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Should we all late preorders cancel?


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do you really think that this approach will help , or contribute in anyway getting people to subscribe after the first month?


swtor isen't the only mmo on the market, and many others are going to be released next year. first impressions are very important for most people.


segregating the community based on who preorders , isen't the most brilliant idea if you ask me.


And your whiny self-entitled attitude is helping at all??


I made some valid points.



You get what you paid for. Since you didnt take the time to read what BioWare was selling you then it is your own fault! You have no right to complain about getting exactly what they said you were paying for!


Quit crying woman.

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First, Bioware made it so people who preordered early will get a spot for EGA, then now it's not guaranteed to get EGA for people who preordered at a later time; end of Nov - Dec. So yes, right now the preorder seems pretty much useless.




People who pre-ordered, no matter the time, will be able to play before the 20th. I'm sick of people thinking anyone who pre-ordered later than they did will only get in the day before launch.

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And your whiny self-entitled attitude is helping at all??


I made some valid points.



You get what you paid for. Since you didnt take the time to read what BioWare was selling you then it is your own fault! You have no right to complain about getting exactly what they said you were paying for!


Quit crying woman.


i will do so, when you quit *** kissing. seems unlikely right?

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You crybabies should return to wow or whatever mmo you came from where they hold your hand around every corner. Should be grateful you even GET early access. If I were Bioware and saw my customers acting like children in kindergarden id PURPOSELY make you wait even longer to teach you patience. Life's not fair, help won't come. Don't like it, get a helmet.
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this came off Amazon forums


I have pre-orderd Star Wars: The Old Republic Collector's Edition (hereafter, TOR). At the time, we were told by Stephen Reid, Senior Online Community Manager for Bioware, that we would have a Grace Period between the game's official launch and when we would have to input the game key to permit play. This grace period was put into place because, for various reasons, not all players could be assured of obtaining the game on launch day.


On 12/7, Bioware suddenly and without explanation revoked the Grace Period, in contravention of previous statements by Mr. Reid, and other members of Bioware's customer service. I respectfully request an answer to the following four questions:


1. Why was the Grace Period removed, after it had been explicitly promised, and after people relied on the promise to make their decisions as to how to get the game?


2. What do you have to say to the people who relied on your misrepresentations?


3. When did you know about the Grace Period revocation? If it was before 12/7, why did you wait to communicate it?


4. Why does Europe get the game in stores on the 15th, but North American Players must wait until the 20th? Do you realize that allowing NA retailers to sell by the 15th would remove Grace Period concerns?


My preferred resolution is a restoration of the grace period. An alternate resolution would be EA/Bioware allowing North American retailers to sell by the 15th, as they have done for Europe. came off Amazon forums

Edited by ColSlug
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You crybabies should return to wow or whatever mmo you came from where they hold your hand around every corner. Should be grateful you even GET early access. If I were Bioware and saw my customers acting like children in kindergarden id PURPOSELY make you wait even longer to teach you patience. Life's not fair, help won't come. Don't like it, get a helmet.


ATM ea/bioware are asking us to hold there hands because there to scared to handle the influx of players like every other mmo has. YES letting all players in at once has its issues, but they take normally 48 hours to get mostly settled. instead we must wait 7 days and I bet the normal launch issues will still take place. There pissing off alot of people for no reason other then they have no idea how to run a mmo

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Yes, show your maturity and intelligence by not reading or comprehending how early access works and doing something stupid.


I didn't get my way, I'm grabbing all my toys and going home.


If you don't like how they're doing EARLY ACCESS then don't participate, wait for the 20th.

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The game goes live on the 20th.....


Bioware were nice when they said people who pre-ordered MAY get early access - Yes it helps them at the same time as it allows them to stagger the launch for the bulk of the player base which in turns avoids things such as massive lag/crashes/spammed areas which games such as WoW and more recently Rift suffered on launch (inc expansions)


to top it off - The game "could" sell out quickly. Vanilla WoW sold out, I bought two copies at the time of launch one was a gift but the person didn't play in the end - I sold it on EBay for £150 :D So yea, cancelling your pre order may result in you not getting ot play the game for a few months till new copies/servers are made (if it sold out that is)

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i will do so, when you quit *** kissing. seems unlikely right?


*** kissing? HAHAHAHA!


Um no.


I just don't cry about things I am not entitled to.


Let me show you. Read along!


How will I be notified when the Early Game Access begins?

Starting December 13, 2011, 7:00AM EST (Pacific: December 13th, 4:00AM PST; European: December 13th, 12:00PM GMT, 1:00PM CET), The Old Republic will begin emailing invitations to start your Early Game Access. Invitations will be sent throughout the Early Game Access period offering rolling access to the Game in the order in which you redeemed your Pre-Order Code, so be sure to check your email inbox!


What do I get for pre-ordering Star Wars: The Old Republic?

Securing a pre-order for Star Wars: The Old Republic ensures that a copy of the Game will be reserved for you to purchase upon launch. You will also receive the ‘Color Stone’ virtual item, to change your weapon effect.


Pre-ordering also ensures that you may be granted Early Game Access before the Game’s official release.

Starting December 13, 2011, 7:00AM EST (Pacific: December 13th, 4:00AM PST; European: December 13th, 12:00PM GMT, 1:00PM CET), The Old Republic will begin emailing invitations to start your Early Game Access. Invitations will be sent throughout the Early Game Access period offering rolling access to the Game in the order in which you redeemed your Pre-Order Code, so be sure to check your email inbox!To see your Early Game Access status, log in to swtor.com and visit My Account >> Pre-Order.


NOTE: Early Game Access will end shortly before Star Wars: The Old Republic officially launches on December 20th, 2011 at 12:01AM EST (Pacific: December 19th, 9:01PM PST; European: December 20th, 05:01AM GMT, 06:01AM CET). We will be bringing down all servers for a short period of time before the launch of the Game. Stay tuned for more details as we get closer to launch .


They actually state that many times throughout the description of the product you purchased. IF you didn't read it, then you are an idiot consumer and are entitled to nothing.


Should you cancel because they robbed you? No. Because they didn't.


Should you cancel because it will save the community from self-entitled whiny children like you? Yes! Yes! And Yes!

Edited by XOrionX
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Do not cancel. You will want to be part of the civil suit if the scenario you explain happens.


Yep you get you .49 cents back - lawyer fees so about .03 cents and your banned from the game WOW that sounds worth it. you too inpatient considering you not suppose to have access for another 2 days be glad you get in before then.

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considering is very unlikely that we get an email sent before the 20th (release date) what's the point of preordering then?


in my opinion this staggering system for early access, defeats the purpose of doing a preorder now.


should i just cancel my preorder and wait till the 20th ?


You realize canceling your preorder and then ordering it on the 20th would be the EXACT same thing as just hanging on to it right now?


C'mon think man wow.

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considering is very unlikely that we get an email sent before the 20th (release date) what's the point of preordering then?


in my opinion this staggering system for early access, defeats the purpose of doing a preorder now.


should i just cancel my preorder and wait till the 20th ?




Disregarding all the trolls and fanboys, I'd recommend you to wait till 15th, while searching for a substitute MMO. If you're not in by that time, well cancel the sub and go to play that other MMO till 20th.

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considering is very unlikely that we get an email sent before the 20th (release date) what's the point of preordering then?


in my opinion this staggering system for early access, defeats the purpose of doing a preorder now.


should i just cancel my preorder and wait till the 20th ?


Maybe you should have pre-ordered earlier.

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considering is very unlikely that we get an email sent before the 20th (release date) what's the point of preordering then?


in my opinion this staggering system for early access, defeats the purpose of doing a preorder now.


should i just cancel my preorder and wait till the 20th ?

Everyone will be getting at least one day of Early Game Access - unless you pre-order on the 19th, in which case it could be less depending on the speed of your game download, etc. If you do pre-order less than a day before we end Early Game Access, you'll get access granted very soon after you redeem your pre-order code.

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I have joined so many play early things i have lost count! what they actuly want you to do is test the last bits of game and be a part of creating the trading structure.


Serious, dont even bother. when i go in on the 20th i will go to the AH and buy what i need. the people in early have to find, create, build, there stuff and are so in a constant chase for the best gear.


Ill buy the stuff, have the best for my lvl and be able to fight bigger mobs and do better missions becasue we have the gear.


so you can have them 5 days with pleasure and i wish all of you who got early access good hunting, stock the AH for us ALL.




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You realize canceling your preorder and then ordering it on the 20th would be the EXACT same thing as just hanging on to it right now?


C'mon think man wow.


Think - That's the key word. Unfortunately, I don't think OP is capable of doing that in a mature and logical manner.

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