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Color Wars!


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You can dispute it all you want but facts are facts. I understand the original idea was white but when it came to final production in every film made RED was the color of the Sith and BLUE/GREEN the color of the Jedi. Everything else was exotic or one of a kind and all I am saying is if BioWARE wants to unrestrict these colors than make the players earn them.


I would have no problem with having to earn a purple , orange or other exotic lightsaber color in the game. It would make getting the crystal and using it feel like I accomplished something other than just spending credits.

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Except that, before the Ruusan Campaign (which isn't for another two thousand years by this game's time) there were many more sources of crystal available, and Jedi would use lightsabers of pretty much any color. Nothing was "rare" or "unique" until Ruusan. Thus, lore directly contradicts the idea of lightsaber color restrictions.
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Read the part about jedi making synthetic and some Jedi did make them but Luke did because he had no choice but each person that infused a synthetic depend on affiliation. Luke was good and all about peace it showed in EP6. That is why his synth was green, a huge statement for the return of the Jedi and faction affiliation. Also dark jedi hide there by minipulating the color to hide there true intentions.


I know that Luke made his because he had no choice..and I know that he was all about peace. All I was trying to get across was that in the EU where Luke has reformed the Jedi Order..the Jedi of that generation weren't restricted to only using blue or green light sabers. This is proven with the fact that I as I said, that Han and Leia's daughter used a purple light saber. And several other members of Luke's jedi order used varrying colors. Most of them were different shades of blue or green..but that still makes my point..because the traditional Jedi colors as you put it..were always the same shade of blue or green. So Jedi using a jade green lightsaber , dark green lightsaber, or what have you still counts as non tradtional colors.

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Long thread is long.


SW:TOR takes place in the KotoR lore/reality. By definition, as a game, it is not part of the movie-verse. It is classified as EU. It currently follows EU rules. Arguing for faction restrictions because of movie-verse lore when this ISN'T movie-verse does not make a lot of sense. The "iconic" look is satisfied in that the first lightsabers force user characters get have the "appropriate" colors. As do the ships and blasters. However while certain colors are encouraged, EU-verse (the verse this game falls under) does not prohibit the use of other colors.


Remember, the lore of Star Wars according to George Lucas *excludes this game because it isn't a movie*. What the prequels and original trilogy did is not a strong argument. Now, move along. There is nothing to see here.


Very well said..and a vaild point.

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The OP has proved there are no restrictions.


If there were restrictions then there would be no rarity. He has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that no restrictions exist in the SW universe. If they did we would see zero exceptions!


Exactly...if there were truly restrictions on lightsaber colors in the Star Wars movies..then the Jedi Council and other Jedis would have frowned upon Mace Windu's use of a purple lightsaber...and they would have considred it against Jedi Tradtion. But NO one in the prequel movies cared..thus pretty much saying that the Jedi didn't enforce any restrictions on what color a Jedi's lightsaber could be.

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This is not the first schism between Jedi vs Sith and many wars happend before this timeline, enjoy! Oh and yes Synthetic crystal did exist in this time frame how else do you think all those Sith had red colored sabers. Red crystals are a rarity naturally made.


That's not completely true. The Planet Illum , where the majority of Lightsaber cyrstals come from, is know for making blue, green, and red cyrstal formations..as well as the occisonal yellow cyrstals.

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learn to read. i said "in this game". show me where, in this game, we have synthetic crystals. maybe i missed them, quite possible. but i have yet to see one synthetic crystal in this game.


so, as i have said:


you're wrong, crystal color is a choice, get over it

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I find this whole argument kind of funny.


Saying it will somehow "destroy the canon", "destroy the lore", etc, when it's been proven (over and over, ad nauseum) by people that there was no restriction (just "we might not like it if you do it" tradition) on various colors.


Besides, you're forgetting the most important rule of all.


PCs break the rules at will.


If it somehow mortally offends you to see a jedi with a red saber, or a sith with a blue/green saber, I suggest you take a step back, and realize that the PCs are just a tiny minority of the jedi/sith in the game. Just because they're the most visible TO YOU doesn't mean they represent more than a tiny fraction of the whole.


PCs get to break the rules.

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Maybe BioWare should add an option to show lore-strict light sabers and if you turn it on, the imps will all show red light sabers and everyone else will show blue or green sort of randomly.


Just to make the lore hounds feel better.

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Maybe BioWare should add an option to show lore-strict light sabers and if you turn it on, the imps will all show red light sabers and everyone else will show blue or green sort of randomly.


Just to make the lore hounds feel better.


"Dude! Where did you get that blue lightsaber?!"


"What are you talking about? It's red."


"No man, it's blue!"


"Toggle the lore-strict colors off..."





And as many players have said, there is no lore against there being more yellow lightsabers than red in this period.

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"Dude! Where did you get that blue lightsaber?!"


"What are you talking about? It's red."


"No man, it's blue!"


"Toggle the lore-strict colors off..."





And as many players have said, there is no lore against there being more yellow lightsabers than red in this period.


In fact...theres really no lore about anything(at least color wise), seeing as BW is in a blank slate in which they could add/do whatever they want and not be restricted.

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"Dude! Where did you get that blue lightsaber?!"


"What are you talking about? It's red."


"No man, it's blue!"


"Toggle the lore-strict colors off..."





And as many players have said, there is no lore against there being more yellow lightsabers than red in this period.

Yeah I can see that conversation happening all the time because blue lightsabers are so rare. ;)


And even if it did happen...who cares? Default the option to "off" so it can be opted-in by those who get all twisted in knots when they see a Jedi with a red saber or (heaven forbid) a black core saber!


As far as the game goes, they can add a saber crystal that pulses all the colors of the rainbow for what I care. But some people seem to want the "more immersive" game where traditional colors are used. If (I said IF) it's easy tech-wise, then by all means let them have the option to pretend color variety doesn't exist.

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Yeah I can see that conversation happening all the time because blue lightsabers are so rare. ;)


And even if it did happen...who cares? Default the option to "off" so it can be opted-in by those who get all twisted in knots when they see a Jedi with a red saber or (heaven forbid) a black core saber!


As far as the game goes, they can add a saber crystal that pulses all the colors of the rainbow for what I care. But some people seem to want the "more immersive" game where traditional colors are used. If (I said IF) it's easy tech-wise, then by all means let them have the option to pretend color variety doesn't exist.


Um! There is a rainbow crystal in the books. No idea how the color of it works but I know they call it the rainbow gem.




So it has been done. There is nothing to say if it was a solid color or if the color changed with time!

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Yeah I can see that conversation happening all the time because blue lightsabers are so rare. ;)


And even if it did happen...who cares? Default the option to "off" so it can be opted-in by those who get all twisted in knots when they see a Jedi with a red saber or (heaven forbid) a black core saber!


As far as the game goes, they can add a saber crystal that pulses all the colors of the rainbow for what I care. But some people seem to want the "more immersive" game where traditional colors are used. If (I said IF) it's easy tech-wise, then by all means let them have the option to pretend color variety doesn't exist.


You understand what I mean. There is also the fact that people want to look a certain way, so by saying, "Oh no, I turned off special colors on my computer so I cannot see your purple lightsaber.", you are basically taking out a big part of customization from the game. That'd be like making a toggle so that every trooper is running around in orange-and-white, every Jedi Consular has robes and every Smuggler has a Han Solo jacket.

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That's not completely true. The Planet Illum , where the majority of Lightsaber cyrstals come from, is know for making blue, green, and red cyrstal formations..as well as the occisonal yellow cyrstals.


Crystal Caves of Ilum

Discovered by scouts for the Jedi Order circa 22,800 BBY, the frozen world of Ilum was discovered to hold a number of hidden treasure troves where crystals grew naturally, These crystals, prized for their usage as a focus lens in the Order's symbolic weapon, the lightsaber, encouraged the Jedi to found a Temple and training ground on the world as they mined the rare kathracite, mephite, and pontite crystals.


The vast majority of lightsaber crystals from Ilum were green or blue in color, but all of them had the special properties that made them ideal for a Jedi's weapon. When induced by resonant frequencies, the crystals emitted powerful bursts of light, and further components of a lightsaber harnessed this power into a rod-like beam.


Adegan Crystals from Ilum (Three type known)


Kathracite: was the most common form of Adegan crystal, followed by relacite and danite. These crystals didn't focus energy as well as their rarer cousins, and thus were usually reserved for use in training sabers.


Mephite: was a typical Adegan crystal used by the Jedi.


Pontite: was the rarest and most powerful type of Adegan crystal. Nearly impossible to find, it resonated with a powerful aura that cooled both skin and tempers.



During the Great Galactic War between the resurgent Sith Empire and the Republic the caves were taken by the Empire in a swift battle. As the Empire began to garrison troops on the world the Temple was made inaccessible and, due to thinly-stretched resources, the Order was unable to reclaim it for over a decade. Following the destruction of the Sith Empire the Order restored their Temple on Ilum and once more maintained a small group of Jedi on the planet to protect their coveted crystals.

The Empire doesn't need the caves because they make Synthetic Crytals.


Mace Windu

Hurrikaine crystals were deep blue to violet lightsaber crystals from the planet Hurikane admired for their unparalleled beauty. When used in lightsabers, they created blades that were very good at penetrating defenses.


In exchange for helping the stone-encrusted native species, Windu was given a handful of the rare violet Hurrikane crystals, which he used to create his unique electrum lightsaber.



Hurikane was a planet located in Wild Space. It was inhabited by a race of sentient beings made of stone and purple Hurrikaine crystals, who were almost insectoid in appearance.


If anything the resurgent Sith Empire would have access to these for the simple fact they came from deep space but rarity is rare and they always have been

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Crystal Caves of Ilum

Discovered by scouts for the Jedi Order circa 22,800 BBY, the frozen world of Ilum was discovered to hold a number of hidden treasure troves where crystals grew naturally, These crystals, prized for their usage as a focus lens in the Order's symbolic weapon, the lightsaber, encouraged the Jedi to found a Temple and training ground on the world as they mined the rare kathracite, mephite, and pontite crystals.


The vast majority of lightsaber crystals from Ilum were green or blue in color, but all of them had the special properties that made them ideal for a Jedi's weapon. When induced by resonant frequencies, the crystals emitted powerful bursts of light, and further components of a lightsaber harnessed this power into a rod-like beam.


Adegan Crystals from Ilum (Three type known)


Kathracite: was the most common form of Adegan crystal, followed by relacite and danite. These crystals didn't focus energy as well as their rarer cousins, and thus were usually reserved for use in training sabers.


Mephite: was a typical Adegan crystal used by the Jedi.


Pontite: was the rarest and most powerful type of Adegan crystal. Nearly impossible to find, it resonated with a powerful aura that cooled both skin and tempers.



During the Great Galactic War between the resurgent Sith Empire and the Republic the caves were taken by the Empire in a swift battle. As the Empire began to garrison troops on the world the Temple was made inaccessible and, due to thinly-stretched resources, the Order was unable to reclaim it for over a decade. Following the destruction of the Sith Empire the Order restored their Temple on Ilum and once more maintained a small group of Jedi on the planet to protect their coveted crystals.

The Empire doesn't need the caves because they make Synthetic Crytals.


Mace Windu

Hurrikaine crystals were deep blue to violet lightsaber crystals from the planet Hurikane admired for their unparalleled beauty. When used in lightsabers, they created blades that were very good at penetrating defenses.


In exchange for helping the stone-encrusted native species, Windu was given a handful of the rare violet Hurrikane crystals, which he used to create his unique electrum lightsaber.



Hurikane was a planet located in Wild Space. It was inhabited by a race of sentient beings made of stone and purple Hurrikaine crystals, who were almost insectoid in appearance.


If anything the resurgent Sith Empire would have access to these for the simple fact they came from deep space but rarity is rare and they always have been


Notice the keyword in your post...vast majority, it doesn't say all crystals just the vast majority. So that doesn't mean there, weren't other types of crystals in the caves.

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Not to mention that is only Ilum, which was NOT the Jedi's main source of crystals at this point in history.


The Jedi did not start getting their crystals primarily from Ilum until after the Ruusan Campaign, which, from the time TOR is set, WILL NOT HAPPEN FOR ANOTHER TWO THOUSAND YEARS.

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Notice the keyword in your post...vast majority, it doesn't say all crystals just the vast majority. So that doesn't mean there, weren't other types of crystals in the caves.


not only this, but in this game, there are different color crystals all over the place. who cares if the vast majority of crystals that illum had were blue and green (and as the poster i quoted stated, vast majority doesn't mean only), if i can get any number of other colors from other planets?


this debate is pointless. the FACT is color choice was just that, a choice. get over it.

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During the beta, no one complained about having crystals unrestricted. Once they restricted them, the complaints flooded in. I believe if they never added the restrictions, there wouldn't be any arguments about them in the first place.


I have done more than my share of research on the Lore of the crystals. This is The Old Republic. We have a LOT of leeway in the lore at this point. As it stands, color choice is mostly up to the person. Making artificial restrictions on them just to keep the "look" similar to the movies is simply ridiculous.


For millennia, the Jedi Order lit lightsabers in every color and hue imaginable. However, following the Battle of Ruusan, the hues of most available crystals had been limited to either blue or green. Lightsaber color crystals could also be compressed, resulting in a pulsating blade, or they could be unstable, resulting in a core which swirled and sparkled.


The Battle of Ruusan was 1000BBY... We are over 2500 years before that. Therefore, color restrictions have no place and I am glad they are gone.

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Uniformity is everything!


Well, I'm playing a jedi sentinel and I'm using differently colored blades because two blades of the same color looks less awesome.


In this game we see the affiliation of players by the color of the text above their heads anyway, and jedi/sith can sense the difference between friends and enemies through the force.


Bottom line is, the colors are based on tradition, so let's just call my character a rebel and move on.

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During the beta, no one complained about having crystals unrestricted. Once they restricted them, the complaints flooded in. I believe if they never added the restrictions, there wouldn't be any arguments about them in the first place.


I have done more than my share of research on the Lore of the crystals. This is The Old Republic. We have a LOT of leeway in the lore at this point. As it stands, color choice is mostly up to the person. Making artificial restrictions on them just to keep the "look" similar to the movies is simply ridiculous.




The Battle of Ruusan was 1000BBY... We are over 2500 years before that. Therefore, color restrictions have no place and I am glad they are gone.


Actually the reason they added the restriction was people saying it ruined the game not having restrictions. There were numerous threads and a couple of polls on the issue long before they wiped the boards for game launch.


There was way more whining than this thread to have the restrictions put in place in the old threads. What is worse is Bioware made the wrong restrictions and did it by alignment. At least the OP has proved that there is no restrictions on crystals in all his points.


Grant you why he proved the opposing view baffles me. He can add all the explanation he wants the fact is crystals are not restricted the movies and books prove this!


If there were restrictions in place there would be ZERO exceptions!

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