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Huttball is terrible.


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Actually you should be the one helping to *win* control.


If the Operative's role is to control midfield, then why don't they have knock back, so that they can utilize the acid pits on either side? The point is, why would a premade team want to enlist an op when they can have an assassin, that can do the same thing (minus the buff), and has knock back, which the Huttball map is clearly designed around.


Why doesn't Bioware make it easy on themselves and give people the option of choosing the WZ that they queue for. That way the people that dislike it, don't have to play and those that love it, can continue to enjoy it. It's a WIN WIN!

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As a heal specced operative I've come to enjoy huttball. I've learned the sightlines and ranges for the off ramp heals. Know the LOS angles, get alot of use from my AOE heal on the chasing or running pack, my 8 second aoe CC pwns if AOE spammers aren't around.


Do I get to score, no and please don't send that ball sailing my way and learn to stop when you see the circle on the ground my out of stunlock passing hole is about .5 seconds.


Voidstar is a cluster around a door limited movement and positioning. Your team has to much healing and defends well but can't break through, too much DPS and not enough healing and may break through but gets bogged down and has trouble defending and rarely just the right balance. Sure you get those ego heal totals if the enemy team has alot of aoe DPS. better than civil war less enjoyable than huttball.


Civil War los is highly annoying when you can't drop a puddle on the node. Elevation changes and the size(width) of the node itself make cast time heals frustrating on dancing DPS and there are very few spots to remain unnoticed for long and escape puts you out of LOS.


Huttball is run and gun and much more fun if half your team is playing to the objective.


Now before I learned the sightlines and ranges and the los bumps and had the gear and healthpool to take advantage of using them to escape it was more frustrating.

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Op says: "I'm a stealther..."


Okay, so you're either a shadow/assassin or a scoundrel/operative, right? Let's see what you can do.


As a Shadow/Assassin you can (not all mutually inclusive/exclusive, depending on spec):

- Be a ball carrier (force speed)

- Knock people off ledges/into pits

- Slow the ball carrier

- Stun/Knockdown the ball carrier/other players

- Sap someone out of combat

- Pick off stragglers

- Do massive damage

- Pull enemies to you/into hazards (tank spec)

- Throw guard on a teammate/ball carrier to enhance their survivability (any spec)

- CC other players


As a Scoundrel/Operative you can (not all mutually inclusive/exclusive, depending on spec):

- Burst DPS (not the greatest, but you can work in concert with others to make this super effective in a variety of ways)

- Stun/Knockdown the ball carrier/other players

- Slow the ball carrier

- Sap someone out of combat

- CC other players

- Pick off stragglers




QYB. Just play.


I'd add "protect the ball carrier" to both lists (especially if your team likes to run the ball with a tank-healer combo). Working with a DPSer who can disable or defeat attackers will make your ball carrier last a lot longer.

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First, in my exp, players take 2 ticks of damage when pulled through the fire traps.

Second, you pointed out what your teams problem was. 3 players got derped into following the ball carrier (who would have had to run in a big circle amd end up running pass your team) while there was a higher priority target standing around. Pull or pass, your team allowed someone to be in position to score.


No my friend, because often if you dont go after him below, he will easily throw it to someone already at the goal. And please dont counter by saying, then you need to go kill the one at the goal. I am come on, we dont play a game where the instant you wish something it happens.

I do not understand why people insist on turning threads like these into L2P strategies. No one is saying that everyone plays the game like a pro. No one is saying if your team does everything perfect then it's still a loss.

Guess what? if everyone was playing at the peak of their skills and abilities, then that sorc with the CCs, pushes, speed boost, immunities, and rescues/extrications will also anticipate everything that you are trying to do and still have the advantage.

Edited by Agooz
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Huttball is the worst idea ever, push pull rinse repeat.. I refuse to queue and play this poor excuse for a PVP idea ever.


Are they going to have rated huttball LMFAO? What a joke, make more REAL warzone's please and get rid of this clownshoe idea.


I can be fair and say that I understand some people DO enjoy it (Primarily people who roll the favored classes) but if I don't like it I should have a CHOICE to queue for a specific warzone and not EVER have to play it again. I shouldn't have to queue dodge, wake up BIOWARE.

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l2p, every class has its utility in every warzone. learn your role, imagine if a football team had 11 forwards, how good would they be? not every class should be ball carriers, some classes are ball carrier supporters, some should help control middle.. simply, learn your role


there are no fowards in football

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I'm specifically talking to people who don't know their class and go whine about how bad it is (esp. in Huttball) while I KNOW it's not. Especially the moron who said tanks are bad in Huttball. Puhlease, I play one, and I'm so effective I've often got 2-3 people trying to take me out first thing, before I get near the ball. Which suits me fine, because that's a few less on the OTHER ball carriers. Mission accomplished.


Knowing what your class can do, and what other classes can do (and if possible, what certain players are likely to do) is what wins you games. And this is not a premade-only thing. A premade that is in ventrilo has an advantage, sure. But pugs who are not in vent, but where everyone knows what they're doing, will do just fine, even against a vent premade.


As to the sorc thing in general... well, friendly pull is great and all, but simply passing the ball fast gets you as many wins. People just need to be smart about positioning.


You know, to be completely honest, I never thought of my role that way. I'm actually a tank and feel as if the reason I hate this WZ is because I'm getting focused on. Now to think of it, it is better when tanks get focused on. This sense of mind mainly comes from the fact that I have a 50 GS.

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^ This ^


Now I wish it was more sports oriented..


If that was the case then


Juggs/PT = Halfbacks or Tight Ends


Sorcs/Assassins = WideRecivers or Running backs


Agents = ...... hmmm Just the same DPS as Assassins/Sorcs... No utility. They have to wait for hazards, and actually need support. Hmm guess they are 3rd string.


MErcs = Hmmm same boat as Agents.. Guess they are cheerleaders because they watch other people score and effect the game minimally.


With these certain abilities active in Huttball some classes are severely limited.


you people are friggen idiots, a football TEAM is not all made up of wide recievers and running backs, you need linemen, and for christ sake you have to have defense. Mercs and agents can defend the middle keep the other team from getting the ball and use their cc's and dps to help keep the other team off their ballcarrier.


If for some reason the other team got the ball I would feel better knowing there was a sniper back there defending than some pansey dress wearing sorc, snipers are some of the best defenders in huttball.

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I absolutely hate huttball and i leave every match of it I get.


I do know that many people do like it; but why force those of us that dont like to play it?


Let us ALL pick the warzones we queue for; then I can play alderaan and voidstar and be happy. and those that hate voidstar can avoid that one.


If there are debuffs or some other punitive action for leaving a warzone implemented WITHOUT the ability to pick the WZs I queue for; I will probably give up PVP. I dont need the aggrivation of huttball.

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No huttball is not the most complex and deep warzone out there... it's a piece of **** map that needs to go the way of Ilum.


It is not hard or complex to get a huge mass of Sorc's (most imps on my server who PvP are sorcs... easily can see 4-6 a game EASILY)... and what do they do.... they just run past you and pull to victory. NO YOU CANNOT STOP THEM. You may stop 1 or 2 but the rest run past you and pull to victory.


Great class balance right there.


And you say if you meet same group of sorcs in voidstar or alderaan civil war you would do better? Hahaha!

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Huttball is huge a waste of time that has no bearing on the Star Wars universe and only detracts from the game. They should provide a selection ability for warzones so you can just leave out the ones you don't like. I punch out whenever I see Huttball come up in the rotation; so I am not playing it anyway.
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there are no fowards in football


not in American football. In football (soccer to us colonial chaps) there are indeed forwards.



I'm not going to post my opinions here, because I've posted them many other times in different threads. the devs have said there will be specific warzone que'ing in the future, if you can't wait that long I'm sorry.


Though I will add....seriously? Of all the things wrong with this game you could complain about, one warzone being tuned to certain classes is the one you focus on?

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Oh I think I get the idea of this thread.


Player 1: QQ I am bad at huttball I need people to agree so I do not feel so Pathetic

Player 2: Kid your bad just quit complaining

Player 3: Trollface.jpg

Player 4: I agree! I wanna argue!



etc... Any posts after that is a repeat of one of the 4 players.



lets just... /Thread

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Learn your role? My role is to be thrown into a vat of acid and die. My role is to be pushed off a ledge. .


This guy is my HERO. YOU HEAR ME AWOKURKA, YOU ARE A FREAKING GENIUS! i laughed SO hard at this. I can't believe more people didn't pee themselves when they read this.


He's absolutely right though. An op is at a huge disadvantage in huttball. They have no charge/push/pull and they don't make good carriers. They can gib somebody maybe? ya....they can do MASSIVE damage...except they got pushed off the ledge and can't charge back up or pull them down. I can't believe you people are in such denial that you tell him to L2P...or stand in the endzone and hope that A) they can get in range to throw to him and B) that they NEED to throw to him when they get there and C) actually see him and have enough functioning brain cells to pass it before they die.

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I totally agree with the OP. As an assasin, if I get huttball as my wz I ALWAYS leave! It has to be THE lamest pvp scenario ever! lol I absolutely despise the flames that basically kill you even at 100% hp if caught in them (or knocked into them....which happens constantly) WZ is NO FUN!! Its a joke!
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I'm a Merc Bounty Hunter. I play one of the classes that has ZERO of the awesome ball handling skills. I LOVE huttball. I know my role. I ensure that no red names try to claim mid. I camp on top of the ramps and PEW PEW downward destroying anyone near the ball spawn. I also act as an excellent person to emergency pass to.


As a stealther you should be looking to destroy anyone at mid at the same time looking to get wide open for some easy catch'n'score plays.


Everyone has a role in huttball. It just seems you have no idea what your role is exactly.

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I totally agree with the OP. As an assasin, if I get huttball as my wz I ALWAYS leave! It has to be THE lamest pvp scenario ever! lol I absolutely despise the flames that basically kill you even at 100% hp if caught in them (or knocked into them....which happens constantly) WZ is NO FUN!! Its a joke!


Ok no. Assassin is quite possibly the BEST Huttball class in the game. No...just NO!

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some people like huttball and thats cool. good for them, but why should the rest of us who hate it be forced to play it? i garantee if they gave us a choice to pick warzones huttball would be the least played.


just today i watched donzens of people leave as soon as they got into the match because its huttball. people are just tired of it.


When asked that question at the Guild Summit BioWare answered the same way cause they have the metrics to show it, they know, Huttball is the most hated WZ.

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Actually, I'm a sawbones. Nice job on figuring that I'm a scoundrel. It is kind of funny to think of me unstealthing behind someone and healing them. I'm like the anti-rogue. It's even funnier if I could unstealth behind an enemy and heal them, forgetting that I'm supposed to be stabbing them.


Really, it's just the way that certain abilities are utilized so well in huttball. It's like the fires were made to throw people into, same with the acid. I realize that you can succeed in huttball without those abilities, but it certainly seems like that level was designed with force throw/push in mind. I don't know another level that is so oriented towards abilities levels.


How about if I could stay stealthed while I plant the bombs on or cap a point? Would that be fair? I know it's a little extreme, but it's so skewed towards certain classes that it makes huttball not fun.


The pre-made argument does not hold water. Most of us do not run in pre-mades. Those are not the typical situation. Most of those are made with ideal groups.


Finally got to the crux of the situation didn't you?


You're hating on Huttball because my sucky Merc only has one goal in Huttball & it is to kill healers like you & I do that very well. Sorry about that. Fire, acid, lazers & death is all I have to offer you guys.

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Go and play your premade huttballs and win allday erryday. You can claim that you use "teamplay" and "coordination" which is all good bro but we all know that huttball does not count for **** when it comes to actual skill in pvp.


And the dilusional talk about how you need different forwards and midfielders and all other random gay terms from american ****football consider the following:


A dps specced sorc can dominate midfield with ranged pewpew

A dps specced sorc can sprint and pull in order to score/assist scoring

A dps specced sorc can break an offensive by knocking down the ballcarrier or eliminate several opponents attacking his own ballcarrier by doing the same thing


A dps specced operative can dominate midfield with melee stabstab

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Go and play your premade huttballs and win allday erryday. You can claim that you use "teamplay" and "coordination" which is all good bro but we all know that huttball does not count for **** when it comes to actual skill in pvp.


And the dilusional talk about how you need different forwards and midfielders and all other random gay terms from american ****football consider the following:


A dps specced sorc can dominate midfield with ranged pewpew

A dps specced sorc can sprint and pull in order to score/assist scoring

A dps specced sorc can break an offensive by knocking down the ballcarrier or eliminate several opponents attacking his own ballcarrier by doing the same thing


A dps specced operative can dominate midfield with melee stabstab


And a DPS specced sorc dies alot faster than an entrenched sniper, or a well played merc. I go head to head vs a DPS sorc for control of the middle on my sniper I am done with him in 4-5 GCD's without losing 50% of my health. I cant tell you how many times I laughed as a sorc or sage grabbed the ball at mid and went to sprit off only to be faceplanted by an OP and relieved of the ball after a short burst of dps.


A wide reciever *can* block a defensive end, doesnt mean he is the best man for the job, A running back *can* and at times has to block a nose tackle, doesnt mean he will do it well. A wrench *can* be used to drive a nail, its not the best use of the tool though.


Point being, sure those classes percieved to have all the toys for huttball can fill all roles in huttball, doesnt mean they are the best at that role, or that they have to be slotted there.

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Stealth to the enemy side of map, and have the ball thrown to you, score or pass to another = win


= no medals

= ****** rewards

= very boring gameplay

= a slap in the face "answer" for a class that serves no function in any serious premade WZ group for huttball (or any WZ really).


I'm assuming the OP is an OP. They're pointless in organized play because any other class can serve their function infinately better. Stealth ganker? Sin, now with more utility (of course anything is more compared to zero)

Healer? Sorc/merc. With utility

That's it.

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