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Please stop the 1.2 armor model


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I like the new armour sets and tbh even the agents armour doesn't look as sleek as ours. Tho I ain't really one to talk since I like the cape and hats of tier 1.

Someone mentioned earlier that from 1.2 you can switch the mods out of the tier 2 gear to put in orange gear anyways, so you can look however you want to then.

If bw did pull back the designs for the 1.2 armour then I would be a very unhappy smuggler.

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Are you saying that he is wrong is suggesting that a smuggler would not want to look like Rakata?


If that is the case, and you want to talk original trilogy, Han Solo absolute did not care for "hokey religions and ancient weapons." If we are saying Han and our smugglers are of the same cloth, then a smuggler does not care for rakata-looking gear other than "how much can I sell this for"


Now if the smuggler had a Jedi buddy who told him "Wow nice find! Did you know that rakata helmet has special powers that grant women, wealth and handsome good looks?" The smuggler would probably say "Hmph..I have good looks...and you can never have enough women or money...tell me more." THEN he might wear it.


lol true bout the women and money thing, cept my chop's take care of the women part. I was refering to the sell his mother part, Family, and ultimately doing the right thing, is really important to Han. specially later on. hell Han left the Imp's and eventually became a Smuggler , because he was on the run for saving Chewie from the Imperials, again doing the right thing.

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yes but selling and ressembling is another thing. A smuggler would sell anything , even is mother , for credits. The point he wanted to make is, why would i make a tribute to them to adjust my GUNSLINGER/SCOUNDREL look to a force using bad looking specie


Hey, I totaly agree with you. There is no reason we would wear that crap.

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I'd also like a long coat that didn't feature a sweater colllar or pink in the design. Just a decent duster like the opening gunslinger.


A decent hat that didn't feature earmuffs and a wrap around to delete our hair would be nice too. How hard is it really to simply clip off the top of our hair for a hat instead of overwriting the while thing?


A beer hat is just silly though. May as well give us giant foam finger guns.

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I'd also like a long coat that didn't feature a sweater colllar or pink in the design. Just a decent duster like the opening gunslinger.


A decent hat that didn't feature earmuffs and a wrap around to delete our hair would be nice too. How hard is it really to simply clip off the top of our hair for a hat instead of overwriting the while thing?


A beer hat is just silly though. May as well give us giant foam finger guns.


In the 1.2 video, they showed the ability to change the colors on armor. I'd imagine you can change the color of the pink you are talking about.

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In the 1.2 video, they showed the ability to change the colors on armor. I'd imagine you can change the color of the pink you are talking about.


Knowing our luck it will change only two basic colours and the fine detail will remain the same. Leaving us stuck with pink.

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Since the community rep. wants a serious response, here it is.


What originally drew me to play a smuggler (gunslinger in specific), was how the smuggler in the cinematic trailer was portrayed. Since then, there has been very little focus on the class. This gear? Has to be a kick in the nuts to people that don't like lightsabers.


Is this really what the art team was hired to create? We don't want imaginative or original, we want the traditional look, what made a smuggler a smuggler.


In short. Quit making us look like god damn bullfighters. Quit making us look like ninja hammerhead sharks. Quit making us look like operatives. While the classes are similar we are not the same. The backgrounds for the two classes are completely different, and should be treated as such.


It's bad enough that Gunslinger underperforms when compared to most other classes, but having this to look forward to in terms of our tier gear is just... Too much.

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I'm currently sporting the duster with the little bit of pink on the chest that I crafted (which happen to like), black spider pants, and the leather helmet thing with bandana face mask that I got from a comm vendor. I think I look rather piratey/outlawish and I like it alot.


Unfortunately, in order to survive when I reach 50 and beyond, I'm going to have to get the end game/pvp gear. I'm not a big fan of the cowboy hat to be honest and would love to keep what I have now.


I think the best, and should be easiest, fix would be to allow our orange lvl 49 and below gear to be modded to be equal to pvp gear. Right now, it's as if lvl 50 is the beginning of the funnel and eventually originality in appearance is lost as everyone is a cowboy bull fighter.


The end-game/50 stuff should be something you want to work for and should be unique to show that you reached lvl 50. It sounds like many people are only gearing up bc they have to survive.


A lot of the under 50 gear is awesome - vests, dusters and smuggling jackets specifically. The supposed new 1.2 is starting to look like light trooper armor and very.....mechanical. I think everyone imagines a cowboy, Mal Reynolds, and Han Solo who are very very lightly outfitted. Vest, light jacket, trench coat type stuff.

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I... kind of like those goggles. It also seriously requires a THE GOGGLES THEY DO NOTHING image.


But if they are the new tiered armor... then Fleet will become a MUCH more entertaining place.


Especially with gear colouring... pink goggles?

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I haven't looked at the other armors yet. I play IA but seeing this... I feel so bad for you guys. It's hideous from top to bottom. I fear what the armors of the classes I play might look like. Yuck. Good to see the art design team is listening to the community by spewing out more garbage!
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Smuggler does not equal cowboy.


Smuggler does not equal beer-hat with goggles.


Smuggler does, seemingly, equal poorly designed. At the moment.


Hopefully with the next patch or two, some less outrageous outfits will be available. Consequently, I will remain adamant in my stance on vests, gloves, boots and pants - with no headgear or capes to be seen. Ever.


Personally, I want this outfit [with perhaps some different pants color] here.

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Seriously- this is crap and that is me being nice about it.


1) Helmet looks like it's got handlebars over a damn gimp mask....

2) More nut hugging pants... that went out of style in the 80's.

3) A knife strapped to my leg... I think that goes with.... no skill I ever use.... maybe some cheese spread for my fat smuggler. Which is great because it will go with my strapped-on left arm pouch that I keep my ritz crackers in.....

4) Some old wrestling kneepads that they are using for bracers....


I really wish I could understand the attempt here- but I really don't think I want to. I hope this is some PR trick to get people that play smuggler to nerd rage or quit the game so they become the absolute least played class

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I really wish I could understand the attempt here- but I really don't think I want to.


Men are from Mars, women are from Venus and the dev who designed that gear and the people who let him go through with it are from a galaxy far far away...

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You know, it's funny, I like the idea of a scoundrel with the vest and pants too. (Though I don't go with the red ones, that's for sure.)


In fact, back when the game first came out, all I rolled with was an off-grey sweater (or maybe it had a little tinge of color, my perception is a bit off on these issues) and some fairly standard looking slacks. Again, no headgear, none of that BS.


I still have the stuff too, but, alas, I'm going to want the augment slots in 1.2, and I don't think I can craft anything as an armormech that looks the same :\

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You know, it's funny, I like the idea of a scoundrel with the vest and pants too. (Though I don't go with the red ones, that's for sure.)


In fact, back when the game first came out, all I rolled with was an off-grey sweater (or maybe it had a little tinge of color, my perception is a bit off on these issues) and some fairly standard looking slacks. Again, no headgear, none of that BS.


I still have the stuff too, but, alas, I'm going to want the augment slots in 1.2, and I don't think I can craft anything as an armormech that looks the same :\


You can craft the Drelliad Jacket though which is the prefered one of a lot of smugglers. I'll have an armormech friend crafting me a crit version of that even if it kills him ;)

Or the Rugged Smuggling Jacket.


This is how I roll.


Like hell I'll turn into space-shark beer-hat

Edited by Melkathi
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I might end up going that route, but, I fear the augment thing will only work on level 50 oranges. Otherwise, people would just farm low end mats to pump out as many items as they can as cheaply as possible to get "end game" gear.
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I might end up going that route, but, I fear the augment thing will only work on level 50 oranges. Otherwise, people would just farm low end mats to pump out as many items as they can as cheaply as possible to get "end game" gear.


You may be correct in your fear. Wait and see I guess... and keep telling Bioware that "The new gear in that screenshot is TERRIBLE!"


There. Now I can go to bed.

Be back in a few hours to say once more how terribel the 1.2 armor is.

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hehe same for me


even after pondering the whole day i still find it ugly as hell.


I ask my wife who usually got a better taste then me on those kind of taste.


Her reaction was...


Me : hey baby , look at the new 1.2 smuggler tier armor , its awesome!

Her : HAAHAHAHAHAHA!!! OMG! he look so much like a ------- , i bet all the imps will laugh at you before killing you. *gentle pat*

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I can´t belive they´d let this through to live. Not enough to have been plauged byt the bloody capes on each and very end game set so far. Now u´r going to release this hideous thing for us smuglers?


How about u stop punishing us and actually reward us with a decent looking new set, or even better a great looking one. God knows we need some love by now... at least let us have some good looking gear after all the bat flaylin u´v been doing.

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Despite not particularly liking the set. I believe it would suit our companions and would keep the set none the less. Imagine you in pvp gear being followed by risha wearing that with a sniper rifle = beast. Corso in that trooper armor would look insanley cool and would make avi look more like republic mercenary


If nothing is changed i'd still get this.

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