have to wait 4-5 years before this game is finally in the true form? Certainly this is not it?


For those who dont have a clue: It was rushed out the door, and expect a few more development cycles to get it in the shape it needs to be.


Deal with it.

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I am.


And the fanboism does not make it any less true that new MMOs can not stand up to the polished ones. Do I have to wait 4-5 years before this game is finally in the true form? Certainly this is not it?


For those who dont have a clue: It was rushed out the door, and expect a few more development cycles to get it in the shape it needs to be.


Deal with it.

wrong lure ... wrong lake. ;) Edited by GalacticKegger
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Try the other AC see if you like that better or find it more challenging. They can be pretty different even early on.

O wait you can't try the other AC without totally rerolling. So you'll be even more bored because you have to repeat 1-10 again for the next 2-3 hours. Sorry maybe they will implement that soon....

Edited by Crogga
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I feel absolutely sorry for you. I truly do. I'm sad that you need your daily dose of instant gratification in order to feel compelled to keep on playing.


Level 22 here, and still loving almost everything. There are plenty of things that could be done differently, and some that should, but none of them detract from the absolutely awesome Star Wars experience this is.


I'm at a loss really. I am. I mean it. People are criticizing SWTOR for having fully voiced quest dialogues? Calling it boring? What part of thé unique selling proposition of this game did you not understand? Did you expect dialogues to be entirely optional? Did you expect this game would reward you for not caring about story, lore? Did you expect Arenas, Dungeon Finder, Raid Finder, Stormwind and Thrall?


No one is forcing you to play a game that you don't like, to play a game that caters to an entirely different target group than the one you seem to belong to. The game rewards players on a cognitive level, not on a biomedical dopamine level (The one you're craving for).


Sad to see you go. I really am. Absolutely.

Edited by Dekadez
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2 days in and I don't have the desire most MMOs give to play. Usually I am trying to skip work or training to game. Just to easy of a game with no real challenging content.


I mean who is even listening to the VO. I haven't seen EA started and still feel like I am wasting time having to space bar though it.


Now I know a bunch of Fanbois are going to flame but hey I paid for it also!


Pretty much everyone who didn't end up with a lvl 50 in beta is listening to the VO.

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