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4 medal cap has killed PVP


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wow, interesting. Here's my perspective as a trooper. I can get 4 offensive medals in minutes. What about the other 4 or so medals I got every game? protection/defensive medals which take a while to earn.


now there is really no incentive to focus on those. the more medals you earned was a sign of how much you put into the match and you level of expertise. pure damage was a useless gauge since it didn't greatly affect your valor/creds/comms. the more medals you won by knowing what you were doing was a nice incentive.


now, after the medal cap, there is really no huge difference between winning and losing. if you do enough PVP the credit/valor difference is miniscule.


i'm not a big fan of this kindergarten style "everyone is a winner!" movement.


what is really troubling though is that they added a 3 second delay to the Alderaan speeders to give the losing side an advantage trying to retake a side turret. that was never an issue in my experience. it was an awesome feeling to claw back and retake the lead after being down. it took teamwork and communication. now it's "hooray for everyone!"


sounds like the people who never contributed to teamwork won out on this one. teamwork is now less important. if BW wanted to make things more level then trash the whole rewards system. everyone gets the same HP, armor rating, damage potential etc... in a wz regardless of level, and the winners get at least double the rewards of the losers.

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So you can spend the rest of the warzone not worrying about farming medals and go win the game! In addition, you get a lot more valor than pre-patch. Sounds win-win to me.


I always play to Win, regardless of the medal count. But I'm also a firm believer in rewarding people based on merit. All the new system does is encourage peeps to do as little as possible and AFK or coast the rest of the way. This change doesn't encourage better PvP and fights or raise the level of competition. It's a joke and pathetic.

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I believe they said the 4 medals was only temporary


They have stated, directly, at the conference, that next patch (1.2) it will be raised to 8 maximum, with each giving 5 comms (so, the total is still 40).


This is in addition to the 14 (16?) new medals you can get, many of which are objective based (scoring, capping, etc.).

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The 4 medal cap is leading to the team on the losing side just giving up and going semi AFK who cares if they get any addiitonal medals as they aren't rewarded for them and such is the valor increase that nobody cares about winning anymore.


At least with medal chasers they where somehow contributing to the teams cause, all I am seeing now are my own team give up after 4 medals and being a goal down etc or the opposiiton give up and us just steamroll them which is zero fun either.


Now I'm just waiting for people to click that just getting 4 medals uber quick then letting a team win is the single fastest way to gain valor/XP from PVP'n.


You really have absolutely no foresight whatsoever and even when warned what the greater populace will do just choose to ignore it. Warzones as sad as it is was the last thing keeping me around in SWTOR if this continues then I guess its time to unsub until BW can actually come up with a meaningful balanced system that actually promotes playing to win.


IMO you should get diddly frickin squat for a loss.


ok... you cap the first door in voidstar in 30 seconds.... i quit <-- solve that


well that's BW's solution. just play the game for the sake of enjoying it. i definitely enjoy winning more than losing. at least this way if i PUG and they blow its not a complete waste of time and i'll continue the warzone.

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Again, if the medal system itself was not flawed, and actually reflected how much you contributed to the game, without class bias, then a cap would not be needed.


The main issue is that the medal system is a joke. If some chump medal farmer can score more medals than me, who is doing an insane job at my role, then it's a pretty good indicator that the medal system needs a revamp, rather than instituting a cap.

Edited by MobiusZero
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System is fine. Lazy and entitled players are the problem.


Ok, mind explaining how we prevent them from Q'ING then? Because there is a massive amount of lazy, entitled, fools in pvp.


I can see this becoming a trend for sure. I mean why waste the time when you can get most the rewards in 5 min or less. Tons of people already quit losing matches even without farming medals. Now when they max out medals early they aren't gonna care.

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Sitting here and saying it's a win/win for all is absurd, the point of pvp is to fight and to win, to accept mediocrity here is saying all you play for is the shiny.


+1, well said.


And in response to the above post as well, well said. Instituting caps without also instituting a large difference in cred/valor between winning and losing was just poor planning and forsight.


I shudder to think what will happen in the update...


PVP used to be a place where you earned your stripes so to speak. You grinded out level after level to better your character and gain better gear/weapons etc... You had to concentrate on rotations and tactics to hang with the higher levels. But add this to the ridiculous bonuses lowbies can achieve in damage and HP, and really i see no advantage to playing PVP above level 36 or so cause your rewards have a tiny affect on your game compared to the lower levels.


WTH was wrong with making people earn their rewards and rewarding players for going the extra mile?

Edited by Cheeseblaster
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They just need to go back with a bigger reward for winning over losing now. Not a big deal.


The medal change was a good one. Solving your alleged complaint is easy.

They covered that in the guild summit. I'm not sure if they've thought about people getting the necessary amount of medals and walking away for the rest of the match, but if people really care that much they'll have the option to /votekick that player and get someone decent. I sure as hell will if the circumstance calls for it.


In all honesty I don't understand why people like that even play video games. The point of a video game is to enjoy yourself. If you're going to soloqueue you're risking your sanity, and you knew that.


I just hope ranked queues don't suffer the same demise, with the total scrubs that want wins queuing up and leaving in the middle of matches. RWZ's do need a deserter status, in my opinion at least. Getting screwed out of my ranking because someone sucked ****, got mad and left isn't my idea of a competitive atmosphere.

Edited by Ukita
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It's actually a very good change as others have said. People farming medals and ignoring the team hurt WZs.


Now it's going to take a little while for those people to learn teamwork.

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They covered that in the guild summit. I'm not sure if they've thought about people getting the necessary amount of medals and walking away for the rest of the match, but if people really care that much they'll have the option to /votekick that player and get someone decent. I sure as hell will if the circumstance calls for it.


In all honesty I don't understand why people like that even play video games. The point of a video game is to enjoy yourself. If you're going to soloqueue you're risking your sanity, and you knew that.


I just hope ranked queues don't suffer the same demise, with the total scrubs that want wins queuing up and leaving in the middle of matches. RWZ's do need a deserter status, in my opinion at least. Getting screwed out of my ranking because someone sucked ****, got mad and left isn't my idea of a competitive atmosphere.


This is what is so frustrating for me. The identified the problem but the came up with the worst possible solution.


I'm with you about people joining then leaving early, want to wring their necks and explain "hey ********, you know how many matches i've won after being down in the first part of a WZ cause people cared and fought back? You wussy"


A deserter status etc.. would have been the way to go. Something to address AFK, and frequent deserters would take care of a lot of the "competition" issue people are complainign about.

Edited by Cheeseblaster
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They covered that in the guild summit. I'm not sure if they've thought about people getting the necessary amount of medals and walking away for the rest of the match, but if people really care that much they'll have the option to /votekick that player and get someone decent. I sure as hell will if the circumstance calls for it.


In all honesty I don't understand why people like that even play video games. The point of a video game is to enjoy yourself. If you're going to soloqueue you're risking your sanity, and you knew that.


I just hope ranked queues don't suffer the same demise, with the total scrubs that want wins queuing up and leaving in the middle of matches. RWZ's do need a deserter status, in my opinion at least. Getting screwed out of my ranking because someone sucked ****, got mad and left isn't my idea of a competitive atmosphere.


I've experienced games with pvp /votekick options before. Thing of it is, unless most of the team are serious as well they don't get kicked. In fact there were many times afk'ers or other non-contributors had votes started and other jerks would vote against it just to be ******s. The reality is a large portion of the pvp community in any game just want shinies and want to gank lowbies, they aren't serious about just having fun and testing their skill. So winning or losing doesnt matter to them, they are just trolley that like causing havoc.


As for ranted WZ, it wouldn't expect anything else. I mean I would think a large portion of that summit would have been about deserters and managing that especially for ranked matches. I've not hear a thing about it however.

Edited by MartyrLXXVII
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Hmmm. Maybe it would be a good idea to join a warzone to win. Would anyone still go into a WZ if there were no rewards? I think they would. The quitters are....well, quitters. They quit in real life too. It is a mentality. Can't worry about that. If they put in a decent abandonment mechanic, we will have the chance to use it.


If you don't want to enter a WZ, don't enter it. But if you do, play to win.

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Hmmm. Maybe it would be a good idea to join a warzone to win. Would anyone still go into a WZ if there were no rewards? I think they would. The quitters are....well, quitters. They quit in real life too. It is a mentality. Can't worry about that. If they put in a decent abandonment mechanic, we will have the chance to use it.


If you don't want to enter a WZ, don't enter it. But if you do, play to win.


Tell that to the quiters and BW. Quiters won't listen ,that I know. But again, all this is the biggest issue with WZs, so why is it the -only- thing we have heard NOTHING about from 1.2 or the summit?


It makes no sense.

Edited by MartyrLXXVII
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Wouldn't you still want to win to complete your daily objective? If winning is not your objective in joining a wz, then it's best you stick to the pve content. Same for people who leaves wz as soon as there's a first sign of losing. I wonder if these same people turn off their TV as soon as their favorite football team is down by a touchdown.
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The 4 medal cap is leading to the team on the losing side just giving up and going semi AFK who cares if they get any addiitonal medals as they aren't rewarded for them and such is the valor increase that nobody cares about winning anymore.


At least with medal chasers they where somehow contributing to the teams cause, all I am seeing now are my own team give up after 4 medals and being a goal down etc or the opposiiton give up and us just steamroll them which is zero fun either.


Now I'm just waiting for people to click that just getting 4 medals uber quick then letting a team win is the single fastest way to gain valor/XP from PVP'n.


You really have absolutely no foresight whatsoever and even when warned what the greater populace will do just choose to ignore it. Warzones as sad as it is was the last thing keeping me around in SWTOR if this continues then I guess its time to unsub until BW can actually come up with a meaningful balanced system that actually promotes playing to win.


IMO you should get diddly frickin squat for a loss.



it was to stop medal farmers and now players are focusing more on the actual objective which is what bioware was trying to do and it worked :)


i like the new medal system its awesome :)

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Wouldn't you still want to win to complete your daily objective? If winning is not your objective in joining a wz, then it's best you stick to the pve content. Same for people who leaves wz as soon as there's a first sign of losing. I wonder if these same people turn off their TV as soon as their favorite football team is down by a touchdown.


Well the ilum dailies are kills correct? There was a thread earlier about people entering a WZ, getting credit for 3 kills, leaving the WZ, then Q'ING again and doing another 3 kills, repeat. Thankfully you only really get credit at the end of the match. But it goes to show what lengths fools will go to in trying to exploit ANY mechanic.


People like this you can't just ask to play nice, you have to restrict them to do it right and drive them off. Only way to do it. Capping medals just helps them put all the less effort in.


I mean especially with the addition of all the objective based medals, if they didn't cap them and lowered the value of medals then it would force people to do more objective based stuff to get more medals just to get the same rewards they had been getting. But increasing value and capping it at 4 they just told people its all irrelevant, get your max medals you good, as opposed to making the strive for more.

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Tell that to the quiters and BW. Quiters won't listen ,that I know. But again, all this is the biggest issue with WZs, so why is it the -only- thing we have heard NOTHING about from 1.2 or the summit?


It makes no sense.


Except that they did fix the deserters without resorting to a heavy handed idiotic tactic like a deserter debuff. It's very simple. Let me break it down for you.









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Except that they did fix the deserters without resorting to a heavy handed idiotic tactic like a deserter debuff. It's very simple. Let me break it down for you.










Stay and afk.


Again a better, -far- better system, is with the addition of the extra objective medals. Lower medal values, don't cap the medals, and just force them to get more medals to get same rewards. Basically make them farm more medals, but when the only other medals they have to farm at all objective based... Guess what.


The only thing that encourages a win is winning reward, the one you call huge. So how many extra comms do yoy get for a win? How many comms, if any, do you get for a loss? Unless that truly is a big difference, maybe 10-20, then its not enough. People will afk, have lunch, bio, whatever after getting 4 medals.


And I only care about the comms reward for winning, not valor. Valor is a completely irrelevant number imo.

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With this system winning without farming 4 medal first is a lose actualy. Before this "upgrade" priority was to secure win condition and then farm medals. Now priority is to secure 4 medals before win or lose. Lose with 4 medals is far better than win with 0. When daily is done, biggest priority becomes 4 medals. Even if there is 2-3 people farming, it is a lose situation for whole team.
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This game has gone from bad to F-ing terrible.


PvP is pointless, but who cares? Most of the people who could give a decent match are LONG GONE and aren't returning.


Sure this is lame, but it doesn't matter. PvP is pointless, tab targeting is fail, and the most that the Guild Summit could muster is "OH LOOK!! 1.2 and ooh!! Guild Banks!"



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With this system winning without farming 4 medal first is a lose actualy. Before this "upgrade" priority was to secure win condition and then farm medals. Now priority is to secure 4 medals before win or lose. Lose with 4 medals is far better than win with 0. When daily is done, biggest priority becomes 4 medals. Even if there is 2-3 people farming, it is a lose situation for whole team.


Good point...

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