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How many Subscriptions do you think this game has right now


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Actually forum's tend to get quiet when the vocal people leave, not when the game itself drops dramatically in subs, though i like how you try to make a connection to the fact they have opened up trials for friends as a reference, considering every other mmo has stuff like that.


Hey, woah, I'm not attacking the game. Sheeeesh.


I am subbing and playing.


I don;t know if its a Star Wars thing or a MMO Genre thing but the life span of these suckers really seems to be speeding up.


You used to get some friend keys with a collectors. Maybe get the Invite a Friend 6 months to a year after release.


Heck at this rate the game will be F2P by Christmas.


Again, I like the game, I don't complain or troll. Just not going to take a close minded NOTHING TO SEE HERE defense. Also not going to say the falling.

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I am unsure if there has been a bigger influx with oceanic servers, I dont think the gain has been as big as would have liked. Due to most from the region already playing.


Well that's why I said 2 not 2.2 as the OP suggested. :D But who knows? (God, Satan, The Queen? Oh yeah Bioware. ;))

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I read a recent article from a stock adviser saying they were hopeful the subs would soon reach 800K. Make of it what you will, but you can google the actual people involved in the game's potential future that are commenting. Judging from how many people seem upset by the 1.2 issues, it doesn't look promising.


I unsubbed, have 41 days or something remaining. They could keep me, but they don't want to.


1) Cross-server lfg eliminating population issues.

2) actual customer service

3) actual concern from Biofail about game issues and feedback

4) real combat log

5) someone who can optimize their poor choice of engines so abilities work

6) something more compelling than an artificial story about your character. At Dark 5, I should be able to melt something, or make someone faint from the stench, but all I have are a few "tired" lines on my face. Every force player is the same. Kill the emperor or become his squeeze. The uniqueness is very superficial.


This game is going to go f2p, it's inevitable in my opinion. It just isn't a good game.

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I read a recent article from a stock adviser saying they were hopeful the subs would soon reach 800K. Make of it what you will, but you can google the actual people involved in the game's potential future that are commenting. Judging from how many people seem upset by the 1.2 issues, it doesn't look promising.


I unsubbed, have 41 days or something remaining. They could keep me, but they don't want to.


1) Cross-server lfg eliminating population issues.

2) actual customer service

3) actual concern from Biofail about game issues and feedback

4) real combat log

5) someone who can optimize their poor choice of engines so abilities work

6) something more compelling than an artificial story about your character. At Dark 5, I should be able to melt something, or make someone faint from the stench, but all I have are a few "tired" lines on my face. Every force player is the same. Kill the emperor or become his squeeze. The uniqueness is very superficial.


This game is going to go f2p, it's inevitable in my opinion. It just isn't a good game.


links or you're just making things up

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Actually, all mmorpg aren't doing too well at moment. The genre is stale and the economy is bad. Thus, I don't really see the sub loss as any different that what is going on in wow or any other mmorpg. The one thing I notice and this is just purely anecdotal is that at least swtor has new people trying it out at moment since it's still pretty new. You can't say that about wow, which is why Blizzard introduce the SoR to attract ex-players. Any one who wanted to play wow has probably already played, but that's not true about swtor. Edited by Knockerz
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I read a recent article from a stock adviser saying they were hopeful the subs would soon reach 800K. Make of it what you will, but you can google the actual people involved in the game's potential future that are commenting. Judging from how many people seem upset by the 1.2 issues, it doesn't look promising.


I unsubbed, have 41 days or something remaining. They could keep me, but they don't want to.


1) Cross-server lfg eliminating population issues.

2) actual customer service

3) actual concern from Biofail about game issues and feedback

4) real combat log

5) someone who can optimize their poor choice of engines so abilities work

6) something more compelling than an artificial story about your character. At Dark 5, I should be able to melt something, or make someone faint from the stench, but all I have are a few "tired" lines on my face. Every force player is the same. Kill the emperor or become his squeeze. The uniqueness is very superficial.


This game is going to go f2p, it's inevitable in my opinion. It just isn't a good game.


Uhm 1.2 isn't gonna be out for at least half a month so i don't know what you're talking about.

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As I said, you can google the people who have a stake in this game and see what they are saying. I'm not your *****, do it yourself if you are genuinely interested.


I doubt it any one going to believe you. If you don't want to do the hard work and find your sources no one else is going to do it for you. Thus, don't make statements if you can't back them. Regardless if this is just a game forum I don't like make statements unless I have sources or statistics to back them.

Edited by Knockerz
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As long as I have enough on my server that play I am not really concerned about the total number of subscriptions, knowing how many people subscribe overall does not diminish or add to my enjoyment of the game!
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As I said, you can google the people who have a stake in this game and see what they are saying. I'm not your *****, do it yourself if you are genuinely interested.


You're not mine, but you're sure good at it. Not a single positive or constructive post since 1/3/12. POsting no link means your claim can be utterly dismissed. You don't even use a name of the person who said it or the "people who have a stake in this game" in order to provide enough information for googling the alleged article. You're probably citing some nonsense blog from a tinfoil hatted nerdraging basement dweller.

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Clearly this game has 3 million subscribers.


Thats why a whopping 20 thousand people watched the Guild Summit Live Stream...


And thats why..


Bioware actually put a vendor in the fleet selling all the vanity and VIP items.




These are the actions of a Developer whose mmo just doubled its population.


20k people tuned int AT ONCE to watch something that occurred during the middle of the day. Considering this game's playerbase is at work or school during that time, i'd say those are pretty impressive numbers,

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people who REALLY like the game are going to say something like 3 mill, people who hate the game are going to say under 1 mill, people who think nothing has changed much are going to say about 2 mill.


You're too wise for this thread!!!


Let the haters and defenders have their fun. It constitutes 'Open Forum PvP' ya know? :w_cool:


My guess is between 1.5-2mil. Again, it's a guess.

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Better yet...


1) Cross-server lfg eliminating population issues.


Start merging servers now. Cross-server will only work with WZs and does nothing to help PvE.

2) actual customer service


Stop the growing trend of disassociating direct contact with players.


3) actual concern from Biofail about game issues and feedback


The perception from a lot of players is that BW is listening more to whiners about trivial problems and ignoring major ones.


4) real combat log


Eventually they will have it because they will probably have no choice. It's easy for them now to ignore it or give us a limited one.


5) someone who can optimize their poor choice of engines so abilities work


Hmmm. They are not going to fix the engine any time soon. Too much time and too costly.


6) something more compelling than an artificial story about your character. At Dark 5, I should be able to melt something, or make someone faint from the stench, but all I have are a few "tired" lines on my face. Every force player is the same. Kill the emperor or become his squeeze. The uniqueness is very superficial.


They have boxed themselves into the cutscene/voiceover content. Creating better story content is something they are not going to focus on.


This game is going to go f2p, it's inevitable in my opinion. It just isn't a good game.


f2p is a whole new monster. The whole game will change and I doubt for the better.

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So you haven't read any of the other forum threads? People in general seem pretty upset with the fluff of legacy.


...and the Pinocchio Award for the Best Liar of 2012 goes to........Johnduane!!!!


This award recognizes all your previous contributions to the art of misinformation. Congratulations and please keep your acceptance speech short.



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Very True

Paying does not always they will all be playing too. But thats likely no real care for a company if they are getting paid the same whether or not their service gets used.


The question is, if there are a portion of people subbing but not playing, how long would such people allow their subs to go on for whilst they aren't playing very much? I'm betting approx 1 - 2 months.


My point is, that a company may not care much about a lack of population on servers if they are getting paid anyhow, they may start to care if those subs began cancelling a month or so later.

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i think not more then 700-800 k and dropping. my server lost almost half of the population since launch on ally side, and judging by familiar names (and legacy names) imp side is not better.

It seems like most people level to 50, then after a month or 2 they unsub since the game is a) too small and b) bioware/ea wins my personal Worst Customer Service/Dev to players communication award. People feel they are playing a rather empty game with no real interest of developer in them personally.


I unsubbed at late feburary, because of No Valor Gained issue. They never responded to my thread/QA post, but in fact they changed the behavior of this "safeguard". Which boggles me - was it so hard to let us know earlier that they are at least aware of the issue and are looking in to it.


But funniest of it all, is that after last patch i barely logged in twice. and i had a lot of plan for it, getting my BM finished, getting closer to rank 70 - now i find myself with zero interest to play.


I dont think 1.2 will change much, the idea behind the game - copypasted end game theme park conception utterly stops any innovation, basically the devs cant even change anything enough now to make game actually fun - its too stale, too static. You cant even go to enemies faction city and kill the leader hehe, nor does anything is affected by anything.


And yes people who think the game still have over 1million subs - or will have after end of march 20 - are daydreamers.

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I'd say between 1.5mil and 2.5mil... on a guess... servers have been filling up steadily...


But, I'm sure some forum troll will dispute the fact... brining up xfire (what is this, I don't even...J/K I know what it is and how hardly anyone uses it anymore...) stats or something and saying how it's such an accurate way to show population, blah, blah, blah...

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I know of one subscription it doesn't have; mine.


Haha I laughed so hard at your sig!!! And to the rest, no one knows the number so quit making assumptions. The only thing you can tell is the number of ppl on the server where you login. And btw i'm about to reroll for the second time :( any suggestions for a busy eu server? i play at night or early in the morning due to my work so on the 2 servers i'm currently playing i can hardly get a group. I know that most of the content can be done solo but thats not why i play mmo's... ;)

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They didn't give exact numbers, but at the guild summit they did say there were "millions and millions of players" who have created over 3.5 million characters.


So I would say it's a little over 2 million.



If it's only 3.5 million characters, that's not a lot. I'd have thought it'd be at least 4-5 per sub.


So either there's a lot of 1 character per sub or something else is happening.

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People who play an mmo (a game built around player progression) for one hour a day are the extreme minority because at this point they would be level 20 or so.




8 days play time is how long it took my first character to hit 50. 8 x 24 = 192 days at 1 hour per day. Now i spent alot of time just playing the trade network so lets say realistically 7 days. 7 x 24 = 168 days at 1 hour per day. Game has been out since right at christmas so yeah level 25ish is about right for 1 hour per day.

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Based on my own experience


we moved close to 20 people over from 2 kinships on LOTRO to play this together - players that have been playing together for over 3 years Daily. there are 6 left that log on at all and some of those only sporadically.


This could mean that approx 2/3 of people don't like this game past 2 months or it could mean that people with the LOTRO mindset don't appreciate Star wars stuff. (although most who came over with us were rabid SW fans)


if what i have experienced is being replicated all round than BW have some serious problems

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