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To gank, or not to gank . . . that is the question.


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Hehe. I remember from WoW huge group fightings on Isle of Quel'Danas, that happened around TBC level.


Even on my low populated(Sporeggar) server it was brilliant. Every day you could see a 1v1 gang that soon grows into group pvp ;)


Until people manage to pull guards!


That was actually quite nice world PvP going on there. People had to be cerfull and had to keep an eye up on the surroundings all the time. Some tuck shelter close to the guards while others grouped up to get futher out.

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Sadly you get no valor for any of this. If we did it would promote more non-WZ-Ilum pvp battles. It would also promote pvp raids on bases.


I'm not sure why BW chose not to give valor for open world pvp especially on PVP servers?!?!?!...


My only conclusion is that BW is planning to open up cross server WZ and the pvp servers would out rank the PvE servers b/c the PVP servers would be gaining valor outside of WZ/Ilum. Solution cross server PVP server to PVP server only and PVE server to PVE server only ;)

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Ganking or being ganked was the vast majority of pvp encounters I experienced on pvp servers and in open world pvp games. Boring as hell and it's why I quit playing those games and quit playing on those servers. I can count on both hands the number of good 1vs1 fights I've been in with a couple of fingers left to hit log off-choose new server-choose new game.
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Just wanted peoples thoughts on ganking.


By ganking I don't mean ambushing a character of similar level to you. I mean attacking someone over 10 levels below you because, well, not sure why people do, but just because. You know what I mean, that level 50 that one shots a level 25 because hey "it's PvP" (insert sarcasm here).


Are people more of a kill-and-let-live type? Or are more people the type to camp a certain area and player till they get fed up and leave?


if im pissed im might consider , till today never done it , i actually dont even kill weak lvl 50, still it all depends on BW changes to PvP cause im pretty sure at some point they will make me want to do it.

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When I was on tatooine I was ganked about a dozen times by a level 50. After seeing the emote "xplayer sits down next to you" almost 100 times, their name becomes burned into your memory.


Now I'm level 50, and I literally obliterate the guy daily on ilum and in wz's. And I gotta say, it's the most satisfying feeling in the world.


When I went thru tatooine to get my water I ran into about 6 lowbies. I sicked my healing companion on them, and jumped around until they died. Then I moved on with my life.


Tl;dr: ganking is alright as long as you're not just doing it for sake of ganking. Kill; move on.

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Personally, i found the best way to get a good group PvP going is by ganking a few lowbies. Do that for a little while and they get people from general to either come over or get on their higher characters.


The best planet PvP I've found (other than when the Rebels leave their precious cannon on Ilum) is by doing this first (or having it done to me) then having a good sized battle.

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Ganking yes, griefing no. I think the viewpoints on both of these things has been well covered here. Ganking is a good way to get some real PvP going, but griefing is just annoying as hell. Anyone who gets off on corpse camping and the like has some real issues.
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I never draw first blood, but once you've ganked me or one of my guild mates, we will proceed to give you new definitions of the word harassment.


We had one guild on our old WoW server, their GM ganked one of our buddies while he was low level.


3 years later we had members of their guild commonly coming cross faction to negotiate a cease fire because we had camped their alts so well we were preventing them from gaining levels.


When their alts entered a zone, we'd get on our 60s and kill ALL the quest givers in the zone. We perfected it to the point of making a rotation so that the quest givers respawned almost the minute we got back to them to kill them again.


One member of the guild actually had to quit the game on doctor's advice because we were giving her a complex.

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I've personally been trying to figure out some of the more creative ways to gank. Running in and two-shotting someone in Tatooine is fun, but it could be way better.


Force pulling one into a group of hostile mobs or near a cliff to knock them off has worked out pretty well so far. You can also stand around a group of quest mobs (i.e. Jedi Rescuers in Tatooine) and just casually blend in when a lowbie draws aggro, so you can just run in with all the other mobs and watch the lowbie panic as his hp starts dropping way fast. They never seem to see me there from all the name plates being stacked.


Sneaking into quest hubs and force pulling someone into a corner has been a new thing I've started working on.


Since when can you whisper the opposite faction?


They can log into one of their alts on either side and whisper you.

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Just wanted peoples thoughts on ganking.


By ganking I don't mean ambushing a character of similar level to you. I mean attacking someone over 10 levels below you because, well, not sure why people do, but just because. You know what I mean, that level 50 that one shots a level 25 because hey "it's PvP" (insert sarcasm here).


Are people more of a kill-and-let-live type? Or are more people the type to camp a certain area and player till they get fed up and leave?


To be honest, mostly I don't. There's no sport in killing lowbies.


Sometimes.. I'll mind maze (while stealthed obviously) them though, and /say "I'm watching you." and then sit back and watch them freak out.


That's always good fun. Or, I'll hang around stealthed waiting for a pack of them to find some lowbie, and step in. That really upsets them. Like counter-ganking.


It's like - there they are, looking to be all brave as 4-1, and then a 50 steps in and says.. NO.


I don't see the point in picking fights against something which is of no challenge though. That's just me. ;)

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  • 6 months later...
I dont actively search out lowlevels to gank them, but if Im at a lowlevel planets anyways, collecting datacrons and whatnot, of course I stop by the occasional sith camp, 2 shotting 3 guys at once with mortar volley and move on.


The advantage with playing rep is that there are just so many sith babies to gank. Unfortunatley theyre kinda like vermin. Its not like I enjoy it so much. To me its more a matter of population control.


So yes, definitely gank.


I agree alot of the siths are babies. My group was doing a heroic 4 in a temple and he ran directly into us. So we butchered him, then suddenly i started getting whispers on my chat screen from him saying things like "you're worthless you know that your worthless" and "you think you are cool because you and your little buddies beat me up right? RIGHT!?" Its pathetic really, its only a game.

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