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The things I was able to do while waiting for Alderaan


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I played a warzone right now and these are the things I was able to do in the time it took for the planet to load after the warzone was over.


1. took my clothes out of the washer

2. put my clothes in the dryer

3. used the bathroom

4. washed my hands

5. grabbed a can of sprite from the fridge

6. put some chips in a bowl

7. walked back to my office

8. waited for alderaan to finish loading

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So get a better computer? Mine loads in a couple of seconds =/


I would like to challenge that statement. Theres no way Alderaan loads in a few seconds.



I have a new pc I built and spent 1200 bucks on that can play any game I throw at it, but loading on Alderaan still takes me around 4-5 minutes. Tattooine takes about the same for me as well.

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I would like to challenge that statement. Theres no way Alderaan loads in a few seconds.



I have a new pc I built and spent 1200 bucks on that can play any game I throw at it, but loading on Alderaan still takes me around 4-5 minutes. Tattooine takes about the same for me as well.


SSD 555MB/s = 10-15s at most to load.

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I would like to challenge that statement. Theres no way Alderaan loads in a few seconds.



I have a new pc I built and spent 1200 bucks on that can play any game I throw at it, but loading on Alderaan still takes me around 4-5 minutes. Tattooine takes about the same for me as well.


Not for me, a few seconds was a little bit over the top, a minute max is what mine takes to load. No where near 4-5

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Well not everyone has SSDs, for one, and the way th egame is loading, seems to be a bunch of small files, meaning that the search tiem which is virtually non existent on SSDs is what allows them to load fast, where as a regular good old fashioned Harddrive, is suffering, because of the wealth of small files to load.


This is in most cases not really that much of a problem as you can as the OP did, just do some things you need to do while waiting, but for Huttball it has been a major issue, and I really hope the new time out helps solve this.


The funny part is the way things are designed:


1) I enter a warzone

2) Server registres me in the warzone

3) my timeout counter begins


Meanwhile my client is still loading a bunch of small files, needing to find each and every one of them, timeout on huttball used to be 1 minute, worst case that was also the load time, meaning you get your picture, see a warning and you are kicked from it imidiately.


Now they have 'solved' this with a timeout increase to 90 seconds, poor design still, but better than before...


How should it be done:


1) I enter warzone

2) Server waits for client to give ready signal (wz loaded)

3) Time out ticker begins, and could even be 30 secs for all I care.


Essentially, load times could be reduced significantly had the game client been designed to 'pack' the zones and then just load one big file with all the needed textures etc, then unpack in memory, but alas such old fashioned thinking is out of fashion :(


EDIT: And before anyone comes up with the great idea of defragmenting the harddrive, this does nothing to reduce search times, only ensures faster transfer of larger consecutive files.

Edited by Jeskelech
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I got a new pc for this game, no SSD or anything "too" fancy, and I swear I load into and out of all WZ's in under 30 seconds. Heck, even 30 seconds might be a bit too long in all honesty. Now the first time I load in after logging in takes a bit more time sometimes, but just zoning doesnt.


Now I know some people might have LONG load times, but I dont think its entirely the games fault. I have a GTX 570 graphics card and a I5-2500k, so its not even "top of the line" system by any means, just a good one. Some of these long load times just might be poor hardware?

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I got a new pc for this game, no SSD or anything "too" fancy, and I swear I load into and out of all WZ's in under 30 seconds. Heck, even 30 seconds might be a bit too long in all honesty. Now the first time I load in after logging in takes a bit more time sometimes, but just zoning doesnt.


Now I know some people might have LONG load times, but I dont think its entirely the games fault. I have a GTX 570 graphics card and a I5-2500k, so its not even "top of the line" system by any means, just a good one. Some of these long load times just might be poor hardware?


Well in that case I would say that about 70% of all PC Gamers suffer from poor hardware, the enthusiasts who has the have the newest shinies all the time doesn't and that's about it.


The game is clearly stated to run on a large variety of different configurations, and it certainly does, it just doesn't run well.


Don't get me wrong, I love the game, and I am going to keep playing, I am merely poiting out some things could have been done to ensure a more equal gaming experience, and I am not talking about everyone having the same graphics quality, but rather that steps could have been taken to ensure that load time averages were more uniform, for the supported systems.


Disc search times seem to be a major bottleneck here, because of the way it is handled, whether or not this will be 'fixed' or mitigated in some way I will leave in the capable hands of BioWare.


Once a system is rolled out with a bunch of small files and a loading system already in place it is hard, if not directly impossible to redesign it, there may how ever be small certain things which can be done without everyone needing a brand new client that handles it completely different.


Another thing I have noticed which is somewhat annoying is that when your companion (s) chatter the game stalls for a moment while the audio is initialized, this is partucularly bad when just logging in and all of them are back from a crew skill mission, the game makes a freeze frame and then they all speak at the same time.


A minor annoyance at best that login problem, but it is there.

Edited by Jeskelech
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I played a warzone right now and these are the things I was able to do in the time it took for the planet to load after the warzone was over.


1. took my clothes out of the washer

2. put my clothes in the dryer

3. used the bathroom

4. washed my hands

5. grabbed a can of sprite from the fridge

6. put some chips in a bowl

7. walked back to my office

8. waited for alderaan to finish loading


See, playing TOR is productive.

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my computers rather mid range probly heading down towards the low end of the spectrum and i can load alderaan in 30 - 45 seconds wheres this 5minutes coming from everyone?


7200 rpm 1tb hdd

i5 2420

geforce 260 gtx

8gb 1333mhz ram.


or something along those lines dont remember exact models and numbers im not much a comp geek.

Edited by Neferseki
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I think that a lot of you are forgetting one thing, the game is supposed to be able to run on a 32 bit win xp, which doesn't have 8gb of ram, and which doesn't have all this new fancy disk indexing which comes with win vista and win 7


No offense, but IMO load times shouldn't difer that much between, regardless of system specifications, as long as you meet min specs.

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Hubby & I put together brand new computers for this game, including SSDs. Even so, loading the game or loading any planet has this happen:


Loading begins. Loading bar zooms to ~25%, and freezes.


This freeze can last just a few seconds, and then resume zooming, or it can last an excessive amount of time. So much that I want to tap my monitor and say "Hello? Is this thing on?". Mind you, it's not enough time to do all the OP did, not by far, as it's perhaps a half a minute or so (at max, often less), and not 'several minutes', but...

It's just weird, that the game will *always* freeze at that spot, every single time.

Edited by Shaz
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I would like to challenge that statement. Theres no way Alderaan loads in a few seconds.



I have a new pc I built and spent 1200 bucks on that can play any game I throw at it, but loading on Alderaan still takes me around 4-5 minutes. Tattooine takes about the same for me as well.


Clearly you did something wrong, because Alderaan takes me (at max) 10 seconds to load. Higher planets about the same. If not even less, in most cases.

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SSD 555MB/s = 10-15s at most to load.


I have an SSD, pretty pricey Intel (This one), and also a good top end rig.


So, yeah it takes several minutes for me to load Alderaan.


Why? I don't know, I responded in another thread about load times, saying that I think it has something to do with the server data retrieval, because there is NO WAY some of the machines out there should take longer than seconds for ANY planet.

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Clearly you did something wrong, because Alderaan takes me (at max) 10 seconds to load. Higher planets about the same. If not even less, in most cases.


Youtube vid please and thank you, I would be absolutely shocked if there was even a tiny bit of truth in this statement.

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Reason it takes so long to load Alderaan the way it does:


Simply put : The game engine is not entirely multi-threaded.


In places where it has a lot to do (such as loading in this planet, due to having a LOT of little asset files for textures, environment, etc.), it can only complete one task at a time, rather than taking full advantage of computers abilities to multi-task properly.


Sadly, they chose the Hero Engine, and although it may have allowed them to get the game up and running faster, it's now the double edged sword. They'll never admit it, but internally they know that the time to rewrite the Hero Engine is taking WAY longer than if they had wrote one from scratch, that's the nature of the beast in programming.

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Clearly you did something wrong, because Alderaan takes me (at max) 10 seconds to load. Higher planets about the same. If not even less, in most cases.


10 Seconds? I'd bet the farm on this being a HUGE exaggeration. Go to Alderaan, queue up for a Warzone, and after you leave the Warzone, you're gonna tell me it takes 10 seconds to start playing again? Bull.


I have an Agility 3 SSD, HD6870 Video Card, 16GB of memory, 8-core processor, and both the game and Windows 7 64-bit are installed on the SSD. It still takes about a minute to load back into game from a Warzone on Alderaan.

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