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Legacy expansion WOOT!!!!


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We only have 8 slots per server, this is enough to have one character of every Imperial class on that server. But if I ever wanted a Republic legacy skill for my Imperials I would have to delete one character.


Now this kinda sucks, also from my impression there are plenty of people who play Empire and Republic on different servers. It really seems they haven't thought some things through.


Now if they made legacy levels account-wide it would be a different thing.

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The idea isn't that the ability is there for constant spamming or rotation addition. It is more like a feat of strength.


Have you ever heard the story about a person being trapped under a car and a single person lifts the car and gets the person out? I look at it as a similar thing. It is part of a "heroic moment" ability that is useable every 20 minutes and ONLY with a companion out.


It is basically an OH SHI- button. A feat of strength to turn the tide on what might be a losing battle. Adrenaline is pumping, you're about to be killed, you close your eyes and lash out with your hands to save yourself, and in the heat of the moment, you summon up this inner well of force and choke the hell out of your assailant.

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20 mins cooldown is too short. It should have an 18-hour (?) cooldown like porting to the republic fleet.


Using that "power" once per day is borderline tolerable. But to have an untrained trooper using force statis every 20 mins, he isn't considered untrained anymore. Untrained people cannot use their force powers that often, and seemingly at will.

Except you only use Heroic Moments on bosses, using it for trash is pointless because they go down so fast, it's not exactly every 20 mins you will use it.

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The heroic moment changes are a bit much for me. I do like some things to adhere closely to the canon. The IP is the main draw to this game.


I'm open to some changes, don't get me wrong. Color crystals not tied to alignment? No problem - it wasn't very consistent with the source material, any way. Any race open to any class, potentially? No problem - the films showed a very diverse range of species in multiple roles.


This change, though? It's Han Solo and Boba Fett using the Force. It's too hard to swallow, obscure references & justifications notwithstanding. Not game breaking, but a step in the wrong direction.

Edited by FatherGrimm
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Except you only use Heroic Moments on bosses, using it for trash is pointless because they go down so fast, it's not exactly every 20 mins you will use it.


It's linked to your companion, I haven't used a companion in over a month....this will only be used by people who view alts as end game, for others, just another waste that doesn't progress your main character.

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I think it's a neat addition, and it's not like it's the only thing the Legacy system has, as some here are trying to make it out to be. ;)


Also, 1.2 is not the only time they will add things to the Legacy system, they did say this will be an ongoing and pretty major system within the game, with much more to come. This is only the beginning, perhaps a better use of ones time would be to suggest what they would like to see added to Legacy in the future, rather than ranting about what is currently in it. Just a thought. :)

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Regardless, it is just a stupid, stupid thing to add with all of the other things they could have done. The message I get from this and the racial cross over is "here dummies, here is some 'content' for you because we couldn't be arsed to actually do some work and come up with something actually interesting and creative although you all pay us $15 a month to do just that!".


I personally find these changes insulting to both we as customers and the Star Wars franchise in general. Just my opinion.


I agree that it was a quick and easy thing to implement, and they could have done far better stuff if they took the time. (I would have, for instance, preferred a "other class themed skin" of existing abilities that could always be used, not just during the heroic moment)


But as something that was probably pretty close to 0 cost... this is pretty cool. Why the heck not just throw it in? It doesn't really violate any precepts of the lore or anything, and in fact is fairly well supported by it. Being force sensitive doesn't mean you're a jedi/sith. Being a Jedi/Sith doesn't mean you won't use techno gadgets.


Minor spoiler

Kira Carson is using a stealth generator the first few missions you see her (or don't) until it overloads. That one ensign is a force sensitve agent. My JK brought a sith pureblood over to be a jedi.


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Ok was it just me or was that a sith with a flame thrower and a smuggler with force choke????? AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant wait for 1.2 and pumped for more info, i just wish it wasnt so guarded. If anyone has a good tell all website with possibly an inside scoop or more info other then the bit I can glean from the video please send it up!!!


When a company comes out and says things like “those are iconic abilities to each class” and then changes its stance, thats a problem. To me it is just insight into their lack of a clear vision of the game. They will turn the game upside down on a whim, why?...because they don’t have a clear vision of their game.


If they are going to allow smugglers to have force abilities as iconic as force choke, anything is possible at any time… and that is game breaking for me. It means anything Bioware has said about the direction of the game is 100% suspect.

sad sad day:(

Edited by Menisong
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Though it seems a little wierd, the abilities are tied to the Heroic 20 minute cool-down companion ability thats currently in the game. Result, we will hardly, if ever, see someone else using these cross-abilities.


I don't even have that heroic ability on my bar anymore and I have the feeling it will stay that way even with the addition of these new abilities. :-/


They said that was the easiest way to implement the Heroics but limit them to PVE with your Companion. They also said that you will be able to unlock via Legacy a shorter cool down for your Heroic moment.

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sorry bioware but this was the stupidest thing i've ever heard, FORCE ABILITIES are for FORCE CLASSES. if they wanted to force choke, be a warrior.


if you want to use a flamethrower, play a gun class.. why have 8 classes then? just combine them into one class that can do everything.

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So there I am shooting my gun and being awesome, however I soon find that all my squadmates are dead, and Im surrounded by enemies and about to meet my maker. My heart is pounding, I can practically taste the adrenaline coursing through my body. Ammo is running low. Options running out. Suddenly, I feel an energy building up, an energy that vaguely makes me think of my dad.



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Ok was it just me or was that a sith with a flame thrower and a smuggler with force choke????? AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant wait for 1.2 and pumped for more info, i just wish it wasnt so guarded. If anyone has a good tell all website with possibly an inside scoop or more info other then the bit I can glean from the video please send it up!!!


Nice Epitaph.

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I'm totally disgusted with legacy. Was expecting something nice and usefull something that would make long time players stronger. Instead we got some clown skills which will be totally useless thanks to limitations of the ability only being usable during your Heroic Moment (requiring an active Companion) and the cooldown on that, they might have as well not bothered and not wasted development time.

I think since game releases i used the heroic moment ability 5 or 6 times. Useless.

Edited by Lucyfer_Infinity
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Yeah, it's gone a bit too far for me. I understand "games fun wowowowowo!!!" but I didn't think that was the exact audience of the game... I think many Star Wars fans will be put off by this.


I think most non moronic star wars fans, who realize there have been characters in books and lore with force abilities who WERE NOT Sith or Jedi will enjoy it. Pick up a book there are tons of people who use force powers who do not wield and effin lightsaber, its in the lore, expand yourself beyond the movies and tv shows and realize there is a whole world of Star Wars lore in the expanded universe, which btw, SWTOR is a part of. :rolleyes:

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Freeing up my camera from the tyranny of smart mode? New emotes? Armour recolouration? More level 50 content? Species being made more widely available? UI customisation? Warzone rankings?


And people complain about this? Really? I think I'm with the OP here and there's a fair bit of nitpicking going on here. Negativity for the sake of negativity.


Although I'm not going to comment on minipets. /twitch.

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I think most non moronic star wars fans, who realize there have been characters in books and lore with force abilities who WERE NOT Sith or Jedi will enjoy it. Pick up a book there are tons of people who use force powers who do not wield and effin lightsaber, its in the lore, expand yourself beyond the movies and tv shows and realize there is a whole world of Star Wars lore in the expanded universe, which btw, SWTOR is a part of. :rolleyes:


I am not into star wars lore much at all, however I can tell you I am completely disgusted with the idea of a smuggler being able to force choke. I really think Bioware is at a loss. They said several months ago that abilities like force choke were iconic abilities that we would not see other classes get access to...and here we are a few months after launch and they have gone back on that philosophy..bad bad sign.

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I understand what your saying with the "iconic ability" blah blah BUT how could you not have atleast SOME force abilities if your parents were both jedi/sith..... thats what legacy is about its a LEGACY of your particular characters an there for you would typically have bleedover in a few abilities.


On a more technical note this can only be a good thing as far as they are trying to fill in the holes that each of the classes have not destroying the class but making it stronger I dont see how you can cut something like that down unless you are just mad b/c you just wish you could do that on WoW so :tran_tongue:


Lastly those that think its a bad thing because Bioware said something or another and then they decided to do what they said they would not means that THEY ARE LISTENING to the community and what we would like to see, granted there are a bunch of lil babies and brats out there that just want a WoW with lightsabers but NEWS FLASH: Ain't gonna happen! But it does prove that bioware is trying to do what us as players would like to see and not what only the qq'ers cryover if you dont like it go back to WoW with your pandas!

Edited by Robbygoof
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Though it seems a little wierd, the abilities are tied to the Heroic 20 minute cool-down companion ability thats currently in the game. Result, we will hardly, if ever, see someone else using these cross-abilities.


I don't even have that heroic ability on my bar anymore and I have the feeling it will stay that way even with the addition of these new abilities. :-/


Ive heard that theyre lowering the cooldown on it Depending on several factors i cannot name right now:o

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Doesn't make sense to me. Smuggler with absolutely no force training force choking you? I can understand the sith with the flamethrower because thats just extra equipment.


I think a Bounty Hunter with force choke makes perfice sense. Especially as in the Empire everyone who is even remotely force sensitive is sent to Koraban and trained as a Sith or executed. Oh, wiat....


All in all, I think the legacy system is lookin prety meh. Doesn't realy bother me ether way.

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