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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1.2 is "The Messiah of all Patches"


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Something I heard misrepresented thoroughly today.


"Warzones are popular, we have millions of warzones played since launch."


No. Warzones are not popular, they are just the only current form of actual playable PvP.


Ilum, is not playable.




I like warzones as a variety, but it's secondary to world pvp/pvp lakes, just like in Warhammer where the forts and stuff were the main pvp that went for hours, with multiple warbands etc.


They should have built on what Warhammer did, improve and learn from mistakes made in that game and did something similar and better in TOR.

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Seriously, they are adding:


1. Ingame events

2. New warzone

3. New flashpoint

4. New Operation

5. Better Crafting

6. Legacy

7. More RP places

8. Chat bubbles

9. Animal Mounts

10. Ranked WZ's


AND much much moree!!1


This is like a wow expansion!!!


STOP complaining, have fun, if you don't have fun dont play, bye :)


EDIT: Also, to all the people saying these features should've in launch, you're wrong, was launch not the best? Sure, but they are delivering, I've seen more people playing today then I have in the past couple weeks. Lets not mind that BioWare NEVER MENTIONED ANY of the features that will be realeased in 1.2, to have been in launch.


Sooo they're adding things other games already have? Big deal.


If you're going to produce a nearly identical product you at least have to improve on it. And I don't see that happening. Swtor has actually taken a step backwards in many areas.

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1.3 will be heralded as the new Messiah patch, and the TOR Killer just like this one is.


With GW2, That game does not appeal to me at all. I do not hate it or wish it will die, but I do feel its going the way TOR went. Massive fanboi hype, many of the same comments we saw about TOR we see for GW2. " MMO X Cant come soon enough!!!" sort of thing, Id say a few months after release. GW2 will be proclaimed a "failure" despite having a decent sized player base, and everyone will be saying. " MMO X Cant come soon enough!!!" again,

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Quotes taken from http://pc.ign.com/articles/121/1219843p1.html.


"We want to give our players their money's worth," said Ohlen. "They're paying fifteen dollars a month, so we have the whole team essentially devoted to pumping out new content and new systems on regular occasions. They've been crunching even past launch. We've had a lot longer [quality assurance] soak time this time. We want to make sure there's no bugs, such as the one that occurred in Ilum for our [patch 1.1]. We don't want that to happen again, we want the positives to be focused on."


I don't know about the rest of the community but, I don't see the ability to move the UI around where you want it "new". You are providing your players with functionality that for a very long time has existed in practically every MMO game that exists today. And was expected (especially with a $300 million price tag) in this game to begin with.


You want to make sure there are no bugs? How about fixing the mess you have already created. The Customer Service forum looks like one of your "Warzones" already. And your ability to address issues in general is a copy+paste canned response from an outsourced Customer Service team.


"If you were to play a character to level 50 with all the races, you could create any class of any race," said Ohlen. "We know that not many people are going to do that because it's kind of crazy, so we also gave the option for players to purchase some of the unlocks."


I can't even begin to tell you how butchered the Star Wars lore is because of this. The only part of this that was correct was the part about it being crazy.


Other Legacy unlocks will not be available until you've leveled a class to 50, however. Such is the case with unlocking new skills. Do you wish your Bounty Hunter could shoot Force lightning? After 1.2, if you relate the Bounty Hunter to a level 50 Inquisitor, it'll be possible


Again, I can't even begin to tell you how butchered the lore is. This is a fail burger with all the toppings. My Bounty Hunter can shoot Force Lightning? Seriously?


(regarding Guild Banks)

"In terms of all of our features, it was probably one of the most expensive features we built because it involves a lot of underlying code because you're sharing items between multiple characters."


Maybe you shouldn't be trying to re-invent the wheel. Are you seriously trying to convince someone that your Guild Bank system is "special" and thus required more effort to create?


I am not sharing anything with anyone. It is not rocket science. Link your Guild to a separate items table in the database. That table gets loaded with items that are deposited by other characters. At that point, my character has NOTHING to do with the item I just deposited.


It is being stored in it's own database that is relation-linked to the Guild itself. Done... What is the big deal? The reason there is a lot of underlying code is because your programming staff doesn't know what they are doing.


"We want to put in some guild features, like the aforementioned capital ships, that players have never seen before in an MMO."


HA HA HA HA HA HA.... Yes... No one has ever seen a guild hall before.


Many less dramatic changes will be implemented as well. BioWare has been busy tracking down numerous bugs and smoothing out the leveling process, and in 1.2 will be implementing a better search functionality in the Galactic Trade Network, The Old Republic's auction house. Unfortunately the ability to bid on items still won't be included, but Ohlen promised searching will be a lot easier.


No surprise on the bidding system. Again, every other MMO in existence has this and yet... the most expensive kid on the block doesn't. Maybe because it would again be "a lot of underlying code".


I have unsubscribed as of the news of this patch. This is no longer Star Wars. This is as they have been calling it. The TORtanic.

Edited by Parali
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The ONLY issue I have with the new patch coming soon is the complete screw up of Star Wars lore.


Now while a lot of players here may not give a damn about a games story and anything revolving around that there are a LOT of people who do. Also was it not said during development that Bioware are all about story and so on? You would think with that in mind that they would at least let the game go a year or two before they start doing a Blizzard and completely retarding the story, plot and generally every core element the canon has and is.


What im venting over is the fact that now with the new patch players who are smugglers can all of a sudden throw electricity from their fingertips because good old uncle bob was force sensitive...


What the hell?!


Just because Luke was a Jedi doesn't mean Leia was running around force choking people...


Force is the force, you either can or can't. Not because some distant relative was able to do back flips while stringing a guitar.


I actually stopped playing SWTOR (i remain subbed) when I heard about 1.2 because I figured id rather just start from scratch with a race/class mix that I want than go through the only story I want to play and basically reveal all the surprises.


That brings me to my second problem with the update...


Some races just shouldn't be able to act as certain classes and/or factions. While I initially thought it would be awesome to be a Jedi Sith Pureblood I later realise that even the name sounds stupid. Not only does it make the Jedi Knight companion seem less unique but it also goes against the grain of the sith themselves. Sure you can accept a couple of rogue siths but when everyone is able to select this race what do you think will happen?


Also the Miraluka should only be selectable by the force sensitive classes. I understand some people may be willing to give half arsed reasons as to why a Miraluka can do this or that but frankly it just doesn't sit right with canon/lore.


Honestly if this patch is to become something other than a complete screw over of everything that is star wars they need to change these implements and stop making similar ones. By all means improve the game but at the expense of canon and lore this is just criminal.


Even Star Trek Online with their struggling (now free-to-play) system have not turned their back ONCE on Star Trek canon/lore. The fact that a company who promotes itself as a serious developer for story and lore has decided to screw over possibly the biggest IP going is insane.


Either Bioware have been lying to us all from the start and they are just a money grabbing developer or this actually isn't a Star Wars MMO.


The sad fact is im not sure which one of those it is...

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1.2 is too little too late. This game is doomed.


But not all is lost, Bioware, use this opportunity to figure out what you did wrong and come back with stronger games...because honestly, you have been producing 'meh' quality games for some time now.


And please, for the love of god, don't take these fanboys seriously. They will NOT tell you what you did wrong being they don't think you did anything wrong.

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Just because Luke was a Jedi doesn't mean Leia was running around force choking people...


Clearly you aren't as up on your Star Wars lore as you claim if you are unaware that Leia does indeed have force powers. Specifically in "The Courtship of Princess Leia" she learns to use some of her powers from the Witches of Dathomir. And then later (I can't remember the book offhead) she creates her own lightsaber. She makes the decision not to become a full-fledged Jedi though.


While she wouldn't be able to force choke (because she isn't sith) she can, and DOES use the jedi mind trick.


This has come up with other characters in the books. Corran Horn starts off just using minor force powers before he gets formal jedi training, and Wedge Antilles also displays some force ability.

Edited by Snoodmaster
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Wow you Drones are becoming worse then the Fanbois! LOL


For me, I dont get caught up emotionally like many here seem to be over a game. I am currently enjoying it, and I realize anyone who enjoys it will be labelled a Fanboi by some angry drone, and anyone who hates it will be labelled a drone by ranting fanbois

There will come a time where tOR wont interest me, I wont get angry I wont get upset, I wont blame anyone, I just will stop playing.


MMOs go in vicious circles, the next MMO will be hyped as the greatest thing everm just like TOR was and it will release and be the game it was going to be and everyone will get angry, a new fanboi v drone war will break out, and someone will shout " Oh hurry up new MMO Y!" and people will call everything too little too late even if added a day after launch,


The genre is in trouble

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Wow you Drones are becoming worse then the Fanbois! LOL


For me, I dont get caught up emotionally like many here seem to be over a game. I am currently enjoying it, and I realize anyone who enjoys it will be labelled a Fanboi by some angry drone, and anyone who hates it will be labelled a drone by ranting fanbois

There will come a time where tOR wont interest me, I wont get angry I wont get upset, I wont blame anyone, I just will stop playing.


MMOs go in vicious circles, the next MMO will be hyped as the greatest thing everm just like TOR was and it will release and be the game it was going to be and everyone will get angry, a new fanboi v drone war will break out, and someone will shout " Oh hurry up new MMO Y!" and people will call everything too little too late even if added a day after launch,


The genre is in trouble

Sorry... Drones?
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Where did they say they were adding chat bubbles and animal mounts? I haven't heard about that yet.


It was mentioned in the RP Panel that they finally fixed chat bubbles they're usesable without downgrading performance.

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There are some things that should/could have been in launch, were almost out of beta guys!


MMOs are always in a state of "beta" according to some people.


If you aren't satisfied you can always leave.

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Either Bioware have been lying to us all from the start and they are just a money grabbing developer or this actually isn't a Star Wars MMO.


The sad fact is im not sure which one of those it is...


It may help to rewrite it as:


Either Electronic Arts have been lying to us all from the start and they are just a money grabbing developer or this actually isn't a Star Wars MMO.


I still want to believe in Bioware, the creators of so many games that have given me so much fun

Edited by ShotByBothSides
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For me, I dont get caught up emotionally like many here seem to be over a game. I am currently enjoying it, and I realize anyone who enjoys it will be labelled a Fanboi by some angry drone, and anyone who hates it will be labelled a drone by ranting fanbois


I do not consider you a fanboi Darka. Fanboi's are the guys that attack anyone saying anything about the game, I've never seen you do it. You have always been respectful to everyone's opinion.


Just wanted you to know that it did not go unnoticed, by this drone anyways.

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Sorry they sucked me in with the Star Wars IP for a 6 month sub, sorry I make enough money that 77 dollars isnt a big deal, Sorry that as a paying customer I will voice how unfinished this game is compared to other MMO's hell even F2P MMO's have more features.





1. Meh

2. PvP is still horribly unbalanced. A new WZ won't change that. Plus, it is possible to compete against your faction, how is that promoting the Republic-Empire war?

3. Ok, that will be interesting for a few days.

4. Hopefully it is harder than the current Ops.

5. Should have been in at release. Everyone in beta told them how broken crafting was, but they didn't change anything. Now they are trying to create an economic reset before 1.2 because of how badly they screwed things up.

6. Yay! I can use a class defining ability from one of my 50's every 20 minutes when I am soloing. Isn't this supposed to be a MMO? What in the legacy system supports the MMO part?

7. If that is your cup of tea, more power to you. it isn't my cup of tea.

8. I turn them off in every other MMO I play. I don't care about them.

9. More mounts is always good. I'm not sure why they are deciding to retire other mounts.

10. They have to prove they can balance PvP before ranked WZs mean anything.


And much, much more disappointment ahead!



Really? You tried to go there? This is a smaller content patch than the patch that brought in Icecrown during Wrath(3.3). There's nothing close to the full 1-60 revamp and 5 new zones(plus a dozen dungeons and 2 raids) from Cataclysm. Hell, this barely keeps up with 3.2, Call of the Crusade and that was considered a major disappointment for WoW.



Please don't tell me what to do. I play how I want to play.


Even more hilarious.


I've bashed the game before, but wow. I'm laughing my *** off right now.

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Nothing new there. Most of us have been saying these things for months. I'm not going to give Bioware credit for botching their timeline so badly that they have a mega patch ready to roll 4 months after release.


Go. Away.


You are a broken record.

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It may help to rewrite it as:


Either Electronic Arts have been lying to us all from the start and they are just a money grabbing developer or this actually isn't a Star Wars MMO.


I still want to believe in Bioware, the creators of so many games that have given me so much fun


The sad thing is EA have no involvement in this.


They simply take royalties for financially backing the game during its development phase...


Oh thinking of it they actually take some profit for distribution too.


The actual people who are making decisions here are Bioware. If the story/lore gets screwed over then its because Bioware decided to do so. EA can by all means pressure them to make changes for x reason but the actual decision itself is down to Bioware who then have to pass it through LucasArts.


If it is run in ANY way other than that then its an unheard of practice.

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Well here's the thing, people need to complain.


This will be released, there will be bugs, and people will go nuts over it.


Some people will never be satisfied.


and some people will be always satisfied when they add things that only them like


the coin has 2 sides


(i dont care for my english, u get my point anyway)

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I find some people's reaction to the patch sort of disappointing. If you don't like the game why keep playing? Just cancel the subscription you're wasting your money then. I know some of the stuff they said they we've been asking for More Warzones, Operations/ flashpoints, Improved Textures, Guild banks, etc. So, when they say "Yeah, don't worry we're going to give them to you." why get angry at them for improving and accepting your demands. Its like ordering a pizza then yelling at the pizza guy for delivering. For those saying, "This should of been in the launch." you can pout all you want. Would you of liked the game then or would you of liked it 4 months later( when 1.2 is going to be released.) I understand your guys frustration but you need to look at it from their perspective. They can't satisfy your EVERY need. Its fine that you can't have your taun taun mount right now. Cross your fingers and it might get here in the future. Bioware is my favorite developers and I can see that they are having a tough time with this project- this is their FIRST MMO you know. Its alot more difficult than a mass effect or a Dragon age. They are still learning the ropes.


I am excited for which legacy skills will be available. But I'm a little hesitant. I dont want everyone being able to use a Stasis Feild/ Force armor or being able to do Healing. Hopefully it doesn't include advanced class skills. Though I cant wait to see if my Sorc or sage can get Force Leap so I can become a god in Hutt ball. Leaping and pulling people to victory. A Boy can dream. I've like others have been complaining about the textures... I'm glad to have my pizza order. I'm SO glad though they added the match button. If you were wondering what that clicking of his armor color was. I believe it is the match button they had earlier versions of the beta. It allows you to keep your armor consistent. Now you'll never look like a rainbow again. I hope the new warzone is hopefully another Conquest map like the Civil War.


I would love to see another patch like this. One that will make it worth to do space missions. Contrary to other people's beliefs, I do LOVE the space missions. Sure its a rail shooter/ But, I do love that it gives me an escape from the norm of an RPG. I mean WoW tried to do little mini games and failed. The space missions aren't suppose to be a big part of the game. Its not suppose to be like Battlefront, that was core around the whole real time combat thing. The game isn't about real time combat, its an RPG.


I do understand where you all come from- Hey! I want the most kickass MMO (Star Wars or not.) as much as the next guy.I'm just saying to give them some time. An MMO is a huge project.

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I find some people's reaction to the patch sort of disappointing. If you don't like the game why keep playing?


Some people love to complain, and are willing to pay a subscription to do it. Just think of it as a different playstyle.


Personally, I think you've got to be pretty special to go down a list like that and just brush everything off as meaningless, but then I'm not one of those people who'd still complain if it was gold-plated and fed me grapes in a skimpy little slave outfit.


I am, however, prone to abusing metaphors.

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