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Official Repub Rage Thread


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Have won 1 out of 23 warzones so far today. One. One lousy win.


Bioware, do you understand what's going on here? Seriously. I don't think you do.


Some of us are going to quit, and that's fine, such as life in a MMO. The others that stick around and narrow the gap are gonna get got. Cuz when they level the playing field and the Imps actually start losing....guess what....they'll quit. Then you'll have the PVE crowd to cater to...which is probably best for you'se guys anyways...since you don't get it.


GG. March 22nd I'm out. I'm not paying to be farmed by people you ALLOWED to exploit Ilum and didn't have the stones to rollback. Cowards.


I'd like a refund as well.....but I know that ain't gonna happen. Worst gaming purchase I've ever made? Maybe, maybe not. I dunno. I would put AOC, COH, COV, and WOW above this any day. (Although levels 1-49 were pretty awesome.)


Sticky this. At least let us get a win on the forums. :)

Edited by DarthNuke
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I got my daily this morning before work.


One voidstar we lost though had 4 sorcs 3 sith assassin tank spec and 1 maurader. This one was tough, and a tad annoying as a guardian player.


I think we could have won easily if the 4 randoms we got knew how to target down, we even marked 2 of the healers to no avail.


Just gotta work as a team!

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I've lost a ton the past week or so but its not because the republic players are horrible or the classes are imbalanced between factions..


Its because I start almost every game with 5-6 players. It hard to defend doors and take turrets like this.

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I've lost a ton the past week or so but its not because the republic players are horrible or the classes are imbalanced between factions..


Its because I start almost every game with 5-6 players. It hard to defend doors and take turrets like this.


This has been the biggest issues as of late.


Seems like there are Repubs that are purposely delaying the team formations. Maybe imp alts.


Also seems like the spawn timers / lockout for republic are several seconds longer than imps.

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It's now just a crap shoot on how many peeps you get in your group that need 3 Wins for the day. The rest are just going to cadillac or AFK after gaining 4 medals.


My suggestion: roll with a Premade. It's pretty much absolutely necessary now if you want to lock down your wins.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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This has been the biggest issues as of late.


Seems like there are Repubs that are purposely delaying the team formations. Maybe imp alts.


Also seems like the spawn timers / lockout for republic are several seconds longer than imps.


I think you're paranoid.

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Keller's void is about the same bro ;( and honestly, some of it is bioware's fault for the bugs but the majority of it is the jaghovs that cheated to get their gear and want nothing but to faceroll undergeared/underskilled folks (rather than take the harder route and even things out). But whatever, they'll eventually get bored and quit, or roll republic... one way or the other it'll work out. Until then I am just just leveling alts and working my level 50/valor 59 jc during times I know good folks are on.
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This has been the biggest issues as of late.


Seems like there are Repubs that are purposely delaying the team formations. Maybe imp alts.


Also seems like the spawn timers / lockout for republic are several seconds longer than imps.


lol. Imperials taking shifts logged on as their level 50 republic alts? to join the pvp queue and then not enter it. THIS IS DEFINITELY HAPPENING.

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While it's not the response you want, that's the type of issue that requires re-rolling servers. My longest losing streak has been 5 since release, some of these numbers are absurd.


Dude...we killed it in the < 50 bracket. But there was a ton of kill trading and turret exploiting on my server by the lvl 50 Imps. Reps are so outmatched it isn't even funny just based on gear. These guys ain't good. They plant....don't move....laugh off damage....and dominate.



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Have won 1 out of 23 warzones so far today. One. One lousy win.


Bioware, do you understand what's going on here? Seriously. I don't think you do.


Some of us are going to quit, and that's fine, such as life in a MMO. The others that stick around and narrow the gap are gonna get got. Cuz when they level the playing field and the Imps actually start losing....guess what....they'll quit. Then you'll have the PVE crowd to cater to...which is probably best for you'se guys anyways...since you don't get it.


GG. March 22nd I'm out. I'm not paying to be farmed by people you ALLOWED to exploit Ilum and didn't have the stones to rollback. Cowards.


I'd like a refund as well.....but I know that ain't gonna happen. Worst gaming purchase I've ever made? Maybe, maybe not. I dunno. I would put AOC, COH, COV, and WOW above this any day. (Although levels 1-49 were pretty awesome.)


Sticky this. At least let us get a win on the forums. :)


Come on over to Rubat Crystal where the reps win 9 out of 10 matches. This isn't an "empire is over geared so reps lose all the time issue" if that were the case than empire wouldn't get owned 9 out 10 games. It's a server/Bioware problem. Let's face it, Bioware sucks at pvp.

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People still complaining about gear and reps cant win...it is starting to bore tbh.


BM gear is good for pvp but isnt an "I WIN" button. Going into pvp right after dinging 50 putting no effort whatsoever into gear expecting to do fine is just lazy, there are plenty of ways to set up a decent set of gear prior to setting foot in pvp so if the gear disparity is enough to make you lose 27 in a row that is not because they are overgeared it is because you are woefully undergeared and likely put in insufficient effort, or you are terrible (which is OK btw but that is on you no one else).


With a little effort gaining access to decent starting gear while not having expertise will allow you to contribute. Less than 1 weeks worth of PVP and you should have plenty of expertise to be competitive.


I feel that having to overcome a gear disparity makes you play better and encourages you to perform the actions such as focusing healers and sticking together to take down targets which teach you how to best achieve the objectives in Wzs.


If the gear disparity truly created an insurmountable wall I could accept the arguments but its just not that big of a deal to gear, it wasnt when things were RNG and it certainly isnt now that gear is guaranteed at a reasonable pace.

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Maybe just maybe pubs are bad on your server?? Pubs seem to do fine on mine well atleast more cooardanated. Wins are up and down really depends on the 4 puggers we get if we beat pubs or not. Make a premade or stop your crying.
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Maybe just maybe pubs are bad on your server?? Pubs seem to do fine on mine well atleast more cooardanated. Wins are up and down really depends on the 4 puggers we get if we beat pubs or not. Make a premade or stop your crying.


Calculated a wz. One of the 38 losses today. Imps did 2.2 million damage, Pubs did 700K.


Moot point. Can delete thread. I uninstalled. :)


Later gators. GL. HF.

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Have won 1 out of 23 warzones so far today. One. One lousy win.


Bioware, do you understand what's going on here? Seriously. I don't think you do.


Some of us are going to quit, and that's fine, such as life in a MMO. The others that stick around and narrow the gap are gonna get got. Cuz when they level the playing field and the Imps actually start losing....guess what....they'll quit. Then you'll have the PVE crowd to cater to...which is probably best for you'se guys anyways...since you don't get it.


GG. March 22nd I'm out. I'm not paying to be farmed by people you ALLOWED to exploit Ilum and didn't have the stones to rollback. Cowards.


I'd like a refund as well.....but I know that ain't gonna happen. Worst gaming purchase I've ever made? Maybe, maybe not. I dunno. I would put AOC, COH, COV, and WOW above this any day. (Although levels 1-49 were pretty awesome.)


Sticky this. At least let us get a win on the forums. :)


Read this:



Roll on my server. At lvl 10-49 we will probably kick your *** but at lvl 50 Reps own whole server. They are on Ilum in force 3-6 at least while there is almost no Imps so you can even sight seeing near Imp base. Reps at evening win 9/10 matches.


Don't get me wrong. I'm imp. But I'm terrified by the amount of noobs Imp have at lvl 50 :|

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