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Huttball is terrible.


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all this from non operatives, being any class in a winning WZ is fine being an Op in a losing match must be the most useless feeling in an mmo


stand stealthed in the end zone rofl


That assumes your winning control of the middle as another has said. When it comes to useful abilities in Huttball Operatives are at the bottom of the pile.


Oh and you gotta love hitting those guys with the bubble up with HS for a big fat 0 and them be immune to CC and waltz over the line haha

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That assumes your winning control of the middle as another has said. When it comes to useful abilities in Huttball Operatives are at the bottom of the pile.
Actually you should be the one helping to *win* control.
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Yep I would agree with that however as im sure you know the power of a conceal op is from stealth people know this and the idea you can wander around popping on someone and drop them low at the start of a fight for control of the middle is misguided.


On my server the opposition only have to score 1 before idiots absolve themselves from blame by leaving WZ.


Really the issue as an Operative is one of feeling like you have little to no utility to help in a HBall game. Yyet you see other classes seemingly running through two sets of fire at speed taking no damage. Pull into acid and root, Pop HS for No damage and get knocked back.


Im not saying its always like this, I have won plenty in Huttball but I would say its in spite of me not because of me. Even if I do ok for meds and near top DPS charts.

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some people like huttball and thats cool. good for them, but why should the rest of us who hate it be forced to play it? i garantee if they gave us a choice to pick warzones huttball would be the least played.


just today i watched donzens of people leave as soon as they got into the match because its huttball. people are just tired of it.


I think more people leave because they dont like playing against their own faction.

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Seriously. I can't force throw or force push or force run. I hate this wz. I attempt to leave whenever I see that I'm stuck with it. It's totally based around two or three classes, and not all the classes. It's like someone built an entire warzone around the skilset of three classes, putting all other classes at a huge disadvantage.


suggestions: I hate huttball. That is all.



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This is silly, I am a ball carrying powertech and I can't tell you the number of times I thought I was gonna score and some Op knocked me down in the last fire or just stun locked me till the gates opened and a wave of death fell upon my head :mad:


EVERY class can contribute in hutt ball, some just get all the glory, the quarterback can't do **** without the rest of the team but he's the one you see in the news. Welcome to life, you can't always be a special snowflake.

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This is silly, I am a ball carrying powertech and I can't tell you the number of times I thought I was gonna score and some Op knocked me down in the last fire or just stun locked me till the gates opened and a wave of death fell upon my head :mad:


EVERY class can contribute in hutt ball, some just get all the glory, the quarterback can't do **** without the rest of the team but he's the one you see in the news. Welcome to life, you can't always be a special snowflake.


Stop trying to make sense. We both know what you say is true.

Facts aren't welcomed in this thread:rolleyes:

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At least I'm not in denial or alone. Many people dislike huttball. It's by far the least popular wz for the very reasons I have listed. My theory is that you guys must be one of those classes.


Actually, I thought the reason it is the least liked by many is that its played far to often being the only same faction warzone. Guess I am really missing something with this train of thought and to think this whole time it was because only 3 classes can play hutball. Damn I need to rethink my thinking.

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Op says: "I'm a stealther..."


Okay, so you're either a shadow/assassin or a scoundrel/operative, right? Let's see what you can do.


As a Shadow/Assassin you can (not all mutually inclusive/exclusive, depending on spec):

- Be a ball carrier (force speed)

- Knock people off ledges/into pits

- Slow the ball carrier

- Stun/Knockdown the ball carrier/other players

- Sap someone out of combat

- Pick off stragglers

- Do massive damage

- Pull enemies to you/into hazards (tank spec)

- Throw guard on a teammate/ball carrier to enhance their survivability (any spec)

- CC other players


As a Scoundrel/Operative you can (not all mutually inclusive/exclusive, depending on spec):

- Burst DPS (not the greatest, but you can work in concert with others to make this super effective in a variety of ways)

- Stun/Knockdown the ball carrier/other players

- Slow the ball carrier

- Sap someone out of combat

- CC other players

- Pick off stragglers



Now granted, your spec may not be optimal for doing some of the listed possibilities, but that doesn't preclude you from doing those things regardless. Imagine my position as a watchman spec'd sentinel... what do I bring to the table for utility? I don't have a stun (unless you count Stasis as one). I don't have guard. I don't have heals (well I do with Zen, but it's next to useless in PvP). I don't have knockbacks or pulls. I don't have force speed. The only thing that my spec does remotely well is slow, close gaps and damage. Hell, I don't even make a very good ball carrier aside from being able to force leap out of the pit under the right circumstances and blow my cooldowns to hopefully barrel in for a score. Occasionally I get lucky with rooting an enemy in a hazard, but odds are in doing so I'll kill myself too. My job is to harass the enemy and be a benefit to my team. I don't have remotely as much utility as you do in any warzone, let alone huttball. But I still play it. I'm not fond of it, but I enjoy helping out my team in whatever way I can.


QYB. Just play.

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This is silly, I am a ball carrying powertech and I can't tell you the number of times I thought I was gonna score and some Op knocked me down in the last fire or just stun locked me till the gates opened and a wave of death fell upon my head :mad:


EVERY class can contribute in hutt ball, some just get all the glory, the quarterback can't do **** without the rest of the team but he's the one you see in the news. Welcome to life, you can't always be a special snowflake.


This is the type of reply that say's that you have never seen what high level competition with full BM gear amongst pvp guilds looks like.


There would never be a situation in ranked play where you would have the ball, waiting around while an op stunlocks you waiting for the rest to spawn. For that matter you would't be alone, and you would be pulled to the goalline if you were stunned.


High level Huttball play is so fast that it basically is entirely about who gets the ball first.. Once that is done its speed, speed, pull, pull score 10 seconds max. Very little the opposing team can do once its out of the center and they are going up against tankasins/mauraders etc


The problem with this forum is there are a bunch of newbies who have no idea how to pvp, and they're arguing over aspects of the game that they simply do not understand.

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Here's a selected bit from my "Tank guide to pvping" that I wrote on my guild forum. It concerns Huttball. Personally, I think Shadows are pretty much tailor made to be Huttball allstars.




You make a pretty good ball carrier. Especially if there is a healer helping out. Save your "get out of CC" ability for when you are crossing a fire point. The bad guys like to CC you right on those. On my shadow I like to use force speed over the first one and if necessary the "get out of CC" ability on the 2nd fire trap. Also on shadow, don't forget your ability to knock people off the ramp or into fire. So a shadow can actually make a better ball carrier than the other tanks.


A good shadow can also go to the enemy goal line in stealth and be ready to catch a pass for an instant touchdown.


Guardians can bypass a lot of dangers using force leap.


Vanguard has some sweet abilities here. If you are a shield spec vanguard, you eventually get "Storm" which can be used just like Force Leap. Also, don't forget you can seriously mess with the day of an enemy ball carrier using Harpoon and the freezing grenade.


Standing on the ramps ahead of the enemy ball carrier waiting for them to come to you can be a bad idea. If the enemy has a variant of Force Leap, they can bypass a lot and get a quick goal by force leaping to you. Unless you are a stealthed, that is... they can't force leap to someone that they can't see.

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Premades always have the advantage, regardless of noobness, gear, or sometimes even skill. Because the major advantage is Instant communication.

Also I am not sure if your are specifically speaking to me, because I never once said my class sucks. I play Pyro and I love it. And I know the strengths and weakness of my class. All I was saying is, with EVERYTHING being equal, sorc definitely have more tricks up their sleeves PvP wise (way more than the other 2 heal ACs). In PvE they are on par with any other healing class.


I'm specifically talking to people who don't know their class and go whine about how bad it is (esp. in Huttball) while I KNOW it's not. Especially the moron who said tanks are bad in Huttball. Puhlease, I play one, and I'm so effective I've often got 2-3 people trying to take me out first thing, before I get near the ball. Which suits me fine, because that's a few less on the OTHER ball carriers. Mission accomplished.


Knowing what your class can do, and what other classes can do (and if possible, what certain players are likely to do) is what wins you games. And this is not a premade-only thing. A premade that is in ventrilo has an advantage, sure. But pugs who are not in vent, but where everyone knows what they're doing, will do just fine, even against a vent premade.


As to the sorc thing in general... well, friendly pull is great and all, but simply passing the ball fast gets you as many wins. People just need to be smart about positioning.

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I will be the first to admit that I hated huttball leveling up and when I first hit 50. For all the reason you have listed. I to play a scoundrel sawbones. I get so annoyed getting knocked off platforms getting pulled into hazards.


That is when I started adapting my game. One advantage that huttball gives to you as a sawbones healer, is the ability to not be in the middle of things. The moment you get into the middle of the action, the minute you are doomed to qq.


Here is what i mean. Middle is by far the most important part of the arena strategy wise. Which has been said numerous times. Standing in the middle is a terrible idea.


When in the middle I like to stand under the ramp and heal. It provides me all kinds of protection from all sides and when ppl do come I can start kiting really easy with all kinds of corners to run around.


When I am not in the middle i am usually away from the action. I will get down into the pit or above everyone and heal from a distance.. Thus not getting knocked off. If our ball carrier does I can quickly position myself to get the ball when I am above.


If your healing as sawbones and you don't have +defensive screen and kolto cloud, because you think they are bad, then my guess is you have no idea how to use either one. ability to pop dodge while hots are hitting you followed or sometimes stacked with defensive screen is enough to usually grab the ball run to the pit through the bottom get everyone on you and toss it back up so someone can have a clean easy score.


For those 15-30sec i can become virtually unkillable. If you have another healer in the group you shouldnt die.


I have some of my best healing scores in huttball. Not that really matters because numbers for healing don't really mean much. If you are a real healer you know what I mean.

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Only joy I get out of hutball as a vanguard is pulling a sith ball carrier into the fire with me.

Watching the glow sticks get happy cause they are about to score only to get pulled into the fire and frozen is a real joy for us non force users. Beyond that though I dont really care for that BG.


BW should just let the glow sticks have this BG and charge admission to watch the force pull/push/jump each other a entire game. That way us non force users could at least get a good laugh out of it.

Edited by Zbus
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Originally Posted by Agooz

lol who are you punishing by not queuing? Teaching Bioware a lesson? :p


Did you even read what I posted? I don't queue for WZs because I hate Huttball and don't want to screw over my team by leaving them short, and don't want to have to ignore people like you daily for sending me hate tells for dropping from said WZ.



Originally Posted by Agooz

That is why I am all for Account Cancellation for anyone that intentionally leaves a WZ before it ends. LOL. I mean seriously that actually speaks volumes about your character in real life. :p


Case in point.



Do you often copy paste people out of context and from different posts, just to make a point?


My first quote was in response to you, saying all you are really doing in hurting yourself by not queuing since you are not gaining anything.


The second quote you took was for another post with regards to the person who leaves the WZ in the middle. Obviously it is intended to be a joke. Do not worry, I do not waste my time on swtor sending hate tells in the game regarding pvp.


Queue for the WZ, get your min 4medals at least, try to have fun, maybe even learn something new about your class, and earn valor along the way. Eventhough I am voicing a concern about certain nuisances about the Sorc abilities, does not mean I still do not enjoy pvp.

Edited by Agooz
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I got it, I know how to make everyone happy with huttball!


Ok, here it goes, if you intercept a pass from the opposing team, the player that threw it dies and an extra player comes in on your team!!! ..... Oh wait, wrong game and it doesn't address any concerns with huttball... but it would be fun.

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This is silly, I am a ball carrying powertech and I can't tell you the number of times I thought I was gonna score and some Op knocked me down in the last fire or just stun locked me till the gates opened and a wave of death fell upon my head :mad:



What?? really? that happens often? you mean you didnt have 2-3 sorcs pulling you out of hazards and the pit all the way to the score line?


I am not exaggerating, I was in one where a PT got the ball, I was able to grapple towards the acid closer to our goal, and I even managed to stun him inside the acid. At the same instant, I see him flying over me and onto the platforms. He is spinning around confused. He gets knocked off down in the pit. First people's reaction is to jump down after him to kill him. LOL I see 3 of my team jump down. By the time they landed, he was pulled up by another sorc back on the platform. Another Sorc standing on the other side of the fire by the goal pulls him across the hazard, and he just strolls to the line.

When you watch something like this, while it is Epically entertaining, you really cant help but raise your hand and say "Come on Bioware, really?"

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Here's a selected bit from my "Tank guide to pvping" that I wrote on my guild forum. It concerns Huttball. Personally, I think Shadows are pretty much tailor made to be Huttball allstars.




You make a pretty good ball carrier. Especially if there is a healer helping out. Save your "get out of CC" ability for when you are crossing a fire point. The bad guys like to CC you right on those. On my shadow I like to use force speed over the first one and if necessary the "get out of CC" ability on the 2nd fire trap. Also on shadow, don't forget your ability to knock people off the ramp or into fire. So a shadow can actually make a better ball carrier than the other tanks.


A good shadow can also go to the enemy goal line in stealth and be ready to catch a pass for an instant touchdown.


Guardians can bypass a lot of dangers using force leap.


Vanguard has some sweet abilities here. If you are a shield spec vanguard, you eventually get "Storm" which can be used just like Force Leap. Also, don't forget you can seriously mess with the day of an enemy ball carrier using Harpoon and the freezing grenade.


Standing on the ramps ahead of the enemy ball carrier waiting for them to come to you can be a bad idea. If the enemy has a variant of Force Leap, they can bypass a lot and get a quick goal by force leaping to you. Unless you are a stealthed, that is... they can't force leap to someone that they can't see.


Forgive me, but I stopped reading right after "shadows are tailored for huttball" lol.

I would argue strongly that a Jugg/PT tank have a better chance getting there than a shadow. A Marau and a Sorc definitely have a better chance than a sin as well.

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What?? really? that happens often? you mean you didnt have 2-3 sorcs pulling you out of hazards and the pit all the way to the score line?


I am not exaggerating, I was in one where a PT got the ball, I was able to grapple towards the acid closer to our goal, and I even managed to stun him inside the acid. At the same instant, I see him flying over me and onto the platforms. He is spinning around confused. He gets knocked off down in the pit. First people's reaction is to jump down after him to kill him. LOL I see 3 of my team jump down. By the time they landed, he was pulled up by another sorc back on the platform. Another Sorc standing on the other side of the fire by the goal pulls him across the hazard, and he just strolls to the line.

When you watch something like this, while it is Epically entertaining, you really cant help but raise your hand and say "Come on Bioware, really?"


First, in my exp, players take 2 ticks of damage when pulled through the fire traps.

Second, you pointed out what your teams problem was. 3 players got derped into following the ball carrier (who would have had to run in a big circle amd end up running pass your team) while there was a higher priority target standing around. Pull or pass, your team allowed someone to be in position to score.

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After reading this thread and the similar ones (there are plenty whining posts), one thing comes to my mind: Victim mentality.

A victim mentality is one where it is always someone else's fault for bad things happening to you. Further than this, it can be an expectation that things will go wrong, because `bad things always happen to me'. A victim blames others for their circumstances - when something happens, they don't take responsibility for their actions.


The most effective way to overcome the victim mentality is to start taking responsibility for every action and circumstance in your life - as you seek in every possible way to take responsibility for your life, you will begin to see that: Although I cannot control my circumstances, I can always control my response!


When we embrace this attitude, life's circumstances will no longer control us, because we have been freed to choose how to respond!


I wonder how people handle reality when they cannot cope with a game.


p.s. I love Huttball!

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