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Please stop the 1.2 armor model


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pretty simple, as if the capes weren't bad enough, in 1.2 we Smugglers look to be getting strapped with the ridiculous looking gear seen here , http://i42.tinypic.com/b7dgme.jpg , taken from this video , http://video.mmosite.com/default.php?controller=resource&action=play&id=17888 , seen at about 1:40 in the group shot displaying the new republic armor models.

Not only does it look anything but what one would expect a Smuggler to look like in the Star Wars Universe but it also has components that don't even apply to our class ( ie knife hidden in the boot like, something one would expect an Imperial Agent to have. ). I know appearance is a small thing in the scope of all the content taht looks to be coming out with 1.2 but I , as I am sure others , have a hard time enjoying new content if all I can see is how much of a tool my avatar looks like.

If nothing else, it just looks bad and rushed compared to some of the other classes , look at I believe its the Sith Warrior in taht video, the gear looks though out and applicable to the class and arch type where as what we look to be getting looks like it was peeled off a washed up space found in some dirty alley on Corellia.

Maybe its just My opinion. maybe we'll get someones attention.



Edited by Yvin
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That trailer was amazing. I am beyond stoked.


Also, I'm wondering about your helmet... it looks like those party hats guys wear where there's a beer on either side of their head so they can keep drinking without using their hands.


If that's the case with the new Smuggler headgear, my respect for you guys has just risen dramatically!

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That's what ripping the armor mods out for. That being said, yeah. Kind of hideous. Was the artist suffering from sleep deprivation? The knife is fine, though. Hidden knife is perfectly understandable for a dirty fighter. Edited by KorinHyvek
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What appearance tab? I saw no such thing in the 1.2 preview, only a box that you can check to match your gear color scheme to your chest. :(


"Extractable tier 2 mods" - what the frak does that mean? Only Armorings from Columi\Tionese\Champ\Cent can be extracted or something?

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"Extractable tier 2 mods" - what the frak does that mean? Only Armorings from Columi\Tionese\Champ\Cent can be extracted or something?
No. Bioware considers all current gear to be Tier 1. Tier 2 is from the new op and War Hero. Translation: everything will be extractable.


So it doesn't matter what the new stuff looks like, since you can avoid it. Also, it doesn't look half as bad as the current endgame sets...

Edited by flem
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What appearance tab? I saw no such thing in the 1.2 preview

There was a screen in video, where char window had something new, some kind of buttons or boxes aside slots, and that's where they were speaking about "more customization". Can't remember exact timing and really not sure what those are supposed to do, still.


As for gear itself - nothing can be worse than coat\cape, ever. Helmet is awful, but so does every other helmet, and that's why we got a checkbox to hide it.

Edited by NRieh
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/Signed the BH looks ok and the trooper but really come on Devs the rest makes me wanna cry and makes my eyes bleed


At least you still have eyes. Tbhink of the smugglers who can't sign this petition because they clawed their eyes out at seeing that gear...




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