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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Did Bioware Come Through On Their Boasts?


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Let's see if people remember these Boasts pre-launch.


Quote: We built a world big enough to feel expansive, but still not so large that we couldn’t ensure that all of the content was handcrafted up to a BioWare level of quality - Bioware


* Wrong! You didn't build worlds, you built a region from a world that in some cases is very restrictive in "exploration" like city planets.


Quote from Daniel Erickson: One of the differences with our world design is that our environments are not undulating repeated planes - all hand crafted - Edge


* True - But you forgot Day/Night.


Quote From Daniel Erickson: "One of the real things we wanted to show at GDC this year is that our worlds are huge, actually. They are giant, you can explore. They are massive. You can just wander off one direction and go forever."


* False - SWG had Larger area (based on foot step), and many other MMO's. Real let down. I thought the LOTRO and WOW world exploration was limited until SWTOR.


Quest objectives, bonus objectives, detailed information about the quest and who in group has the quest all shown on mini maps.


* True - With Very Impressive updating and notations. Only had one glitch so far.


Traveling through space is an exciting part of the Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ experience. Not only will you navigate the stars to visit new planets, but you can also choose to undertake critical missions in the depths of space where you'll maneuver through chaotic asteroid fields, blast enemy fighters, and engage in epic, large-scale fleet battles reminiscent of those from the classic Star Wars™ films.


In keeping with the original Star Wars films, the Space Combat system in Star Wars: The Old Republic is designed to make travel times literally fly-by, while combat runs and space battles put you in the pilot's seat for a fast-paced and highly cinematic experience. Like Luke Skywalker in the original assault on the Death Star, you'll also discover that even a lone starship can change the course of galactic history.


* Totally Overblown - Now what was written can be taken in different context depending on reading. I myself thought we would could fly around like SWG planet to planet, and see many unique space aspects along the way from "Not only will you navigate the stars to visit new planets....." Missions thus far are duplicates of each other, on a rail system. In all honesty if SOE could add on a a pretty decent open area, why couldn't you guys? GET OFF THE RAILS! Even Battlestar Galactica Online is more "explorative" then this.

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Boast: Cinematic combat, where the animation is tied to the action!


Reality: Cinematic combat, where the action won't occur unless the animation completes, resulting in exceedingly unresponsive gameplay, "instants" that can get interrupted, an overall sense of awkwardness in combat, and bafflingly huge differences between mirror classes!




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Let's see if people remember these Boasts pre-launch.


Quote: We built a world big enough to feel expansive, but still not so large that we couldn’t ensure that all of the content was handcrafted up to a BioWare level of quality - Bioware


* Wrong! You didn't build worlds, you built a region from a world that in some cases is very restrictive in "exploration" like city planets.



I take it as sort of compromise in this one case while agreeing on the rest, an ecunomopolis is very difficult to design in terms of being "endless". You have to use alot more assets, alot more stuff goes into detail, imagine Coruscant as big as Hoth, you run risk in creating something fairly repetitive while also losing yourself into too much details. Size vs. complexity.


Quote from Daniel Erickson: One of the differences with our world design is that our environments are not undulating repeated planes - all hand crafted - Edge


* True - But you forgot Day/Night.


Actually partially true. In addition to your point things are feeling alot repetitive because they forgot to fill the plains with life and variety as well. Every planet with a flora feels like a giant grainfield. Whilst there is the odd bird there is no thing like a critter in SW:TOR. It's like nature consists of plants, monsters and sentient beings only.


Quote From Daniel Erickson: "One of the real things we wanted to show at GDC this year is that our worlds are huge, actually. They are giant, you can explore. They are massive. You can just wander off one direction and go forever."


* False - SWG had Larger area (based on foot step), and many other MMO's. Real let down. I thought the LOTRO and WOW world exploration was limited until SWTOR.


The main issues I find isn't just how limited these worlds feel in terms of exploration but how limitations are implemented and handled.

Take WoW for example, their world design works because everything is an enclosed island or continent. Borders are waters with a fairly visible warning zone (darker) or infinitely high mountain sides. Unless you are AFK or stray far away on purpose you cannot accidentally run into "forbidden" zones and die whereas in SW:TOR you do not have these limitations, almost everything is climbable and areas end in open zones, deserts, plains etc. without any warning given.


At least them being planets gives them room for expansions later, but they should give some more room for hitting borders and mark it as such, a dense sandstorm in Tatooine, a thick snowstorm as you are approaching borders marked on the map as dark border zones would actually do wonders.

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Gotta agree with the OP, the Bioware Marketing machine did a very good job at dancing on that fine line between exaggeration and flat out lies.


To me, it doesn't feel like we're inhabiting "worlds" where we can "jump off the rails from time to time (to quote Damian Shubert)

The environments feel like Star Wars Movie Set Tours, where you're given a goody bag with an iconic gadget and clothing and told you're a <insert class name here>.


Damian Schubert once posted a blog which touched on the difference between "games" and "Worlds". In it he remarked:


Freedom is a true part of the magic of MMOs, and artificial constraints and mechanics can undermine the fiction and the sense that you are living in the virtual world – and when you have a brand as rich and textured as Star Wars™, the last thing you want to do is undermine it. Even worse, the depth and visual splendor of Star Wars™: The Old Republic would be completely lost if players couldn’t jump off the rails and just live in the space from time to time.


I’ve long advocated that moderation is the way to go, and I believe on The Old Republic we are successfully travelling a middle path, a centrist path that takes the strengths of both: provide a directed and balanced game experience inside a lush, free-form Star Wars world.

Unfortunately, TOR doesn't seem to have actually ended up on that "centrist path".

Even Dr Ray Mazuka seems to think that games need to offer the capabilities that the players expect:




"When you deliver a game, and you deliver it for a player, you have to capture what they think is the possibility space," he explains. "You need to let them do everything they think they should do, and you can't block them from doing anything they think they should be able to do. You have to nail all the features and content that should be in that possibility space."


Unfortunately, in its present state, TOR doesn't accomplish this either.

Edited by Tarka
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My favorite 180 was that hilarious dev blog from William Wallace from like a year and a half ago which talks about sandbox and themepark design.


Anyways, the hilarious part was when he actually boasted that TOR will walk a middle road between the two MMO types.


Hahaha, really funny, William!


I just tried to dig up the dev blog but Bioware took it down, lol.

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Let's see if people remember these Boasts pre-launch.


Quote: We built a world big enough to feel expansive, but still not so large that we couldn’t ensure that all of the content was handcrafted up to a BioWare level of quality - Bioware


* Wrong! You didn't build worlds, you built a region from a world that in some cases is very restrictive in "exploration" like city planets.


Quote from Daniel Erickson: One of the differences with our world design is that our environments are not undulating repeated planes - all hand crafted - Edge


* True - But you forgot Day/Night.


Quote From Daniel Erickson: "One of the real things we wanted to show at GDC this year is that our worlds are huge, actually. They are giant, you can explore. They are massive. You can just wander off one direction and go forever."


* False - SWG had Larger area (based on foot step), and many other MMO's. Real let down. I thought the LOTRO and WOW world exploration was limited until SWTOR.


Quest objectives, bonus objectives, detailed information about the quest and who in group has the quest all shown on mini maps.


* True - With Very Impressive updating and notations. Only had one glitch so far.


Traveling through space is an exciting part of the Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ experience. Not only will you navigate the stars to visit new planets, but you can also choose to undertake critical missions in the depths of space where you'll maneuver through chaotic asteroid fields, blast enemy fighters, and engage in epic, large-scale fleet battles reminiscent of those from the classic Star Wars™ films.


In keeping with the original Star Wars films, the Space Combat system in Star Wars: The Old Republic is designed to make travel times literally fly-by, while combat runs and space battles put you in the pilot's seat for a fast-paced and highly cinematic experience. Like Luke Skywalker in the original assault on the Death Star, you'll also discover that even a lone starship can change the course of galactic history.


* Totally Overblown - Now what was written can be taken in different context depending on reading. I myself thought we would could fly around like SWG planet to planet, and see many unique space aspects along the way from "Not only will you navigate the stars to visit new planets....." Missions thus far are duplicates of each other, on a rail system. In all honesty if SOE could add on a a pretty decent open area, why couldn't you guys? GET OFF THE RAILS! Even Battlestar Galactica Online is more "explorative" then this.


Looks to me like they got it all down except for the "wandering off in a direction and explore forever" feeling. Hello, Exhaustion Zone!


But the environments I have seen are beautifully done. Nar Shaddaa and Alderaan are two of my favorites after Coruscant.


And I love seeing how the maps relate as you're flying around on the taxi, especially on Coruscant where the levels are on different heights within the supercity structure.


There's no way you could build all of Coruscant. Even the movies only showed you a small portion of the planet. They would work for 10 years straight with an entire team doing NOTHING but building interiors on Coruscant, and they'd barely get out of the main city.


Some things just aren't possible except in your imagination.


With that said, I do like the idea and have suggested it before that one or two of the new planets to be introduced in the next year or two be created as a "full planet" that we can explore all of it without exhaustion zones. But I don't expect there to be very many of those in the game. Even one would be a miracle at this point.

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Looks to me like they got it all down except for the "wandering off in a direction and explore forever" feeling. Hello, Exhaustion Zone!


But the environments I have seen are beautifully done. Nar Shaddaa and Alderaan are two of my favorites after Coruscant.


And I love seeing how the maps relate as you're flying around on the taxi, especially on Coruscant where the levels are on different heights within the supercity structure.


There's no way you could build all of Coruscant. Even the movies only showed you a small portion of the planet. They would work for 10 years straight with an entire team doing NOTHING but building interiors on Coruscant, and they'd barely get out of the main city.


Some things just aren't possible except in your imagination.


With that said, I do like the idea and have suggested it before that one or two of the new planets to be introduced in the next year or two be created as a "full planet" that we can explore all of it without exhaustion zones. But I don't expect there to be very many of those in the game. Even one would be a miracle at this point.


Funny thing is, other games have actually accomplished more than what TOR offers in certain areas.

Edited by Tarka
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Let's see if people remember these Boasts pre-launch.


Quote: We built a world big enough to feel expansive, but still not so large that we couldn’t ensure that all of the content was handcrafted up to a BioWare level of quality - Bioware


* Wrong! You didn't build worlds, you built a region from a world that in some cases is very restrictive in "exploration" like city planets.


Quote from Daniel Erickson: One of the differences with our world design is that our environments are not undulating repeated planes - all hand crafted - Edge


* True - But you forgot Day/Night.


Quote From Daniel Erickson: "One of the real things we wanted to show at GDC this year is that our worlds are huge, actually. They are giant, you can explore. They are massive. You can just wander off one direction and go forever."


* False - SWG had Larger area (based on foot step), and many other MMO's. Real let down. I thought the LOTRO and WOW world exploration was limited until SWTOR.


Quest objectives, bonus objectives, detailed information about the quest and who in group has the quest all shown on mini maps.


* True - With Very Impressive updating and notations. Only had one glitch so far.


Traveling through space is an exciting part of the Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ experience. Not only will you navigate the stars to visit new planets, but you can also choose to undertake critical missions in the depths of space where you'll maneuver through chaotic asteroid fields, blast enemy fighters, and engage in epic, large-scale fleet battles reminiscent of those from the classic Star Wars™ films.


In keeping with the original Star Wars films, the Space Combat system in Star Wars: The Old Republic is designed to make travel times literally fly-by, while combat runs and space battles put you in the pilot's seat for a fast-paced and highly cinematic experience. Like Luke Skywalker in the original assault on the Death Star, you'll also discover that even a lone starship can change the course of galactic history.


* Totally Overblown - Now what was written can be taken in different context depending on reading. I myself thought we would could fly around like SWG planet to planet, and see many unique space aspects along the way from "Not only will you navigate the stars to visit new planets....." Missions thus far are duplicates of each other, on a rail system. In all honesty if SOE could add on a a pretty decent open area, why couldn't you guys? GET OFF THE RAILS! Even Battlestar Galactica Online is more "explorative" then this.


No They didn't.

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I'll play along...



Let's see if people remember these Boasts pre-launch.


Quote: We built a world big enough to feel expansive, but still not so large that we couldn’t ensure that all of the content was handcrafted up to a BioWare level of quality - Bioware


True. When I set aside the word "world" and focus on the promise - feeling expansive while having content at the BioWare level of quality - they absolutely did this.




Quote from Daniel Erickson: One of the differences with our world design is that our environments are not undulating repeated planes - all hand crafted - Edge


True. The worlds are not undulating repeated planes. The fact that this is true of any other modern MMO notwithstanding.




Quote From Daniel Erickson: "One of the real things we wanted to show at GDC this year is that our worlds are huge, actually. They are giant, you can explore. They are massive. You can just wander off one direction and go forever."


Neutral. You can't wander off "forever". But on some worlds you can go really, really far. Tattoine and Hoth in particular are massive. Quesh and the origin and capital worlds, not so much so.




Quest objectives, bonus objectives, detailed information about the quest and who in group has the quest all shown on mini maps.


True. They did a great job with this. Anyone who asks in General chat where their quest objective is after leaving the origin world just isn't paying attention.




Traveling through space is an exciting part of the Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ experience. Not only will you navigate the stars to visit new planets, but you can also choose to undertake critical missions in the depths of space where you'll maneuver through chaotic asteroid fields, blast enemy fighters, and engage in epic, large-scale fleet battles reminiscent of those from the classic Star Wars™ films.


In keeping with the original Star Wars films, the Space Combat system in Star Wars: The Old Republic is designed to make travel times literally fly-by, while combat runs and space battles put you in the pilot's seat for a fast-paced and highly cinematic experience. Like Luke Skywalker in the original assault on the Death Star, you'll also discover that even a lone starship can change the course of galactic history.


Neutral. Travel times in the ship fly by. Running through an orbital station to a shuttle to actually get to the planet erases that benefit. Space combat lives up to the words above but it's still pretty "meh" IMO.

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It's all too repetitive. yes landscapes are different, but interior building models are the same throughout....bridges and exterior buildings are same or similar design. I've seen the same cave map and interior warehouse map about 5 different times when levelingThe map sucks, you can't tell if something is a wall or an entrance.


Now, that stuff doesn't bother me, for the most part I enjoy the game, but I'm hardly hardcore. But I agree with OP, they've skated a fine line on promises and could have spent more time on unique environments and performance issues.

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Let's see if people remember these Boasts pre-launch.


Quote: We built a world big enough to feel expansive, but still not so large that we couldn’t ensure that all of the content was handcrafted up to a BioWare level of quality - Bioware


* Wrong! You didn't build worlds, you built a region from a world that in some cases is very restrictive in "exploration" like city planets.


Hoth and Tattoine as examples are plenty big.


Quote from Daniel Erickson: One of the differences with our world design is that our environments are not undulating repeated planes - all hand crafted - Edge


* True - But you forgot Day/Night.


Not necessary


Quote From Daniel Erickson: "One of the real things we wanted to show at GDC this year is that our worlds are huge, actually. They are giant, you can explore. They are massive. You can just wander off one direction and go forever."


* False - SWG had Larger area (based on foot step), and many other MMO's. Real let down. I thought the LOTRO and WOW world exploration was limited until SWTOR.


SWG planets were vastly empty land with nothing to see other than constantly running into player housing that got in the way of one's destination.

Quest objectives, bonus objectives, detailed information about the quest and who in group has the quest all shown on mini maps.


* True - With Very Impressive updating and notations. Only had one glitch so far.


Traveling through space is an exciting part of the Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ experience. Not only will you navigate the stars to visit new planets, but you can also choose to undertake critical missions in the depths of space where you'll maneuver through chaotic asteroid fields, blast enemy fighters, and engage in epic, large-scale fleet battles reminiscent of those from the classic Star Wars™ films.


In keeping with the original Star Wars films, the Space Combat system in Star Wars: The Old Republic is designed to make travel times literally fly-by, while combat runs and space battles put you in the pilot's seat for a fast-paced and highly cinematic experience. Like Luke Skywalker in the original assault on the Death Star, you'll also discover that even a lone starship can change the course of galactic history.


* Totally Overblown - Now what was written can be taken in different context depending on reading. I myself thought we would could fly around like SWG planet to planet, and see many unique space aspects along the way from "Not only will you navigate the stars to visit new planets....." Missions thus far are duplicates of each other, on a rail system. In all honesty if SOE could add on a a pretty decent open area, why couldn't you guys? GET OFF THE RAILS! Even Battlestar Galactica Online is more "explorative" then this.


Space combat isn't the primary focus of the game nor intended to be a space sim, never will be. It's just a minigame which will get expanded on down the road. Anyone who spent 5 minutes of research knew exactly what to expect from space.

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I´d be totally happy if one of the BW devs just says - "yes, you are right, we planned all this but it will take another year, or probably two. After this, be sure that we will meet and succeed all your expectations. Hang in there. Watch the worlds evolve. It will be a sandbox game, you will explore the universe, planetary housing will be there, space exploration, atmospheric flight, multiplayer off-rails space combat and trading too, just give us as a little more time and see the game grow - you won´t be disappointed". Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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Space combat isn't the primary focus of the game nor intended to be a space sim, never will be. It's just a minigame which will get expanded on down the road. Anyone who spent 5 minutes of research knew exactly what to expect from space.


Fine and dandy to state that now, but for years after I joined this community back in 2008 I assumed that space combat was going to be at least as good as SWG. The quotes the OP used were from just prior to details of how space combat would work, therefore they qualify as not living up to the boasts made.

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My favorite 180 was that hilarious dev blog from William Wallace from like a year and a half ago which talks about sandbox and themepark design.


Anyways, the hilarious part was when he actually boasted that TOR will walk a middle road between the two MMO types.


Hahaha, really funny, William!


I just tried to dig up the dev blog but Bioware took it down, lol.


My favorite was when they flat-out claimed that boss fights wouldn't revolve around multiple players beating on a loot pinata for 20 minutes. Yeah... they really saw that vision through.

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Fine and dandy to state that now, but for years after I joined this community back in 2008 I assumed that space combat was going to be at least as good as SWG.


That´s what I thought too.


Pretty awesome video in your signature, was it possible to switch to cockpit view in SW Battlefront? I really like the "walk to ship, get in and fly out of hangar" concept. Was ist also possible to enter the atmosphere of the planet below?

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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Traveling through space is an exciting part of the Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ experience. Not only will you navigate the stars to visit new planets, but you can also choose to undertake critical missions in the depths of space where you'll maneuver through chaotic asteroid fields, blast enemy fighters, and engage in epic, large-scale fleet battles reminiscent of those from the classic Star Wars™ films.


In keeping with the original Star Wars films, the Space Combat system in Star Wars: The Old Republic is designed to make travel times literally fly-by, while combat runs and space battles put you in the pilot's seat for a fast-paced and highly cinematic experience. Like Luke Skywalker in the original assault on the Death Star, you'll also discover that even a lone starship can change the course of galactic history.


Neutral. Travel times in the ship fly by. Running through an orbital station to a shuttle to actually get to the planet erases that benefit. Space combat lives up to the words above but it's still pretty "meh" IMO.


I want to pick this apart.


Travel times in the ship fly by.


Orly owl says hello. You consider starport run -> loadscreen -> run through ship -> galaxy map -> flight time -> run through ship -> loadscreen -> run through starport a travel time that 'flies by?' Or perhaps you meant that shuttle -> space dock -> space dock portal -> load screen -> run through ship -> galaxy map -> flight time -> run through ship -> loadscreen -> space dock portal -> space dock -> shuttle was the quicker path to fulfillment?


How can anyone in their right mind claim that travel time in SW:TOR is anything even resembling rapid? In fact, the travel legs are so unrelentingly painful that my gametime is literally spent bouncing between three warzones and the claustrophobic space station. The mere thought of enduring an agonizing galactic trip to see another empty world is all the reason I need to stay boxed up on Vaiken all day long.


Space combat lives up to the words above


It in no way, shape or form lives up to the words above. How are our actions altering galactic history? I mean, lordy, when it comes to the copy-and-pasted space battles you see 2-3 times while leveling, it seems like history is actually repeating itself! Not only are the battles an on-rail joke, but they're carbon copies of something I did 10 levels ago! You'd think that, had my character made such a big contribution to history, we wouldn't be re-fighting the same encounter three different times.


I find your efforts to defend this shabby product offensive to the eyes and wholly wanting. You have failed.

Edited by AJediKnight
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What I don't understand is why they decided not to give the player real freedom. Like why in space the journey doesn't take a relative amount of time to the travel and during that time they gave you interesting stuff to do on the ship, like checking what you had gathered, checking inventory, looking at log entries say on an email equivalent starship computer that you have to work out and may give you real leads to new adventures. TV room say or music facility to create your own stuff. A practice area on the ship for combat. An AH on the ship and fun things to do. And then random conflicts in space with other factions and the chance to land on random planets... Happens in STO and its all instanced so just create one of the mini maps for a random planet. And with the travel around planets make it feel more like you are adventuring by giving you more freedom and let you steal ships and speeders and even spaceships. Make your own challenges, explore the unexplored and create your own adventure.


Sadly the game is just a linear predefined path and its starting to show badly now with the apparent lack of interest. For me its too late but for others they may get involved if they can find interesting stuff to do. And the space travel is a start and random instanced planets and instanced sections of the planet maybe.

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What I don't understand is why they decided not to give the player real freedom. Like why in space the journey doesn't take a relative amount of time to the travel and during that time they gave you interesting stuff to do on the ship, like checking what you had gathered, checking inventory, looking at log entries say on an email equivalent starship computer that you have to work out and may give you real leads to new adventures. TV room say or music facility to create your own stuff. A practice area on the ship for combat. An AH on the ship and fun things to do. And then random conflicts in space with other factions and the chance to land on random planets... Happens in STO and its all instanced so just create one of the mini maps for a random planet. And with the travel around planets make it feel more like you are adventuring by giving you more freedom and let you steal ships and speeders and even spaceships. Make your own challenges, explore the unexplored and create your own adventure.


Sadly the game is just a linear predefined path and its starting to show badly now with the apparent lack of interest. For me its too late but for others they may get involved if they can find interesting stuff to do. And the space travel is a start and random instanced planets and instanced sections of the planet maybe.



wow, that sounds really great! Reading that block of text was definitely more immersive than my last travel from Hoth to Quesh.

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I would really like to know where Bioware got their vision of exploration, because they just flat out have no clue. The first time i got to Hoth and started to go in any direction i ended up getting the exhaustion message. There's not one inch of planet property that doesn't include you having to be there to complete a quest. Where's all the hidden cities to explore for ancient relics or secrets for more power, where are all the hidden caves or abandoned moon base's or orbital stations, Yes, datacrons are there, but they don't count, since they are placed in a area that you're going to go to anyway and they are very easy to see and find. Wouldn't it have been nice to make them actually be in secret locations that had spawn and despawn timers. so they ended up in random places on different planets.


Nothing this game offers, wants you to actually have to use your brain. It's a Easter egg hunt that is being played in a confined one room area, where the location of the eggs are given to you. Everything you get from TOR is handed to you. This is why i call it a game, because it is nowhere near being a real MMORPG.

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