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Losing should not be rewarded!!


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Can you please take away the 2k valor idiocy from losers of wz. they will just afk since there is no point to attack if they get 2k valor for just get 4 medals which can be achieved in the beginning fight. Instead reward the losers with 100 valor per medal. winner gets reward 250 per medal and remove cap.


Losers will continue to attack objectives to get medals and get more valor

Winners will continue to defend objectives and get the 18 medals which are objective centric and get EVEN MORE valor.


Give a 30 min wz deserter debuff for quitters.


wzs are fixed.

Edited by TyrantLeader
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Who cares about valor? Idk if you've heard, but it's meaningless now.


Don't be angry.


Valor has been meaningless since the first day of 1.1.


Just because everyone will have the "prestigious" titles that most of you camped/traded your way to doesn't reduce the meaning of what was already an exploited, butchered, meaningless system.


Personally, I like the change. Put everyone back on the same level without banning any of the whiny kill trading gear grinders that I need to fill my WZs so I can farm them in their shiny, useless gear. Baddies.

Edited by Celebrus
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I honestly think the valor rewarded is too high in all regards however, I think the medals should be objective based (capping a node/planting bomb) etc.


What about the guy that's holding off the enemies while someone else caps, the guy that right clicked gets medals, the support to ensure that cap gets nothing. You can't make objective only medals and expect to win. Everyone would be trying to be first on the node.

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Newsflash, if you remove rewards for losing many more people will either quit if they're losing or not bother queueing at all. It will further aid the the already imbalanced factions. Quit your crying and g.t.f.o.


^^ This ^^


If you there is NO reward, as you are suggesting; where is the incentive to play? Just because I can run a 4-man premade doesn't make us any better nor more entitled to receive valor.


For example, my server has a great community with a 3rd party forum that BW failed to give us in the first place here. We are starting to get more Civil War and Void Star queues and vs HutballHutballHutballHutballHutballHutballHutballHutballHutball.


I believe the new system will encourage even more people to queue up from both factions who may have been previously deterred because of the blatant imbalances.


and just for kicks, by your logic we should stop paying athletes when they lose. I mean why should players get paid millions when they go 0-13 in a season. Oh gee, because everybody would quit if they were rewarded on a per-game/per-win basis.



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If there was little/no reward for a losing team premades would quickly run out of people to play against.


If I'm solo queueing up and I know a heavily geared premade is queueing over and over, I really don't care all that much. I still get rewards and am fine with playing with them, even if they beat the PUG I'm in repeatedly. I play quite a bit each day so I'm going to get my 3 wins for the daily eventually anyway.


If I wasn't rewarded, I would feel discouraged from continuing to queue. As would many others.

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