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How many Subscriptions do you think this game has right now


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By your reasoning I am not active, which is fine, because currently I get maybe an hour a day tops...


But to the trolls that would try and read something into that, don't. I would play a lot more if I had the time, but right now I do not due to pressures of work.


The game, for me, is exactly what I want of it and I am just sad that there are not 28 hours in the day so that I could fit in more time to play.


Actually, by my own definition I barely make the 'active player' group. But for so many doomsayers the fact that some days of the week at some times the servers are near ghosttowns is a sign that the game is loosing subs fast. Often not realising that MMO's thrive on the people that only play it a few times a week but do pay full subscription, aka: those with jobs and lives surrounding those jobs that keep them occupied so they cannot play more than at most 8-12 hours a week.

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Actually, by my own definition I barely make the 'active player' group. But for so many doomsayers the fact that some days of the week at some times the servers are near ghosttowns is a sign that the game is loosing subs fast. Often not realising that MMO's thrive on the people that only play it a few times a week but do pay full subscription, aka: those with jobs and lives surrounding those jobs that keep them occupied so they cannot play more than at most 8-12 hours a week.


i really dont think your definitiion of active being 4-5 hours a day is right.. thats far to high..id say someone who logs in daily or the equivilant like na hour a day so 7 hours a week would be active to me

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i really dont think your definitiion of active being 4-5 hours a day is right.. thats far to high..id say someone who logs in daily or the equivilant like na hour a day so 7 hours a week would be active to me


This is just not true.


IDK where this forum myth came from that the average mmo gamer has a life and plays like an hour a day.


Thats like... a joke to me.


The Average Call of Duty gamer plays like 4 hours a day. And thats an FPS.


People who play an mmo (a game built around player progression) for one hour a day are the extreme minority because at this point they would be level 20 or so.


I mean, you think more than half of the population is 50 because they play an hour a day and maybe 2 on the weekends?




A single warzone takes 15 minutes.

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It honestly takes about an hour to get from the fleet to a planet, then do like 2 quests if you watch the cutscenes.


Implying that the great majority of this games players pay 15 dollars a month for 40 dollars total gameplay time over the entire month is just silly.


I bet the average SWTOR gamer plays 4 hours a day, and the hardcore SWTOR gamer plays 12-14 hours a day.


I know 2 guys in my guild play at least 10 hours a day every day.

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Close to 3 million subs.


500,000 concurrent players.


Clearly this game has 3 million subscribers.


Thats why a whopping 20 thousand people watched the Guild Summit Live Stream...


And thats why..


Bioware actually put a vendor in the fleet selling all the vanity and VIP items.




These are the actions of a Developer whose mmo just doubled its population.

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Guild summit statistics from Bioware - 5 hours per day average playtime so far.


I suspect pop is around 800k - 1100k active subscriptions (ppl being able to log-in and play the game currently).

Edited by SBite
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I'm guessing around 2.2mill.

The reason is because of the Asian Pasific launch as well as growing over time.

What do you think it has right now?


Why do people get so hung up on how many subs there are... especially for a game thats only recently come out of its free play period... why does it matter if there is only 300k subs or 2mill... question you really need to be asking yourself is...


Are you enjoying the game ??

If YES then great continue on paying the bucks

If NO then why are you even here asking silly questions, go find summing else to do with your time and money that yields more enjoyment for ya... :rolleyes:

Edited by Bloodstealer
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i love you pessimists so much :)


Oh hey..are you one who said SWTOR won't get more than a million subs? umm yeah...


No he is not the guy who said this, he is the guy who said SWTOR would be F2P by March.......

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It honestly takes about an hour to get from the fleet to a planet, then do like 2 quests if you watch the cutscenes.


If you are being honest then your computer has some serious loading issues. Personally I think you are exagerating.. If you are exagerating then please do not try and pretend you are being honest.. it's a common ploy when someone is lying.


We play the game.. I manage to do 11 quests 2 of which are heroic in about 40 minutes. Honestly.

Edited by corbanite
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They sold a little over 2 mil boxes. Retention rate on MMOs is very poor as a rule, some lose 80% of their population after the first month, although SWTOR most certainly did not.


I've been playing since day one, and while I have no graphs, charts, etc to show, I can tell you without a doubt the population on this game has crashed and crashed hard since day one.


Now, active subscriptions and players logging on are two different beasts. I have about half a dozen friends that still have an active sub, but they don't log on anymore because.. well.. they have a couple 50s and the idea of doing one more daily is 'painful', (quote).


Most of them still have hope for the game, but again most of them will probably not resub when the billing date roles around. And there in is the crux of all this jibber jabber.


Bioware can claim 1 million or 2 million subscriptions, but those of us still playing the game will tell you that the % of players actually playing is very small, and falling fast. My day one guild peaked at 67 players, but we folded it last week when it became clear that only 3 of us were still playing the game. My son and 6 of his friends had a guild of Commandos. (They were fun to watch in WZs!) My son is the only left that has an active sub, but he doesn't play anymore and will not renew.


Most of those that left sited the huge population imbalance and the almost complete lack of Republic players as they reason they are canceling their subs.


There was an excellent point made that those who are canceling and complaining about population are more likely to be Republic players. Those who shout out about robust subs are Imperials. The Republic side is truly dead on most of the servers, and getting deader.


Now, many of those Republic players are still subs because they re-rolled to the Imperial side in a desperate attempt to actually gear up instead of being farmed non stop for gear themselves. So they are still active subs.


So, all this said, I believe it can be summed up this way:


CURRENT subscriptions: High, probably 1.2 million (give or take a couple hundred thousand)


CURRENT player base (those logging in and playing): Very small, probably 250-350k


The difference between these numbers is where the danger is. Many of those 'tweeners' are people that are currently paying for a subscription, but will most likely cancel soon.


With the Asian market opening up, the loss of subscriptions will be countered by the new Asian players... but when the dust settles the true numbers will filter out.


I believe you will see, barring something dramatic like an actual 'miracle patch', that the subscription base will settle out at about 350k in a few months, probably a bit lower.


My 2 cents

Edited by Icedanno
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1 fewer today sick of pvp imbalace and same old same old was hoping this would be a origional game but its just a rehash of all mmo's out there all gear driven and even when u do quests for your level they give you rewards that are just npc fodder no point to it why not just give u more credits

Skill is not needed much farm lots quest stuff do epic raids for gear or dont bother playing it cause you will lose to the 4 classes the imps play wonder what they will do if they ever nerf them lol reroll republic

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2 cents yep that's about what its worth

They sold a little over 2 mil boxes. Retention rate on MMOs is very poor as a rule, some lose 80% of their population after the first month, although SWTOR most certainly did not.


I've been playing since day one, and while I have no graphs, charts, etc to show, I can tell you without a doubt the population on this game has crashed and crashed hard since day one.


Now, active subscriptions and players logging on are two different beasts. I have about half a dozen friends that still have an active sub, but they don't log on anymore because.. well.. they have a couple 50s and the idea of doing one more daily is 'painful', (quote).


Most of them still have hope for the game, but again most of them will probably not resub when the billing date roles around. And there in is the crux of all this jibber jabber.


Bioware can claim 1 million or 2 million subscriptions, but those of us still playing the game will tell you that the % of players actually playing is very small, and falling fast. My day one guild peaked at 67 players, but we folded it last week when it became clear that only 3 of us were still playing the game. My son and 6 of his friends had a guild of Commandos. (They were fun to watch in WZs!) My son is the only left that has an active sub, but he doesn't play anymore and will not renew.


Most of those that left sited the huge population imbalance and the almost complete lack of Republic players as they reason they are canceling their subs.


There was an excellent point made that those who are canceling and complaining about population are more likely to be Republic players. Those who shout out about robust subs are Imperials. The Republic side is truly dead on most of the servers, and getting deader.


Now, many of those Republic players are still subs because they re-rolled to the Imperial side in a desperate attempt to actually gear up instead of being farmed non stop for gear themselves. So they are still active subs.


So, all this said, I believe it can be summed up this way:


CURRENT subscriptions: High, probably 1.2 million (give or take a couple hundred thousand)


CURRENT player base (those logging in and playing): Very small, probably 250-350k


The difference between these numbers is where the danger is. Many of those 'tweeners' are people that are currently paying for a subscription, but will most likely cancel soon.


With the Asian market opening up, the loss of subscriptions will be countered by the new Asian players... but when the dust settles the true numbers will filter out.


I believe you will see, barring something dramatic like an actual 'miracle patch', that the subscription base will settle out at about 350k in a few months, probably a bit lower.


My 2 cents

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Why do people get so hung up on how many subs there are... especially for a game thats only recently come out of its free play period... why does it matter if there is only 300k subs or 2mill... question you really need to be asking yourself is...


Are you enjoying the game ??

If YES then great continue on paying the bucks

If NO then why are you even here asking silly questions, go find summing else to do with your time and money that yields more enjoyment for ya... :rolleyes:


Why? This is great fun, it's like watching a slow-motion train wreck. If this was a Roadrunner/Wiley E. Coyote cartoon, the safe is in mid-fall sloooooowly heading for the coyote's head, and he's looking up at it, knows it's coming. Meh, they took my money allotted for "entertainment" this month, I might well get something out of it.


The REAL fun is going to come when all the investors and stockholders demand to know where all the years and big honking wads of money went. Heads will roll, blood will be in the streets, careers destroyed...real Wrath of God type stuff. Who sez SEC filings can't be fun?

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60% burn off id say subs are about 850 k which is profitable for them and a succsess. but for gamers its not they were happy cashing in on a IP and a once great companies reputation to sell the 2 million plus boxes. When EA is involved the gamers lose everytime.
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