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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

New updated sub numbers (Official)


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Sarfux -- who has the inside line on everything. At night, angels swoop down and whisper in his ears about the downfall of all games that might pose a threat to his beloved TOR.


You are the saddest individual on these forums, bar-none.


Nice personal attack there. Personally, I think the saddest people on these forums are those who claim to hate the game yet stick around to badmouuth it and insult people who do like the game.


But please do continue your little hate crusade, it's amusing and your monetary contribitions thus far are appreciated by those of who enjoy swtor. ;)

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Yes this game doesn't go down because:


1) Casuals keep playing because they like the easy mode

2) People just want to play with glowsticks and that's all they care about in an MMO


The people who actually came to play a good MMO, have all left or are about to.




See the attitude?


You're not hardcore. Not even close. You may be a scrubbly that grinds through harder content with your friends, but I went down the hardcore road for several years and NOT ONE TRUE Hardcore player.... NOT ONE.... would be upset about "casuals" or ANYONE playing a game they do as well, because without them there is no competition, no way to gauge themselves, not enough customer base and no one to feed the epeen stroking egos.


Your post is just simply immature, condescending and insulting to a LARGE portion of EVERY MMOs player base, and let's be frank: People are sick and tired of your type playing their games, not the other way around. Go back to CoD, WoW Arena, Counter Strike, or whatever else you think is "difficult" and sets you apart from the rest of humanity. At the end of the day: your attitude is an example of why these games are dying, NOT because the developers cater to anyone, because the average person is sick of the 5-8% that constantly insist they are so much more "skilled" than everyone else..


in a video game.



And so we move on, looking for the better community and player base, who will respectfully challenge the developers to make better, more challenging content... in a mature manner.

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Yes this game doesn't go down because:


1) Casuals keep playing because they like the easy mode

2) People just want to play with glowsticks and that's all they care about in an MMO


The people who actually came to play a good MMO, have all left or are about to.


If the numbers in this thread are correct, then EA/Bioware is weeping all the way to the bank.


If you want to argue that the game doesn't have lasting appeal because of its emphasis on single-player content, then that's at least a defensible position -- but the nonstop drum beat about (so-called) hardcore players is a waste of time. Pleasing hardcore players as opposed to casuals isn't an end in itself. Casual players' money is just as green as anyone else's.


Personally, I've been in both camps over the years. FWIW, the game that kept my interest for the longest period of time (some seven years) was about as casual-friendly as any MMO in existence. (Yes, City of Heroes was/is more casual-friendly than SWTOR, in my humble opinion.)


It may sound counter-intuitive, but a casual-friendly MMO does have an obscure customer-retention advantage: you don't feel excluded even after taking extended breaks. I kept my subscription going to that game even when I wasn't playing it consistently, because I knew I could log in for a few minutes any time I got the itch to beat up a few bad guys. The $15/month was, in other words, less important to me than the convenience of maintaining the subscription. After awhile, brand loyalty plays a part as well; some customers will keep a subscription going even to a product they aren't actively using at any given time because they like the company and want to fund further development.


I don't claim to know whether SWTOR will succeed over the long term. I'm not even sure whether I'll stick around after I've finished the story lines in which I'm interested. What I do know is that every game has a finite amount of content; you can argue that any game ever created has finite appeal because it's literally and obviously true. But some MMOs, for whatever reason, manage not just to survive, but also to thrive for a very long time. Whether SWTOR makes the cut in the long term is an open question, but its supposed lack of content isn't proof that SWTOR won't.

Edited by Invictos
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Don't know why I bother since I know how some people will spin this and call it a conspiracy because obviously there isn't a third party agency that signs off on these to make sure they're accurate /sarcasm


But here you go:




As of March 1st the game is still at 1.7 million subs now with the vast majority beyond the first month.


By the end of June the game is estimated to have 2 million active subs if it continues expanding at this rate.


This is EXCELLENT news. With the changes coming in 1.2 and I can only imagine this will pick up some steam.


I'm looking forward to a lot of new content over the years. :)


And they should easily be able to last through the development of their "big secret unnameable project" that we're all interested in hearing about.


And to the Devs who built the game... congratulations! You guys and gals earned this one. Good job and well done!

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Erm while the article was only just posted it is obviously dated information, it talks about the Asia/Pacific launch later in the month...


Also this being the exact same data put out over a month ago, I reckon the journalist is simply slow to post his articles. Investors are unlikely to be given a monthly update, quarterly is more standard.

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You are in for one h e l l of a disappointment on gw2 buddy...sorry. I hope people aren't expecting any voice over or cutscenes or choices in that game, because there are none and the voice content is corny. A backdrop of with cinematic black bars upper and lower and npc on right side, you on the left, and the lips aren't even in sync. They are TRYING to copy TOR in the aspect of story and voice over, but have not gotten it. Even ncsoft is seeing where BioWare took mmos. A whole new level. It's called voice over :)


I'm looking forward to gw2 it myself. I don't expect any voice overs, choices, or massive cut scenes. In fact I hope it does not have many them. just because you like watching them does not mean others do. some of it was neat and new the 1st time I leveled to 50, but now I would love for TOR to put in an auto skip VO/cutscence button, would actually make the game more enjoyable for me.


I have logged in 3 times in two weeks, so long as gw2 can keep me interested then I wont be disappointed at all. I could really care less about voice overs, gameplay>all for me.

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Erm while the article was only just posted it is obviously dated information, it talks about the Asia/Pacific launch later in the month...


Also this being the exact same data put out over a month ago, I reckon the journalist is simply slow to post his articles. Investors are unlikely to be given a monthly update, quarterly is more standard.


Well if that was true, which it's not, somebodys in alooot of trouble, since they said the CEO told them those numbers were as of the end of February. Only way what you said is true was if they were lying.


Edit: and also they got that information from the Wedbush Technology, Media and Telecommunications Conference in New York City. Which happened today.

Edited by Akirator
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I'm glad the game isn't "dying," but guys ---


1.7MM subs is not good. That's flat month-on-month & doesn't take into account additional box sales.


What is the normal churn rate on an MMO?


They break even at 500K, so they are now banking roughly $18m a month.

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Everyone has their own opinion for likeing the game or hating the game. I "LOVE" SWTOR. what i personally like about the game is the PVP and the RP value and not to mention the "STORIES" and the crafting, others may like the operations or what not.


I am personally happy that Bioware is doing well, i cant believe that some are still claiming that the game is failing or losing numbers. well some will still claim that WOW is dieing even though its hovering at 10 mill subs. well i quit WOW over 1 year ago i will never say its dieing, mabie it has a cold ATM but certainly not dieing.


if those that hate SWTOR and claim to have quit the game then why are they posting on the forums still? as if their negativity on the forums can persuade me to quit, well i have a mind and a opinion of my own..... and that being the game makes me happy and i will continue to keep playing. Bioware has done a wonderful job and i salute the whole team!!!

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What is the normal churn rate on an MMO?


They break even at 500K, so they are now banking roughly $18m a month.


A flat growth rate in an MMO this young -- when box sales will be at their highest -- can't be good.

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A flat growth rate in an MMO this young -- when box sales will be at their highest -- can't be good.


Why? Can you name an MMO that had a 3 month growth rate out of the gates other than WoW?


Believe me, if they stay flat at 1.7m they will be very, very happy at EA.

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Don't know why I bother since I know how some people will spin this and call it a conspiracy because obviously there isn't a third party agency that signs off on these to make sure they're accurate /sarcasm


But here you go:




As of March 1st the game is still at 1.7 million subs now with the vast majority beyond the first month.


By the end of June the game is estimated to have 2 million active subs if it continues expanding at this rate.


I don't think investors would be happy with those numbers, growth is flat. And lets face it, with the money they spent developing this game they were hoping to take on WoW. Sure, they are number 2 right now but they will never match WoW numbers. WoW, even in its twilight is still more successful.

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I don't think investors would be happy with those numbers, growth is flat. And lets face it, with the money they spent developing this game they were hoping to take on WoW. Sure, they are number 2 right now but they will never match WoW numbers. WoW, even in its twilight is still more successful.


I dont think anybody in there right mind, other than EA, thought this thing was gonna pull WoW numbers. Hell, I doubt even WoW could pull those numbers if it released right now.


And holding steady at a level to make them $18M a month, if that's what they're actually making, would be more than acceptable I think. At least considering what every other MMO that launches nowadays actually makes.

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These numbers are good, amazing actually so no need to get bent of shape. It confirmed 2 things I was 100% sure about, Bioware would of announced if it hit 2 million subs and the game isn't growing. Personally I thought it would be down around 1.3m at the lowest and 1.5 at the highest but hey, everybody makes inncorrect projections. Bioware needs to stablize the population by adding free transfers off dead servers and/or a LFD. These things are going to be mandatory for the game to stabalize or perhaps grow.
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Why? Can you name an MMO that had a 3 month growth rate out of the gates other than WoW?


Believe me, if they stay flat at 1.7m they will be very, very happy at EA.


No other MMO spent $200MM and six years in development. That's the problem.


With that kind of red ink over their heads, I can't imagine anyone being "very, very happy" with flat growth just two months out from launch.


I'd feel better about it if the CEO had said how many boxes they sold in February, as that would give a picture of their retention rates.

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See the attitude?


Your post is just simply immature, condescending and insulting to a LARGE portion of EVERY MMOs player base, and let's be frank: People are sick and tired of your type playing their games, not the other way around. Go back to CoD, WoW Arena, Counter Strike, or whatever else you think is "difficult" and sets you apart from the rest of humanity. At the end of the day: your attitude is an example of why these games are dying, NOT because the developers cater to anyone, because the average person is sick of the 5-8% that constantly insist they are so much more "skilled" than everyone else..


in a video game.


And so we move on, looking for the better community and player base, who will respectfully challenge the developers to make better, more challenging content... in a mature manner.


Exactly. Well said.

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No other MMO spent $200MM and six years in development. That's the problem.


With that kind of red ink over their heads, I can't imagine anyone being "very, very happy" with flat growth just two months out from launch.


I'd feel better about it if the CEO had said how many boxes they sold in February, as that would give a picture of their retention rates.


How much of the $200m do you think they recouped already?


One of their execs commented something like, we would be doing quite well at 1m subs.


So I have to think since they are 70% over that right now, they are happy.

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Folks, that's the CEO of a public company talking to investors. If he lies to them, they'll sue, the company will lose a lot of money and the CEO could go to jail. If he says 1.7 mio subscribers, it's pretty close to the truth.
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What is the normal churn rate on an MMO?


They break even at 500K, so they are now banking roughly $18m a month.


How much did the game cost, before release? That has to be paid back to show a true profit.

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Im really curious why you guys care so much? I mean, either enjoy the game or leave. Why is either side so caught up on telling the world that its gaining subs or losing them?


My server is full all the time, 200 on fleet, 100 on each planet. Its pumping and fun. But whatever....maybe I should listen to you and beleive that its actually empty....

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No other MMO spent $200MM and six years in development. That's the problem.


With that kind of red ink over their heads, I can't imagine anyone being "very, very happy" with flat growth just two months out from launch.


I'd feel better about it if the CEO had said how many boxes they sold in February, as that would give a picture of their retention rates.


Another thing is a ton of resources went into making this game 'fun' to play through a few times, a sufficient focus. I don't quite get the point of putting attention on a part of the game players will spend very little of their overall time but hey, I don't make or produce MMORPGs. Cataclysm suffered a major hit when they tried something similar with a 1-60 revamp instead of resources for lvl 85 but that's correlation and not casuation. Anyways the point of this is that this game is built to hold steady for a few more months due to the nature of how the game was set-up for levelers. Again, my opinion.

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No other MMO spent $200MM and six years in development. That's the problem.


With that kind of red ink over their heads, I can't imagine anyone being "very, very happy" with flat growth just two months out from launch.


I'd feel better about it if the CEO had said how many boxes they sold in February, as that would give a picture of their retention rates.


For what it is worth, VG chartz has Feb sales at about 110,000.

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