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Cross-Server PvP is upcoming - Why?


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To make faster Queues.


You shouldn't know your enemies anyways. After you kill them. They are dead and you fight someone else.


Soooo much fail in this statement


KNOWING your enemies builds rivalries...which leads to FIERCE competiton in PVP

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This is a joke, right? No sane person can be against cross server pvp.

In "that other mmo" at any goiven time the longest i have to wait for a wz is 2 minutes.

AT ANY GIVEN TIME! It doesnt matter if your server is small, it doesnt matter if it 2 o´clock in the night. So with cross server wzs I´ll be able to VPV whneever I want and that is a bad thing? Gosh pople REALLY will whine about everything


In "that other MMO" I still sometimes waited nearly 30 minutes (in prime time) and I still ended up playing with some totally random people I had never heard of before against totally random people I had never heard of before.



I prefer to recognize both team mates and enemies. But, ofc, in todays world of instant gratification, such a thing have to be sacrificed for the whiners/(greater) good.


If this works out so that instead of waiting 3-4 minutes for a match against same server, I instead wait 1-2 minutes to play against another server, then this will just add to the pile of things I dont like about the game, and yes, as in any other game, when the pile gets big enough I stop playing.


If this works out so that you still play against your own server 99% of the time if the queues are less then 15 minutes I wont be bothered by it.


And, btw, I feel sane, but so would the insane right?

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With posts like this I'm starting to believe all the problems people have with this game are due more in part by the people who are playing it and less so by the developers behind it. masses of people have been whining and complaining non stop, sometimes about valid issues and sometimes about absolutely ******** ones but now people are finding problems with cross server pvp matches?! this system has been implemented successfully in many mmo's at this point and in any game that it has been implemented in, it has always improved upon the pvp of that game. It's absolutely mind boggling that people are somehow finding issues with this system and are against it. unbelievable...


I disagree, it didnt improve those MMOs, it changed them from competitive to grindfests

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I don't hav ea problem with the people that pvp on my server, but I don't want to fight just them for the rest of my time in the game.


Also with rated warzones it'll be stupid. There's not enough people playing on a server to have much in the way of meaningful rating differences between people.

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After reading this thread Ive reached the conclusion that WoW has ruined PvP in MMO's forever


Unfortunately I have to agree, and I think part of the reason is that WoW brought in a lot of people that have a different view of MMOs. They were used to multiplayer fps and strategy games (like CS and SC etc) and brought too much of that mentality with them.

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Rated pvp, cross server... sure because you want a large field of competition. It is after all the same as going national or international in a sports arena. So yeah queue for rated and get a challenge from other servers. After all if you're serious about competition you're not going to sign up solo all the time.


Still 3-4 servers cross server that's cool. More than that it ends up being WoW... where you meet randoms who have no investment in the pvp because they know the likely hood of them seeing you again is close to zero.


When you know the people you pvp with because you see them on your server, in general chat... there is accountability, they know they have to give it their best or risk being being pariahs on your server. With randoms from other servers there is none.

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Haterz gonna hate.


Your RP server is ----> way.


Yeah and players gonna play... people with no originality gonna steal some rappers snippy comeback. To ad nauseum.


Sorry Lemon man... You're the only hater I see... my pvp server is right where it belongs :sul_tongue:

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what the op isnt considering in this post is that some servers can currently only que during peak hours 11 am-8 pm or so any time after that and ques can take well over an hour or just never happen at all.
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because bioware doesnt think adressing faction imbalance head on is a good idea. They would have make wookies playable/alien races they think this legacy pos is going to solve faction imbalance.


Apparently were trading have voiced people for quest getting and turn ins for no wookies and making rep side more better and appealing to people.


You dont want cross server pvp hold bioware accountable for not adressing the issue head on. Same faction pvp doesnt solve it this legacy wont solve it. Cross server wont solve it either but at least people on low pop server will que more since theyre screwing off with server merges/transfers.

Edited by hargrave
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This game need cross server pvp for ranked warzones.


There is 1 republic team who can give us a good fight to my imperial team and thats about it. Why would I want just to fight the same 8 guys days and night until we are bored. And if they arent there or stop to queue we will either get no queue pop at all since we are too high rating or just wait a long time to completly smash a bad team.


Cross server pvp is the only way to save the pvp in this game. Also they could make *battlegroups* like a couple servers(4-5) together so after a little while you will know the good teams on other servers and still have a community.


The system searching for *local* groups first will also be a plus for those community lovers.

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As for shortening queues, when people say 'it'll shorten queues' I realize math and rational reasoning aren't in vogue these days, but mathematically, I already pointed out how with same faction queues for all warzone maps, this argument makes no sense.


HeHe, mathematics... it may look simple but it isn't always so.


100 people / 16 = 6.25 -> 6 full matches and 4 people left out (one's chance to be left out every 15 minutes is 4%)


1000 people / 16 = 62.5 -> 62 full matches and 8 people left out ( one's chance to be left out every 15 minutes is 0.8%)


On topic. I welcome the change, it's a smart move on BW part. The positives for those stuck on low pop servers far outweighs the negatives for those on high pop servers.

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The only mistake the original poster made in his post was using the word "community" INSTEAD of "Rivalry"


Have you ever played sports or rooted for your favorite sports team against your/their Rival?


In DAoC we would log in every night and fight our RIVALS every night, and it NEVER got Boring because they were our RIVALS.


Rivalry led to people literally going at it in game and on the forums hardcore. It also led to friendships, and you wanna talk legacy? Legacy is STILL remembering your enemies names 5 years after fighting them because you use to have EPIC battles with them


I remember fighting Sevendap and Jumbie's groups from Classic DAoC in 2005 (lol) for example, i remember alot more than that but those 2 stick out for me since they were my main freaking RIVALS.


Rivalry builds intense PVP and MAKES you want to log in and kill them, Im sorry if you WoW folks never got to experience this in your MMO, because it cannot be explained, you have to experience Rivalry to understand it, and it makes for an awesome MMO PVP experience.

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Thank god for cross server queues, now I might actually get to do some war zones during off peak hours when I'm able to play the game. Your "community' can go die (if it ever actually existed) if it means I can play the game I am currently paying $15 a month not to play.
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I once waited over two hours and logged out (Granted it was a weekend before 12 PM, but still). On average, I wait 15 minutes, but 30 minutes is not rare. Those wait times are not acceptable. By contrast, I was on another Server (Rank 51, so there is some time invested), with an average wait time of 5 minutes.


Cross Server PvP is necessary. Even so, BW seriously needs to merge some servers.

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Has it occurred to Bioware to even ask the community if they want this? There is a fantastic in-game polling system that is never used. What if 75% of the community DOES NOT want cross-server PvP?

I'd be curious to see what the reasoning is behind this upcoming change. The general things associated to cross-server PvP are:

- Complete lack of community, you'll never see the people you had a match with ever again.

- Complete lack of peer pressure to play well and not do things like AFK the whole match.

- For those on heavily populated servers, the queues would become longer than they are now.

- The goal of PvP becomes to have your name on top of a leaderboard with 1 million plus other people that you've never met before.


Bioware many people don't care about how they rank against people on other servers. They want to compete against and play with the people that they can actually interact with afterwards. They want to play a MMO, not BF3 with lightsabers.


I have yet to see Bioware even address this. Do they have a better system? Do they recognize these issues exist but don't care? Has any community research been done at all before deciding this was the direction you wanted to go?

During development it was stated Bioware would listen to their players. I have yet to see this. I see some responses to people on the forums (which is not even close to being everyone) and nothing else.


if they are implamenting cross server warzones/pvp then this is a good thing.

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Has it occurred to Bioware to even ask the community if they want this? There is a fantastic in-game polling system that is never used. What if 75% of the community DOES NOT want cross-server PvP?

I'd be curious to see what the reasoning is behind this upcoming change. The general things associated to cross-server PvP are:

- Complete lack of community, you'll never see the people you had a match with ever again.

- Complete lack of peer pressure to play well and not do things like AFK the whole match.

- For those on heavily populated servers, the queues would become longer than they are now.

- The goal of PvP becomes to have your name on top of a leaderboard with 1 million plus other people that you've never met before.


Bioware many people don't care about how they rank against people on other servers. They want to compete against and play with the people that they can actually interact with afterwards. They want to play a MMO, not BF3 with lightsabers.


I have yet to see Bioware even address this. Do they have a better system? Do they recognize these issues exist but don't care? Has any community research been done at all before deciding this was the direction you wanted to go?

During development it was stated Bioware would listen to their players. I have yet to see this. I see some responses to people on the forums (which is not even close to being everyone) and nothing else.


Just off the first line, yes they have and yes majority want this, 5 seconds of reading anything in the pvp forum would of answered this...

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There's no reasonable reason for cross server warzones.


The reasons people give and the reasons it makes no sense:


1) Shorter queues. Wait, what? How does having 100 people in the pool vs 1000 people in the pool make a queue for your 16 man game shorter? It doesn't, because you're still going to have the exact same time for a game for the first 6 games in the 100 people scenario, and the first 62 games in the 1000 people scenario. The ONLY time it makes queues faster is if you didn't have 16 people to start a game at all, and if a server doesn't have 16 people who are wanting to do a warzone, there are far larger issues than warzone queues.


2) Even out the population. Wait, what? By their own admission, there is a 57-43 split of Imperial to Republic, with the PVP servers being worse (I notice they didn't say how much worse, but based off my own experience playing both sides on my pvp server, I can guess). Now, sure, this means if you are on a pvp server with say...a 70-30 split, you'll be able to take advantage of a 57-43 split, but it goes both ways. The guy on a pve server that had a 50-50 split is now going to be facing a 57-43 split as well. And, this all seems pointless anyways when they said warzones will be both faction vs faction as well as same faction vs same faction, meaning evening out the population doesn't actually matter.


So...I agree, OP. Bioware, why? As you said with the dungeon finder question, you think community is important. Right now, you know the people you fight, so you are more emotionally invested. Once it goes cross server, the enemy is going to become nameless automatons you'll hardly ever see again (if ever). That sure seems to help the community! And, as I've already pointed out above, there doesn't seem to be any upside we gain from destroying the community.


So....why do it?


Did you even think of your logic before posting? it will immensely shorten que times for lower pop, whats 6 ppl in que vs 1000 ? a que popping thats what, please think out loud before you post...

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Of course the Majority want cross server pvp, the Majority is former players of that game my 6 year old nephew PVP's in...its called WoW


Roll on a low pop and then get back to us with your O so witty wow comments, thanks...

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There's no reasonable reason for cross server warzones.


The reasons people give and the reasons it makes no sense:


1) Shorter queues. Wait, what? How does having 100 people in the pool vs 1000 people in the pool make a queue for your 16 man game shorter? It doesn't, because you're still going to have the exact same time for a game for the first 6 games in the 100 people scenario, and the first 62 games in the 1000 people scenario. The ONLY time it makes queues faster is if you didn't have 16 people to start a game at all, and if a server doesn't have 16 people who are wanting to do a warzone, there are far larger issues than warzone queues.


2) Even out the population. Wait, what? By their own admission, there is a 57-43 split of Imperial to Republic, with the PVP servers being worse (I notice they didn't say how much worse, but based off my own experience playing both sides on my pvp server, I can guess). Now, sure, this means if you are on a pvp server with say...a 70-30 split, you'll be able to take advantage of a 57-43 split, but it goes both ways. The guy on a pve server that had a 50-50 split is now going to be facing a 57-43 split as well. And, this all seems pointless anyways when they said warzones will be both faction vs faction as well as same faction vs same faction, meaning evening out the population doesn't actually matter.


So...I agree, OP. Bioware, why? As you said with the dungeon finder question, you think community is important. Right now, you know the people you fight, so you are more emotionally invested. Once it goes cross server, the enemy is going to become nameless automatons you'll hardly ever see again (if ever). That sure seems to help the community! And, as I've already pointed out above, there doesn't seem to be any upside we gain from destroying the community.


So....why do it?

Fail math is fail. Many servers often have far lass than 100 players queueing at any given time. Queues would only be the same if people only queued 16 at a time. Clearly this is not the case, so you always have extra people waiting for more people to queue or a match to end so those people will requeue. With only enough for one game at a time to be played, extras can be stuck waiting 20 minutes or more for each game to finish and hoping for there to be enough players queued and for him to be picked by the system. More players means more games ending on a more frequent basis, which means less wait times.


Additionally, cross-server increases the number of opponents available and allows a much better competition rather than playing the same 3 teams over and over and over again. People said the exact same thing you guys are before WoW's cross-server queues, and they were a runaway success.

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While I would prefer not to have Cross-Server queues of any kind, if they aren't doing server merges then this is about the only option left to allow folks to actually play the game.


Im so happy with rated wz and cross server wz soon!!

I hope they ll add arena too, and gnome race in next expansion...

Oh, and rename STAR WARS : The old republic into WOW Wars : The wow copy, that way it will attract more customers.

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