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You are wrong.


Read my post. I label people haters when they say game has failed or "I have unsubbed from this broken game." 1.7 Million subs say otherwise. Don't judge me for my opinions, just don't force yours on others.


It's not just my opinion, it's the opinion of the developers that the game was launched without necessary standard features for any MMO in the market. The numbers and inactive accounts/low population numbers are a result of such. The fact that a majority of the complaints in the forums are about the lack of basic features and low populations detracting from the multiplayer functionality essentially create "the game a failure"attitude which goes hand in hand with the "you guys are haters" attitude. Now you may still enjoy the game but for the genre tag it was sold under the game is lacking and as a direct result people are unhappy with their purchase. It's called buyers remorse and people either rationalize the poor quality or they come to the forums to voice their complaints. It's only the kiddies that call people haters because they don't have the imagination or empathy to comprehend why people might possibly be remorseful about a purchase. In the end the iron of people calling others haters is just amazing considering most just want the game to be brought up to the general standards expected in any game that cost half as much to make.

Edited by Cepheid
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The problem is you just label anyone with a dissenting view as a "hater" when in fact most people would very much like this game to be (at the very least) on par with other MMOs. Label people all you want but the fact is the people that post concerns regarding the standard features lacking in this game are the people that will keep the game from dying. Teh only haters are the people so complacent and unable to recognize flaws that they just come to the forums to suppress other people's views.


Maybe a start would be for all the *******s that label people as "haters" to go back to playing while those with standards and a comprehensive understanding of the markets step into the forums to discuss the future of content they pay for. It's obvious you don't get it so run along and play.


Or they could quit ************ and unsub like they keep threatening to do. My problem is all the people that threaten to unsub and whine how the game is dying but seem to refuse to do anything but threaten.


I know the game has issues. But I also have faith they will be addressed. If they aren't, I'll quit. I won't come here and whine and complain and threaten to quit if my demands aren't met. I'll just quit. That's it.


It boils down to people just wanting attention. If they didn't, they'd simply internalize it and make their own decision rather than informing everyone of their decision. Because no one cares what you do. It's not like other people won't replace those who do unsub. It happens all the time...


And it's not like BW is unaware... Not a single person here is some sort of Paul Revere bringing important issues to BW.. So there is no point in bringing them up OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Seriously... They are doing their best...

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Or they could quit ************ and unsub like they keep threatening to do. My problem is all the people that threaten to unsub and whine how the game is dying but seem to refuse to do anything but threaten.


I know the game has issues. But I also have faith they will be addressed. If they aren't, I'll quit. I won't come here and whine and complain and threaten to quit if my demands aren't met. I'll just quit. That's it.


It boils down to people just wanting attention. If they didn't, they'd simply internalize it and make their own decision rather than informing everyone of their decision. Because no one cares what you do. It's not like other people won't replace those who do unsub. It happens all the time...


And it's not like BW is unaware... Not a single person here is some sort of Paul Revere bringing important issues to BW.. So there is no point in bringing them up OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Seriously... They are doing their best...


Or you could just ignore them and move on but instead you feel the need to whine about them. The irony is overwhelming. Yes, it certainly does boil down to people just wanting attention. They're here because they're not happy with the game they bought (which Developers have validated) and you're just here because...?

Edited by Cepheid
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Or you could just ignore them and move on but instead you feel the need to whine about them. The irony is overwhelming. Yes, it certainly does boil down to people just wanting attention. They're here because they're not happy with the game they bought (which Developers have validated) and you're just here because...?


...to add meaningful discussion to the forums.


I know there are several things that bioware needs to address, but I do so in a rational, calm manner.

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...to add meaningful discussion to the forums.


I know there are several things that bioware needs to address, but I do so in a rational, calm manner.


Not when you call people haters rather than addressing individual responses to problems. That dog just doesn't hunt. I mean if that's your goal, you're doing it wrong. I'll take my self-righteousness elsewhere as the problems in this game are numerous and mostly accounted for.


Happy Trails

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Or you could just ignore them and move on but instead you feel the need to whine about them. The irony is overwhelming. Yes, it certainly does boil down to people just wanting attention. They're here because they're not happy with the game they bought (which Developers have validated) and you're just here because...?


Kinda hard to ignore "game is failing" people when they are on every damn post. This one makes sense because it is about subscribers, it was asking for "lolz no this game sucks!!! 1.7 million, more like 17!! Everyone is just waiting for their time to run out and then it will be zero!!"




Go play the mmos that dont suck and let me talk about this game in peace please. Constructive criticism is fine, and I've done plenty. (Server merges, an LFD would be nice, and maybe some better optimization on the tech side of things)


But people that get angry if other people are enjoying a game? Nah. GO away losers.

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Not when you call people haters rather than addressing individual responses to problems. That dog just doesn't hunt. I mean if that's your goal, you're doing it wrong. I'll take my self-righteousness elsewhere as the problems in this game are numerous and mostly accounted for.


Happy Trails


At some point, they just become haters and meaningless dribble. Seriously. Call a spade a spade.

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Yes this game doesn't go down because:


1) Casuals keep playing because they like the easy mode

2) People just want to play with glowsticks and that's all they care about in an MMO


The people who actually came to play a good MMO, have all left or are about to.




First of all.


SWTOR is amazing, its a fresh change from the other MMOs out there. People have been looking for a MMO that has great PvE content and challenging and they got it with SWTOR. Its new.. its just getting started but people like you are making judgements??? Really?? SWTOR has the best launch of any of the MMO's I have been a part of during launch. As for Easy mode?.. it has its easy parts and its hard parts. and the in between parts. Its a solid MMO and it adjusts to the level of the player.


as for your point 2 your totally wrong.. they like the lightsabers yes.. but the PvE content makes it great.. that is what people have been craving and as stated earlier they got it now.


The statement of "people that came for a good MMO has left" ..no your wrong.. what you are saying is "the power leveling, anal retentive, need my DPS meter so I can be jerk, and 'hard-core' i want to-be-the-first players" have left." The "best highest DPS players" have left. Your group is so small that your ranting is wasted.


As for thinking the game will die? Really?? The story in the game is as addictive as the movies. How long has Star Wars been around? How many untold millions is made of of merchandise EVERY year? Star Wars is a cult to an extent that will not die. SWTOR takes this feeling and addiction that the movies have created and now in a game. People will continue to play this game because it doesn't feel like one.. your feel like your part of a novel.

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I see Bioware working hard to address issues in the game. The amount of patches they have released since start date is proof of this. The game is still rough, but they are working at it.


I love the direction this game is taking. This game is for people who work, or go to school, or just don't have 18-hours-a-day 7-days-a-week to dedicate to an MMO.


So many were hoping Start Wars would be the next MMO to blow Warcraft away, with amazing PvP, group content, and game features never before seen by man! They are disappointed and angry it turned out to be a different MMO alright, just not what they were expecting when measured next to their hardcore MMO expectations.


I love that this is a fun & relaxing game to play. Some of the bugs are annoying, but they get fewer as time goes on. I've not enjoyed my time so much in any other MMO. I love the combat system, the companions, the space battles, the missions, and look forward to the new features coming.


Maybe 4 years from now, when its been finely polished, and they've released their first expansion, Star Wars can take their place among the MMO giants, like so many MMOs before them have. They may never beat Warcraft in subscriptions, but they never claimed they wanted to. Bioware just wanted to break into the MMO market.


And they did, successfully. Over one million of us are enjoying this game.


So, you guys sit here and justify your dislike for the game, how it didn't have all the features that other MMOs now have, or that Bioware is conspiring to take your money and sell you a piece-of-crap MMO, or how Bioware ruined your very existence.


I'll be playing Star Wars. Have fun. ;)

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I am in no way influenced by any of this. Ill play as long as I am entertained. The quitters will quit for a variety of reasons. Some because they have ADD, others because they cant use their fav exploit. Others cant convince mommy to pay for the game anymore. Others because their wive is threatening divorce if they dont spend more times with the kids. However, what really concerns me and will likely threaten my playing anymore is in fact allowing all these posters who say they have unsubed continuing to post on the forums.............;)
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I see Bioware working hard to address issues in the game. The amount of patches they have released since start date is proof of this. The game is still rough, but they are working at it.


I love the direction this game is taking. This game is for people who work, or go to school, or just don't have 18-hours-a-day 7-days-a-week to dedicate to an MMO.


So many were hoping Start Wars would be the next MMO to blow Warcraft away, with amazing PvP, group content, and game features never before seen by man! They are disappointed and angry it turned out to be a different MMO alright, just not what they were expecting when measured next to their hardcore MMO expectations.


I love that this is a fun & relaxing game to play. Some of the bugs are annoying, but they get fewer as time goes on. I've not enjoyed my time so much in any other MMO. I love the combat system, the companions, the space battles, the missions, and look forward to the new features coming.


Maybe 4 years from now, when its been finely polished, and they've released their first expansion, Star Wars can take their place among the MMO giants, like so many MMOs before them have. They may never beat Warcraft in subscriptions, but they never claimed they wanted to. Bioware just wanted to break into the MMO market.


And they did, successfully. Over one million of us are enjoying this game.


So, you guys sit here and justify your dislike for the game, how it didn't have all the features that other MMOs now have, or that Bioware is conspiring to take your money and sell you a piece-of-crap MMO, or how Bioware ruined your very existence.


I'll be playing Star Wars. Have fun. ;)


this is the best post ive seen in this thread.

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Whats that sarfux or whatever fella going to do when GW2 takes a chunk of players? I had high hopes, dunno why I am still here. I try to play and get into it but I just can't. The repetitive questing nature is boring me to tears. Edited by Liberate
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TOR will continue to grow and get better and better. Just like WoW did.


You know the difference here? This is Star Wars. And WE have the voice over immersion factor already with the story WITH the wow-ish style. BioWare took what people liked and made it better. That's exactly what Blizzard did with Everquest...that's exactly what BioWare is doing with WoW.


It's just a matter of time before that line hits. The SWTOR line going up, and the WoW line going down and at that point..TOR will be the new number 1. Nobody EVER thought that WoW was going to have even 2 mill subs! Now look at it! Who knows what SWTOR will bring. But I assure you, if they keep this up, there will be A LOT OF NEW SUBS because they are adding things people love.


After seeing all your posts you have to be a Bioware employee.


SWTOR wont amount to any of those things, I had high hopes, heck I joined when the site turned on. Trying to play the same repetitive quest, the same boring warzone of huttball it gets old.


There is only 4 classes, the other side is the exact copy, the voice over is the same three options every time good - bad - meh.


Then you post, and it looks like they're stuffing 100 bills in your back pocket. Your post oozes bioware plant.

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After seeing all your posts you have to be a Bioware employee.


SWTOR wont amount to any of those things, I had high hopes, heck I joined when the site turned on. Trying to play the same repetitive quest, the same boring warzone of huttball it gets old.


There is only 4 classes, the other side is the exact copy, the voice over is the same three options every time good - bad - meh.


Then you post, and it looks like they're stuffing 100 bills in your back pocket. Your post oozes bioware plant.


I think he is positive and his prediction is in conflict with yours. You bring up some counter points, but no need calling him a shill.

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Its great to hear that the game has around 2 milion active subscriptions, however my server from 1 hour queue in december last year during evenings went down to 70 people in the fleet during evenings.


Guild from avg 70 people online went down to barely running 2x8 man ops two times a week.


So please bioware, please tell me where are those players you boast about on your conferences.


Along with that perhaps any kind of character transfer.


10 or 12 days of sub left btw.

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This predicting the future doesn't say anything. "At current rate we expect..."


My bro and I extended our playtime in januari with a GC, which ends 20 march.


He already quit, i'm quitting the 20th. And so are many more people on my server.


Also can anyone tell me how it's possible the servers were heavy/full all the time during 1st month now all are low/standard even though EA claims there was no drop? :rolleyes:


Because those terms are relative. Early on, BW was capping servers low to prevent performance issues. They slowly raised those caps. Therefore, the term Heavy might have meant 500 people online at once when they started and now it means 2000.:rolleyes:

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I got bored with wow, rift. Now im kind of bored with SWToR. Huttball happens to be the wz most commonly showing up in queue and that makes me scream and hold my head in anguish.


The change in genre and the idea of playing star wars keeps me playing for now. I plan on continuing this game until gw2 comes out

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Well after reading the forums i just had to quit playing SWTOR, why well if you read the forums the same 10% of people who post here say the game is dead. It dosnt matter that my server as seen a big increase in numbers, or am having fun playing it, Its them 10% of trolls looking to bash the game coz they arnt happy and have a short attention span that matter.




Really just quit already and let the people who are having fun and enjoy the game play, go QQ on another forum am sure it wont take you long before you start QQ over there saying that game is dead too.

Edited by WNxAbaddon
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Its great to hear that the game has around 2 milion active subscriptions, however my server from 1 hour queue in december last year during evenings went down to 70 people in the fleet during evenings.


Guild from avg 70 people online went down to barely running 2x8 man ops two times a week.


So please bioware, please tell me where are those players you boast about on your conferences.


Along with that perhaps any kind of character transfer.


10 or 12 days of sub left btw.


You seem like a slow poke.

If you didnt notice, the game came out right before christmas, it was brand new and no one had work or school.


People are casual and have real life responsibilities. Thats where your players went.

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I would guess the 7 day free trial is a result of dropping subs. They will never have more players than they do in the first month. Most games don't. Its all downhill from here.


Or they could be using 7 day free trials to get people hooked and making them want to buy the game.


Youre a doomsayer so you probably didnt think of that did ya.


This game is here to say. Sorry Fella.

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