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again im still learning sent and new to mmo's, but i find myself using my cursor to acivate most of my powers but i see most of the "pros" use their numbers, it just seems relativly difficult with the WASD setup to remember to hit my numbers to activate the powers is this normal? or am i the only one who plays using the cursor? should i just start getting use to the numbers or keep my mouse for activation?
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again im still learning sent and new to mmo's, but i find myself using my cursor to acivate most of my powers but i see most of the "pros" use their numbers, it just seems relativly difficult with the WASD setup to remember to hit my numbers to activate the powers is this normal? or am i the only one who plays using the cursor? should i just start getting use to the numbers or keep my mouse for activation?


I play the same as you, using my mouse and I have no issues. i know where I put my skills and what they do so don't get them confused. Play as you feel comfortable and if you don't like what you have now, experiment and find a setup which works for you.

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again im still learning sent and new to mmo's, but i find myself using my cursor to acivate most of my powers but i see most of the "pros" use their numbers, it just seems relativly difficult with the WASD setup to remember to hit my numbers to activate the powers is this normal? or am i the only one who plays using the cursor? should i just start getting use to the numbers or keep my mouse for activation?



My suggestion is these 2 tools .. may be a bit of a learning curve but once you get used to them, they are completely essential. Will make a VERY Dramatic difference on your game play.



first a Game pad controller:

I use the Logitech G13. There are others like nostrimo and i have tried them. but find G13 to be far superior to all the rest.


An mmo mouse:

There are many different types of mmo gaming mice out there including razers own Swtor version . Razer mice are fairly reliable and are the trend leaders in gaming mice.

HOWEVER !!.. The best MMO mouse you can get is made by mad Katz called the Cyborg MMO 7.. This mouse is epic .. there is not another mouse out there that can even compete against it ..


As for your keyboard ... any will do. its just for chating and text messages .. learn to not need it .


Thats it just those 2 tools will up your mmo game play quite considerably.

hope this helps .

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ill take the mouse's into consideration as for keyboards dont wanna plug an external to my laptop...


its not really a keyboard .. all the buttons on the game pad are macro assigned and have no default direct ascii relationship with your laptop.

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You can also hotkey the keys around wasd. I myself have Q/E/R/F/Z bound as well as shift+1/2/3 (in addition I use 1-5). I also have a mouse that has the back and forth side button that I bound to my main attacks like Cauterize. You have to just figure out what works the best for you. The fancy mice and keyboards are nice but you don't need to drop $100+ to be successful with your class. Just mess with the keybinds till you find your spot.
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There is no fundamental advantage to using your mouse to click on your abilities. Using the keyboard to rotate your character is infinitely slower than using the mouse, and against someone who does use their mouse to move they will be behind you 90% of the time if you're using your keyboard, meaning you won't be able to use most of your abilities. It is also significantly easier and faster to shift your finger over one button than it is to move your mouse accurately to the next skill you want to use. You may be able to move your mouse faster than the global cooldown, but you will have a much harder time doing it, and it will prevent you from being able to see what is going on around you while you're hunting abilities on your bar, even if you know where they are.


Additionally it creates a disadvantage when considering skills off the global cooldown such as interrupt, medpacks/adrenals, overload saber if you use watchman, etc. You will have to move your mouse twice in the span of one global cooldown to accommodate for this, and if you're unable to then you are only giving your opponent an advantage over you. It takes some getting used to, but it is ultimately better to move with your mouse. Being new to MMOs is the perfect time to learn mouse turning and the longer you wait to do so, the more difficult it will be for you.

Edited by Quesadilla
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again im still learning sent and new to mmo's, but i find myself using my cursor to acivate most of my powers but i see most of the "pros" use their numbers, it just seems relativly difficult with the WASD setup to remember to hit my numbers to activate the powers is this normal? or am i the only one who plays using the cursor? should i just start getting use to the numbers or keep my mouse for activation?


I suggest moving your keybindings to keys around your main movement keys, so you can hit your attacks without having to move your hand off your movement buttons too much. Here's an example of my keybindings around WASD:


1) Q and E are my main attacks. Note that one of the best things you can do to get more keys to use is unbind turn left/right and bind strafe left/right to A and D instead. You do all of your turning by right-button dragging with the mouse instead, which is faster and more precise.


2) I bind R, F, T, and G for situational abilities, like stuns, interrupts, etc. My Smuggler still keeps F for cover.


3) ~ and 1-5 are bound to other main attacks. These are all the buttons close to my left hand; I use ~ for my basic attack. All these are on the main quickslot bar.


4) I also bind shift+ versions of all the above keys, so that's 16 keybinds in total so far. These I put in the bottom center quickslot bar, under the corresponding non-shift key.


5) Z, X, C, and V are bound to "Oh #%&Y^!@!" abilities like shields, dodge, heals, etc, as well as shift+ versions. I put these on my left quickslot bar.


6) My right quickslot bar is mostly for out-of-combat things that don't require keybinds, like the channeled self-heal, the class buff, quick-travel, stances (I don't stance-switch in battle), that sort of thing. I do have my speeder bound to numpad 0, since I hit that a lot.


7) And the rest are sort of overflow, as-I-go things; I bound the last four abiities on my left bar to F9-F12 since they're free. I'm sure one could easily map 6-0 and the rest to anything you need as well, but again, those numbers aren't great for easy access with your left hand, so they aren't good for the standard rotation.


The stuff that used to be on the left around WASD I rebound to right-side keys, so the character sheet is now on U (as in You), autorun is on B (easily hit with my thumb), holster weapon is on H, etc.

Edited by dizzyMongoose
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Move away from clicking abilities and turning with your keyboard. Binding everything to keys and using a mouse to move/turn will make you so much faster. You don't have to use WASD, but find a setup that works for you and is comfortable.
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I keybind my targest nearest enemy/ friend because clicking targets to target them is REALLY difficult. I also bind attacks that are not on the GCD, such as riposte. The rest, I click, using the keyboard to turn, and I do fine. I can wreck stuff in PvE, and PvP without difficulty, and if I struggle, its because I did something really wrong with my strategy, not because I'm a 95% clicker. Edited by RankorSSGS
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ive keybinded next enemy and nearest enemy on my thumb buttons on my mouse. i have most of the spammy type skills assigned to the numbers so i can press them whilst strafing around the target and such, and i manually click with mouse the less used skills (yeah i know there is so many we use but i just cannot have them all assigned for easy use)
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My suggestion is these 2 tools .. may be a bit of a learning curve but once you get used to them, they are completely essential. Will make a VERY Dramatic difference on your game play.



first a Game pad controller:

I use the Logitech G13. There are others like nostrimo and i have tried them. but find G13 to be far superior to all the rest.


An mmo mouse:

There are many different types of mmo gaming mice out there including razers own Swtor version . Razer mice are fairly reliable and are the trend leaders in gaming mice.

HOWEVER !!.. The best MMO mouse you can get is made by mad Katz called the Cyborg MMO 7.. This mouse is epic .. there is not another mouse out there that can even compete against it ..


As for your keyboard ... any will do. its just for chating and text messages .. learn to not need it .


Thats it just those 2 tools will up your mmo game play quite considerably.

hope this helps .


Please don't fill your desk with crap like this.


2 buttons on your mouse is all you need to play this game aswell as any MMOs out there.


Left mouse button to target things, and Right mouse button to turn your character while moving around.


Keybinding is not that much different from typing. Just assign every key the left hand is responsible of pressing while typing to an ability.


I see in the OP that you used capital letters, so you should already be familiar with the Shift-modifier key.

If you have used "copy and past" in a simple text editor, you should also be familiar with the CTRL-modifier key.


no modifier: commonly used abilities

shift modifier: commonly used abilities with a short CD

ctrl modifier: rarely used ablities with long CDs.



4 : Slash

Shift + 4 : Meciless Slash

Ctrl + 4 : Valorous Call


V: Force Leap

Shift + V: Zealous Strike

Ctrl + V: Pass the Hutball

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again im still learning sent and new to mmo's, but i find myself using my cursor to acivate most of my powers but i see most of the "pros" use their numbers, it just seems relativly difficult with the WASD setup to remember to hit my numbers to activate the powers is this normal? or am i the only one who plays using the cursor? should i just start getting use to the numbers or keep my mouse for activation?


Play the way you want. Don't do what other people do (even "pros") if you don't like it.


I'd say try it with the keyboard. I have. I hated it. I use the mouse. If that makes me a "n00b" in the eyes of the uberleets here, I'll just have to live with their derision. You can imagine my despair.


Play the game the way YOU want. Honestly if you find anyone who refuses to play with you because you play the game a certain way, that person belongs on your /ignore list.

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you dont have to buy all the gameing toys but the 12 button mice do help me a good bit at least i play a sentinal so i have tons of keys i use the mouse to move the camera with wasd and bind my long cd's to rtfgvbzxc. they key to me is splitting up things my hands do relativly evenly so neither is forced to react faster than possible and just pratice a week or two and your brain will build the neural pathways needed to make it fast. being a clicker or a keyboard turner will get you killed,no matter how many people say they do fine doing it their either fibbing or deluded. Edited by Anthiel
left out "move the camera" in my sentance on accident
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It really annoys me when people in these forums rag on about mouse>>>keyboard for turning when there is auto facing in this dam game to begin with for god sake! Duh! My advise to the OP is that you'll enjoy this game a lot more if you don't over complicate things you will only become frustrated and eventually burned out. Buy a Razer Naga and use WASD (keyboard) for turning or do whatever feels best for you NOT what some cocky elitist kid thinks is best for you. Edited by SwordofSodan
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Buy a razer naga.

Problem solved.


Not qbinding means you will be 50% as efficient as someone that qbinds.


Anyone saying they are fine as a clicker sais so with no experience of what it takes to know by heart 20+ keybinds.


By the time a clicker have used 2 abilities I have my 3rd lined up, but its not that.

A clicker can well manage to use 1 or 2 abilities ok, but for the rest they will be first 10, then 20, then 30, up to 50% slower then someone that qbinds.


For use that PVP, if we see a clicker, you can say you are as good as you think, but you ARE, a free kill. 100%. 1000000%.


For a WASD user, use q, e, r, f, g, z, x, c : as fast access buttons.

Add in shift+ X for another.


personally I use my naga, and I use all 12 keybinds on it, then I have them all 12 keybinded with shift and ctrl, and I use the above, and all I know by heart, its an impulse that goes without thinking.


And whatever MMO I play, whatever class I play, I stick similar abilities on same keybinds.


And thats important.

Keep your snare on similar keybinds on all your classes.

Keep your #1 dot on same keybind.

Keep your #1 stun on 1 keybind regardless of class

keep your #1 other cc on same keybind.


Keep your #1 main attack on same keybind, keep your channeled attacks on same, etc etc etc.


I have played pvp for 10 years in various mmos.

For me to pick up a new game and a new class and become good at it, takes no time.

Its just different graphics, mechanics etc but in the end, abilities have same end purpose.

Damage, snare, cc. Direct damage, damage over time. etc etc etc.


No keybinds: No Wins.

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Play the way you want. Don't do what other people do (even "pros") if you don't like it.


I'd say try it with the keyboard. I have. I hated it. I use the mouse. If that makes me a "n00b" in the eyes of the uberleets here, I'll just have to live with their derision. You can imagine my despair.


Play the game the way YOU want. Honestly if you find anyone who refuses to play with you because you play the game a certain way, that person belongs on your /ignore list.


This is very bad advice for someone that might aspire to try his best at the game, and do his utmost.


You hated the keybinds cause you did not take time to understand its a learning curve.

You need to practice.


Its the lazy way to click on buttons. Every one can do that, even with mediocre success.

But if you want to succeed and be good, you need to practice.

And honestly, it takes maybe a few hours of practice at most, just go out and whack mobs in pve, and use all you have in pvp to get comfortable.


No offence, but you are what many pvpers call a "noob" for this reason: You are lazy to learn how to become better.

And thats ok buddy, its definately ok. But dont tell people that its good enough if they want solid advice how to perform better. Cause you will never be good as a clicker, never, ever.

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again im still learning sent and new to mmo's, but i find myself using my cursor to acivate most of my powers but i see most of the "pros" use their numbers, it just seems relativly difficult with the WASD setup to remember to hit my numbers to activate the powers is this normal? or am i the only one who plays using the cursor? should i just start getting use to the numbers or keep my mouse for activation?


As another poster, well, posted, WASD isn't ideal. But there's nothing wrong with clicking. This game isn't as queue dependent(clicking your next ability once you've activated the most immediate; kind of like telling someone to wait int he "next" line when they're second) as it seems since you need to wait for the animations anyways. Clicking should suffice for pretty much everything. You could run into troubles on misclicking and environmental effects because I assume you are keeping your eyes on cooldowns and looking for the icons to click next.


I take it that's you've already learned the visual cues you need to know your rotations or at least the basic block of it. As others have also mentioned gaming mice are good for gaming because they do allow you to hotkey onto your mouse; which is terrific for having all your numbers on your thumbpad attached to your mouse :D ... but anyways it's relatively easy to learn numbers over icons at that point and it frees you to look around a little bit.


Even then with the customizable ui coming, you can push your bars into a box, making it nice and compact and easier to click. so really, there's nothing wrong with clicking; you are just prone to more misclick errors and might have a fraction of a second difference in reaction times (moving the cursor and looking for the ability and all that nonsense; but it's not an appreciable difference unless its something you never use)

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It really annoys me when people in these forums rag on about mouse>>>keyboard for turning when there is auto facing in this dam game to begin with for god sake! Duh! My advise to the OP is that you'll enjoy this game a lot more if you don't over complicate things you will only become frustrated and eventually burned out. Buy a Razer Naga and use WASD (keyboard) for turning or do whatever feels best for you NOT what some cocky elitist kid thinks is best for you.


I kind of giggled at that, 100% right. Even then, as I said about the whole reaction time thing; it's not an appreciable difference and you'll really only notice when you're doing fancy things like jumpturning or some ****.

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You walk using the mouse by clicking both buttons at the same time, and you move the mouse around to "change" direction. Then you go to Options>Preferences>Keybinds and then you set it up to your liking.


I personally have my keys like this:



zxcvdfg (some other stuff soon)


That works out great for me.

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Please don't fill your desk with crap like this.


2 buttons on your mouse is all you need to play this game aswell as any MMOs out there.


Left mouse button to target things, and Right mouse button to turn your character while moving around.


Keybinding is not that much different from typing. Just assign every key the left hand is responsible of pressing while typing to an ability.


I see in the OP that you used capital letters, so you should already be familiar with the Shift-modifier key.

If you have used "copy and past" in a simple text editor, you should also be familiar with the CTRL-modifier key.


no modifier: commonly used abilities

shift modifier: commonly used abilities with a short CD

ctrl modifier: rarely used ablities with long CDs.



4 : Slash

Shift + 4 : Meciless Slash

Ctrl + 4 : Valorous Call


V: Force Leap

Shift + V: Zealous Strike

Ctrl + V: Pass the Hutball


If you want to give your self carpal tunnel with your keyboard acrobatics go right ahead. I'll stick with my nostromo and naga hex. Can hotkey all 4 bars with buttons left over, use the mouse to turn and thumbstick to move and strafe.

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No offence, but you are what many pvpers call a "noob" for this reason: You are lazy to learn how to become better.


And if I 100% of the time PVE, and never, ever, ever PVP... what difference does it make that a PVPer thinks of me as a "noob?" Given that you can't force me to PVP in this game, I will never be involved in any battle I can't win. In PVE... I cut through Elites like a hot knife through butter. What you can defeat an elite 1/1000th of a second faster than I am because of your key clicking? Big whoop. I'm also not rushing through the game like the idiots who hit level 50 during early access and have been whining about no endgame content ever since.


It's people like you who are the problem, buddy... no offense meant to you either. Because YOU enjoy playing the game a certain way, you come on here and declare it as the "right" way to play and all other people "lazy." You assume I tried clicking once and "just didn't like it." I didn't "try it enough." You know nothing about me. That assumption is false. And I am most certainly not lazy. Some people just don't do well in a certain way. Beyond that I happen to have some issues with my left hand that make it impossible for me to click well -- it's a birth defect. So before you go around giving some crap out about how a guy who has a birth defect is lazy, you should maybe think twice mmkay?


By clicking, I can overcome 99% of my "disability" (it's really not one, it's very minor and ONLY affects typing or holding things at a certain angle) and I am personally faster at clicking than I could ever be at keyboarding because of that minor disability. So let's get off our high horses here.


You know nothing about the OP. And neither do I. But I just gave him some good, general advice, which is that this is a freaking GAME, not a job... there is no such thing as a "pro" player because it's a GAME... and that anyone who is going to give him crap, like you just gave me, about his preferred way to play a GAME... belongs on his ignore list. Just like you belong on mine now.

Edited by Chessack
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I find it funny when I read you're a Noob pvper!


First, who is this so called PVPer group you talk about? Are we in some sort of a league? I don't know, last time I competed was at Quakecon 200X and Cal-I leagues where I was sponsored and got my plane ticket, hotel and other expense paid... not to mention interview, press coverage and such.


This is an MMO and many here have proved it hundreds of time. If you're good at the way you play, you'll do fine. You might not be the best 1v1 of all but PVP is not all about button mashing. In fact, in a game like this, it's alot more on positioning and priorities than anything else. How many times have I seen my team fighting in the middle of the hutt ball arena like big pros only to let someone sneak in a ball.


I combine mouse clickling and key binds like a champ. Anything that requires instant reflex is binded, anything that doesn't is clickable. In fact, I know some top JK mostly using the mouse. If you use a bit of physics and logic (pre-school type), you can with ease keep your target in front of you. Dictating the position of your enemy is not a new concept here.


People need to stop generating that non-sense elitism about how you play the game. What I want in my team is someone that understands team dynamic, not some sort of button mashing robot. I want someone that understands that guarding the freaking left Turret Sucks but it needs to be done. I need someone that understands that quickly killing someone in huttball means that they will be in your face when you're carrying the ball. I like people that understand that all you need to do is not letting them plant. Killing is a bonus but you just need to break their planting. I want a Sentinel that understand that knows how to pick his fights, not just some professional button masher retard force leaping into a group of 5 BM.



Not saying that Keybinds are bad. In fact, they are probably more efficient in the long run but are they crucial? In a nerd's mind maybe?

Edited by Zag_Stratos
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