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Guild summit fail imho


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That is completely untrue. There are a lot things BW could do to passively push players toward playing Republic. You see this in other games all the time be it a cool new race to play, cooler looking gear, or even a pvp mechanic that is slightly better than the other faction's counterpart. Honestly, that's just off the top of my head based on what I've seen in other games. Basic psychology is an easy tool to use to encourage people to passively make the choice you want them to make without taking player choice out of the equation.



....seriously? Give one side (the side that wins more often then not on my server BTW) a new race or even a better pvp mechanic? No wait, let's look at that one line right there....You want the reppies to have a definitive advantage over the imps because there are more of them on your server. You want to cheat. Yeah, a buff if you have less team mates then the opposing faction is one thing but you want a better mechanic to favor you.


Also...everything you mention would be ACTIVELY trying to push players towards playing Republic side. Nothing passive about it, changing the game (even in adding outfits as an incentive) is active.


Honestly, the reppies win more than they lose on my server (mirror imbalances and gun's firing twice aside) and you don't hear me complaining or asking for an unfair advantage. Actually you will hear me asking to remove the expertise stat....but according to the summit that ain't happening. What? I want to try my skill against others without being dependant on gear.

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. Actually you will hear me asking to remove the expertise stat....but according to the summit that ain't happening. What? I want to try my skill against others without being dependant on gear.


That horse left the barn long ago, apprently it's a standard in mmo's now that players are incapable of utilizing personal skill. Thus being so incompetent, we need "help" via some arbitrary gear check, nor is it limited to pvp.

Edited by BMBender
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For those that smile and think the grass is greener, the OP is correct, the game is NOT balanced.


Certain classes ARE more powerful due to graphics animation time, elemental resistances and DPS bonus output for debuffs.


During the "raw raw" guild meet, some things were nice that they said they "might do" while the scawfing of actual game breaking abilities and balance issues, were just laughed at... which left a very bad taste with me.


So to sum up.... Play Empire, be a Sith or Agent and you'll enjoy the game.... until you realize no one else is playing....

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2) Why did someone have to work on his own time to work on the UI?



Can't answer everything you posted, but being a developer I can speculate on this.


Look up "Fed-Ex day", it's basically a concept where employees pick a pain point, and propose a solution that they came up with, on their own time.


For software development, it gives people who normally don't work on a section of code, a chance to share their ideas about that area.


This helps foster a feeling of ownership for the product you are working on.


It is a very very healthy practice for companies.

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Maybe I missed some key sentences during what I watched today...but that morning break after the introductions has me thinking this summit was "guided" to skate over the hot topics in an effort to keep things mostly positive so that the masses would get excited about the Legacy and new warzones and whatnot. I am a Republic player that has cancelled my membership...but since I prepaid for 6 months I decided to roll Imperial toons to play out my time. I did not see where anything was going to be directly done to correct the population imbalance. The numbers of imperials to republic players did not look that bad...but I wish they would have posted how many Imperial Battlemasters their are vs Republic Battlemasters. Since I have been playing Imperial...I find perks that they have that led to the problem that is now beyond repair. Again, I will state this is my opinion on things and I have heard all I care to hear from trolls. I was hoping to hear from the Dev team today. I was hoping to see light at the end of the tunnel that would have me thinking I would renew my subscription....I did not. The legacy stuff is really cool and I like it...but it was not something that was broken or a reason to leave the game. In the beginning I heard the head of gaming in Austin say that never before has any company rolled out a patch so large for free, but they are doing it because they want you to feel like the game is worth what you are paying for it. That tells me flat out that they currently know that the masses do NOT feel like the game is worth continuing to pay for.


I am not even level 50 on my Imperial toons yet...but here is some things I have found so far that favor the Imperials. I have yet to find anything like this that favors Republic players.


Low level Imperials can get mod-able gear from social vendors at social-1 while Republic players have to be social-3 to purchase any. I am talking about gear you can by with like 1200 credits...not the pilot set that takes 60 to 90 fleet comms per piece to buy. For the record, none of my 50s (2 and 2 Imp 50s on the way) are past social-2


On Nar Shadaa, Imperials can ride on "requisitioned" bikes that spawn...getting them to/from quest objectives faster. Republics do not have anything like this available.


Civil War - Even if Republics cap the first node a few seconds (up to 5 seconds in WZs i have been in) before Imperials cap a node, the Republic ship ALWAYS takes the first tick of damage.


Imperial Mercenary AOE (Death From Above) provides instant damage to the target area while Republic Commando AOE (Mortar Volley) gives Imperials 2 seconds to move from the target area before damage begins.


Imperial Sorcerer "Shock" spell (instant cast) provides instant damage while Republic Sage "Project" spell (instant cast) provides damage about 1 second later due to having to wait for the spell graphic to happen.


Imperial Sorcerer has a blast away that also roots players....Sages do not.



Some other gripes I have but need to do more research on...or would love to hear from those that know for sure....


Population imbalance (which i consider to be a by-product of the items above) has caused irreparable damage to PVP fairness, ability to acquire items on the GM, and any kind of raid progression. On my main Republic toon I am in half Champion and half Centurion gear and Battlemasters 3 shot me all day long...even with my force bubble up. I average 400K heals in WZs and we still get run through as if I wasn't healing at all. ***A side issue for Sorcerers and Sages that are heal spec is that they can sit in a corner, use consumption/noble sacrifice and just heal themselves to pad their healing numbers, and get rewards, that is just broken imo.***

Taking away valor/comm gains in WZ past 4 medals now negatively affects Republic players more since most Imperials have had plenty of opportunity to exploit the pvp imbalance to the point where they are geared Battlemasters. Also the valor caps have me giving up on reaching valor level 60 when coupled with the above (I'm currently valor 56)

Imperials have an aoe CC (the one that has you floundering on the floor) and I have seen nothing on the Republic side work like this. This means 2 imperial players could effectively CC 5 or 6 out of the 8 Republic players in WZ between that and the blast away/root spell because we are only given one escape with a long CD.


Of course there are less important issues like Imperials getting new ships and ours look like old clunkers and the "Sheep herder in rags" pvp look, and the "Religious School Lunchlady" look of PVE gear for light armor wearers.

I see these items posted and discussed/argued/joked about/trolled in the forums on a daily basis. I have yet to see something from the devs in response. Admitting you screwed up would have actually gone a long way with me. To the contrary... ignoring the problems is an insult. As it stands, I am glad I cancelled my subscription.


Except the people that can see all the information on the game have frankly come out and said that population imbalance isn't actually large enough for them to do anything about it. 40 something % of players play republic and 50 something % play Imperial.

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I am not even level 50 on my Imperial toons yet...but here is some things I have found so far that favor the Imperials. I have yet to find anything like this that favors Republic players.


Low level Imperials can get mod-able gear from social vendors at social-1 while Republic players have to be social-3 to purchase any. I am talking about gear you can by with like 1200 credits...not the pilot set that takes 60 to 90 fleet comms per piece to buy. For the record, none of my 50s (2 and 2 Imp 50s on the way) are past social-2


On Nar Shadaa, Imperials can ride on "requisitioned" bikes that spawn...getting them to/from quest objectives faster. Republics do not have anything like this available.


Civil War - Even if Republics cap the first node a few seconds (up to 5 seconds in WZs i have been in) before Imperials cap a node, the Republic ship ALWAYS takes the first tick of damage.


Imperial Mercenary AOE (Death From Above) provides instant damage to the target area while Republic Commando AOE (Mortar Volley) gives Imperials 2 seconds to move from the target area before damage begins.


Imperial Sorcerer "Shock" spell (instant cast) provides instant damage while Republic Sage "Project" spell (instant cast) provides damage about 1 second later due to having to wait for the spell graphic to happen.


Imperial Sorcerer has a blast away that also roots players....Sages do not.






Low level imp thing. Wrong, Repubs get a dress.


On Shadaa, they barley increase your speed, and you get knocked off then stunned with one hit, I've NEVER seen someone actually using one.


Civil War - Valid point, they need to fix this.


AOE issue - This is being fixed.


Shock issue - Again, being fixed


Imp Sorc - Don't have a sage, but from what I know its a mirror class, double check all their specs, pretty sure they should have something.

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In the most part, it seemed to me to be nothing more than a PR showcase for 1.2


Though I did laugh at Damian Schubert suddenly realising that there isn't a "ready check" in the game. Which sorta sums up what I previously thought.

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That horse left the barn long ago, apprently it's a standard in mmo's now that players are incapable of utilizing personal skill. Thus being so incompetent, we need "help" via some arbitrary gear check, nor is it limited to pvp.

How will that be the case since gear is soooooooooo easy to get. Wouldn't everyone be on the same level of gear and now it comes down to skill?

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is EVERYTHING fail for you kind of people in this game or anything pertaining to this game?! I mean..cmon...


the word fail is getting thrown around WAY too much these days about things that never even came CLOSE to failing...


Failing would be everyone telling bioware to piss off, giving them the finger, walking out, or never even having anyone come there in the first place. Just stop it

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...but that morning break after the introductions has me thinking this summit was "guided" to skate over the hot topics in an effort to keep things mostly positive


Stopped reading after this... haven't ready anything else in the thread... after this post, don't plan on retuning to this thread.


But really... With all the players that they had there do you SERIOULSY think that there is any chance in HELL that they could get away with something like this on such a massive scale?


This goes beyond tin foil hat. This is EA useing a MIB flashy device scenario. (I'm talking about the one in the troch of the statue of liberty)

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Low level imp thing. Wrong, Repubs get a dress.


On Shadaa, they barley increase your speed, and you get knocked off then stunned with one hit, I've NEVER seen someone actually using one.


Civil War - Valid point, they need to fix this.


AOE issue - This is being fixed.


Shock issue - Again, being fixed


Imp Sorc - Don't have a sage, but from what I know its a mirror class, double check all their specs, pretty sure they should have something.


Have fun putting a dress on your male toon. That said, I will bite... where is this "dress" purchasable with social 1? Don't say the hutt slave outfit because that is social 2. If you can tell me the vendor that republics have that is like the social vendor Imperials have on Dromund Kaas... I will stand corrected.


I am sure you don't hang out on shadaa watching the bikes...so im not surpised you have not seen one used. I used them on two imp toons and had no problems as long as you stay in the middle of the street. My point is still that this is an imperial only perk and republics don't have anything like it.


I hope the other two issues do get fixed...and I have already responded to the aoe stun spell after someone pointed out what it was for sages.


Except the people that can see all the information on the game have frankly come out and said that population imbalance isn't actually large enough for them to do anything about it. 40 something % of players play republic and 50 something % play Imperial.


What is your point here exactly? On my server right now there are 800 Imperials and 120 republic players online...down from the 1400/400 it used to be. My server is not alone in having way more than a 15% difference.


Thanks to all that have read the post and taken the time to respond. I can tell you that since last night's patch...I am glad to see the changes to pvp/valor rewards. Even though the BMs are still rolling over us, at least the "slow crawl" of progression I referred to in my original post has sped up a bit. I am hopeful that this will help the overall server population even out some with rank/gear and close the gap by the time war hero gear is introduced. It is still not fun to lose all the time...but it is good to know I am still getting somewhere with these losses. If anyone has more information on planned fixes..etc, please feel free to post them.

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Have fun putting a dress on your male toon. That said, I will bite... where is this "dress" purchasable with social 1? Don't say the hutt slave outfit because that is social 2. If you can tell me the vendor that republics have that is like the social vendor Imperials have on Dromund Kaas... I will stand corrected.


The vendor is in the mall under the Senate Plaza on Corcuscant. Each piece costs ~400 credits and requires Social I & level 14.


There's even a quest players pick up on Fleet that takes you right to this vendor.

Edited by Dayfax
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