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Who is your favorite Star Wars character of all time and why?

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Reven, his mastar of both light and dark and he kill nyris and his a great tactician and best jedi ever.





Prolly Yoda or Sidious.. Mace?.. Exar Kun, No.. Chewbacca.. or Han Solo.. can't choose :p

have too many :)


who is reven there is no one with that name STOP MISSTYPING REVAN ALL THE TIME how hard can it be

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Darth Maul because he is the most tortured Sith of all time. Sidious constantly broke his horns off; he could walk through Force lightning unfazed; his markings were darkened with tattoos that were made with INDIVIDUAL needles (not a needle gun); he was cut and half; he was a slave to the Night Sisters before Sidious took him; he was left in the wilderness with only a knife for three months before his master came back only to destroy him with a lightsaber to near death; in all the lore of everywhere, he was killed about nine times in 8 ways; never has a character had such controversy over his death; he re-invented the double bladed lightsaber out of necessity during one of his sith trials; he nearly killed Obi-Wan on Tatooine before Owen Lars intervened; and he was killing Vader before Vader stabbed himself to scratch Maul. That is just the tip of the Ice berg, he also killed one of the greatest Jedi masters that was in exile. On top of all that, his name is "Maul" meaning to rip apart viciously in completely. No doubt the coolest.



Jango and Boba are also cool by just being Mandalorian.

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Darth Maul because he is the most tortured Sith of all time. Sidious constantly broke his horns off; he could walk through Force lightning unfazed; his markings were darkened with tattoos that were made with INDIVIDUAL needles (not a needle gun); he was cut and half; he was a slave to the Night Sisters before Sidious took him; he was left in the wilderness with only a knife for three months before his master came back only to destroy him with a lightsaber to near death; in all the lore of everywhere, he was killed about nine times in 8 ways; never has a character had such controversy over his death; he re-invented the double bladed lightsaber out of necessity during one of his sith trials; he nearly killed Obi-Wan on Tatooine before Owen Lars intervened; and he was killing Vader before Vader stabbed himself to scratch Maul. That is just the tip of the Ice berg, he also killed one of the greatest Jedi masters that was in exile. On top of all that, his name is "Maul" meaning to rip apart viciously in completely. No doubt the coolest.



Jango and Boba are also cool by just being Mandalorian.



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I have many and its hard for me to pick from as their stories are all good.

First would most likely be Anakin , his story of love for Padme and willingly to lose all personal beliefs to protect her is just a good story to me.


Revan , KotoR was a good game and the lore up till TOR was good. Not to mention it is awesome to see his decendant's in TOR playing important side roles.


Exar Kun , Jedi feared him so much they didn't want to face him ! Exar Kun probably being the most powerrful of his time period !

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As generic it might sound i think Luke Skywalker because I think we can all learn from Luke.


The man had every reason to kill vader and the emperor and in the face of the most dangerous man in the galaxy at the current time, he threw his lightsaber away to prove that he's better than killing, he's higher than all the violence that was taking place - He doesn't seek vengeance, only peace, and I don't think enough people in real life goes by that philosophy.


I think Luke Skywalker is a sort of Martin King in the SW galaxy for doing what he did in the face of pure evil and like I said, we can all learn from those types.

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For the record, in the Star Wars Clone Wars series, Maul was called "Sinister" by Yoda, Anakin, and Dooku. Sinister is defined as athreatening or portending evil, harm, or trouble; ominous: a sinister remark. bad, evil, base, or wicked; fell; unfortunate; disastrous; unfavorable which is the exact definition of the Sith in my opinion. If Yoda fears him, we all should.
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For the record, in the Star Wars Clone Wars series, Maul was called "Sinister" by Yoda, Anakin, and Dooku. Sinister is defined as athreatening or portending evil, harm, or trouble; ominous: a sinister remark. bad, evil, base, or wicked; fell; unfortunate; disastrous; unfavorable which is the exact definition of the Sith in my opinion. If Yoda fears him, we all should.


You forgot left-handed. :)

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I'm gonna join a couple of others and go with Thrawn. He's an awesome character who really shines through as a villain. His cunning, his resolve and his use of tactics were what first really got me interested in the expanded universe. Also he serves as a great example of a villain who represents a decent threat yet isn't a sith. The EU relies too much on the sith as the big bad enemy sadly :(
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My all time favorite is Obi-Wan-Kenobi because Sir Alec Guinness is a sir(no pun intended;)) and Ewan McGregor is a boss :D


I also love (in no particular order):


Grand Admiral Thrawn

Gilad Pellaeon

Wedge Antilles

Mace Windu

Boba Fett

Corran Horn

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No one has yet to mention kyle katarn? I am disappoint


from imperial officer to mercenary working for the rebels to make-shift jedi to mercenary for the new republic

to jedi on the verge of falling to the dark side to jedi master.


Any jedi who openly uses force lightning and force choke is a total boss.

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Han Solo is the best character.... DUH! :) Errr GENERAL SOLO! Without this smuggler Luke never destroys the death star in Episode 3! Then on Hoth...


Of course it's a good thing that Luke knows his way around Tattoine... and how to return a favor!

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