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    Bucharest, Romania
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  1. Healer sage died to a PT because he had no guard from a friendly tank, nobody taunted the PT, and the PT used his CDs. Move along, nothing to see here.
  2. Haha that's exactly what I did, pulled them, next thing was they dropped hunker down without knocking me back and proceeded to melt my face with group shield, evasion and 2 shield probes. Is impossible to get away at that point due to leg shot & snare of the probe (no I don't have shield removing snares / roots because I mainly use it to prevent damage not to move around ).
  3. So what you say is to not even try to take a side turret guarded by an amazing full engi sniper / GS since will be impossible to do the los thing (they will see you coming and re-position themselves accordingly). I don't mind them being out counterclass, but am pretty sure they counter a lot more than only PT's
  4. Awesome keep those coming! And now please share with me your darkest secrets: how to take on full engi, or engi / leth hybrid snipers!
  5. I had this encounter couple times yesterday, in alderaan civil war. Lone engi sniper defending grass turret. We all had full cds every engagement, and I tried different approaches, but it just not worked too well. I did get him very low, but I could not finish him off. Anyone has better results vs good engi snipers (and their GS counterparts ofc) and is willing to post their approach to the fight?
  6. As a PT Pyro I can kill snipers of MM / Leth builds in 50-50% chance since RNG plays a big part. What I can't kill in an open confruntation is a full engineering sniper. I can take them low, but never won a fight vs a competent one (both with our cds up and knowing what we do). The whole los the sniper only works vs bad ones in reality. Peeps simply don't realize where the damage is coming from leth / engi snipers and when, and the good ones will make sure you can't avoid that dmg sequence. Take for example voidstar. A hunkered down sniper can area deny a door for quite a while rotating all his cds, even without outside support, no other class is capable of such thing. They transform from a medium armor 3 shot target, to a nigh invulnerable, unninterruptable, un-CCable juggernaught wrecking face. In all honestly I have a much easier time 1v1 a marauder any spec with all his CDs up, than an excellent sniper leth or engi build (I have more chances vs leth if I manage to los or interrupt 1st cull, engi one is just a very hard nut to crack). But, that doesn't mean snipers became the gods of warzones / pvp. They still suffer from same problems as before, and outside of their cds are mediocre at best.
  7. Be happy he was an operative and you actually lived through all his abilities quite a while. If you would have met my PT Pyro, your lifespan wouldn't last longer than 5s lol.
  8. I am rolling as rage, bm saber / focus and chest, 1 implant war hero, rest recruit. I switch soresu / shien depending on map and my role in our premade. Damage in zerg maps can go up to 400-450k, but we won some novare cost with me barely breaking 100k dmg, I also pull 100k+ protection in voidstar. The actual play is amazing for me personally. The mobility is great, you have loads of tools for any situation, you can help in scoring or preventing scoring in huttball, great interrupt on VS doors, aoe CC + aoe snare to allow bomb planting, spliting healers and their guards with force push etc.
  9. Is not as bad as you peeps make it out to be. Is not your go-to dps move of course, but saying you are not using it when smash / ravage / force scream are on cd, you are capped rage and target has 5 sunders on it... dunno, you just spam assault or sundering again? xD
  10. I want to like vig / vengeance JK / SW but something is not clicking for me. First is a full melee dmg dealer with no %crit talents and no %surge talents and no armor penetration either (sorry sundering assault and JK variant is not cutting it in curent TTK in pvp, could use either faster stacking or higher value). 2nd your only gap closer is on a 15s CD, one knocback and snare or root and you will waste time trying to hit anything. Yes unstoppable is nice, but only pugs will try to CC you for those 4 secs, the buff animation is very visible, but is still 4s and you won't kill anything in 4s in top play premade vs premade. Why is marauder carnage / sent combat so much better? They seem to fulfill same melee dps only role, but one has loads of buffs to melee abilities, while vig / veng has crap (useless 200 internal dmg over 6s really?).
  11. I can't really put my finger on it, but there is a feeling of something missing with the current shadow / sins. Not as much with the class itself as with how it integrates in group play. When I saw we won't have rated in 1.2, I parked my rank 73 shadow, and rerolled a jugg. It just feels so much more satisfying no matter if I play as tank or pure dps. Best aoe snare in game. Good aoe CC. Good single target CC. Good damage and mitigation / survival CDs. Great mobility. Force push is really nice. I just feel I can do a lot more to influence the pace of the game in warzones and the flow of the fights on my jugg than on my shadow. I think shadows / sins need a small revamp and re-thought about their utility and overall performance. Stealth is good, but won't win games or help your team on it's own, so maybe they need an extra tool / utility?
  12. You won't get more than 4-5k this days vs peeps in bm / warhero gear. If you catch a fresh 50 without recruit gear, then yeah you can get 8k+ most likely. Smash damage is fine, 4-5k is still 1/3 almost of someone hp, and you're doing more than just smashing them, the burst is still there, and is AoE.
  13. Dunno, I level as rage, am lvl 39 now and still using lvl 20 pvp set as my gear (same with quinn) and I have no problems. Use your cds, interrupts etc as needed. At 40 will get new pvp set from bank and go with it till 50 then get recruit. Is not hard and while is slower at start, it catches up fast.
  14. http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/skills/juggernaut#22-2c-1fe8fd282k This is the build I am going for, 4/4/33. 10% Hp on 2 min CD is meh really especially if you play in a premade as you will have healers to support you. While VS damage may not look that great compared to FS / Smash, is still good dmg especially with a high crit chance (I presume you should reach over 40% crit chance on VS from gear and talents alone) and it is boosted by sunder armor and passive 20% armor pen so it won't be completely useless vs heavy armor classes either. Since most utility moves don't cost rage anymore, you actually will have more to play with between smash CD (as you will always have a free scream due to charge / obliterate), and is better pressure to crit a VS than to hit an assault :>
  15. Mate sorry but you are wrong. Tank + healer combo was pretty much unkillable which is not balanced game play at all. I mean seriously you think a tank and a healer should be able to hold out a turret in alderaan without any backup against 1 healer and 3 dps - 4 peeps, because they can't kill either nor chain CC them both long enough to cap the turret? Especially with a merc / commando healer - heavy armor, immunity to interrupts with shield (your fault if you pop it before full resolve), tank adding peels and detaunts and soaking dmg etc. Before a good healer could keep up a noob dps against 2 maybe even 3 peeps. Now your dps needs to use some cooldowns / snares / los etc to avoid some damage while you heal him in order to stay alive. And now let me touch the premade aspect. Do you know what it feels like playing any warzone vs a group of 2 tanks and 2 healers? (with you playing in a premade as well). Let me tell you, nothing you can do to stop them or kill one of them. Double taunts, cross healing, peels, pulls, pushes, shields, whatever you name it. It just does not happen. Such a group can prevent whole enemy team even if they were all pyro / vg assault before nerf popping cds from 1 door in VS. Now you need better communication and team work, you can't function on your own anymore spam healing while attacked by several peeps. This patch encourages peeps to group up and queue together for WZs which is a good preparation for rated.
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