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4 medal cap has killed PVP


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The effect of the patch:


Ilum (usually very busy on Tuesdays) is now dead. I think this was intentional.


Warzones people just get their 4 medals and almost go afk. AFK timer increased to 90s so it doesn't matter.


This patch sucks on so many levels.

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Umm system is not fine and people are quitting left and right because of it. You are probably in denial like the rest of the fanbois. And of course people feel entitled to things in this game.. THEY PAY FOR IT.


Stats please, hard facts with numbers or stop lying.

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Do you only play this game because Bio-ware has placed a carrot on a stick or do you enjoy it?


Do you PVP to get gear or because you enjoy it?


Do you enjoy grinding?


If you aren't trying hard, you aren't having fun. If you aren't having fun, you are grinding.



You may not have a reason to try hard after doing the daily quest but I (and many others) play to win every time.


Dude, this is item grind fest game. PvP is alternative way to get better items and become stronger. Some people love pve, some pvp. Whats the point to compete if everyone is getting same reward. Just imagine, you doing flashpoint and wipe at last boss but still get loot? Will it be fun for you ? :)

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I'm in agreement with those that say this is a player issue. Gone are the days of Mudds and UO where you lost every single thing you owned when you were killed. That was a time of fighting till the last hp. F the carrot, use the stick.


This is exactly what happens when your "society" gives medals/ribbons for participation. When schools don't allow combat sports, when they don't keep score. This is the problem with gear/lvl based games.


Gone are the days in which people hated to lose, and more than that hated to quit. It's a symptom of the player, not the game. Don't blame bioware, blame humanity. People just don't have it in um to cowboy up any more. Buncha worthless cry baby gear chasing kids who want easy wins.


The sad thing is it's not only a problem in game, but in life. 0 hope.


On a side note, I suport this change. Atleast we can all fail equaly. :)

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The bigger picture though is exactly what was warned of.


People are already just getting 4 medals then letting the opposition win. Gets matches over faster and you get great gains still.


A 6-0 defeat in huttball within 5 minutes provided you got 4 medals = 2500 valor a hard fought 1-0 win with 10 medals= 3500 valor and took 15 minutes, you do the math.


Its only a matter of time before warzone trading is happening with these capped gains and increased beyond stupidity rewards.


the problem is, you should lose valor and credits when your team loses. If you do not have any skin in the game, you have nothing to lose. Heck, losing fast is a very viable option as you still get rewarded. everyone wins in the end.

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After patch hutball match is like that : as soon as one team score first goal other team start to farm 4 medals cause losing with 0 medals is worst thing that might happen. Also winning with 0 medal is not good. So now is just medal farming fest, worse than ever before. Have fun those who love this patch :)
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The problem is that a lot of people find themselves in matches that they (believe they) cannot win. When this happens, there's no such thing as "playing to win", because winning is (seemingly) impossible. Additionally, a lot of people don't find playing a game that they're (seemingly) sure to lose to be very much fun. The thing that BioWare needs to do is provide some incentive for people to keep trying, despite the (apparent) certainty of a loss (or design their Warzones+Matchmaking so that there aren't any blowout matches, which is a lot easier said than done). The new medal system doesn't give people any such incentive. Instead, it pretty much encourages people to completely give up as soon as they fall behind.


This is an awful thread and why is summed up well in the quoted post.


The only "incentive" BW has to offer is a fair queue system. If you are queuing solo and running into pre-mades constantly then you will just get your 4 and afk till the game ends because you don't feel there is anything you can do to counter that pre-made. Which is something made better by the new system since the pre-made won't have a reason to stretch the game out and farm you for more medals.


When you face an opposing team that is equal to your own then you will fight for the win because that's why people play competitive games in the first place. Best games I've ever had were like that where you would have two full pubs going tooth and nail against each other. In the game that shouldn't be named I had multiple 2k vs 1990 games (1600 vs 1590 now) with straight pubs on both sides and it was always amazing whether my side won or lost. I had one right before achievements even were introduced so there wasn't any sort of reward at all for fighting as hard as we all fought to win that game. That is the entire basis for competitive pvp games, the actual game.


Medals are great in the context of SWTOR because you have to do something to earn them in the first place, which means you have to actually try for at least a decent portion of each individual game. Once you are trying for that portion why wouldn't you want to keep pushing for the win? If your team is completely out-skilled/classed then fine, afk in the corner after getting your medals but most of the time (if the matching system does it's job) that won't be the case so you might as well put out the effort towards a win anyway.

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At least when your team was getting hammered on you could try to grind for medals if the win was completely hopeless. Now it's going to be the players who actually stuck around and at least still played the game afk'ing at a turret after their four medals. Not a good change IMO.


Yes I know play the game for the win, but I can bet every single one of us at one time or another has either a. entered a warzone that was completely lopsided or b. been on the extreme losing end of a game from the start and watched as your team cycled through players. I stuck around in games where there was zero hope, just so I could farm some comms, now that I'm capped at 4 what incentive is there to stay?

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the problem is, you should lose valor and credits when your team loses. If you do not have any skin in the game, you have nothing to lose. Heck, losing fast is a very viable option as you still get rewarded. everyone wins in the end.

As someone who usually queues solo, and almost never queues with more than 1 other person - your idea is terrible. Why should I be penalized because my team is full of bads (including most of the 4-man premades that I occasionally see on the Republic side)? I can guarantee that I'd have canceled my subscription quite quickly if I were to lose credits/valor/etc...after losing a match.

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At least when your team was getting hammered on you could try to grind for medals if the win was completely hopeless. Now it's going to be the players who actually stuck around and at least still played the game afk'ing at a turret after their four medals. Not a good change IMO.


Yes I know play the game for the win, but I can bet every single one of us at one time or another has either a. entered a warzone that was completely lopsided or b. been on the extreme losing end of a game from the start and watched as your team cycled through players. I stuck around in games where there was zero hope, just so I could farm some comms, now that I'm capped at 4 what incentive is there to stay?


That you won't get any credit for those 4 medals until the game ends. Since you have to sit there anyway might as well enjoy yourself and try to kill some people instead of just standing in the corner waiting to take the loss.

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Once they is a penalty for leaving warzones, there wont be much off a problem.


Exactly. I completely favor a harsh deserter penalty. Lock them out of the que for 15 mins, AND reduce their stats by say 20%. If I leave a warzone make it hurt. When you que up for a WZ you are making a 15 min commitment. Don't have 15 mins, don't que up. I had to leave a WZ the other night because my daughter woke up in the middle of the night and started crying. I'm sure my leaving hosed my team. There is no reason I should be able to que up again before the team I just left finishes. The players that only PVP if they are being rewarded are not PVP'rs. They are PVE'rs that are too lazy to put in the work so they chose the fast gear progression route rather than learn the encounters. If you offered them a route they could win warzones faster without fighting another single player they would take it (AV anyone?) The real PVP'rs will be out there flinging S#!& with a stick at each other if thats all we have to fight with. The rest of you will move onto whatever FOTM game is next, rinse and repeat.

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And that is the issue they where told repeatedly by the test players that this would happen.


BW does not seem to appreciate that those who attend test and the general populace are very very different players in terms of attitude.


Testers warned them that there was a very high chance that the myriad of idiots in the community would indeed do this but again shoved under the rug as has every bit of PVP feedback on test.


Another game where the devs who have failed time and again still believe they know better than those testing it, paying to play it and giving feedback.


Its no suprise, they didnt listen durring closed beta any phase, they didnt listen durring open beta any phase.

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There should be a deserter debuff by now, I vote for AT LEAST twice the time size of a warzone, 20-30 minutes.


Bioware finally balanced PvP out with this patch, and 1.1.5 has given me faith to play SWTOR further and not quit the game.


I hope bioware will stand strong and NOT listen to all the nolifers crying how this patch ''destroys pvp'', because it really didn't, in fact, it saved PvP. Finally theres no more RNG based crap, finally no more valor grinding in ilum.


FINALLY, there is some balance.


Now all we need is a deserter debuff, although people leaving warzones has been reduced by at least 80% on my server, since losing isn't so bad now, actually, its only 20 commendations less.


Oh and what the original poster is saying about people semi-afking once they reach 4 medals, thats complete BS.

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My Shadow can get 4 WZ medals in about 2-3 minutes tops. It's a joke.


So you can spend the rest of the warzone not worrying about farming medals and go win the game! In addition, you get a lot more valor than pre-patch. Sounds win-win to me.

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IMO you should get diddly frickin squat for a loss.



I hope not. Civil War match yesterday went down to the wire. Our side capped the east turret about 2 seconds before the other team capped the west turret.


Then there was a massive battle in the middle for the middle turrent. Neither side was able to control the turret. Both sides got close, like within a second of completing the cap, but no dice. Heavy heavy fighting.


Their ship dipped 5 points then about 2 seconds later our ship dipped 5 points. Neither side was willing to break off to even try to take the other side turret, afraid of losing middle.... tick tick tick tick...


Warzone ends. We won with 5 points of shield left.


I absolutely would have gone BESERK if that other team got NADDA for that match, especially when the top healer in the match was on THEIR team with slightly over 1 million healing done.


A Match that close everyone deserves epic piles of medals for sticking it out and never giving up. 1 second and that match would have been just another boring CW match 2-1 turrets.


Of all the battlegrounds I've ever been in in any game... that Civil War yesterday was the best one ever.

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