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10 Good
  1. If PVP is all you do, why aren't you jumping into season 7?
  2. Queue for ranked? Or take a one day break? Or do something else the game has to offer other than reg WZ's? If they didn't do it this way, there would be people complaining that they "played for a whole hour and didn't get the new WZ once!!!"
  3. So, at no point in time did it occur to you to get off the PTS server, and go back to your original server?
  4. 10/10 You sir just won "post of the day" in my book.
  5. From my experience yesterday, snipers were very good on this map. In fact, all ranged classes seemed to have an advantage in more situations than my melee classes. For instance, I'm guarding a node solo on a melee class. Two ranged toons approach and start attacking, I can't leave the node to engage them or I'll lose it. Not a whole lot I can do in that situation other than try my best to LOS them if possible. Not really a complaint, just an observation that will require some adjustments on my part.
  6. LOL at #1 Little do you know...many of the imp toons that you throw a guard on in the older WZ's have maxed toons on the other side. It's red versus green man, or yellow versus purple (whichever way you want to look at it). Do you insta-quit a match when it's imps v imps?? Because....I mean....you're killing your imp brothers there.... Is that not the same as guarding a pub sage? #2 - Ever tried asking the question in ops chat? My experience yesterday was that people were very helpful for the most part. Get this....even the ones from the opposing faction!!! Crazy right? Or google. Google's pretty cool I hear. In fact, I bet you could have learned what those buffs do if you spent the time researching it, that you instead put into making your post. #3 - The objective points change color on your map. Not sure how they can make it much more obvious.
  7. It's not that 90% players don't enjoy this map, it's that a larger percentage of players that don't enjoy it come here to complain about it. Quit whining, it's a pretty fun concept once you get the hang of it. If you don't like that it's the only reg map popping, q for ranked. They just want everyone that wants to try it, to actually get to. I've heard they'll set it back Thursday to be mixed in with the other reg maps. I've found that with some people, nothing will make them happy, and they'll always be bi***ing and moaning about something. Get over yourself man, it's a game. You're playing a game. If you're not enjoying yourself, do something else.
  8. 90 to move away, 90 to move back. I believe.
  9. I can't disagree with anything you just said. I can only feel sorry for these completionists and just tell them to quit whining on the forums about it. To these completionists, To clarify, if you actually are trying...it's "your" WZ too. I don't care if you're not any good, hell, I don't set the world on fire myself...but please try. We don't come to your PVE party and s**t on your cake just because something not being finished eats at our soul.
  10. I would argue this..... In order to be able to get something from alliance crates that we earn from doing H2's to finish off conquests, we "have" to complete chapters 1-9. Which, that reward is waaaaaaaaay more significant that one companion. At least in my opinion anyway. And I know you can refute that by saying that I wouldn't have any alliance crates if I didn't PVE in the first place...but what can I say, I can't just sit there on the fleet and wait for q's to pop like some people I know. So, when I'm waiting I'll do H2's that'll go toward conquest goals. I had over 100 of those packs sitting, that I could do nothing with unless I trudged through a day's worth of PVE, while also LOSING my current companions in the process. IMO, PVP'rs have much more room to gripe about this. Because not only are we sacrificing our playing time (to gain the ability to open alliance crates), our "regular" game is also being negatively affected by the PVE'rs in WZ's who don't "play ball". And when we come into your world it has zero effect on your game.... EDIT: Having said all of this, I wouldn't even be griping about it in the first place...Just thought the PVE'rs who are griping about what they "have" to do should see things from our point of view.
  11. You're right. I mostly PVP full time, and the grind through chapters 1-9 wasn't that bad, but I won't be doing it on any of my alts, at least not any time soon. TBH, I wasn't even aware there was a solo way to acquire Qyzen. I'll have to look into that when I get home. I don't disagree with your point of making Pierce and 4X soloable either. God knows some of you PVE'rs that are in WZ's just for the companions, are brutal to have as teammates. And I'm only referring to ones like the people in this thread who have stated that they go afk or just run around in circles...Please get those people out of our WZ's. They don't want to be there and I don't want them there. But that circles me back to my original point....If you're going to be miserable, and make others miserable in the process of acquiring a companion you don't need. Just don't do it. The blinking hand and the 1/25 quest slots is much more tolerable than be miserable for 3-5 hours or longer. Amiright? Yes, they shouldn't have this in the game. But they do, and we have to deal with it. For the same reason dingle berries are brown.....because that's the way s**t is. -Abraham, The Waling Dead
  12. Solution: don't acquire him. There are loads of other companions you get doing the KOTFE chain, you don't "have" to have him. I don't want to organize a group to kill the world bosses needed for Qyzen, so......I don't have him. It's a game man, if you're doing something you don't enjoy....stop doing it. Work and school are the areas of our lives that have that covered.
  13. I've noticed on occasion, either questing or pvp, that I'll be attacking one target and all of a sudden I will no longer be targeting that particular target. Instead, I'll be targeting myself, my companion, or another enemy target. What's up with this? Is it a known bug? Or am I hitting a button that's doing this. Note: this is not regarding the instances where fighting a target that can use stealth during combat.
  14. This. Multiple guards(which should be nerfed in WZ's) and multiple heals(sorc heals especially) make 65 pvp pretty damn boring. Lowbies and Mids are still fun though.
  15. Well, damn. Well, just guessing here then...I would think you would need to at least hit the soft cap with alacrity(which, I don't even know what that is), while also mixing in some crit and power. Pretty sure you'll want to avoid mastery.
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