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Everything posted by vartius

  1. Sawbones /w Shrap Bomb build myself and I do fine on objectives. We are great healers of ball carriers because of our mobility from instant casts of SRMP, EMP and triage. Also, we can ditch healer killers easily. I tail our ball carriers on the sides of the pit then hustle back to mid for the ball reset fight. Deaths are limited to nasty focus fire, cool downs or going down in a blaze of glory working objectives. At most 3-4 but had plenty no deaths.
  2. Good point on the side quests. I really don't need every NPC to ask me in voice to run their errands. Class + planetary quests are all I don't spacebar/speed read through. If you care enough to write an exit thread you will probably be back when the game evolves.
  3. Right now a good healer rocking medpacs shouldn't lose to anyone in a 1v1. I know I don't even come close to losing 1v1 quickly. No class has enough burst to stop a stun & run heal up. I am close with my DPS vanguard but not enough stuns to counter someone popping trinket/trading stuns for healing up. There are only 8 AC's so being at the bottom of the totem pole for relatively balanced classes isn't the end of the world because we have multiple roles. I think that people are over-estimating greatly the damage potential of other classes. Freighter fly-by hits like a truck in PvE and you can re-stealth after its cast.
  4. Be flexible with your build because it is easy to change. Exploratory Surgery is a great low ability tree skill for any build for the faster cast time on underworld medicine and upper hand generation. Can use it before fights for extra options on abilities to use.
  5. If you are fighting more than 1 one enemy at a time with others CCed, you are doing it the hard way. Learn to love tranq shot, slice droid and flash grenade to always fight you & companion vs. 1. Turn off companion area attacks so they don't break CCs. Heal up if needed then another 2v1. Tatooine does have some difficult fights though so ask for help from other gamers if you get stuck somewhere. Leveling is silly easy with 2 ppl and their companions.
  6. My answer to focus fire is escape/dodge(if needed for stun/dots), reusable medpac, defense screen, & move to line of sight defense. Flash grenade pursuers. I've ate some of the enemy's burst so if my team can't take advantage while I'm resetting/healing back into the fight its a team issue not a personal one.
  7. Tranq shot is lvl 20 ability. But yes once you have it, its like god mode in PvE. You can pick any fights you want or don't. Tranq any tough mobs, open up from stealth on weaker mobs to get the jump on them, heal up, sabo charge + vital shot + backblast to start fight with tougher enemy. Turn off companion area attack abilities or they will ruin this tactic, default is "~" key and select ability to turn off. Stealth just makes you invisible out to like 10m unbuffed. You still want to path away from enemies and click sneak if they make a sound or you get the visible symbol above your head. Tranq furthest enemy if path is going to be close to being seen. To win at lvl 12, gear up Corso better and heal him up through any hard fights after you take out weak mobs first. 2 points into Exploratory surgery skill tree ability at bottom of sawbones tree makes UWM a faster cast and gives you Upper Hand. Use this upper hand to pop Pugnacity, our energy regen over time. You really have to make room for 2-3 toolbars for Scoundrel as you get more and more abilities. My row of abilities is 1-Flurry of Bolts, 2-vital shot, 3-thermal grenade, 4-shrap bomb, 5-quick shot, 6-blaster whip, 7-dirty kick 8-backblast, 9-triage, 10-Slow Release Med pac, 11- Underworld Medicine, 12-Emergency MedPac. So its 3 areas of 4 long range, 4 short range, then 4 heals. This changes to more melee less heals with Scrapper spec. 2nd row and right side toolbars include: flash grenade, tranq, pugnacity, freighter fly-by, escape, relic, adrenal, shoot first, dodge, vanishing act, slice droid, throw huttball, speeder, lucky shots, stim, sneak, all in, cool head, blaster volley, defense screen, item medpac hotkey and probably more that I am forgetting. Generally these are abilities I need to see to mouse click to but not that often for a quick key bind.
  8. Yeah there is a world of difference between Civil War and Voidstar/Huttball as scrapper. Civil War I am running between turrets, picking off good targets, dropping some AoEs, heal up then do it again. Voidstar its find a target, get hit by an AoE, then stuck in combat for too long to pick off the target. Ninja capping on offense is nice but can do it in any spec. Huttball as a scrapper is just pounding on targets near ball spawn and stuns in the fires. Sometimes I will scout ahead and hang in endzone for a pass. Survivability isn't that bad once you learn all the line of sight angles and to not fight vs groups on the ramps.
  9. Merc/Commando. Mortar volley/other AoEs + grav/tracer spam + heals = easy.
  10. I kill healers all the time as Sawbones/Shrap Bomb spec, just not solo. Burst the healer hard enough that they focus on surviving from you. Your team HoTed + your DoTs kill their healing targets then they help burst down the healer. Work harder? Dude this is a game. Take it or leave it. Our class plays the way it does and if you don't like the variety of skills change to a skill spam class. Yes its lousy that we have to pop adrenals/relics/stims/medpacs to operate at a high level, but all classes are going to move this way.
  11. I ran scrapper last week for a change and since I have the mostly champ gear/biochem items to not embarrass myself. The problem with scrappers is that 2 of 3 WZs don't support our tactics (Civil War has the separation distances we need). Huttball has the walkways/hazards that we get ping-ponged around on and Voidstar has tight battle areas with chances of AoEs breaking stealth and limited room to escape from combat flag to re-stealth.
  12. I know a had a good Friday night of a few drinks when I log into my character and he's in his boxers dancing on the Dealer's Den stage when I log in today. Forgot I was queueing for PvP there
  13. Its part of the learning curve. Some people don't get past the see ->red guy -> attack! phase. Like when I'm horribly out of place in Huttball and someone stalks me, a scoundrel heal hybrid. I get bored sometimes and kite them even further from objectives then vanishing act, run back to the actual objective fight and HoT heal/medpac back to max on the way. Even more sad when its same faction lvl 50s and I know I will have to team up with them in some pugs. I should just /dance, & kick them in the junk beforehand.
  14. ROFL, so you are saying 4 people shoot you and this is an exploit. You are right, an "I WIN" button should pop up on the screen so you can AOE deathshot them all. How dare them let those exploiters beat you. In other news, 6 people shooting at 4 usually win. This one is going to get good... /flamers on
  15. Naked huttball should be mandatory 3rd round of same faction & ppl. Its a blast even if you can't convince but a few other players.
  16. 3 kills towards Ilum dailies makes losing and sticking it out better than leaving. Some people do queue up to get a free fleet pass on boot from spawn area, though.
  17. No really you do build some synergy with a small group of PUGers. You know each others specs and styles. You team heal against bursts and counter attack together. And if the pre-made rolled you without some class when you pug with some new 50's or non-regular PUGers earlier, there is some extra bad blood to focus fire anything in red on their respawn/reentry.
  18. Only applies to my low pop server/ pub side but we stomp imp premades regularly. Its usually through an inbalance of hybrid healers/range vs melee trains/ low heals. It was nasty when we didn't have many healers a month ago. The imp melee train just ran over everything in its path.
  19. Wow if you get to 20 game losing streak and it's not first week of 50's bracket gear farm and keep hitting "solo queue"... you are part of the problem. Find a guild, recognize a healer, something... this isn't a single player game.
  20. If its bad on your server organize with others and group queue. This hits both sides equally imo. Say something and the live ones will want to group queue up with you to minimize this. AFKers still better than griefers that still farm medals for e-peen pts and extend the match.
  21. I'm kinda of guessing that they wanted expertise be to the reward for PvP advancement but they fudged the numbers. 10% more damage +10% damage reduction means a 20% difference in equal attack swings. Add in that you can level to 50 pve with green ~lvl40 gear, yeah there are going to be some scrubs. Had a Pub vs. Pub huttball the other day and was like OMG I have to group with some of these scrubs til they gear? /unqueue hide
  22. With our opener, yeah they become dog food 1v1. At least the ones on my server, they freak out when someone is damaging them in melee without their bubble. Get them to flee and either finish them or help gank whoever they were supporting, then roll their squad. They pose the same issue as other turret classes with less damage but more utility. They own in a good spot and we are one the classes that can get to them easier.
  23. ROFL, I think he's serious You didn't work for anything save some harddrive space on a Bioware hard drive. You played a game. You are not a true PvPer, pwning newbs is more carebear than PvE.
  24. vartius

    PvP Minimap

    Stealthers become much more powerful if you can track enemy movement, for one. Communication needed for a team encounter success is another. Otherwise the zerg trains will just go in opposite directions naturally, as a 5v3 is better than a 5v5, for example.
  25. Power creep is eroding them faster than they are making gains through gear in my experiences, e.g. tanks & dps getting more hps/damage but their bubble/DPS isn't growing to match it as fast. Their rotation is garbage to a learned pvper. Close range & eat early attacks (they are in effect rooted to channel it) and stay on top of them up close and stun liberally. When they hit half life, most often someone else will help burst them down asap or they run to LoS and heal so they are out of the fight temporarily regardless. Most don't rock biochem as healers, though, most thankfully.
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