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Collector's Edition Love?


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I will admit that I could not watch the whole summit and thus have missed most of it, but I did not see anything mentioned about an updated Collector's store for 1.2


Are we, who spent 150 bucks on a collectors (yes, I have to remind you that we paid more than twice a normal copy) left in the dust?


Will we see any of those new mini pets in our store? As it stands the collector's pet is complete lack of design talent. I saw some t-rex looking pet and it look like some thought went into that pet. Will we get something unique in the pet dept?


Any other perks? Like social consumables? Cosmetic orange gear?


Where is the love (not a competitive edge love for those who like to endlessly argue that pointless argument) for those who dished out extra money for the game?

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Yeah, my Malgus doll is great and all, but I mostly got the CE for the perks and the in-game store, which was just a total disappointment at launch. Yet nobody seemed to address this at the summit. As it stands right now, if I had known back in June 2011 what I know now, I would have just gone with a standard edition of the game. I really hope they show us CE owners some love in 1.2.
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I agree completely. My main motivation to buy CE was also the in game perks, however the only useful thing so far has been the free mount. The VIP lounge was a huge disappointment, I'd been envisioning something much cooler where people would actually want to hang out. I do like the book though!
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I will admit that I could not watch the whole summit and thus have missed most of it, but I did not see anything mentioned about an updated Collector's store for 1.2

Nope, they got our money...sucked us in with all the hype & we bought into it...meh


It's only money

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This was answered a little over a week ago by Georg Zoeller.





Don't worry.

We still get some love. :)


After all they answered in this summit, and this wasn't mentioned (to my knowledge) you think a very vague yes is fine?


I read that weeks ago. After all this information given at the summit I think it's about time we hear about their plans and ideas for Collector's owners.


Lead Combat designers saying "yes" for non combat related feature does nothing for me.

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Nice to know I spent 160~ dollars for one vendor with inconsequential (and overpriced) items. Even nicer to know that now I've spent a total of 200$ to play a beta product for 3 months.


Pretty much.

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After all they answered in this summit, and this wasn't mentioned (to my knowledge) you think a very vague yes is fine?


I read that weeks ago. After all this information given at the summit I think it's about time we hear about their plans and ideas for Collector's owners.


Lead Combat designers saying "yes" for non combat related feature does nothing for me.


The majority of replies you got had everything to do with the in-game store and whether or not they will add to it so I replied with a source.


A rather vague "yes" is very fine to me. The fact that anyone even said anything on it makes me somewhat happy. And, just because he's the lead-combat designer doesn't mean he doesn't have any knowledge on the cosmetics of the game.


If it had come across anyone's mind at the time when it came to the questions it probably would have been answered. Perhaps vaguely, perhaps not.


Hopefully you get your answers. I'm good with "yes."


On a side note:

I'm actually looking forward to the Tauntaun.

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I purchased the CE. I purchased it for the boxed items. Digital items were a nice perk, but not worth the price difference IMO. The vendor is the least perky of the perks IMO. The security vendor has better perk items.


Now, they did say the content on the CE merchant will be dynamic, and I believe them. Only they know what interval that will be on though and what the content will be. Players need to be patient about it and wait and see, not complain about it, regardless of what motivated them to purchase the CE.

Edited by Yvin
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I purchased the CE. I purchased it for the boxed items. Digital items were a nice perk, but not worth the price difference IMO. The vendor is the least perky of the perks IMO. The security vendor has better perk items.


Now, they did say the content on the CE merchant will be dynamic, and I believe them. Only they know what interval that will be on though and what the content will be. Players need to be patient about it and wait and see, not complain about it, regardless of what motivated them to purchase the CE.


Well a free feature essentially (unless you don't have an android phone, or iphone) has better perks then a paid for feature.


Both are optional. Yet the paid for feature is has less quality perks.


Thanks for pointing that out.


What is patience? Three more months? One year? Asking for updates and when a paid for feature will be updated and shown some love can be seen as complaining by people who don't care either way what happens or just like to flame. I for one see it as a valid question.

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back when VIP CE EDITION LOL@U LOOOSERS sigs were all teh rage the rest of us were being told how the statue alone was wroth the price of the CE.



now here we are and you all bought it for the dinky in game store and supposed gameplay perks.






tbh though give the VIp store some love. idk why i should even bother going up there except to have private *** space with vette right now.

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I bought it, happy with the statue, VERY happy with the soundtrack, the AuthKey was a nice addition, the artwork and JM Guide are quite interesting and I also was under the impression that they would "update the CE vendor from time to time" so therefore: I wasn't expecting anything for it any time soon.


People have so little patience any more, it's a wonder they even manage to get a character all the way to level 50, regardless of how long it took them, seems like they would have been raging by level 3.

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Um, there is alot more ingame stuff with this CE than any CE game I've bought. Lets face it WoW CE only came with a vanity pet. Here you get the pet, the dancer, the target marker, the flare, and a free speeder on every toon, not to mention to real life stuff. What do you guys want? A "I WIN" button? Sure it would be nice if the speeder speed scaled with speeder training, but other than that I think the CE cost was money well spent.
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Um, there is alot more ingame stuff with this CE than any CE game I've bought. Lets face it WoW CE only came with a vanity pet. Here you get the pet, the dancer, the target marker, the flare, and a free speeder on every toon, not to mention to real life stuff. What do you guys want? A "I WIN" button? Sure it would be nice if the speeder speed scaled with speeder training, but other than that I think the CE cost was money well spent.


I win button? You must have not read op.


You obviously agree that there are issues with the in game items since the speeder wasnt what you want/thought.


They promised updates to CE store. That is why i dished 150 for the CE. Continued CE support. Otherwise I would have got Deluxe

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I purchased the CE. I purchased it for the boxed items. Digital items were a nice perk, but not worth the price difference IMO. The vendor is the least perky of the perks IMO. The security vendor has better perk items.


Now, they did say the content on the CE merchant will be dynamic, and I believe them. Only they know what interval that will be on though and what the content will be. Players need to be patient about it and wait and see, not complain about it, regardless of what motivated them to purchase the CE.


See I'm the opposite of you. I bought the box, opened it, entered in my code, then threw everything but the authenticator away.


I never even opened the book or malgus statue. I just don't need the clutter and had no interest in the physical items. My only interest was the CE vender and the promise they made to constantly update it.

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Nice to know I spent 160~ dollars for one vendor with inconsequential (and overpriced) items. Even nicer to know that now I've spent a total of 200$ to play a beta product for 3 months.


Your first MMO launch and first purchase of a Collector's Edition.


1.) You got what you payed for ... a Collector's Edition. There was much more to the CE than just one vendor with items. I'm sorry you didn't get exactly what you wanted, but you willingly purchased the CE knowing what you got. Go to the bathroom and point at yourself in the mirror. Now you know who to blame when you're upset about your purchase.


2.) This is far from a beta product. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that you weren't around for WoW launch, or Age of Conan launch ... (I could name more, but I think you get the point). The real question is, why are you still here if you're so unhappy? I can think of a million other things you could be doing rather than trolling forums of games you don't like. To each their own I guess.

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I bought mine for the fact that it's a Collector's Edition and it's got stuff for me to collect.


That's all fine and well. For me though, it was pretty much the in game store. The physical items were alright, but hardly worth 'collecting', it'll hold no value or meaning to anyone 10 or 20 years down the line. A statue of a character, made up for an mmo. It's not like having iconic memorabilia from the original movies. Heck everyone who's seen my statue asked me where'd I get the statue of vader without his helmet >.>

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Your first MMO launch and first purchase of a Collector's Edition.


1.) You got what you payed for ... a Collector's Edition. There was much more to the CE than just one vendor with items. I'm sorry you didn't get exactly what you wanted, but you willingly purchased the CE knowing what you got. Go to the bathroom and point at yourself in the mirror. Now you know who to blame when you're upset about your purchase.


2.) This is far from a beta product. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that you weren't around for WoW launch, or Age of Conan launch ... (I could name more, but I think you get the point). The real question is, why are you still here if you're so unhappy? I can think of a million other things you could be doing rather than trolling forums of games you don't like. To each their own I guess.




In response to 1. No one was really expecting the sun on a platter here or a ticker tape parade just for buying the CE. However you have to admit that a set of imperial trooper armor is just downright lame. In addition, there aren't extra customization options for all companions, just a couple of them, and they barely look different if at all from what you'd normally get.


In response to 2. You can think of 100 million things for someone else to do, but in the end you don't get to dictate what someone else does with their free time, just as I'm sure you don't want someone dictating what you do with yours (which is also apparently scouring the forums when there is a game to be played).

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