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Patch 1.2 We will be able to buy champion gear for credits.


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i agree and this is going to make the one big wave of pvpers leaving this game couse the lack of understanding how pvpers feel about getting a punch in the face for all the time i have spent


No. PvPers won't leave. Only the wanna-bes who want a free ride vs. new players will quit.

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No. PvPers won't leave. Only the wanna-bes who want a free ride vs. new players will quit.

Agreed, all these l33t people can go play hello kitty once more...


I remember I had 11 pair of champion pants and nothing else from the RNG bags, was ragging mad, but that's life. Now I have full battlemaster set, sitting at 19k HP and v70; the 10-12k HP fresh 50s are such a faceroll that I'm bored, they should GIVE everyone the chapion gear just for reaching level 50 valor!


I don't need opponents with crutches to enjoy my pvp.

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On my Server are so many Keyboard Turning and Mouseclicking Battlemasters, its frightening. Will be fun to see them loose their major advantage they got by playing more then its good for them. Edited by Fenomen
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Why this game have level progression, i dont want it, i want max level since i hit play, with full gear, i want play for fun, not stupid grind for 50, then for gear, then for rankings, i want high rank, level and gear to play for Fun. FUN FUN FUN !

Why should i spend time for your game? I already spending money for it !

Edited by Zarkaz
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While I don't mind people having same gear I have for free, while I kinda worked through my ranks in wz and didn't exploit on ilum etc, I REALLY want my armor to look at least okay.

I mean, new smuggler armor? Come on!

My idea of fun is having a character that looks at least to the expectation, not like a matador or rakata-head mutant :eek:

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You're short-sighted. The more work you have to do to enter pvp, the less people will pvp, and the less pvp we all will have.


This is not pve. There are not unlimited pve mobs awaiting us. Anyone who gives up on pvp because it takes too long to get the gear while getting farmed by overgeared players is one less player for us.


If you don't want the gear gap closed you don't want pvp to last.


Anyone who gives up on PvP because he can't be bothered to prepare is someone I won't miss. If you really think that handing good gear out will make the players who were to lazy to prepare change their habbits... than I think you should take your short sighted to yourself. Do you really think those people will put in any kind of effort after they have their free gear?


And you can twist it as you like, this is a gearbased progression game. And with one stroke, you completely void the gearprogress of the PvPers but not of the PvElers.


Do you get WZ pops? Do you see new people in WZs? With the current system... now thats weird huh, since after your argumentation that shouldn't be the case :)


And with xservers around the corner, there is in fact a near unlimited supply of players around.

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found a source myself




Additionally, a new entry level PvP gear on par with the current Champion level PvP gear will be introduced that can be purchased with credits alone to help bridge the gap for new 50s jumping into warzones. Both sets of armor will focus on PvP stats heavily, making them not ideal for PvE purposes. The existing Battlemaster level of PvP gear can be purchased directly using regular warzone commendations - eliminating the current PvP bag system entirely.
Edited by Murah
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Anyone who gives up on PvP because he can't be bothered to prepare is someone I won't miss. If you really think that handing good gear out will make the players who were to lazy to prepare change their habbits... than I think you should take your short sighted to yourself. Do you really think those people will put in any kind of effort after they have their free gear?


And you can twist it as you like, this is a gearbased progression game. And with one stroke, you completely void the gearprogress of the PvPers but not of the PvElers.


Do you get WZ pops? Do you see new people in WZs? With the current system... now thats weird huh, since after your argumentation that shouldn't be the case :)


And with xservers around the corner, there is in fact a near unlimited supply of players around.


You do realize that BW doesn't want new players getting farmed, do you? That's why they split the 10-49 bracket off. BW cares about their players having fun, which means they'll smooth out the transition to 50 pvp as well.


BW knows that the kind of people who just want to farm new players is bad for a game, so they'll not cater to those.

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Congratulations everybody.


Now we will show those premades what pure skill and real pvp is. I bet they will all rage quit when we bet them so easy.


If you were actually interested in a display of PvP skill, you wouldn't give a damn about gear. Matter of fact you would want it to be the same, thus removing it from the equation. Hell you would also want to engage in combat with only other pre-mades, it's not like a random group of pugs should actually be a challenge.


Yes, I agree with you in principle that serious PvPers should have some gear standard that actually requires effort and skill to earn. Hopefully in the future BW will add a rating requirement gear. Yet the majority of your posts are nothing more than "QQ my e-peen is hurt".

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i agree and this is going to make the one big wave of pvpers leaving this game couse the lack of understanding how pvpers feel about getting a punch in the face for all the time i have spent


You know what. You are going to be wrong. The game will get many new players because of this, and many will stay who would have otherwise quit.


The problem with earlier MMOs that failed, and big projects also, were that they listened to people who didnt want an equal playfield. Or achievable equal playfield. Especially was this the case in pvp.


What happened?


Group 1. Those who had the time to put in, and was in it from the begging.. They got very good and loved the game. They always trashed the casuals and those struggling by telling them how easy it was. Yet they always had it easy as they were the only ones who got gear in equal playfield.


Group 2. Those who came in late, or didnt have the time to put up? They quit because they couldnt pvp equally and couldnt join in a lot of the game content.


So what happened to group 1 after group 2 quit? They quit also.


Good that they see this now. They need to stop listening to the gear hunters and grinders. An mmo isnt sustainable with the 2-3 % most vocal of those.

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You do realize that BW doesn't want new players getting farmed, do you? That's why they split the 10-49 bracket off. BW cares about their players having fun, which means they'll smooth out the transition to 50 pvp as well.


BW knows that the kind of people who just want to farm new players is bad for a game, so they'll not cater to those.


I don't want people getting farmed as well.

I am just not a fan to remove the effort for the people and cater to their lazyness. Because honestly, that is the wrong direction to make a game too much easy mode and to remove any kind of carrot people would strive actively to achieve for. They will just wait 2(!!!) months to get it handed for free on the silver tablet than?


I know gearprogression always makes the old gear less usefull, but the speed in which it is done is this game is horrifying.


There have been many threads around how you can improve your gear via the PvE Ilum dailies and so on and on. You do not have to be a free kill once you enter level 50ish PvP and if you are a PvPer you won't be.


Its simply a onesided approach, people get an easy ticket for PvP and the active PvPers get a kick in the backside because that PvP gear will be bad if you ever should decide to play PvE- it will be bad because it will be handed out freely and BW does obviously not want everyone to access endgame PvE content than? :)

Edited by Twor
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You know what. You are going to be wrong. The game will get many new players because of this, and many will stay who would have otherwise quit.


The problem with earlier MMOs that failed, and big projects also, were that they listened to people who didnt want an equal playfield. Or achievable equal playfield. Especially was this the case in pvp.


What happened?


Group 1. Those who had the time to put in, and was in it from the begging.. They got very good and loved the game. They always trashed the casuals and those struggling by telling them how easy it was. Yet they always had it easy as they were the only ones who got gear in equal playfield.


Group 2. Those who came in late, or didnt have the time to put up? They quit because they couldnt pvp equally and couldnt join in a lot of the game content.


So what happened to group 1 after group 2 quit? They quit also.


Good that they see this now. They need to stop listening to the gear hunters and grinders. An mmo isnt sustainable with the 2-3 % most vocal of those.



everyone will have the same gear


every class will look the same


you are going to see how unblance the class really are, and then the nerf/boost is going to come in patch after patch, I'm a pvp for me there is nothing more to do in this game MMO was meant to be a game were the guy that spent most time hade the best gear, this is to much sims online for me now.


so now plz explaine for me what do you get for pvp couse there is no reward? you pvp for fun?!? yes you can do that till terra online come or GW2 couse this ship is sinking this game is not fun everymore, this game is easy mode on, and im a guy that likes game a la lineage 2/SWG were you have to spend alot of time to get things done ing.

Edited by FriscoFrez
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Yeah congrats everyone!!! Free items with no effort!! It should be like this in real life so that homeless people can have free Masters degrees!! That'll show those stupid hard working individuals!! See how stupid that sounds?


Someone who knows as much as someone with a masters degree has the exact same ability and in a situation requiring their knowledge, both would function the same. The piece of paper is a certification, nothing more- and all things considered, if you went to apply to a job requiring a masters in biochemical engineering- you would only compete against other people with a masters in biochemical engineering.



In pvp though, you do not have homeless people competing against homeless people, and masters people competing against masters people- you have everyone competing against each other. By your very example, you would support that geared people shouldn't face ungeared people, because they're in different leagues based entirely on that gear/degree making one group guaranteed to fail regardless of actual talent due entirely to a piece of paper/gear.



Of course, your logic also says that competition in a game should be like real life work, despite games generally being recognized by sensible people as an escape from reality and work. A more logical comparison would be saying that a new player on the Penguins gets a rusty pair of skates, a twig and a roll of bubble wrap for protection while the top end players get skates with rockets on the back, sticks that automatically aim for the top corner and never miss the net, and spikes on their equipment to make sure people don't check them.


Oh, but that sounds stupid, and voila, teams give their new NHL players the same sticks, skates and protective gear whether they're Crosby or Joe Nobody. In fact, I don't know of a single competitive game that gives people who have played longer any advantage- the advantage is entirely in the skill of the player, not in what they're wearing. The only people worried about this are the bad players who now know they can't win for free.

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I would not mind if high-end pvp equipment (AND pve equipment for that matter, but that is another topic) was cosmetic only (think awesome looking orange gear).


I also think there should be some sort of slow progression to look forward to (but that the rewards don't actually give you an edge in pvp - or pve). Again great looking cosmetic armor.


I played my share of hundreds of de_dust maps without any progression at all. If pvp is good enough, you don't need persistant carrots to motivate you.


...then again, pvp gameplay in it self need to have a higher skill cap so that you get rewarded when you, the actual player, get better at pvp. Kinda like some people could pull off 1-shot kill head shots at amazing distances (without 3rd party aiming software) - not because he had a better weapon or his character had better stats, just because he - as a player - played a lot of pvp.


Skill based pvp...


MMORPG. however, are [traditionally] not skill based. They are character stat based. You mark your target. You pull the trigger. Computer roll the die together with stats on your character cheat and stats on your opponents character sheet the computer tell you if you hit or miss. And how much damage you did. This is how swtor (and wow and many other mmorpgs) work as well.


Many fps let you start out with the same equipment. Same damage stats. Same accuracy. If you aim (and hit) the head you deal more damage but at times it is more safe to aim for the body center mass (bigger target). Damage you do and how fast you kill your opponent is based on your reactions and eye-hand coordination. How good you are at leading your target. There is no 1.5 second global cooldown between abilities, skill auto tracking and slow moving projectiles that bend corners because the roll if you hit has already been made before impact.


In a skill based game a very skilled player can take on several lesser skilled players. Even if he just started a new character and the lesser players had access to the "end game" equipment.


In a character stat based game a very skilled player with a fresh character can simply never kill a lesser player that is max level and have end game equipment. No matter how skilled you are.


In SWTOR a level 10 player in greens can not really win against a level 50 player in purples.


In a game that is more skill based (say for example APB, great game - test it if you havnt). A really good player with a fresh character using with the starter weapon can - and will - win against a character that unlocked everything but can't really play.

Edited by Xenon-se
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Yeah congrats everyone!!! Free items with no effort!! It should be like this in real life so that homeless people can have free Masters degrees!! That'll show those stupid hard working individuals!! See how stupid that sounds?


Err... this is a game??? i have enought work with my REAL work? i dont want to farm the lolzorligthsable to be competitive in pvp?

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As much as I detest OP's general tone and attitude in all of her posts, she has a point. You can't outrun the radio, son, and you can't outplay voice com, not if the team using it has an ounce of skill.


Gear differences do matter, but what matters more is the mixing of pugs with premades, and it doesn't look like we'll be escaping that particular hell anytime soon.

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I don't want people getting farmed as well.

I am just not a fan to remove the effort for the people and cater to their lazyness. Because honestly, that is the wrong direction to make a game too much easy mode and to remove any kind of carrot people would strive actively to achieve for. They will just wait 2(!!!) months to get it handed for free on the silver tablet than?


I know gearprogression always makes the old gear less usefull, but the speed in which it is done is this game is horrifying.


There have been many threads around how you can improve your gear via the PvE Ilum dailies and so on and on. You do not have to be a free kill once you enter level 50ish PvP and if you are a PvPer you won't be.


Its simply a onesided approach, people get an easy ticket for PvP and the active PvPers get a kick in the backside because that PvP gear will be bad if you ever should decide to play PvE- it will be bad because it will be handed out freely and BW does obviously not want everyone to access endgame PvE content than? :)


Newsflash: Even with the full orange modded with ilum dailies, you're still an easy kill for pvp gear. And farming ilum and belsavis dailies means about 5 days of work until you can pvp. A game that's work and not fun fails by design.

Edited by Kanana
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Yeah congrats everyone!!! Free items with no effort!! It should be like this in real life so that homeless people can have free Masters degrees!! That'll show those stupid hard working individuals!! See how stupid that sounds?


Getting to Battlemaster takes no skill whatsoever - just time. It shows you entered Warzones a lot, and nothing more.

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Getting to Battlemaster takes no skill whatsoever - just time. It shows you entered Warzones a lot, and nothing more.


it shows that you now what to do in wz, you have spent alot of time you have learned what your roll in a wz is, so before the patch BM is an indication that the person nows how to pvp

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Not that I believe it, but if it's true, then it was simply a carrot-on-a-stick for grinders. Welcome to the MMO business strategy model, tell the fans that this game won't be a grindfest and sneak it in.


I basically stopped caring about getting bags, I don't even log on for longer than 2 hours (therefore I still haven't completed my 0/3 win wz daily in ages).

Edited by Sookster
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