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Server population is dropping...


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What if you change the categories of what constitutes Light, Medium and Heavy pop?


January : Light = 1000>, Medium= 1000<2000, Heavy= 2000+


March : Light = 800>, Medium = 800<1500, Heavy = 1500+


All you need to give that impression is change the value of each category to fit the message you want to give.


I prefer the raw numbers.


You can audit that however. I test the actual population count on three different servers serveral times a week, precisely because population discussion remains active in the forum and people come up with all manner of reasons not to accept that population for the game is stable (at this time, who knows what the future holds)


They have not tinkered with the status settings for some time now. If I see it, then I would note it in the forum here. But I have not seen them shift it up or down.


As for raw numbers, everyone would love raw numbers. But even if we had raw numbers, people would still wear tin foil and beat their chests about conspriacies. the fact is you can get petty close to raw numbers on your own if you want to. You can track your own server quite easily.

Edited by Andryah
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yea there might be 1.7 mil PAID But how about Actually Playing the game? there is no way its 1.7 million playing just look at the server loads.

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yea there might be 1.7 mil PAID But how about Actually Playing the game? there is no way its 1.7 million playing just look at the server loads.


Actually, assuming 15% logged in at any given time (which is a fairly typical number used for MMOs, except around a release/patch frenzy), yeah server loads do support 1.7 million+


Now watch what happens when the 1.2 releases. There's a lot of anticipation around it, and so it will even attract resubs to some degree. There will be a frenzy and some servers will go into queues again. Maybe a lot of them (not the current Lights though I don't think.).

Edited by Andryah
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Actually, assuming 15% logged in at any given time (which is a fairly typical number used for MMOs, except around a release/patch frenzy), yeah server loads do support 1.7 million+


Now watch what happens when the 1.2 releases. There's a lot of anticipation around it, and so it will even attract resubs to some degree. There will be a frenzy and some servers will go into queues again. Maybe a lot of them (not the current Lights though I don't think.).


I still can't agree with your assertion that activity is growing. We have a snap shot from Feb 1st that shows 1.7~ million, and another at the end of February showing 1.7m~. This tells us that the amount of people canceling is on par with the amount of people joining. Now, cancelations will increase in percent in NA/EU until 1.2 drops with the only augmentation being the effect of the trial weekend.


We still need better metrics to look at server numbers, things are going to get confused once the numbers from Asia are accounted

Edited by Touchbass
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***Shamelessly reposted since my thread was closed, referring to this thread***


Howdy folks,


A lot of us playing this game are worried about dropping server numbers, and I figured I'd post my method for surveying online player population using the WHO tool.


It's fairly simple; you query using level ranges.


I used the following categories on the Vrook Lamar server on Republic side for Friday March 16th 22:30 EST


Type in the following in the who search window :








If the results that pop up are 100, then you need to add a search tag to further divvy up the query. In Vrook Lamar's case, the level 50 range had well over 100 players online, so I used the following search categories :












The results I got were 579 online Republic players total at 22:30 PM EST on Vrook Lamar, ranging from level 1-50.



Then I checked out the Imp side of Vrook Lamar, using the same search queries as above.








50 + Sith

50 + Powertech

50 + Mercenary

50 + Sniper

50 + Operative.


Total was 504 online Imperial players at 23:00EST on Vrook Lamar



Now, that gives us a total of 1083 online players TOTAL for Vrook Lamar.


On a friday night. At peak hours. Just before the free weekend starts.


For my part, I find that worrisome.


Should anyone else care to add their server faction population, please do so. I think quantitative data can help the players better understand the reasons why Bioware would even be doing this free weekend trial at this point.


TLDR : Vrook Lamar RP-PVE server on Friday March 16th, 10 to 11PM EST, Total Online Players = 1083!


That is scary!


I do believe that you are crowing a bit too soon to post any actual numbers, even by what you show as your method of calculation.


I am not sure using the who function 1-10 on Fleet/Station gives you the whole of all the worlds. Nor 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-50, 50+ as well, just Fleet/Station.


8 variety if ships, people in transit, are just some of what you are missing.


Whether this adds a lot or only one or two, it still refutes the numbers you have put down. I know on board my ships I can see others in Space on the same type of ship I am on at the time. I have seen more than 20 on board Fury at one time, either traveling or doing Space Missions.


And oh, I'm not worried. I still see plenty enough people on my servers to keep me company.

Edited by Esproc
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If those patch notes they just posted go live in their current form, bioware will officially without a doubt become the new warhammer 2.0 Good bye to 25% of your subs in one fell swoop. A lot of great changes that were needed and a ton of other changes that make no sense what so ever.
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I'm sick of people proposing cross server tools as a solution to dead servers.


It fixes nothing...


You are still on a dead server, I don't care about being able to faceroll stupid flashpoint groups. I care about having a large vibrant server of familiar faces to do raids and form guilds with. Cross server lfd tools do not provide this.


Cross server tools are for solo players and ultra casuals. They are a cop out for getting out of the hassle of having to merge servers from the developers standpoint.


Merge the servers or provide transfers... That is the ONLY real solution.


My post was a bit superfluous, the above is exactly what I wished to write.

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I still can't agree with your assertion that activity is growing. We have a snap shot from Feb 1st that shows 1.7~ million, and another at the end of February showing 1.7m~. This tells us that the amount of people canceling is on par with the amount of people joining. Now, cancelations will increase in percent in NA/EU until 1.2 drops with the only augmentation being the effect of the trial weekend.


We still need better metrics to look at server numbers, things are going to get confused once the numbers from Asia are accounted


Who can say how many left and how many joined but the swtor facebook page in jan had 1.4 mil people liked to it and now it has 1.8 mil people liked to it so go figure. only people who know the true figures are BW and they told us its 1.7 mil.


We dont know if it was 1.799 mil and its now 1.700 mil or visa versa. One thing is for sure, the vast majority of the people playing are either true sw fans or are bioware fans. to the latter ME3 has just popped out so if its a tad quieter then normal you could pin it to that door as peeps could be playing either ME3 till 1.2 drops or on the PTR chasing the suppossed rewards for helping test until 1.2 drops.

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Also a fan like me who's enjoying the game a lot must admit that population is dropping. My server, Kai-Kan eu pvp empire side, used to be heavy load, now it goes from standard to light, but what you can see is low population everywhere. Warzone queue gets longer and longer and auction house is empty. Maybe a server merge would not be so bad, at this time.
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I've done the same thing for my server, Sanctum of the Exalted.


So I've put together a survey, and I have about 25 data points over the last week. This is what I've found.


About 20% of our 50s are on Ilum, but this number ranges from 7% to 50%.


Our average Rep:Imp ratio is 0.98 (0.66-1.21).


Half our population (52%) is level 30 or less.


Our total average server population is 329 people (60-678).


When I look at peak times only (all days, 17:00-02:00), our Rep/Imp ratio is about the same and still about half of our people are level 30 or less.


However, during peak times our average number of players is 581 (462-678).


And somehow only 11% of our 50s are on Ilum (7%-24%) during peak times. I wonder why *less* 50s are on Ilum during peak hours. Could be just a fluke based on very small sample size.


What does this say about server pop dropping? Not a thing. but it's some interesting demographics.


Please note the following limitations of the data:

1. It's user reported. People could be lying their butts off. (I don't think they are, but it's surely possible.)

2. It's user reported. People report in at odd times so I don't have a perfect distribution of times (far more off-peak data).

3. I do not require people to /who all the potential level 50 classes, so if there are more than 100 level 50s, then they are still capped at 100. This will under-report the 50s.

4. I only have a week's worth of data.

5. I only have 25 data points, and I only have 8 data points during peak hours.


I would love to get your help with the survey. We need numbers!


Please ask your folks to fill out the population survey. Ideally, I'd like matched sets of Rep/Imp numbers hourly. Or matched sets of Rep/Imp numbers twice a day during peak hours. I'll take whatever I can get.


You can fill out the survey here:



You can see the results of the survey here:




Edited by Scorpienne
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I am not sure using the who function 1-10 on Fleet/Station gives you the whole of all the worlds. Nor 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-50, 50+ as well, just Fleet/Station.


8 variety if ships, people in transit, are just some of what you are missing.


Whether this adds a lot or only one or two, it still refutes the numbers you have put down. I know on board my ships I can see others in Space on the same type of ship I am on at the time. I have seen more than 20 on board Fury at one time, either traveling or doing Space Missions.


Ah, I actually checked into this. If you /who by level, it gives you the total value for your faction, regardless of where they are. So /who 30-40 includes people in transit, in spaceships, and on all worlds.




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Ah, I actually checked into this. If you /who by level, it gives you the total value for your faction, regardless of where they are. So /who 30-40 includes people in transit, in spaceships, and on all worlds.





This is what I have found as well. Using the level ranges is the only method that will give you all players online at any one time.


Far better than surveying from location/planet, etc.

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It has become quite apparent that most people currently playing the game agree on the fact that some form of inter-server queue is much needed. Most contemporary gamers are used to the modern group assembling system provided by MMO's such as WoW, Rift, and many others, which one would expect developers of Star Wars: The Old Republic to quickly implement in order to remain competitive while servicing the needs of their players.


"LFG" (looking for group) on channel 1 (general) can be quite frustrating and noneffective due to many factors such as that in servers (example: Jedi Covenant) the chat reach is restricted to whatever location you are currently in, people often chat about off-topic matters that can make communication difficult, dissonance can arise from players looking for HM's (hard modes) and those looking for a group for the regulars, and finally, because people want to focus on advancing the game instead of sitting around for sometimes hours hoping to find people with the same goals.


The current group-finding system is very poor, as one must search through comments (not fully displayed) on the social section in hopes to find someone that wants to embark on the same flashpoint or heroic group quest, and also because just as the general chat, the range is limited to those who are currently playing in the same area (for example: if you are on Taris, you can only chat or view on social the people that are currently on Taris, who are not necessarily the people interested in doing the same flashpoint as you).


Dungeon queue (flashpoint queue in the case of SWTOR) systems are a modern approach to group assembly that greatly service player needs, and effectively allow the gaming population to more rapidly engage their goals, as often most of us that play only count on a limited amount of time per session to enjoy the game. Developers should be considerate of these issues and concerns previously mentioned, as it would greatly improve the slightly outdated system currently in place while meeting the expectations of their subscribers.


Happy St. Patrick's day to all!





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Thanks, Prowler.


The only malf, and it's relatively minor, is that sometimes the 11-20 and 21-30 level bands are more than 100 people, and have to be /whoed as 11-15 plus 15-20 and 21-25 and 26-30.


Sent you a PM - love to team up.



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i've slowly been noticing the decine on shadow hand server.


peek times we'd have 200+ people in fleet just a few weeks ago, list night, prime time, we barely scratched 125-140.


I can see it on my friends list too, i used to have over 10 friends on whenever i'd log in during normal hours, now i'm lucky to see three.


now that 1.2 notes have dropped, even more people are fleeing....

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Care to explain why? I don't see anything but good news in 1.2 so I guess those who fled are stupid?


because classes are getting nerfed.


people get used to their classes, nerfs come, they don't like them, they leave.


and i think most people are coming to the realization that they've been paying to BETA TEST over the past three months.


they are restructuring class branches!!!


if that doesn't scream this game wasn't ready and properly tested (on top of the numerous bugs and horrid customer service) i don't know what does.


i'm not very pleased by the fact i've been paying to BETA test and i'm not pleased by the changes coming to my sorcerer, whose play style i've come to enjoy.


you can bury your head in the sand all you want but just looking at the forums today theres numerous posts about people quitting due to 1.2, i am among them.

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I played WoW for about 6 months back in spring '08.

The game had been out for years already, but I recall it was still evolving and changing.


Before that I played Runescape for about 4 years. :eek:

It was VERY different from WoW but it was fun until they went all Captain Ahab on gold farmers and killed some of the funner aspects of the game trying to thwart cheaters instead of adding content or fixing bugs.

About the time I maxed out my cooking level, they blocked unbalanced trades, so I couldn't gift uncooked items to a friend to help them level. :mad:



My point is, the game will continue to evolve based on customer feedback, usually for the better, but sometimes (like RS) with negative results.

Hopefully they have the foresight to recognize the unintended fun-killers that player complaints can lead to. Ie. stopping gold sellers is a good thing, but should not come at the expense of helping my friend.

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Ended my sub earlier as well, but not because of 1.2. But because the game does not entertain me the way i had hoped. There are just too many things that need fixing, there are tons of good suggestions the forums made by smarter people than me. Hopefully BW will pick up on some of these, and make some changes.


But until then im out. Hope to come back to a better game someday though.


Until then, D3 is where my bum will be parked.

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because classes are getting nerfed.


people get used to their classes, nerfs come, they don't like them, they leave.


and i think most people are coming to the realization that they've been paying to BETA TEST over the past three months.


they are restructuring class branches!!!


if that doesn't scream this game wasn't ready and properly tested (on top of the numerous bugs and horrid customer service) i don't know what does.


i'm not very pleased by the fact i've been paying to BETA test and i'm not pleased by the changes coming to my sorcerer, whose play style i've come to enjoy.


you can bury your head in the sand all you want but just looking at the forums today theres numerous posts about people quitting due to 1.2, i am among them.


Uh, just to see if I get this correct - Are you expecting to never see nerfs and re-balance in any of your future mmorpgs?


This is seriously not burying heads in the sand... my guess is that an overwhelming majority will roll with the punches, just like they do in any other game where nerfs occur. I don't know how many times I had to reallocate skill points in WoW over the years...

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Yet your still here, still peddling the doom and gloom.


1.7 million subscribers at the end of February (Asia Pacific Launch was 1st March so NOT included) the majority not in thier free month.


If you don't like the game just move on, don't waste our time or yours spouting misinformation and nonsense.


Said, and I am going to double quote it.


Yet your still here, still peddling the doom and gloom.


1.7 million subscribers at the end of February (Asia Pacific Launch was 1st March so NOT included) the majority not in thier free month.


If you don't like the game just move on, don't waste our time or yours spouting misinformation and nonsense.

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