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The level of skill in WZ is appauling


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Maybe Bioware should make a basic team deathmatch warzone as it seems to me that the basic level of tactics required for the current warzones is simply too much for the vast majority of players.


It pains me to say it but the level of player skill in this particular MMO is well below that of World of Warcraft. I am not talking about DPS/Kills I am talking about the ability to weigh up situations and act in the best interests of the team. I never had this kind of inept behaviour in Arathi basin, people just knew how to play yet in Aldreaan they have no concept of when or how to defend.


It's even worse in Voidstar but I believe the problem lies with Bioware, you simply don't get rewarded for playing the warzone properly, I watched this video yesterday and it totally rips apart the score system in voidstar. You need to watch it to the end to really understand how terrible the scoring system is in this game.



I hope Bioware have a watch of it and implement the changes to fix this broken system, it also may give more incentive to players to stop pew pew and actually play tactically.

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There will always be baddies in every game you play. How many times have you seen the following:


-Aldaran, team has middle node. Everyone chases opponents to cliff, leaving node unprotected and it gets capped.


-Aldaran, team is defending left node. Incoming is called on right for 1 -2 guys, entire team leaves left node.


-Voidstar, leaving one side unprotected.


-Hutball, kill kill kill kill kill instead of doing the objective.


Any game you play WoW, LoL, Dota, etc. will have their share of baddies, pros, and ragers. Deal with it.

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sorry, but no. the amount of mouth breathers in WoW in BGs were just as bad.


people leaving nodes unguarded, fighting in mid while a FC runs alone getting trained by the enemy team, and not killing healers and wondering why they cant kill the person they have been beating on for 5 minutes.


sadly, a lot of people are just bad at pvp, dont know or dont care about objective based team play, or just dont know their class or other classes to effectively be a good pvper.

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Please dont give WoW as an example. In the time I spent PvPing I would say......2% of the time people cared and did some form of tactics. The rest of the time it was people trying to get top of the kills list. If this was not true I would have all the achivements.


This Lazy PvP play has carried on into starwars and your right no one gives a crap about tactics. Maybe its just the MMO way now, people are just out for themselfs.


I dont see this changing in the new games comming its just the way people are now.

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Please dont give WoW as an example. In the time I spent PvPing I would say......2% of the time people cared and did some form of tactics. The rest of the time it was people trying to get top of the kills list. If this was not true I would have all the achivements.


This Lazy PvP play has carried on into starwars and your right no one gives a crap about tactics. Maybe its just the MMO way now, people are just out for themselfs.


I dont see this changing in the new games comming its just the way people are now.


It's that way pretty much in all PVP. Unless your rolling with a premade, your gonna get zergtastic strats.

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Good vid for 'watch the door' advice, but when he goes into the 'just have to dot them' - that has changed, so you need to watch longer & keep up sustained damage at times. (and multiple targets) The obvious should be don't get lured away to fight far from the doors.
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Metals are capped at 4 and ppl are still going to QQ?


On my server (Gauntlets of Kreesh, pve) the lvl 50 pvp is good and been better since 1.1.5. People are mostly reasonably skilled and the newbs often balance out between factions. Some imp guilds feel the need to always pre-made up and queue for hours, facepwn solo queuers a few hours til we get a nasty range/healer imbalance and the melee train gets derailed in record time. But a majority of the time its an interesting fight and thats the way I like it. Rolling a lousy/unorganized/newb heavy team is fun like once a day. Ditto on some newb that stalks me in a fight. Drop him once, continue on with getting objectives done. PvPers that want to facepwn all day long on newbs baffle me. You prove you can do it once, now you need it do it X hundred times? I'd rather take the challenge of variety in my matches.

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Maybe Bioware should make a basic team deathmatch warzone as it seems to me that the basic level of tactics required for the current warzones is simply too much for the vast majority of players.
Think it has more to do with most play for the carrot. Meaning most players play for gear rather than pvp itself, which result in medal farmings as its often been most efficient way of aquiring it once dailies/weeklies are out the way.


That and the selfcenteret mentality that mmo has seemed to been reduced to lately.

Edited by Barzarel
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Good vid for 'watch the door' advice, but when he goes into the 'just have to dot them' - that has changed, so you need to watch longer & keep up sustained damage at times. (and multiple targets) The obvious should be don't get lured away to fight far from the doors.


I never saw him dot anyone, if you watch his action bars he is using hammer shot for 99% of the game with a few timed explosives and grapple, never saw a single DOT.


I just found it jaw dropping that the guy in the video was clearly the man of the match yet came bottom of the leaderboard, Bioware really need to fix the scoring system. Maybe add a medal for every 2 interupts or something.


Also to that other guy that said warzones are about gear and not skill, I think this video totally proves you are wrong.

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It pains me to say it but the level of player skill in this particular MMO is well below that of World of Warcraft. I am not talking about DPS/Kills I am talking about the ability to weigh up situations and act in the best interests of the team. I never had this kind of inept behaviour in Arathi basin, people just knew how to play yet in Aldreaan they have no concept of when or how to defend.


Funny, because after 6 years of WoW I couldn't name a single pug (that is, outside of known, talented guilds) who could do anything close to what's necessary to win the average huttball game on my server.


In reality, the average TOR player is probably about as good as your average <any other game> player. That's kind of the definition of average. From my perspective though, given the smaller population and smaller group sizes, the average player I meet seems a lot better here than in most other games I've played. This could certainly be a cognitive bias though, it's impossible to rank the objective skill of every single player and form empirical averages.

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All this video proves is that this game was/is geared towards noobs. Remember that guy in WoW who just couldn't get the fights down...who, no matter how you explained things, linked videos, etc...just never got it?


Yeah, this is a game geared toward that guy. It's why PvP is NOTHING more than a hamster wheel, and why even Nightmare Mode encounters are cake.


I mean, just look at the abilities of all the classes. They all pretty much do the same thing. Most healers have 3 buttons worth of heals....3.


Point being is that they can't make anything more complex than the classes were designed to handle...the result being, a game that's easy to play, easy to master, and boring.


They guy basically proves that this is a game for noobs, because the only reason that VS game was lost was because no one was paying attention and doing what they should be doing.




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Voice is a big factor too. Running strats is pretty limited if you have to type them especially since it's not customary, chat fades, and some people don't pay much mind to it.


I think for pvp to evolve past what we have we would need gaming companies to include in game voice for pvp type content.


I've seen pugs play like pros once all in voice and I've seen people think they are pvp gods as soon as they join a guild and play with teamates on voice.


It's been the same for online pvp since the Wilco days.

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You are right to a point and also wrong. Most fully BM geared ppl could careless about winning now. They do not need the win just want valor from the medals and to top damage/kill/healing chart.


It will be even worse if the "we do not want gear in pvp" crowd wins. If they do there will be no point to pvp in this game but to boost your damage/kill/healing stats.


You are right though in the fact lower geared ppl in this game who do need stuff many are just plain bad. Even with gear they will be bad.


Now to the other thing brought up. Voice... i can not stand 30% of the peeps in pvp that are typing in chat and i know i will hate them in voice when they start to rage and will just shut it off.

Edited by Badlander
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My pug experience touched the bottom when on Alderaan we started by going for both sides, and I ended up taking mid together with another dude after we respawned. What did the rest of the team do? They kept attacking the enemy side for like 2 minutes. "Defend what we have" I said, and some random guy replied "no, take the other side too, it's easier to defend". Much facepalm happened that day. Edited by Vetril
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