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Seriously BW, 3 kills/WZ?


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This is welcome news actually, considering warzones are the only thing I do anyways.


I'm 84/150 on the weekly Ilum quest since 1.1. I don't GET to farm crates like you. And no one is ever there on Republic side to fight the Nascar zerg.


So just quit your damn whining.

Edited by EternalFinality
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Wow the reading comprehension and understanding of game mechanics on these forums is ridiculous.


No one is whining here, at least I am not, just stating facts.


And if you don't get to farm crates now you should be asking for more because it is unfair to you that people do it and you can not. That is the point.

Edited by iheartpants
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my friends, the problem is not that it's impossible to get the ilum daily done eventually. the problem is that, on certain (and perhaps many) servers, the opposite faction will still be able to progress at a radically faster pace through pvp, yielding even more imbalanced results.


pvp is "triumph of the unemployed"

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on the face of it this is a good move, it gives an extra option for doing the ilum dailies.


however the way they presented this change was very deceptive and imo underhanded. they should have stated that it wasent going to be based on kills done per game in a wz, and this is why a lot of people here are annoyed.


personally, i hate having to go to ilum. the 10 minute journey, followed by half an hour of lagfest sprinked with the odd computer crash is a frikking nightmare. i hate the place and would much rather spend time in warzones (i love the idea of ilum, and if it was rethought out and wasent a complete slideshow everytime i went, i would be more then happy to spend time there)


3 kills per wz is a bit too low also imo, 10 games a day is too many for completing dailies, and if they wanted to put emphasis on not having to go to ilum, why would they tune it this way? people will still have to go there if they want to complete these dailies. as others have said, the number needs to be increased to either a flat 5 or 3 for a loss and 6 for a win imo

Edited by looneybinjim
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Man you people are never happy. First its doom and gloom, Ilum is going to die, blah blah blah. Then the patch comes out and people are mad because they don't get enough credit counted toward the daily.


Classic example of how forum people are never happy. Me personally I'll gladly do 10 warzones over Ilum slideshow or fighting for the armaments in the middle of the night because everyone has the same idea of "ill just farm the crates when no one else is on." Then there ends up being 8-10 people all running in circles looking for crates. At least in a warzone you are doing something somewhat productive over just zerging on a bridge in Ilum with ranged aoe attacks...


Ten moderately even matches is more than it takes (best case scenario granted) to win your *weekly* warzone. On my server, where queues don't pop instantly back to back, you're talking about several *HOURS* to get a single daily done.


6 makes a lot more sense, 5 matches is still over an hour. As it is right now I'll still have to go to Ilum, I'll just also be queuing.

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Seriously, you only get 3 kills/WZ no matter if you win or lose? Are you *********** kidding me? It makes absolutely no sense to play WZ for Ilum dailies since you can get it done in under 1 hour with crates or in 10 minutes if you play during the rush after the daily reset.


So basically nothing has changed, crate hunting and lagfest are still mandatory, it was all just a big *********** lie.









you go play SWTOR Nascar. I'll go do warzones.

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So, the arguments here sound like this:


Starving Man (as represented by casuals and/or Republic players): Bioware, help me! My malnourishment is creating an ever increasing disadvantage compared to the fat hardcore and or Imperials that roam Ilum. I can't get my food, and because of this, I cannot put up much of a fight!


Bioware: Fear not, Starving Man. I promise you that in the coming patch we will significantly alleviate your hunger and provide a streamlined method by which you will receive all the food you need. In doing so, the playing field will be leveled.


Starving Man: Hooray for Bioware! Hooray!


Patch 1.1.5 deploys, bringing with it promises of food to everyone.


Bioware: Behold, I have brought the Starving Men of our world a box of crackers! Feast on these crackers, Starving Men, and be replenished. Caveat: only 3 crackers per person... we need to ration these babies.


Starving Man (dismayed): CRACKERS?! We're STARVING! How is a box of crackers supposed to nourish us enough to fight them?!? (Starving Man points to the crowd of hardcore/imperials sitting outside the entrance to their base)


Hardcore/Imperial (laughing in shirts stained with roasted chicken and mashed potatoes): Why are you crying, sissy Starving Man? Bioware brought you crackers, where before you had none. You should be more grateful. LOLOLOL. Mmmm, more chicken for me!




I guess the argument is true... the starving men didn't have any crackers before, and they're a bit less hungry because of it. But it still doesn't change the fact that they'll continue starving.

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So, the arguments here sound like this:


Starving Man (as represented by casuals and/or Republic players): Bioware, help me! My malnourishment is creating an ever increasing disadvantage compared to the fat hardcore and or Imperials that roam Ilum. I can't get my food, and because of this, I cannot put up much of a fight!


Bioware: Fear not, Starving Man. I promise you that in the coming patch we will significantly alleviate your hunger and provide a streamlined method by which you will receive all the food you need. In doing so, the playing field will be leveled.


Starving Man: Hooray for Bioware! Hooray!


Patch 1.1.5 deploys, bringing with it promises of food to everyone.


Bioware: Behold, I have brought the Starving Men of our world a box of crackers! Feast on these crackers, Starving Men, and be replenished. Caveat: only 3 crackers per person... we need to ration these babies.


Starving Man (dismayed): CRACKERS?! We're STARVING! How is a box of crackers supposed to nourish us enough to fight them?!? (Starving Man points to the crowd of hardcore/imperials sitting outside the entrance to their base)


Hardcore/Imperial (laughing in shirts stained with roasted chicken and mashed potatoes): Why are you crying, sissy Starving Man? Bioware brought you crackers, where before you had none. You should be more grateful. LOLOLOL. Mmmm, more chicken for me!




I guess the argument is true... the starving men didn't have any crackers before, and they're a bit less hungry because of it. But it still doesn't change the fact that they'll continue starving.



This is friggin hilarious and I thank you for it, my only caveat is that the starving man could be full on crackers if he stood in line a little while longer... In the max 2.25 hours it would take to complete the illum dail via vz's you could also complete the wz daily and have earned enough comms to purchase an additional bag. So in reality it's 3 bags for that 2 hours spent... Those aren't just crackers, they're ritz!


Obviously the winning 3wz daily has much more leeway on time depending on the server/players.


I understand that people want things easier and I am not opposed in the least to them making the 30 kills daily easier such as the suggested flat 5 or 6/3. But the people claiming that it doesn't help at all or is a step backwards are idiots.

Edited by Razuko
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You are not required to play Wz to get those kills. You are more than able to go and pick up crates or find people in Ilum. I personally hate that awful nascar experience, and it is decidedly NOT FUN.


You aren't being forced to do a damn thing.


I honestly fee bad for those of you on bad servers where Ilum doesn't work as intended. You guys are missing out.


Aside from the frame rate, it's actually quite fun, happens mostly every day for hours and hours at a time, and there's a VERY high number of participants on both sides.


Come to Dark Reaper :)

Edited by Abiza
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I really like they are giving credit for Ilum while in warzones. But... Ilum is now dead (10 people there this morning). So that now means I need to do 10 warzones, that are about 15mins each and can be from 5-10minutes waiting for each. So lets do the math now.. just the 15mins warzone time is 2.5 hours. Ok well that already is about how much time I dedicate to the game some nights. But ontop of that we need to add lets say 7 mins per match (for wait time), so that is another hour and ten minutes. So now we are at 3 hours and about 45mins. Ekk.. just to do PvP dailies.


Before I could spend about 2.5 hours TOTAL to finish both my dailies (this is on a slow day). I do not have another 1.5 hours to spend on this. I am sure I am not the only person that has a life outside the game.


Lets look at PvE. I spend 2 hours a week (at most), do both OP's and get a ton of gear.


Sounds like a balance of time problem.


I never thought this would be a good idea. Unless they implemented it well. Like each kill in a warzone would also count towards ilum kills, this is what I would expect. I also know they are trying to weed out Ilum. But they just killed it. They should just give us some other type of PvP daily (I think that is the plan later on).

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With the announcement of 1.1.5, they didn't mention that it will be 3 kills / WZ so that created expectations to me. On my server at the 50's wz's, we repubs win 1 out of 4 average (personal experience). Imps are more (outnumbered 1/3 minimum at Illum) so they have more "better than average" players as well. Anyway that means I need to spend lots of time in order to take these 3 wins for the daily, so I just gave up totally with warzones and chose to do illum daily / weekly only (not plenty of free time).


When I read about illum kills in wz's, I said that's cool, now I may finish both dailies, but no, it's only 3 kills per warzone. That means players who did both their dailies (wz+illum) won't need to go to Illum anymore and players like me will keep not doing wz's and also have a bigger problem finding allies / enemies on Illum. I wouldn't mind collecting crates around central assault but this is impossible when I am alone with 5+ enemies...


If the number would increase from 3 to 5, I think it would be a better solution, at least playing 6 wz's would be enough for illum daily and if lucky, also finish the wz's as well.


If it takes you 12 matches to get 3 wins, you finished ilum kills daily before war zone daily. This is a fine change.

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Yeah, it kind of sucks. It's not going to make a big difference in how much time you spend on Illum, unless you play a lot of warzones. It seems like a real half baked idea to me. On hand BW wants to make it easier to get the dailys done but on the other hand they don't want to make it too easy.


Plus, how does this really advance their stated goal here? The claim was, that they wanted Illum to not be an area for grinding gear, but to just be a place where people that want to world pvp can go to do world pvp. How does this change really advance that goal?

Edited by Trolltar
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I really like they are giving credit for Ilum while in warzones. But... Ilum is now dead (10 people there this morning). So that now means I need to do 10 warzones, that are about 15mins each and can be from 5-10minutes waiting for each. So lets do the math now.. just the 15mins warzone time is 2.5 hours. Ok well that already is about how much time I dedicate to the game some nights. But ontop of that we need to add lets say 7 mins per match (for wait time), so that is another hour and ten minutes. So now we are at 3 hours and about 45mins. Ekk.. just to do PvP dailies.


Before I could spend about 2.5 hours TOTAL to finish both my dailies



Except you are forgetting the fact that you can still be spending those queue times finishing your Ilum daily the way you used to, and just do the 4-6 WZs that were required to get your 3 wins. Ie: it actually only takes you 1.5-2 hours to do both dailies where before it took you 2.5.

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Only getting credit for three kills is complete BS these developers suck so much it borders on stupidity. I'm on a low pop server so if it takes 10 wz to finish daily and 50 wz to finish weekly that means it would take me about 5 days to finish the daily and almost 2 months to finish the weekly at a minimum if I only did wz. Now I HAVE to go back to the barren Ilum and pick up boxes for 20 min every day. Idiot developers are lucky there aren't any other games out now to compete with tor. Thanks for making it so I still have to go to ilum everyday.
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It is worse because at least on the two servers I play one could easily complete the daily in less than hour. Not now as nobody is on ilum and it takes 10 WZ's.


WZ's are fine but to require everyone to play wz's for hours is horse hockey.


I am one of the few I guess that likes open world pvp. It was not that bad on my rig. Now it is dead and I am forced to play more WZ's.


I don't know how most people are not WZed out by now and they expect us to play more.


I have been on ilum for 2 hours and have seen 3 other players on my side. The imps are still circle jerking around mid.


So the imps and their numbers can control mid if they want and they also get credit for ilum while they grind 3x faster in the WZ's.


Another way to reward the over populated side.


The PVP team has no clue.

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Only getting credit for three kills is complete BS these developers suck so much it borders on stupidity. I'm on a low pop server so if it takes 10 wz to finish daily and 50 wz to finish weekly that means it would take me about 5 days to finish the daily and almost 2 months to finish the weekly at a minimum if I only did wz. Now I HAVE to go back to the barren Ilum and pick up boxes for 20 min every day. Idiot developers are lucky there aren't any other games out now to compete with tor. Thanks for making it so I still have to go to ilum everyday.


You must be trolling, because I would kill for the daily to only take me 20 minutes. Besides, if WZ and Ilum are that bad on your server, what is the point of having the pvp gear?

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What we really need is more players per server!!! or at least on mine.


I really don't want to reroll and it is now taking over 10min to get a WZ at 9pm server time. Mass Effect 3 might even make it worse for the next month or so.


Our fleet numbers have dropped from about 90 in the fleet at 9pm to only 30 last night :C


It totally blows. These changes do nothing if I can't get a god damn WZ.

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Seriously, you only get 3 kills/WZ no matter if you win or lose? Are you *********** kidding me? It makes absolutely no sense to play WZ for Ilum dailies since you can get it done in under 1 hour with crates or in 10 minutes if you play during the rush after the daily reset.


So basically nothing has changed, crate hunting and lagfest are still mandatory, it was all just a big *********** lie.


U mad bro?

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I don't think people get it. This isn't designed to replace Ilum. It is simply designed to be something you can do when there is NO action in Ilum, IE the several times during the day where one side gives up and decides they don't wanna mess around at the bridge.
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