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New updated sub numbers (Official)


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I agree.


WoW does however have a cult following, with cult devotion and cult extremism to go with it. ;)


Also, I love your sig..... sooooo much absolute truth to it. :)


Thanks hehe, just an observation from playing MMOs for so long (15 years now, getting old I know) that forum posters, especially angry ones, tend to use hyperbole, often in (vain) attempts to somehow bolster their opinions/position.

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While generally I would agree with you, I don't think that this is the case for TOR for 3 reason:


1.) TOR is a sci-fi game. Every other WoW clone (WAR, Rift, Aion, Conan) has been set in a high-fantasy world with dragons, elves, fairies, etc. There are a lot of people out there that prefer the space genre and the fantasy setting is simply tired and overdone.


2.) TOR has the backing of perhaps the most popular movie IP ever created, Star wars, and along with it, a slew of raging fanboys.


3.) Bioware and story. I can't think of many companies that do RPG story-telling as well as Bioware and their reputation precedes them. People love their games and they flock to them.


This isn't just some generic named MMO thrown out as an experiment to see how many subs it can steal from WoW (*cough* Rift *cough.) This is a game that EA and Bioware firmly believe can become something special, and they will nurture it to make it so. Expect some actual competition with WoW and GW2 from TOR. It's not just going to keel over.


The canon or IP for any given MMO has little bearing on the way players perceive it in comparison to other games they've played. Your first two points are related.


Story is the big innovation this game brought to the industry. However, people don't play MMO RPGs to be immersed in a voice acted story. They play for end game. The develoeprs know this.


If you think EA is nurturing this game, I would encourage you to do some reading on the behind-the-scenes undertakings of this game and why it was released when it was. They literally made developers cry.


Just read the forums if you need more proof. How many people are complaining that this is a WoW clone or that it feels too much like WoW? Perception is all that matters, and people just see WoW with lightsabers.

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This isn't just some generic named MMO thrown out as an experiment to see how many subs it can steal from WoW (*cough* Rift *cough.) This is a game that EA and Bioware firmly believe can become something special, and they will nurture it to make it so. Expect some actual competition with WoW and GW2 from TOR. It's not just going to keel over.


Rift is doing just fine and very enjoyable to play. Most that invest a load of time in an MMO are likely to maintain their subs cus they don't want to see their hard work dumped in the trash. Rift is gradually developing into a very enjoyable polished game and I for one will maintain my subs on both Rift and WoW. As to this game though I spent a month and wasted a load of time playing a drudge game with little potential. I aint about to waste any more time here. And those that have active subs like me are probably just going to let them run out. MMOs are a time sink and players need to feel that thay are progressing with something worthwhile that has a future. All I see in this game is empty spaces... loads of empty spaces and no incentive what so ever to play. So cough as much as you like then maybe watch the latest Rift video and realise that in a years time when this game is trawling the bottom Rift will still be releasing new and interesting content.

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Rift is doing just fine and very enjoyable to play. Most that invest a load of time in an MMO are likely to maintain their subs cus they don't want to see their hard work dumped in the trash. Rift is gradually developing into a very enjoyable polished game and I for one will maintain my subs on both Rift and WoW. As to this game though I spent a month and wasted a load of time playing a drudge game with little potential. I aint about to waste any more time here. And those that have active subs like me are probably just going to let them run out. MMOs are a time sink and players need to feel that thay are progressing with something worthwhile that has a future. All I see in this game is empty spaces... loads of empty spaces and no incentive what so ever to play. So cough as much as you like then maybe watch the latest Rift video and realise that in a years time when this game is trawling the bottom Rift will still be releasing new and interesting content.


What new and interesting content might that be?


Another raid? Because that is all they seemed to know how to release when I spent 3 months playing Rift. They were completely ignoring their unique invasion mechanic, which I thought had a lot of potential.


At least TOR has some content in the pipes that is not raid or die.

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The canon or IP for any given MMO has little bearing on the way players perceive it in comparison to other games they've played. Your first two points are related.


Story is the big innovation this game brought to the industry. However, people don't play MMO RPGs to be immersed in a voice acted story. They play for end game. The develoeprs know this.


Some players play for end game.


Considering that only 38% of level 50 players have been in one operation, I won't agree with any statement that insinuates that ALL players play for end game.


If you think EA is nurturing this game, I would encourage you to do some reading on the behind-the-scenes undertakings of this game and why it was released when it was. They literally made developers cry.


Just read the forums if you need more proof. How many people are complaining that this is a WoW clone or that it feels too much like WoW? Perception is all that matters, and people just see WoW with lightsabers.


Only a small percentage of [typically disgruntled] players visit the forums.

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Rift is doing just fine and very enjoyable to play. Most that invest a load of time in an MMO are likely to maintain their subs cus they don't want to see their hard work dumped in the trash. Rift is gradually developing into a very enjoyable polished game and I for one will maintain my subs on both Rift and WoW. As to this game though I spent a month and wasted a load of time playing a drudge game with little potential. I aint about to waste any more time here. And those that have active subs like me are probably just going to let them run out. MMOs are a time sink and players need to feel that thay are progressing with something worthwhile that has a future. All I see in this game is empty spaces... loads of empty spaces and no incentive what so ever to play. So cough as much as you like then maybe watch the latest Rift video and realise that in a years time when this game is trawling the bottom Rift will still be releasing new and interesting content.


It's purely your subjective opinion that one game is better than another. Each person will decide for themselves what is best for them, I played RIFT (from beta through a few months post launch) and found it to be very dull and generic with nothing that pulled me in. Different strokes :)


It's also a tad silly to say SW:TOR will not add new content and features (which they are, and will continue to do, just like every MMO around) and go on to praise a game for it's content and features when it's had over a year now to add these things.

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Rift is doing just fine and very enjoyable to play. Most that invest a load of time in an MMO are likely to maintain their subs cus they don't want to see their hard work dumped in the trash. Rift is gradually developing into a very enjoyable polished game and I for one will maintain my subs on both Rift and WoW. As to this game though I spent a month and wasted a load of time playing a drudge game with little potential. I aint about to waste any more time here. And those that have active subs like me are probably just going to let them run out. MMOs are a time sink and players need to feel that thay are progressing with something worthwhile that has a future. All I see in this game is empty spaces... loads of empty spaces and no incentive what so ever to play. So cough as much as you like then maybe watch the latest Rift video and realise that in a years time when this game is trawling the bottom Rift will still be releasing new and interesting content.


See ya. Have fun with the games you enjoy.

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Except Blizzard is itself a "cover band". Contrary to popular belief, WoW was far from the first MMO and the vast majority of their "ideas" came from previous MMOs (and still to this day they will steal ideas and add them) The entire Warcraft franchise is a direct and blatant rip-off of Warhammer. The original Warcraft RTS game was intended to be a Warhammer RTS, Blizzard working with Games Workshop, who backed out of the deal and Blizzard just changed a few things around, wrote a little backstory and called it their own.(I'm sure Games Workshop is kicking themselves to this day over that decision)


What Blizzard accomplished with WoW was the streamlining of the "themepark" model and making it casual friendly, thus growing the market by a large amount. Undeniably impressive feats, but an "original band" they are not.


This^. Kudos.

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What new and interesting content might that be?


Another raid? Because that is all they seemed to know how to release when I spent 3 months playing Rift. They were completely ignoring their unique invasion mechanic, which I thought had a lot of potential.


At least TOR has some content in the pipes that is not raid or die[/i].


I agree with this cause leveling alts is my thing, I would prefer it if the game wasn't so linear or if it was easier forming groups for Heroics + flashpoints to break up the grind.

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This predicting the future doesn't say anything. "At current rate we expect..."


My bro and I extended our playtime in januari with a GC, which ends 20 march.


He already quit, i'm quitting the 20th. And so are many more people on my server.


Also can anyone tell me how it's possible the servers were heavy/full all the time during 1st month now all are low/standard even though EA claims there was no drop? :rolleyes:


I find these kinds of posts amusing:


"My subscription runs out on the 20th so Im quitting then!! but for now Im still playing!!"


Are you quitting or do you still enjoy playing? Make up your mind. And who are all these people you know are quitting, but havent quit yet? They also hate the game but they wanna do a few more flashpoints before they quit?

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I find these kinds of posts amusing:


"My subscription runs out on the 20th so Im quitting then!! but for now Im still playing!!"


Are you quitting or do you still enjoy playing? Make up your mind. And who are all these people you know are quitting, but havent quit yet? They also hate the game but they wanna do a few more flashpoints before they quit?


You buy a Pizza, don't particularly like it enough to order from the same company again but it's still edible. You paid for it, might as well enjoy it. So you eat it, then order from Pizza Hut next time. Now the situation you are discribing is instead of it being edible to them, they open the box and it has mold or something on the interior and they stop playing immediately as they loathe the game.

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You buy a Pizza, don't particularly like it enough to order from the same company again but it's still edible. You paid for it, might as well enjoy it. So you eat it, then order from Pizza Hut next time. Now the situation you are discribing is instead of it being edible to them, they open the box and it has mold or something on the interior and they stop playing immediately as they loathe the game.


Completely different. When you are hungry and order a pizza because there is nothing else to eat....even if it sucks you still eat it out of necessity.


There is no necessity involved in playing a game that you believe sucks. If the game sucks, move along and do something else. Is life so boring that someone feels obligated to play a bad video game?

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The canon or IP for any given MMO has little bearing on the way players perceive it in comparison to other games they've played. Your first two points are related.

You're kidding me right? This isn't just ANY IP. We're talking Star Wars here. If you think that the mere name has no bearing on whether or not some players will play it you are sadly, sadly mistaken--which is why I separated the points. There are plenty of people that will perceive this game as exceptional in comparison to other MMO's just because it's Star Wars, just as millions of people went and saw the god-awful second and third movies after the atrocity that was Episode 1.



Story is the big innovation this game brought to the industry. However, people don't play MMO RPGs to be immersed in a voice acted story. They play for end game. The develoeprs know this.


If you think EA is nurturing this game, I would encourage you to do some reading on the behind-the-scenes undertakings of this game and why it was released when it was. They literally made developers cry.


Just read the forums if you need more proof. How many people are complaining that this is a WoW clone or that it feels too much like WoW? Perception is all that matters, and people just see WoW with lightsabers.


People don't play MMORPG's to be immersed in the story? Could have fooled me, because that is one of the only reasons that this game kept me engaged. I'm not even that big of a Star Wars fan, but I loved WoW, and I REALLY loved the idea of WoW with story.


You can't possibly believe that EA & Bioware aren't doing everything in their power to make sure this ship doesn't sink. This is the most expensive game ever made, I assure you that they are going to nurture it and turn it into a product for the people. The game may have been released premature, then again, what MMO post-WoW hasn't been? They just simply can't keep up with the progressive nature that is the MMO genre. The foundation was there, game-breaking bugs were almost non-existant, and launch was phenomenal per MMO standards. What more can you ask for from a young MMO?


Based on all of the information that was presented at the Guild Summit, I was incredibly impressed with the Devs and how they responded to the customer concerns. They really seemed to have a firm grasp on the industry, and they know exactly where they want to take the game. I was highly skeptical of the game's longevity until I had a chance to hear what they had to say. I was impressed to say the least.


WoW with lightsabers is exactly what I wanted from this game. I wanted familiarity with a bit of flavor (i.e. story.) I'm sure there are plenty other players that share the same sentiment. Bioware opted for the safer approach whereas ArenaNet is taking a huge risk with Guild Wars 2. That game LOOKS good, but I fear the game will lack depth beyond the flashy visuals and fast-paced combat. We'll finally get a chance to see how a game that dares to break away from the mold will do. Hopefully it's good so I can play it AND TOR :D


TL;DR - TOR will be a competitor in the MMO market.

Edited by Dumpiduke
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You buy a Pizza, don't particularly like it enough to order from the same company again but it's still edible. You paid for it, might as well enjoy it. So you eat it, then order from Pizza Hut next time. Now the situation you are discribing is instead of it being edible to them, they open the box and it has mold or something on the interior and they stop playing immediately as they loathe the game.


I have an annual sub for WoW and haven't played in months. I certainly don't troll their forums and tell all the scrubs still playing how bad the game they enjoy is...

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and "possibly" the Australia/Asia servers rolled in.


From Asia Launch FAQ:


When will the Game be available for purchase?

Physical versions of Star Wars: The Old Republic are scheduled to be released in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Singapore at the following times:


Australia: Thursday March 1st, 2012, 12:01AM EDT

New Zealand: Thursday, March 1st, 2012, 12:01AM NZDT

Hong Kong: Thursday, March 1st, 2012, 12:00PM HKT

Singapore: Thursday, March 1st, 2012, 12:00PM SGT


Digital versions of the Game will be available in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Singapore at Origin.com and buy.swtor.com on Thursday, March 1st, 2012, 12:01AM EDT, 2:01AM NZDT; Hong Kong and Singapore: Thursday, March 1st, 2012, 12:01AM HKT, 12:01AM SGT.


The 1.7 million subscription statistic is for end of February. It cannot include new subscriptions generated by the Asia launch.

Edited by Kthx
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TOR will continue to grow and get better and better. Just like WoW did.


You know the difference here? This is Star Wars. And WE have the voice over immersion factor already with the story WITH the wow-ish style. BioWare took what people liked and made it better. That's exactly what Blizzard did with Everquest...that's exactly what BioWare is doing with WoW.


It's just a matter of time before that line hits. The SWTOR line going up, and the WoW line going down and at that point..TOR will be the new number 1. Nobody EVER thought that WoW was going to have even 2 mill subs! Now look at it! Who knows what SWTOR will bring. But I assure you, if they keep this up, there will be A LOT OF NEW SUBS because they are adding things people love.

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ya honeslty i think the only reason subs have'nt dropped way more dramatically is because there really is no other new competition atm.


That's not really the point of this thread. The point is that many of those who are disgruntled with the game have said for weeks that the game is dying, that the subscription numbers are down to 600-700,000 (or some other number much lower than 1.7M), that the game is going f2p, etc etc (these are typical examples). They are unhappy with the game and for some reason they can't stand the thought of others being happy with it. This thread is a reaction to this attitude.

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That's not really the point of this thread. The point is that many of those who are disgruntled with the game have said for weeks that the game is dying, that the subscription numbers are down to 600-700,000 (or some other number much lower than 1.7M), that the game is going f2p (these are examples), etc etc. They are unhappy with the game and for some reason they can't stand the thought of others being happy with it.


another one that hit the nail on the head :)


even when this game grows more and more people will continue to say it's dying just so they feel "at home" in their heads. Sad really. I feel for them :(

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Except Blizzard is itself a "cover band". Contrary to popular belief, WoW was far from the first MMO and the vast majority of their "ideas" came from previous MMOs (and still to this day they will steal ideas and add them) The entire Warcraft franchise is a direct and blatant rip-off of Warhammer. The original Warcraft RTS game was intended to be a Warhammer RTS, Blizzard working with Games Workshop, who backed out of the deal and Blizzard just changed a few things around, wrote a little backstory and called it their own.(I'm sure Games Workshop is kicking themselves to this day over that decision)
Games Workshop has no luck with video game titles; I swear, DoW is just a fluke.


Though to be fair, Blizzard doesn't just copy gameplay from other sources. They refine it, and slap a lovely UI on it; it's been their formula for success since the beginning.


Sadly, it may be all they have left, unless anyone with any creativity that I would appreciate is working on D3.

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So you call a loss of subscriber's "expanding"? Well I have news for you this game is way too casual friendly to have people play for the long run.


This game attracts solo players with its "story". Once they try out the different stories and maybe play a few "operations" whats left with them?


Don't try to tell me this games operations and pvp have any holding power. Getting geared in record time isn't going to keep subscribers. This game is too damn easy and there is no carrot on the stick incentive to keep playing since you can get geared so fast.


Also with rated warzones coming out there will be no gear upgrade for doing well in rated warzones? Really? How is that going to incentivize people to keep pvping over other well known pvp mmos. The game's engine isn't even built for smooth, fluid pvp action.


I like the game for it's pve content but it is way too easy and 1.2 won't change the fact that this game has no holding power.


Expect subscriptions to go down. They may fluctuate up and down but it won't grow at an enourmous pace.


Well I have news for you. Not everyone has 5+ hours each day to grind for gear(there's already people complaining about how long it takes to do dailies). Hate to tell ya, but there are way more 'casual' players to keep the game 'afloat' than there are 'hardcore grinders' that wish the game would change.


Actually, rated warzones will introduce a a whole new tier of gear. It'll be ok if you don't know whats really going on with the game. It's obvious that you don't care about where the game is going. Which makes me wonder why you're even in a subscription numbers thread spouting off your opinions(which are based on false facts).


btw spell check ftw!

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I have an annual sub for WoW and haven't played in months. I certainly don't troll their forums and tell all the scrubs still playing how bad the game they enjoy is...


Well, the game has to be bad for that to actually work. Joking, yeah trolling the forums is very high in this game, never seen this kind of volume before, especially considering how many posts the Mods close/delete

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Well I have news for you. Not everyone has 5+ hours each day to grind for gear(there's already people complaining about how long it takes to do dailies). Hate to tell ya, but there are way more 'casual' players to keep the game 'afloat' than there are 'hardcore grinders' that wish the game would change.


Actually, rated warzones will introduce a a whole new tier of gear. It'll be ok if you don't know whats really going on with the game. It's obvious that you don't care about where the game is going. Which makes me wonder why you're even in a subscription numbers thread spouting off your opinions(which are based on false facts).


btw spell check ftw!


He's got a bit of point but I wouldn't call him right. After a certain point the only thing that keep people playing is an elongated rewarding end game environment. It doesn't have to be raiding 3-4 times a week but something to build social bounds with. Lets hope the warzones and what not help but there is some truth to what he's saying

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