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It's time to end the grass/snow days...


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For all the people that don't play both imps/republic, when u call grass/snow it means we have to stop and think for a good 5-10 seconds (checking our map) on which side to backup!


It's time for everyone to learn their east/west or keep it simple right/left!


Most of us are sticking to 1 side to lvl up to 50 but sooner or later we will change from imps to republic or the other way around and i can tell you, checking your map and thinking which side is snow/grass takes a good 5-10 seconds and half the experience playing playing this game will just leave the map and it will just be the noobs left!


Trust me, i do my daily WZ on both imps/republic and its so annoying cause pvp is all about the split second! Calling snow/grass will cost a good 5-10 seconds to ppl that play both sides and cause they play both sides they are more experienced!


Can we learn our left & right or I'm I just asking for 2 much cause for some stupid reason i do many ppl in reality unable to tell the difference and it's really not that hard or is it???


I play both Empire and Republic.


It takes me 0.5 seconds to work out where snow and grass is SINCE I LOOK OUTSIDE THE WINDOW TO SEE GRASS AND SNOW.



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So, after looking at the map once you will always know exactly which direction you are facing without ever seeing it again?


I call BS, unless you are full on OCD about tracking every single turn your character makes.

The great players are OCD about everything pertaining to PvP. That's what makes them great vs good vs average.

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Should never really have to say anything more than east/west...but....


I find when I'm on my Imp I say left/east and right/west just in case

and of course on the pub I say the opposite.


I tried to adopt the grass/snow theory, but it poses a problem when you're in the middle of a match and you're holding the middle and one side. If you call out "snow inc" or "grass inc" people will actually go to the wrong side...despite the fact you only hold the middle and another node. Yeah, there probably isn't helping those people no matter what you say though.

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Did a majority of people fail third-grade geography? Is this why the concept of using East and West is so hard?


East will always be East, whether you're looking at the main map or minimap. West will always be West, whether you're looking at the main map or minimap. Also, East and West are absolute and are not relative to start-point orientation, so there is no confusion about, "who's left and right are we going by?" This goes for VS, too, not just ACW.


In all, the only logical argument for not using East and West is being uneducated.

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Did a majority of people fail third-grade geography? Is this why the concept of using East and West is so hard?


East will always be East, whether you're looking at the main map or minimap. West will always be West, whether you're looking at the main map or minimap. Also, East and West are absolute and are not relative to start-point orientation, so there is no confusion about, "who's left and right are we going by?" This goes for VS, too, not just ACW.


In all, the only logical argument for not using East and West is being uneducated.


You obviously play Republic. The map and the minimap are not oriented the same for Imperials.

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The issue with left and right or east and west really depends on the reference point (minmap vs starting point vs world map). Personally, calling left/right or east/west takes me much longer than snow/grass.
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One side has snow.

One side has grass.


Pretty cut and dry.


Left, matter of perspective.

Right, matter of perspective.


Very confusing, especially when i go by the map and turret indicator and someone yells "TAKE RIGHT" and i'm like "According to my game, we have right, i'm at it, it's clear"


East and West, while fairly cut and dry, take a second to figure out for most players due to speeder disorientation or map opening, or a just general public school system fail.


I have no problems with East/West, but if you can't figure out Snow/Grass either, well, you've got bigger problems than just winning Civil War.

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The issue with left and right or east and west really depends on the reference point (minmap vs starting point vs world map). Personally, calling left/right or east/west takes me much longer than snow/grass.


You obviously play Republic. The map and the minimap are not oriented the same for Imperials.


I don't know if you guys are trolls or simply uneducated. East and West are absolute on any map. It doesn't matter where you start, East will always be East - West will always be West.


It doesn't matter if I'm in Texas or North Dakota, the West Coast will always be West and the East Coast will always be East. If I am facing South whilst standing in North Dakota, the West Coast is still West. If I am facing North whilst standing in Texas, the East Coast is still East. If I am facing North whilst standing in North Dakota, the East Coast is still East. If I am facing South whilst standing in Texas, the West Coast is still West. Alignment of the compass is not relative to orientation.


Is that a hard concept to grasp? East is East - West is West.

Edited by Sippix
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Its funny because we use Grass and Snow because of the disorientation caused by taking the speeder.


We don't use west and east because its subjective to where you are on the map.


Snow is always snowy, grass is always grassy.


Anyone ever been in the ship when it exploded? good times.


east and west don't change....


If you're imps east is your left and west is your right in civil war / other way around for republic. Republic is facing north and imps are facing south, it's fairly simple.

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Imperial: Snow is Left, Grass is Right

Republic: Snow is Right, Grass is Left





WRONG (well it's right but will confuse most people.


Imperial Snow is East Grass is West

Republic Snow is East Grass is West.



The sides never change. East and west on the Map are Constant even if your view is different. The soon people get this though their heads the better off everyone will be.

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Grass/snow is a universal direction system, here is the issue.


People use the direction from their ship not on the map, why i dont know its so much easier to use the map i mean u can run and check it. Personally i use the gun icons to call direction, generally the left gun is well left, right gun is well right and middle one is mid.


I dont see the big deal with multiple ways to call it, think of it this way...at least they are trying right? would you rather them not say anything and lose a base potentially?

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Its funny because we use Grass and Snow because of the disorientation caused by taking the speeder.


We don't use west and east because its subjective to where you are on the map.


Snow is always snowy, grass is always grassy.


Anyone ever been in the ship when it exploded? good times.


Most failboat statement ever.


East and west are completely objective.


Snow/grass is retarded because u can't see which is which from mid. Plus, there's also snow on the grass side.

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I really don't see what the problem with using left / right is.


There is no grey area, there is only one left and only one right, the side you are on makes no difference.


I always used to think that until a warzone I played this afternoon, I called 'inc right' and someone responded with 'ours or theirs?' I mean, really? left is left, right is right, its not rocket science!


Left = Left speeder in ship or turn left at the land point.

Right = Right speeder on ship or turn right at the land point.


Whats difficult about it and thats far easier for everyone to understand, or at least it should be you would think!


Except left and right are completely subjective. Half the people I talk to use the map when talking about left and right, and the other half use the direction they face when spawning (which isn't always the same like in voidstar).

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We don't use west and east because its subjective to where you are on the map.


No it's not. Left/Right is often viewed as opposed to your position, East and West is and always will be East and West.

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