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No matter how anybody tries to shape and spin the arguments in favor of clicking a player will never be as efficient using this method as they will be with keybinding.


The mouse is for moving.


The keyboard is for your abilities.


If you aren't playing this way you are punishing your own efficiency.


It's a personal choice but make no mistake about it, if you choose to use the keyboard to move/turn and the mouse to click your abilities on the action bar you will be at a distinct disadvantage when playing against a person who uses the mouse to move and binds their abilities to their keyboard.


I wouldn't argue this. I believe it's true. However, I'm a clicker. I enjoy playing that way and loath keybinding. I'm willing to concede that I will not be as efficient as a player of equal ability that uses keybinds.


But the fact is in PvE, if my group achieves it's objectives whether that be a quest, an operation or a flashpoint it's irrelevant whether I'm a clicker or a keybinder. And in PvP I will face plenty of other clickers and will still beat some keybinders because I simply know my class better. The only equally geared keybinders I will routinely lose to are those that know their game as well as I. I can live (or die) with that.


Bottomline, under very, very few circumstances will keybinding or clicking be a determining factor in success. Can it be? Certainly, just not very often.

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Personally, I use keys for the top bar (including three bound to my mouse) and I click the bottom and side bars.


Clicking is fine in PVE. In PVP it's next to impossible because you're moving around so much while fighting.

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I don't see the big deal with clickers. I'm a clicker and I always get great stats... it could be that I'm extremely fast with the clicks and I know my rotations and I beat the global cooldown tenfold. Is the term "clicker" aimed towards people who are more slow or everyone who clicks in general?


I can understand if its towards the slower clicking people because I know a few people like that and it annoys me to watch them play :p


Play how you want , and if other people don't like it . Oh well.

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No matter how anybody tries to shape and spin the arguments in favor of clicking a player will never be as efficient using this method as they will be with keybinding.


The mouse is for moving.


The keyboard is for your abilities.


If you aren't playing this way you are punishing your own efficiency.


It's a personal choice but make no mistake about it, if you choose to use the keyboard to move/turn and the mouse to click your abilities on the action bar you will be at a distinct disadvantage when playing against a person who uses the mouse to move and binds their abilities to their keyboard.


To be fair, if yuo're someone who really is good with the whole WASD thing and have a Naga, you could reverse that to some extent, but yeah, I tend to agree. I mix a few click in here or there for the few things that aren't bound, but it's mostly all keybindings and a G700 for movement and targetting functions.

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The problem isnt really the DPS/Healing, its the dps/healing WHILE moving thats the problem for clickers. This has become a real issue in fights where you have to move alot, this is why clickers are looked down upon when it comes to gaming.


I do not use key binds, but do use all twelve keys on the top row for abilities, the function keys to select party members or companion, and the mouse to move and turn as well as the wasd keys. I click the rest. On rare occaisions, I do feel that it would be helpful to keybind some of the abilities on my second row, but have never bothered.


I am playing four different classes which are half ranged and half melee. I have no issue casting while moving and or strafing. The only damage / dps / heals you can do while moving are the instants in any case and since I have them on the top row I am not clicking on them. You have to stop for non instants so you are not losing mobility by clicking although key binding may be marginally faster for the few abilities that you would use, but for which you have no room on the top bar. Most channeled spells last as long as the cool down and the follow up spell can be queued while the first one is being cast. I have no problem, say on my Trooper, starting a mortor volley and while the spell is channeling selecting a second target and queing sticky granade and then tabbing through what is left to finishing them off.


As far as strafing is concerned, I find that there is a lot less use for it in swtor then there was in WOW. I still chuckle at the memory of slowing a melee with my frost mage and then running a circle around it (as it spun in the middle) while hitting it with instants. In swtor, you are usually fighting multiple mobs so strafing is not as handy especially if a number are ranged. I find the melee close faster in swtor than they did in WOW so the kiting is less. I do move away from melee while fighting ranged or close on ranged to draw in the melee so that I can use aoe spells, but again have no problem without the key binds and see no need to click while doing so.


As far as long cool down spells I rarely feel the need to key bind and perhaps save the fraction of a second during a fight. I see absolutely no reason to key bind spells that cannot be used in combat.


As a last thought, I played about every class in WOW including a demo lock which is supposed to be one of the most complicated and had no problem with a deep / long rotation.


In the end, I do see where keybinding is more efficient but would note that even clickers do not click everything and people who do click can do very well to the point that the difference is marginal and probably does not make much of a difference (except on the pro level).

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The problem with clickers is you are always looking at your action bars rather then looking at whats going on in the game, I know I used to be one long ago.It's just so much faster to use keybinds yeah it takes some time to get use to but once you do you will never go back.
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Clicker is fine.


Theres also really fast clickers, and in this game there is no way you can bind all skills. Theres just too many.


The only advatage you have at binding is that you can use skills and move at the same time. That can be useful in encounters and PvP, but if you're a skilled enough clicker you can do good enough to not make it a huge difference.


In the end: play the game whoever you want. If you want to maximise your performance then you're gonna have to bind a few skills though (main combat ones).

This! There are too many abilities to have them all bound perfectly convenient. So even a keybinder will have hybridize a little. And since they have to hybridize anyway, I rather have a fast clicker who only uses binds only for 3-4 main abilities, than a full keybinder who skips half his abilities because the keybinds are getting nearly impossible.


With the long global cooldowns, there's plenty of time to position your mouse AND adjust your camera angle anyway, so any "speed" benefit from keybinding is already neglible. Though I would advice people to use their mouse for adjusting their camera angle and turning around. But for ability use it doesn't make a tangible difference.

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I am a "clicker". I am darn good at it too. I have never had anyone complain I wasn't doing enough DPS.


Neither way is inherently better than the other. It depends far more on the person and which method that can be most efficient at.

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Keybinds are only "faster" if you remember them all and can press them (instead of an adjacent key) 100% of the time without loosing your place on the keyboard.


I have really small hands (smaller than my 13 year old kid) that can't reach very far on my keyboard and I still have to periodically glance at the keys after all these years to even type a paragraph like this, or else I lose my "default" place and start hitting the wrong keys. (Surely people know how typos are born...?)


So, rather than be concerned about learning to perform finger gymnastics "without looking" just to play; I found the most effective way for me is a combination of mouse clicking and keybinds (for the most used stuff). I've never found it to be much of a hindrance to my fun in any game I play, no matter what aspect of it I'm involved in.

Edited by ProsaicProse
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No matter how anybody tries to shape and spin the arguments in favor of clicking a player will never be as efficient using this method as they will be with keybinding.


The mouse is for moving.


The keyboard is for your abilities.


If you aren't playing this way you are punishing your own efficiency.


It's a personal choice but make no mistake about it, if you choose to use the keyboard to move/turn and the mouse to click your abilities on the action bar you will be at a distinct disadvantage when playing against a person who uses the mouse to move and binds their abilities to their keyboard.


False, if your beating the global cooldown when clicking I don't see how your any worse. Everyone is limited by the cooldown, not just clickers. As for movement, I have no issues with running circles around someone in PvP to use my backstab ability. Though I have that and only about 3 more set to a bind, so I guess I am more of a hybrid.

Edited by MaGicBush
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clickers are fine. If your doing your job your fine.


However, keybinds will always be better than clicking at everything. Do you see pro-starcraft players clicking on all their buildings to build units? No, they hotkey all of them.


And yes, you can keybind everything.




The best clicker can be effective, however the best clicker will never be as good as the best keybinder.

Edited by Stupiddrummer
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I use a combo of both. Since the mouse I use allows for movement the same time as clicking it works but I also have key binds. I use them together and can move in some great diagonal and reverse directions fast. I heal most the time and need to get out of sticky situations fast in pvp. I found that combining the two works better for me then one way or the other.


But with a standard mouse I am not sure it could be done.

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I use a combo of both. Since the mouse I use allows for movement the same time as clicking it works but I also have key binds. I use them together and can move in some great diagonal and reverse directions fast. I heal most the time and need to get out of sticky situations fast in pvp. I found that combining the two works better for me then one way or the other.


But with a standard mouse I am not sure it could be done.


I use a standard mouse and do the exact same thing, it's easily done.

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With a global cooldown ... there wont be much difference between a clicker and a keybinder in more or less of the cases. The fastest combo to pull might be to kite, cc and pop adrenal, crit buff and relic buff and use dps abilites at the same time. But in most cases you can just sit there and click a channeling ability or a spammable ability and be fine in this game so no problem with being a clicker here even if you want it to be.


Its an MMO for goodness sake ... this isn't Starcraft II .. if u want to be proud of how cool you use your keybinds and how fast you co-ordinate your abilities with mouse movement .. go play Starcraft II with your high APM.


If you are skilled in pulling off combos by keybinding smartly and executing them .. be proud of yourself. No need to bash clickers or whine that the skill difference doesn't show because the game is easy etc.

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Currently i am playing four toons and i swap often so for me it isnt feasible to keybind,i do have 4 keybinds for the most used stuff yes,but thats it.


The running around in a circle thing is sooo old,i swear i first saw that maybe 10 years ago cannot recall what game but as then and now i get a picture in my head of those types of players,,coming down from their Ritalin with a Redbull or Moutain Dew next to them peering into the screen while pimples slowly grow on their face lol,,killing someone and then saying"Your a bad" lol i know,i know im stereotyping but i bet im right more than wrong.

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