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I move for a vote of no confidence.


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**I was told to make this thread in the Suggestion thread. So here it is***


Actually, before I go nerd raging, I have watched this game go from hugely exciting to "OMG, why did I even bother to log in?" My server, Wound in the Force"'s population has dwindled to a fraction of what it used to be. My guild went from being one of the server top guilds to nothing as well. We can't even muster 8 people for a decent normal OPS run. We used to run EV and KP on Hard/Nightmare mode.


I seriously hope that patch 1.2 is so awesome, it revitalizes the game. If it fails to accomplish this, I feel that this game is doomed. This would sadden me as I see this game has so much potential and yet continues to fails on so many levels.


In all honesty, it would be so easy to fix the game in its current state to keep the interest alive.


1. You need to stop trying to cater to just one community of gamers. You need to cater to everyone. That means you allow macros/addons/8v8 pre-mades etc. If the casuals don't want to use them, they don't have to. By just flat out denying it, you piss off those that do. We aren't even asking for SWG type macros, the ones in WOW that aid you are just fine. Noone is forced to use anything they don't want to. If they complain about them being available, then chances are they usually complain about everything and that is why thier parents locked them in the basement with free internet.


2. The grind for ilvl 140 PVE/PVP gear is to much for the small differences over 136 gear. the easy fix is simple, make it easier to get or make the ilvl much higher so the reward for getting them is noticable.


3. BM token drops are not 25%. They are more like 2%. If I need to tell you how to fix it, then you should probably not be working there.


4. Make companions more viable. While we maybe nothing more than a ton of hunters with pets, one of the main selling points of this game was the use of companions. At level 50, there is no reason to use them outside of running dailies. Find a way to make them viable outside of crafting for level 50. I suggest using them in Operations. You can adjust for this by changing the health of bosses. Is this a great suggestion, not really, but it is better than just removing all uses for companions once you hit 50.


5. Make world PVP work. Some of us rolled toons on PVP servers. We should get valor for any kill that grants "honor or XP" regardless of where we are at. I can't even begin to think as to why you wouldn't even implement that in the first place.


6. I would like to see the opposing fleets attackable. But even I would be pissed since the Imperials outnumber us 6 to 1 on my server. But it would be fun.


7. Space combat. Your tunnel system is lame on so many levels. The graphics are nice, but that is the limit on compliments I can say about it. Do yourself and all of us a favor, scrap the whole system. Copy SWG's space system and implement a sand box space flight sim. My joystick is collecting way too much dust. In all honesty, how many people actually run the daily space missions? I don't. I feel the rakata implants/ear pieces aren't worth the time.


8. Loot drops. Tionese on Normal. Columi on Hard. Rakata on Nightmare. Not so hard.


9. Make Ilum a Wintergrasp/Baradin Hold type PVP zone. No, I don't want a WOW clone with a different skin, but that option is WAY better than what we have now. I rather go back to flipping the Southern Assault than standing on an ice bridge and saying we aren't Valor trading, when we are. And the crates around the Central (and only Central) Assualt idea? Whoever came up with that idea should be terminated. Video it and please put it on Youtube.


9.a. So I was thinking about this today while I was riding around in circles looking for crates. I can't imagine someone presenting the idea of changing the zone to require 30 kills and then to offset the lack of possible kills by putting random crates around the only 1 assault point. Then to make it even more mind-boggling, someone approving this idea and/or saying it was a great idea, let's do it. Are you kidding me???? Attacking Pearl Harbor was a better idea and you saw how that played out...


I can keep going, but I want to get my point across. 1.2 better be awesome for the sake of this game. I saw your 1.2 video and so far, the legacy system doesn't seem all that impressive. Slightly lame actually. I hope the new OPS and Warzone is so awesome, I'll have no need to use Viagra after I am done playing for the night.


I don't see the need for new Flashpoints.


Lightsaber colors should only be Red, Blue, Green, and Purple. I thought SWG over did it with all of thier colors, you guys are nuking the crap out of it. The Black centered sabers go against the entire lore ideas of how a lightsaber even works.


So the "rated warzones" is to only rate yourself as a player and not a team? That doesn't even make sense. You need arena style rated warzones. That is what people want.


The patch is what, 3 weeks away? And so far, all we have is a video with fast clips of what we are getting. We should have been testing this patch for a month already. Especially with the history of bugs we had in EV and KP. 3 weeks isn't enough time to make sure this patch is ready for live. I don't know about you, but I am worried this patch isn't going to help.


Bioware, you should higher a QA team. PTR feedback is obviously fail. All of the people clapping over the 1.2 video at the guild summit seemed like a pack of mindless drones/lemmings. This QA team would take your ideas and tell you if you should even bother proceeding to develop it. I would like to be on this team. My fees are reasonable as long as I can work from home. Send me an email so we can discuss the particulars.

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Good posts. Tons of great ideas have been constantly ignored or replied to.


1.2 when you look at what it is or what it isn't you will see through the snake oil, dog and pony show they put on.


When will 1.2 be live? After they figure out how to stop the hacking and lag switchers? Seriously? This information was made available in beta.


Nearly all of 1.2 fails to address the core problem for the game.


Free to play before the end of the year.


The pvpers are checking out or checked out. The writing is on the wall. We were promised a game that will never come with this title.


Too bad. The class content is pretty good. Too bad the republic side was so poorly completed and has a feel of being someone's used coat. The imp side with all their advantages all proven was new and shiny and has all the attraction.


The pvp team should be removed immediately but I think it is too late to save this sinking ship.

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1. You need to stop trying to cater to just one community of gamers. You need to cater to everyone. That means you allow macros/addons/8v8 pre-mades etc. If the casuals don't want to use them, they don't have to. By just flat out denying it, you piss off those that do. We aren't even asking for SWG type macros, the ones in WOW that aid you are just fine. Noone is forced to use anything they don't want to. If they complain about them being available, then chances are they usually complain about everything and that is why thier parents locked them in the basement with free internet.





7. Space combat. Your tunnel system is lame on so many levels. The graphics are nice, but that is the limit on compliments I can say about it. Do yourself and all of us a favor, scrap the whole system. Copy SWG's space system and implement a sand box space flight sim. My joystick is collecting way too much dust. In all honesty, how many people actually run the daily space missions? I don't. I feel the rakata implants/ear pieces aren't worth the time.



As long as its optional I have no problem with #1.


As far as #7, no. Only if they make your request as an optional space area to zone into. I like space as it is just fine. I can't play 'joy-stick' simulations. So no unless optional. Please don't ask for something to be scrapped. Please ask for options to be made.

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As long as its optional I have no problem with #1.


As far as #7, no. Only if they make your request as an optional space area to zone into. I like space as it is just fine. I can't play 'joy-stick' simulations. So no unless optional. Please don't ask for something to be scrapped. Please ask for options to be made.


This is an MMO. This space system is nothing more than a single player spacecraft shooter thingy. In an MMO, I should be flying around with other players. This would allow squadrons to form, etc. You can even have Operations in space as pilots. This current system, for a MMO, is plain crap.

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**I was told to make this thread in the Suggestion thread. So here it is***


Actually, before I go nerd raging, I have watched this game go from hugely exciting to "OMG, why did I even bother to log in?" My server, Wound in the Force"'s population has dwindled to a fraction of what it used to be. My guild went from being one of the server top guilds to nothing as well. We can't even muster 8 people for a decent normal OPS run. We used to run EV and KP on Hard/Nightmare mode.


I seriously hope that patch 1.2 is so awesome, it revitalizes the game. If it fails to accomplish this, I feel that this game is doomed. This would sadden me as I see this game has so much potential and yet continues to fails on so many levels.


In all honesty, it would be so easy to fix the game in its current state to keep the interest alive.


1. You need to stop trying to cater to just one community of gamers. You need to cater to everyone. That means you allow macros/addons/8v8 pre-mades etc. If the casuals don't want to use them, they don't have to. By just flat out denying it, you piss off those that do. We aren't even asking for SWG type macros, the ones in WOW that aid you are just fine. Noone is forced to use anything they don't want to. If they complain about them being available, then chances are they usually complain about everything and that is why thier parents locked them in the basement with free internet.


2. The grind for ilvl 140 PVE/PVP gear is to much for the small differences over 136 gear. the easy fix is simple, make it easier to get or make the ilvl much higher so the reward for getting them is noticable.


3. BM token drops are not 25%. They are more like 2%. If I need to tell you how to fix it, then you should probably not be working there.


4. Make companions more viable. While we maybe nothing more than a ton of hunters with pets, one of the main selling points of this game was the use of companions. At level 50, there is no reason to use them outside of running dailies. Find a way to make them viable outside of crafting for level 50. I suggest using them in Operations. You can adjust for this by changing the health of bosses. Is this a great suggestion, not really, but it is better than just removing all uses for companions once you hit 50.


5. Make world PVP work. Some of us rolled toons on PVP servers. We should get valor for any kill that grants "honor or XP" regardless of where we are at. I can't even begin to think as to why you wouldn't even implement that in the first place.


6. I would like to see the opposing fleets attackable. But even I would be pissed since the Imperials outnumber us 6 to 1 on my server. But it would be fun.


7. Space combat. Your tunnel system is lame on so many levels. The graphics are nice, but that is the limit on compliments I can say about it. Do yourself and all of us a favor, scrap the whole system. Copy SWG's space system and implement a sand box space flight sim. My joystick is collecting way too much dust. In all honesty, how many people actually run the daily space missions? I don't. I feel the rakata implants/ear pieces aren't worth the time.


8. Loot drops. Tionese on Normal. Columi on Hard. Rakata on Nightmare. Not so hard.


9. Make Ilum a Wintergrasp/Baradin Hold type PVP zone. No, I don't want a WOW clone with a different skin, but that option is WAY better than what we have now. I rather go back to flipping the Southern Assault than standing on an ice bridge and saying we aren't Valor trading, when we are. And the crates around the Central (and only Central) Assualt idea? Whoever came up with that idea should be terminated. Video it and please put it on Youtube.


9.a. So I was thinking about this today while I was riding around in circles looking for crates. I can't imagine someone presenting the idea of changing the zone to require 30 kills and then to offset the lack of possible kills by putting random crates around the only 1 assault point. Then to make it even more mind-boggling, someone approving this idea and/or saying it was a great idea, let's do it. Are you kidding me???? Attacking Pearl Harbor was a better idea and you saw how that played out...


I can keep going, but I want to get my point across. 1.2 better be awesome for the sake of this game. I saw your 1.2 video and so far, the legacy system doesn't seem all that impressive. Slightly lame actually. I hope the new OPS and Warzone is so awesome, I'll have no need to use Viagra after I am done playing for the night.


I don't see the need for new Flashpoints.


Lightsaber colors should only be Red, Blue, Green, and Purple. I thought SWG over did it with all of thier colors, you guys are nuking the crap out of it. The Black centered sabers go against the entire lore ideas of how a lightsaber even works.


So the "rated warzones" is to only rate yourself as a player and not a team? That doesn't even make sense. You need arena style rated warzones. That is what people want.


The patch is what, 3 weeks away? And so far, all we have is a video with fast clips of what we are getting. We should have been testing this patch for a month already. Especially with the history of bugs we had in EV and KP. 3 weeks isn't enough time to make sure this patch is ready for live. I don't know about you, but I am worried this patch isn't going to help.


Bioware, you should higher a QA team. PTR feedback is obviously fail. All of the people clapping over the 1.2 video at the guild summit seemed like a pack of mindless drones/lemmings. This QA team would take your ideas and tell you if you should even bother proceeding to develop it. I would like to be on this team. My fees are reasonable as long as I can work from home. Send me an email so we can discuss the particulars.


Good post, your points hit the nail right on the head, that being said crafting also needs fixing (i miss SWG crafting) as does the damn painful UI, we have been assured 1.2 fixes or starts too on both of these, time will tell !

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This is an MMO. This space system is nothing more than a single player spacecraft shooter thingy. In an MMO, I should be flying around with other players. This would allow squadrons to form, etc. You can even have Operations in space as pilots. This current system, for a MMO, is plain crap.


Understood. However I don't wan't them to scrap the current system. There could be a parallel system that you zone into (with a group if you like) to do free form space. All I am asking for is that there be options. Hence I said optional a few times in my original response.


Another addition for those of us that can't pilot in free form space would be to have gunner turrets. I am fine shooting stuff I just have a difficulty in 3D flight simulations flying AND shooting. So muli-player space craft would be a nice addition.

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Great thread Marcus and I agree with you on most points and still can think of some more :


- I would like to see achievement system and reputations added to the game , we need more stuff to do at endgame now because nowadays there is not much to do for the players when they reach level 50 besides alting and there are a lot of players which dont like that.

Edited by Lunablade
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You automatically lose all credability by insulting anyone who doesnt agree with you in comment #1.


So sad when posters have to resort to that instead of actually listing what they would like changed like an adult.

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As far as #7, no. Only if they make your request as an optional space area to zone into. I like space as it is just fine. I can't play 'joy-stick' simulations. So no unless optional. Please don't ask for something to be scrapped. Please ask for options to be made.


hahaha, good one! Wait, you *are* kidding here....right Urael? Seriously, this is a joke?

Edited by Tgirgis
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Understood. However I don't wan't them to scrap the current system. There could be a parallel system that you zone into (with a group if you like) to do free form space. All I am asking for is that there be options. Hence I said optional a few times in my original response.


Bahahaha, another good one! You should be like, a professional commedian!

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**I was told to make this thread in the Suggestion thread. So here it is***


Actually, before I go nerd raging, I have watched this game go from hugely exciting to "OMG, why did I even bother to log in?" My server, Wound in the Force"'s population has dwindled to a fraction of what it used to be. My guild went from being one of the server top guilds to nothing as well. We can't even muster 8 people for a decent normal OPS run. We used to run EV and KP on Hard/Nightmare mode.


I seriously hope that patch 1.2 is so awesome, it revitalizes the game. If it fails to accomplish this, I feel that this game is doomed. This would sadden me as I see this game has so much potential and yet continues to fails on so many levels.


In all honesty, it would be so easy to fix the game in its current state to keep the interest alive.


1. You need to stop trying to cater to just one community of gamers. You need to cater to everyone. That means you allow macros/addons/8v8 pre-mades etc. If the casuals don't want to use them, they don't have to. By just flat out denying it, you piss off those that do. We aren't even asking for SWG type macros, the ones in WOW that aid you are just fine. Noone is forced to use anything they don't want to. If they complain about them being available, then chances are they usually complain about everything and that is why thier parents locked them in the basement with free internet.


2. The grind for ilvl 140 PVE/PVP gear is to much for the small differences over 136 gear. the easy fix is simple, make it easier to get or make the ilvl much higher so the reward for getting them is noticable.


3. BM token drops are not 25%. They are more like 2%. If I need to tell you how to fix it, then you should probably not be working there.


4. Make companions more viable. While we maybe nothing more than a ton of hunters with pets, one of the main selling points of this game was the use of companions. At level 50, there is no reason to use them outside of running dailies. Find a way to make them viable outside of crafting for level 50. I suggest using them in Operations. You can adjust for this by changing the health of bosses. Is this a great suggestion, not really, but it is better than just removing all uses for companions once you hit 50.


5. Make world PVP work. Some of us rolled toons on PVP servers. We should get valor for any kill that grants "honor or XP" regardless of where we are at. I can't even begin to think as to why you wouldn't even implement that in the first place.


6. I would like to see the opposing fleets attackable. But even I would be pissed since the Imperials outnumber us 6 to 1 on my server. But it would be fun.


7. Space combat. Your tunnel system is lame on so many levels. The graphics are nice, but that is the limit on compliments I can say about it. Do yourself and all of us a favor, scrap the whole system. Copy SWG's space system and implement a sand box space flight sim. My joystick is collecting way too much dust. In all honesty, how many people actually run the daily space missions? I don't. I feel the rakata implants/ear pieces aren't worth the time.


8. Loot drops. Tionese on Normal. Columi on Hard. Rakata on Nightmare. Not so hard.


9. Make Ilum a Wintergrasp/Baradin Hold type PVP zone. No, I don't want a WOW clone with a different skin, but that option is WAY better than what we have now. I rather go back to flipping the Southern Assault than standing on an ice bridge and saying we aren't Valor trading, when we are. And the crates around the Central (and only Central) Assualt idea? Whoever came up with that idea should be terminated. Video it and please put it on Youtube.


9.a. So I was thinking about this today while I was riding around in circles looking for crates. I can't imagine someone presenting the idea of changing the zone to require 30 kills and then to offset the lack of possible kills by putting random crates around the only 1 assault point. Then to make it even more mind-boggling, someone approving this idea and/or saying it was a great idea, let's do it. Are you kidding me???? Attacking Pearl Harbor was a better idea and you saw how that played out...


I can keep going, but I want to get my point across. 1.2 better be awesome for the sake of this game. I saw your 1.2 video and so far, the legacy system doesn't seem all that impressive. Slightly lame actually. I hope the new OPS and Warzone is so awesome, I'll have no need to use Viagra after I am done playing for the night.


I don't see the need for new Flashpoints.


Lightsaber colors should only be Red, Blue, Green, and Purple. I thought SWG over did it with all of thier colors, you guys are nuking the crap out of it. The Black centered sabers go against the entire lore ideas of how a lightsaber even works.


So the "rated warzones" is to only rate yourself as a player and not a team? That doesn't even make sense. You need arena style rated warzones. That is what people want.


The patch is what, 3 weeks away? And so far, all we have is a video with fast clips of what we are getting. We should have been testing this patch for a month already. Especially with the history of bugs we had in EV and KP. 3 weeks isn't enough time to make sure this patch is ready for live. I don't know about you, but I am worried this patch isn't going to help.


Bioware, you should higher a QA team. PTR feedback is obviously fail. All of the people clapping over the 1.2 video at the guild summit seemed like a pack of mindless drones/lemmings. This QA team would take your ideas and tell you if you should even bother proceeding to develop it. I would like to be on this team. My fees are reasonable as long as I can work from home. Send me an email so we can discuss the particulars.


Exellent post


I disagree with you on space combat but that's about it.


Bioware really needs to quit ignoring the community. When they do acknowledge us they are dismissive and treat us as if we are ignorant.


Theae forums are full of fantastic ideas which they ignore and its a shame really - this thread will relieve no dev response or feedback which sucks

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You automatically lose all credability by insulting anyone who doesnt agree with you in comment #1.


So sad when posters have to resort to that instead of actually listing what they would like changed like an adult.

Pretty much this


Also, besides the one with world pvp the rest are poor suggestions

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Pretty much this


Also, besides the one with world pvp the rest are poor suggestions


His delivery might be wrong but that doesn't influence the message


There's a lot of good suggestions in there

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Pretty much this


Also, besides the one with world pvp the rest are poor suggestions


How can anyone say this? You think the "Tier 3" gear is worth the grind in PVP? A supposedly 25% drop rate for a token that only provides a +4 in item level is worth it? Not too mention the actual grind to Valor rank 60. I didn't valor trade or use the first day of the Ilum changes to jump to 60 like 90% of the Imperials did.


For PVE, Rakata is a small upgrade over Columi. While it is easier to get, the implants and earpiece cost 120 daily tokens each. You think this is worth it?


You guys really like space in it's current format? Really? Why? It is boring. It is everything against what a MMO is suppose to be. This is a Star Wars game when you had tons of players forming squadrons in old Star Wars games. To be satisfied with a game where they give you a ship and you never get to fly with your guildmates is shocking.


Yes, my delivery was very negative. But I see the same response from Bioware that SOE gave us in SWG. We kept telling them how to improve the game. Their response was the CU and NGE, while completely ignoring the player-base. Those killed the game. This game is headed along the same path.


I get it, there are a FEW people that like this game in its current format. I am surprised, but some people are easily entertained. While others, want more and expect more when they are paying a company to provide said entertainment. This game has a huge upside and yet doesn't even come close to what it could be. It is obvious when you see the server populations now, compared to what it used to be when the game launched. I log in and listen to my guild/general chat complain non-stop about how neglected they feel. If Bioware continues along this course, the game will be dead in 4 months. This makes me sad honestly. I registered on this site in 2008. 4 years I have been waiting for this game. I am HUGELY disappointed in it. I hope they bring it around. I really do.

Edited by Marcus
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You automatically lose all credability by insulting anyone who doesnt agree with you in comment #1.

So sad when posters have to resort to that instead of actually listing what they would like changed like an adult.



Edited by JediElf
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How can anyone say this? You think the "Tier 3" gear is worth the grind in PVP? A supposedly 25% drop rate for a token that only provides a +4 in item level is worth it? Not too mention the actual grind to Valor rank 60. I didn't valor trade or use the first day of the Ilum changes to jump to 60 like 90% of the Imperials did.


For PVE, Rakata is a small upgrade over Columi. While it is easier to get, the implants and earpiece cost 120 daily tokens each. You think this is worth it?


the "worth it" is the content itself, gear is merely desert. i can agree that the pve is in need of some improvement, and everything that they stated at the guild summit sounds great. how they hit the mark has yet to be seen.


as to your whine about "+4 ilvl" judging ANYTHING by pure ilvl in this game is stupid. to actually get a decent pve set (and from what i understand pvp also) you really need to pick and choose from multiple gear pieces. in the care of sorcs for instance we need the enhancements from ia helm/glove patterns.


You guys really like space in it's current format? Really? Why? It is boring. It is everything against what a MMO is suppose to be. This is a Star Wars game when you had tons of players forming squadrons in old Star Wars games. To be satisfied with a game where they give you a ship and you never get to fly with your guildmates is shocking.


some DO like the current implementation. i know i dont mind it, i just would like more variety in mission types. the current ones have gotten reused too much. we do however know that bioware IS working on the problem. they have been since before launch, and when they are prepared we will see what they are doing and how. complaining about it now does no one any good. from the feedback they have received, just look around there is a ton, im fairly certain that they have a much better idea of what to give now.


Yes, my delivery was very negative. But I see the same response from Bioware that SOE gave us in SWG. We kept telling them how to improve the game. Their response was the CU and NGE, while completely ignoring the player-base. Those killed the game. This game is headed along the same path.


improve the game for you, sure. there are a number of your suggestions i dont care for. even if you ARE in the majority, if bioware doesnt want to take the game in that direction, that is entirely up to them. they actually have no responsibility to you to give you everything you want, or how you want it. if you are unhappy enough with how the current implementation is, then stop playing. there is a rather fine line between offering constructive feedback and attempting to play armchair dev.


I get it, there are a FEW people that like this game in its current format. I am surprised, but some people are easily entertained. While others, want more and expect more when they are paying a company to provide said entertainment. This game has a huge upside and yet doesn't even come close to what it could be. It is obvious when you see the server populations now, compared to what it used to be when the game launched. I log in and listen to my guild/general chat complain non-stop about how neglected they feel. If Bioware continues along this course, the game will be dead in 4 months. This makes me sad honestly. I registered on this site in 2008. 4 years I have been waiting for this game. I am HUGELY disappointed in it. I hope they bring it around. I really do.


you, and many others, overhyped it to yourself. i educated myself with available material before hand, and got pretty much exactly what i expected. is the game perfect, far from it. however after watching the guild summit in particular i see it heading in the correct direction. i mean look at what you posted above about "easily entertained and should demand more" when before you were complaining how hard it is to achieve upgrades. it doesnt compute. im all for high expectations, but not unreasonable ones, which is what you and most of the ignorant playerbase has.

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How can anyone say this? You think the "Tier 3" gear is worth the grind in PVP? A supposedly 25% drop rate for a token that only provides a +4 in item level is worth it? Not too mention the actual grind to Valor rank 60. I didn't valor trade or use the first day of the Ilum changes to jump to 60 like 90% of the Imperials did.


For PVE, Rakata is a small upgrade over Columi. While it is easier to get, the implants and earpiece cost 120 daily tokens each. You think this is worth it?


You guys really like space in it's current format? Really? Why? It is boring. It is everything against what a MMO is suppose to be. This is a Star Wars game when you had tons of players forming squadrons in old Star Wars games. To be satisfied with a game where they give you a ship and you never get to fly with your guildmates is shocking.


Yes, my delivery was very negative. But I see the same response from Bioware that SOE gave us in SWG. We kept telling them how to improve the game. Their response was the CU and NGE, while completely ignoring the player-base. Those killed the game. This game is headed along the same path.


I get it, there are a FEW people that like this game in its current format. I am surprised, but some people are easily entertained. While others, want more and expect more when they are paying a company to provide said entertainment. This game has a huge upside and yet doesn't even come close to what it could be. It is obvious when you see the server populations now, compared to what it used to be when the game launched. I log in and listen to my guild/general chat complain non-stop about how neglected they feel. If Bioware continues along this course, the game will be dead in 4 months. This makes me sad honestly. I registered on this site in 2008. 4 years I have been waiting for this game. I am HUGELY disappointed in it. I hope they bring it around. I really do.


Yea space combat isnt as good as it could be but honestly it isn't a priority to fix IMO

They should be working on other stuff I.e your suggestions

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