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This stun bug is starting to become a problem.


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For those that don't know what I mean, there's a bug that occurs in pvp during WZs sometimes where you will become stunned...and it simply won't wear off.


I experienced it the first time a few weeks ago. I was defending a turret in civil war and was stunned normally. While stunned I was hit with the smuggler AOE mez I think. I was placed into the mez animation and just stayed that way for a good 45 seconds. Eventually the rest of my teammates managed to clear the attackers and it wore off. It probably wore off a good 15 seconds after combat had ended.


So I shrugged that off since it was a one time thing.


Yesterday it happened again. I was force choked while walking up the outside ramp leading to a catwalk. I don't know if I was hit by any other stuns while in this state for sure, but regardless, I remained in the choke animation. This time I stayed in it for well over a minute before some random enemy players passing by finally killed me. I had time to even talk about it in general chat for a bit with other players acknowledging that it has happened to them as well.


Then today, it happens AGAIN. Also in huttball. I'm chasing after the enemy ball carrier. I am outnumbered and one of the players protecting the carrier stuns me (this time with electrocute I think). I'm almost positive on this occasion no one else even did anything to me. The ball carrier and his defenders proceed to just continue on without bothering to kill me, while I stay in the electrocuted animation for a good 20 seconds. This time though it does eventually wear off.


In none of these 3 cases did I appear to have any sort of bad lag indicating it was a lag problem. The game was playing at a good framerate and everything seemed to be fine. While stunned I could see everything going on around me normally as usual.


So what gives? Anyone else experienced this? If so, under what conditions?

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It seems to happen to AoE cc. I got stuck in stunned mode (cannot move, stuck in the stunned animation FOREVER, /stuck does not work) by Trauma of whatever class it was, once in Civil War-right at the turret, another one is in Voidstar at 1st layer's door.


The only way to get out of the stuck is got killed by enemies or got cc again.


Submitted 2 tickets already, wonder if they are going to fix it anytime soon, since it happens quite randomly.:(

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This happened to me 3 times within about 2 hours of play the other night. Twice I was in a perma stun, then later I jumped and become stuck in the jump position and couldn't use any abilities. However, I was at least able to run in to the fire to kill myself.
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As an Operative, I have been experiencing a different but still stun related problem... I will stun someone then be told they are out of range for the duration of the stun. when it wears off, their body will sortof slide across the ground to their "real" location and I will have wasted my entire stun.


This happened to me pretty much all night last night. It was driving me nuts. If I am in range to stun you, I am in range to hit you, why must you teleport out of my range as soon as I stun you?

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I've had it happen to me with an AoE knockdown. It never wore off. After about 2-3 minutes I was finally killed. I was unable to move even after being killed and eventually kicked from the WZ about 20 seconds before we would have won.


Very Frustrating.


Same thing happened to another guy on my team yesterday.


I've only had it happen to me since the last patch.

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Early March 29 2012, on Veela, I was perma stunned 5 times !


I'm stuck on the ground, cannot move, and only a few rare effects work: some instant heals on self.


I'm a Sage, so I tried various unstun heals. No effect.

edit: my unstun power is said to remove negative effects that are Mental, Force or Physical (that last category is from a Seer skill).


The first three times, agents would kill me so it passed as possibly normal. The fifth time, I was left alone and I was on the ground for over 5 minutes. During that time stunned, I wrote and sent my Help Ticket :p


Of course, after 5 times in one night, when it never happened to me before, I presume it is either a hack or some found a way of exploiting a bug/combo. But it could be an unintentional bug.


Support says to refresh my UI next time to see if that works (pressing Cntl u twice in a row)

Edited by Siriel
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This has happened to me too... but not in a WZ... I'm talking in the middle of Dromund Kaas while everyone stands there laughing at me after losing a duel. I was stuck on the ground in the electrocute pose looking like a fool. To solve this, I /duel again but then I got stuck in a perma flash-grenade stun. I stood there like a complete fool. /stuck failed. I logged out and failed. And after a whole lot of trying different stuff I was out after... hmm... 15 minutes.
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This happened to me 3 times within about 2 hours of play the other night. Twice I was in a perma stun, then later I jumped and become stuck in the jump position and couldn't use any abilities. However, I was at least able to run in to the fire to kill myself.


If you get stuck in the jump position, you don't need to kill yourself to fix it.


Find a ramp or ledge, or any slightly raised area and drop from there to the ground. The "landing" animation will override the stuck jump animation, and you will be able to play normally.


Not much help for Voidstar, but in Alderaan you can use the ramps at the turrets, and in Huttball, you can use the side ramps near the air vents or hop down into the pit.


I've never experienced this "stun bug", but it sounds equally annoying.

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