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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bioware, what are you thinking?


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In regards to the Chiss, for much of their history they were neutral and a rather isolationist race.


Having some of them in the Republic makes perfect sense.


The OP claims he is some kind of lore guru but knows nothing




I think the only species that gives me pause are the Purebloods. I have a hard time seeing any significant population of them breaking away from Sith tradition, or even going so far as to combat Sith tradition.


That's not to say it doesn't happen--or hasn't happened.

Edited by Dezzi
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Sometimes I really wonder about you posters....

You know there's something called "free-will", if a Chiss doesn't want to be a part of the Empire or the Ascendancy he can defect, he has something called "choice" - do you know what that it is, cause I don't think you do. There are no nano-machines or implants inside him controlling his thoughts so please, shut up


We see defectors of both races during the campaign, no big deal. Even a Sith became a jedi in my Knight story. And they're the hard ones. Not sure if they'll match the stories all that well though as a Jedi you start out as an accomplished Padawan, it'll be kinda weird I guess.

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I actually agree with the OP about this.

All this malarkey about free will is hardly relevant.

A true-blood sith that doesnt want to be part of his society? Most likely killed off at birth.

A chiss that doesnt want to be part of his society? Most of those will not leave the planet and go to the republic since mostly the military were the ones that got off planet in the first place.


"Even in the era of the Galactic Alliance, the wider galaxy seems to have had no direct contact with Chiss civilians. What was known about them was, as mentioned above, mediated largely through encounter with military units, and through a few high-level contacts with political and diplomatic delegations. It is perhaps no surprise, then, that the military and the ruling class were the best understood aspects of Chiss society; or at least, the best documented."



Yes there were exceptions to this... there will always be.

BUT these were extremely rare, and not at all on the scale that we will be seeing in-game.


The number of lvl 50 players with chiss and sith characters already means that there will be a dramatic and sudden influx of chiss and sith smugglers/troopers/jedi for no apparent lore reason.


I MIGHT buy it if bioware had some sort of in-game explenation like a rogue chiss faction defecting to the republic and some sort of lost sith colony redescovered by the jedi.


But to suddenly have dozens and dozens of chiss and sith defecting (because thats what theyre doing in effect) to the republic makes no real sense.


now, you might ask why im not complaining that the miraluka and miralan might be showing up on the empire side.


well, for the miraluka there is already precendence, although rare.

"Miraluka Sith were seemingly rare, as the species' own outlooks on life and the Force were largely incompatible with Sith teachings. However, as with all who felt the Force, a fall to darkness was possible with the Miraluka just as with any other species"


As for the Miralan, so little is known about them that there really is nothing to speak against some of them joining the Empire (other than the fact that theyre aliens).


The same goes for the rattataki. Though violent, i could see some of them joining the republic or working as smugglers.

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Dear OP:


Much like the lightsaber color crystal restrictions, the solution is simple. if you don't like it, don't use it. I don't care if you want a Miralan Sith or not, I do.


two thirds of the Acronym RPG is Role Playing. Feel free to pretend that the people you see that are a race that offends you are something else. Every race looks like a recolored human anyway, and unless you say something, I'm not even going to know that you were pretending that I was a human or something.


I used this argument back in Champions Online (Yes, I'm one of the few that isn't lying about not coming from WoW), whenever people whined about being unable to be a villain. I explained that nobody makes you do the rescue missions, and you can pretend whatever you want, and impose any limitations you want on yourself. The same applies here. Use your imagination, and you'll have more fun, while letting us also have fun playing the way we choose to.

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Actually bioware killed star wars canon in this game when they said Jedi can run around with red sabers that in the star wars universe are for dark side force users only.

And i'm talking about real canon not the of EU canon LA dont care to much about.

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I find it next to hysterical that in 22 pages of comments, only a couple of people apparently even read or addressed the most fundamental part of my argument. Perhaps that is because they don't really have any worthwhile response. Instead we have 22 pages of people asserting with brazen confidence things like "there are already examples of X crossover, look at Lord Praven!"


Well, to sum up the reason this is meaningless for the thirtieth time: I of course agree that there must be defectors, or whatever you would like to call them, in any given population. One would have to be a fool to not understand that. The problem with almost all of the responses to my OP that disagree is, you are attacking a straw man, not my argument itself.


What I am saying is simply this: fully accepting the fact that you will most certainly have a percentage of cross overs from the preferred faction to another in any species, that in itself could NEVER account for the large number of these crossovers we will be seeing in the game. The number of Chiss/Purebloods we will see on Republic Fleet, for example, will be completely unrealistic GIVEN the likely percentage of crossovers that would occur naturally.


The only fair response I have seen so far is the perhaps two people who believe that, due to the restriction that we cannot roll these races unless we have leveled one to 50, we will in fact NOT see the numbers I anticipate. That is certainly possible...however I think it is unlikely.


I found it humorous as well that someone took the tact of striking an academic posture, apparently in the belief that tossing words like eugenics around and citing scholarly studies would make my argument disappear. The funny thing is they too apparently didn't bother to actually read my post.


Please carry on though with another 22 pages of the same commentary that responds to anything but what I actually posted.

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No, I don't "see what I did there". I think a lot of you forum lurkers need to get out in the world and understand how rational people engage in argument, and stop believing the internet rule that says you can just throw out a meme and WIN, or that there is never a possibility to arrive at some kind of truth simply because people have opinions.


Anyone capable of making even the most minor rational connections, and who has played MMOs for a while, KNOWS that developers separate factions using races...that is a long, accepted and understood concept in MMOs. Sure there are exceptions, but I don't have to read the minds of all the MMO developers in the world to use a WIDELY ACKNOWLEDGED AND ACCEPTED reality as a basis for an argument.


As to whether Bioware has to follow the path or not...if you are going to break something that works, you had better do it for a good reason, and have something to replace and fulfill the function it previously held, neither of which is the case here.


So yes, I do think Bioware has an obligation to stop screwing around and throwing solid game mechanics out the window simply to provide "perks" because they are too lazy to create meaningful and original content.


Thank you for the pejorative and ad hominem attack. Learn to debate indead. :rolleyes:


YOU are the one perpetuating the meme. The meme that is this:


ALL MMOS do 'X' so THIS MMO also HAS to do 'X'. If they do 'Y' instead (e.g. something that the originator or perpetuator of said meme does not like/approve of/or want) then MMO in quesstion is FAIL.


THAT is what you are doing. Period.


BTW, when one resorts to name calling then one has lost an argument. :rolleyes:

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Thank you for the pejorative and ad hominem attack. Learn to debate indead. :rolleyes:


YOU are the one perpetuating the meme. The meme that is this:


ALL MMOS do 'X' so THIS MMO also HAS to do 'X'. If they do 'Y' instead (e.g. something that the originator or perpetuator of said meme does not like/approve of/or want) then MMO in quesstion is FAIL.


THAT is what you are doing. Period.


BTW, when one resorts to name calling then one has lost an argument. :rolleyes:


Well said sir....



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Since you think no one addresses your points, allow me to do so, point by point.


I find it next to hysterical that in 22 pages of comments, only a couple of people apparently even read or addressed the most fundamental part of my argument. Perhaps that is because they don't really have any worthwhile response. Instead we have 22 pages of people asserting with brazen confidence things like "there are already examples of X crossover, look at Lord Praven!"


Well, to sum up the reason this is meaningless for the thirtieth time: I of course agree that there must be defectors, or whatever you would like to call them, in any given population. One would have to be a fool to not understand that. The problem with almost all of the responses to my OP that disagree is, you are attacking a straw man, not my argument itself.


I think we can agree then that defectors happen. I would argue that this is irrelevant to the question of Legacy since defectors don't need any relationship to you in order to exist and should therefore have been rolled from the beginning with no restriction.


For the record, this point goes to you.


What I am saying is simply this: fully accepting the fact that you will most certainly have a percentage of cross overs from the preferred faction to another in any species, that in itself could NEVER account for the large number of these crossovers we will be seeing in the game. The number of Chiss/Purebloods we will see on Republic Fleet, for example, will be completely unrealistic GIVEN the likely percentage of crossovers that would occur naturally.


1) We have no way of knowing a priori how many Chiss and Pure-bloods will be on the Fleet.


2) There is a natural limit to the number that can exist. You need a level 50 of that race on its own faction in order to roll one. This means you would need a lvl 50 Chiss, Pureblood, and Ratataki in order to roll one of each on Republic side, leaving you with only two of the Republic races as options. If you choose to roll a Twi'lek, Zabrak, Human or Cyborg on either faction, you lose one of those potential slots. Yes, a person could level a Chiss and then make 7 Republic Chiss, but in that case their "personal story" would be one of a family defecting, and that is a perfectly valid choice. I admit that the ability to purchase unlocks with credits can skew these numbers. I know I will likely roll a Chiss Imperial, and I might then make a Republic Chiss, but I have to decide which of my Republic characters to delete first, so it might never happen. I certainly don't have room for a Chiss and a Pureblood.


3) You don't have to notice. I have no idea what the percentage of Mirialan's on the Fleet are, and I play one. I just don't tend to notice. Once you accept that there could be a family of Chiss refugees living on the Fleet, does it matter how big that family is? In fact, the Fleet, as a transit hub, might be where they are most likely to be seen. They might have trouble re-settling on Republic worlds as they would feel distrusted, so they may end up as refugees trapped on the Fleet for an extended duration as they seek asylum.


The only fair response I have seen so far is the perhaps two people who believe that, due to the restriction that we cannot roll these races unless we have leveled one to 50, we will in fact NOT see the numbers I anticipate. That is certainly possible...however I think it is unlikely.


Largely addressed above, but it is worth pointing out that your speculation is just as valid as theirs.


I found it humorous as well that someone took the tact of striking an academic posture, apparently in the belief that tossing words like eugenics around and citing scholarly studies would make my argument disappear. The funny thing is they too apparently didn't bother to actually read my post.


They appear to have been simply arguing the aforementioned defection argument and pointing out that species need not be united in their politics.


Please carry on though with another 22 pages of the same commentary that responds to anything but what I actually posted.


I think I've addressed what you've posted here. If you like, I can reply to the Original Post as well.


Now that it has been confirmed that getting a character of any race to 50 will allow you to roll that race as any class, I have to ask: Bioware, what are you thinking?


Clearly rhetorical, but I would guess that they were thinking "I bet people would like to play some of these races on the other faction. How can we create a system that enables that, while keeping the populations lower on cross-faction races, and having things make sense in within a story-based framework? Better yet, can we create this as a sand-boxing tool to allow players to generate their own story and live out their Star Wars fantasy to the fullest?"


This is a HORRIBLE idea. It makes a total mockery of Star Wars lore, and will completely ruin the game's atmosphere and integrity. Simply from the perspective of a Republic player, I do not want to see a bunch of Purebloods and Chiss running around on Carrick Station, it will just look completely stupid.


I think this is simply the population argument addressed earlier.


It is lore breaking in the worst way and for the WORST reason: convenience. I for one am willing to forgo this "feature" until REAL new races are released...whether that be in the near future or several years down the road...or frankly...never.


I, for one, am NOT willing to wait years for it. This feature looks amazing. I don't role-play in these kinds of games, but this sort of system is strongly encouraging me to do so. I am already replanning some of my alts based around the idea of family relationships, enemies, etc.


As for lore, there is no compelling argument against individual's switching sides. Clearly defection has already been addressed, but you are failing to take this in its proper context. It is about telling your own story. More on this below.


This decision is so bad and so detrimental to the integrity of the game and even, given the fact that these games are being used these days as a source of "canon", to the Star Wars franchise as a whole, that this is something I would NEVER want to see in the game for any reason whatsoever.


This point is entirely opinion, and I counter by stating that my opinion is exactly the opposite. This system looks pretty awesome, and will do a great deal to enrich the game and I want to see it as soon as possible (with adequate pre-release testing).


For those who may think "well you have to have the race at level 50 to make one..." you should realize that that is an extremely minor limitation which will not significantly change the fact that you will be seeing an impossible number of these cross faction races running around once the patch hits.


Getting to level 50 might be minor, but for people who largely play with a guild, being forced to play on the other side is a pretty major limiting factor. I will likely level one, no more than 2 Imperials on my server, because every Imperial I make is one I can't run Operations with my guild on.


Any speculation about the number is merely speculation. You won't notice the difference in Twi'lek and Zabrak skin tones, a Ratataki with a hat on looks like any other humanoid. The only obvious ones are the Chiss, Purebloods, Miralaku, and Mirialans, and you have to consider that people particularly attached to one race will likely already play on that side. I think you are vastly over-estimating the number of cross-overs you will see.


I personally will not be able to suspend disbelief, and I ask that Bioware SERIOUSLY reconsiders this move, both for the health of the game and Star Wars as a whole. Star Wars is too significant and admired an IP to trifle with things like this simply so you can provide people with a "perk".


Your ability to suspend disbelief is not something they can control.


As for a "perk," this is far more. See below.


EDIT: Since so many people seem to want to pick and choose which aspects of this they want to respond to so they can have the last word without actually addressing the issue, and keep bringing up the notion that "there will always be X number of any race that switches to the other side etc. etc." without reading the 2 or 3 posts I made explaining why that is meaningless in the context of these changes, I will state reason that is so here.


Allowing that there will always be a percentage of a race that does not follow the normal political or ideological affiliations the majority holds...that is NOT what will be represented in the game if this change goes through. What we WILL see is an INORDINATE and UNBELIEVABLY large number of cross faction races, MUCH larger than anything that could EVER be explained by the idea that there will always be some who change sides.


That argument holds no water.


Perhaps no single explanation could explain it, but ask yourself: "Where would the defectors live?" A Sith Pureblood, by virtue of his social status, would likely know useful information. The military would want to keep him close, perhaps use his skills and send him on dangerous Operations. They wouldn't relocate him to a farm on Taris or to be a tailor on Coruscant.


Likewise, the Chiss we see are all members of the upper military and social strata.


More importantly, think of the objectives for this system. It is all about story...your personal story. Just as the Original Trilogy as about the story of a family, they have explicitly said this system is about creating the Story of Your Family (your Legacy, if you will).


Just like in life, your story is unique, and only matters to you. They can't tell you you can't have a Chiss in your family because your server has exceeded its Republic Chiss cap. This is about creating your own story and living it.


This system has the potential to really improve the story aspect of the game by tying your characters together and encouraging non-role-players to get into their characters more and create a backstory that ties it all together. I am not a role-player, never have been, but I am very excited for this feature because, and this is pretty amazing and unexpected to me, it makes me want to be one. I am already planning out some family backstory to tie my characters together, which is something I have never done in over a decade and half of playing computer RPGs.


Here's an example that you can use to help set aside your disbelief at the number of Chiss on Carrick Station:


As mentioned earlier, what if you level a Chiss Agent, and decide at 50 "I am sick and tired of these Sith bastards." You know you could never escape, but you make your plans, bide your time, and secretly get your family to safety before faking their deaths as only a master Agent would know how.


Now you have 7 slots of Republic Chiss. In your Legacy tree, you have the Imperial as your father, then children and a spouse etc on the Republic side. They live in exile on Carrick Station, untrusted and unwelcome on the Core Worlds, missing their father/husband but knowing that seeing him would mean death for one or all of them.


That's a pretty compelling story to live out.


Or, as I posted earlier in this thread, you have a Guardian main, and a Chiss nemesis. You rescue the a Chiss child after a confrontation where you believe your nemesis killed. You rescue and adopt the child, and raise it as your own in the Republic. All the while your nemesis plots revenge and to get his child back. I am thinking I will have a Chiss Inquistor or Agent as the Nemesis to my Republic mains (possibly a married couple of my Smuggler and either Trooper or Shadow), and they adopted the Chiss child who grows up to be a Smuggler, following in the footsteps of the Gunslinger father, but taking a stealthier route due to distrust of a Republic Chiss that always keeps him/her (haven't decided) always on the move.


TLDR: I addressed every point you made in both this post and your OP. As you have stated you are opposed to people only responding to parts of posts, please do the same, responding to it in its entirety.

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According to Bioware the Chiss were completely unknown to the Republic at this time in the Lore... guess they are just going to throw that away...


According to Bioware the Pure Blooded Sith were treated as royalty and given pretty much everything they wanted and were allowed to do whatever they wanted... but i'm sure they all hate that and wanted to defect to the republic in droves...Not to mention that nearly 100% of pure bloods are force sensitive and would have been trained from Childhood to be sith... but I guess completely forgetting about that and becoming a trooper or smuggler is fun too...


Bioware was all "story story story" for the last 5 years we had to listen how awesome and immersive the story is....


now after 3 months they just throw it away... way to stick to your gut Bioware!

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According to Bioware the Chiss were completely unknown to the Republic at this time in the Lore... guess they are just going to throw that away...


According to Bioware the Pure Blooded Sith were treated as royalty and given pretty much everything they wanted and were allowed to do whatever they wanted... but i'm sure they all hate that and wanted to defect to the republic in droves...Not to mention that nearly 100% of pure bloods are force sensitive and would have been trained from Childhood to be sith... but I guess completely forgetting about that and becoming a trooper or smuggler is fun too...


Bioware was all "story story story" for the last 5 years we had to listen how awesome and immersive the story is....


now after 3 months they just throw it away... way to stick to your gut Bioware!


Ever hear of a guy named Siddhartha? He too had everything a Prince could ever want...and he gave it all away and became the Buddha. His story has inspired billions, and is on par with the story of Jesus of Nazareth for global influence.


I don't know....seems like a good source of story to me. How about rolling the Sith Pureblood Buddha? Body type 4, farm to pure DS then devote yourself to getting as many LS points as possible without farming?

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You can justify it.


You are an offspring of a sith lord (you are pureblood) who fled because he didnt like the evilness of it an chose to become a smuggler. Or whatever.



But it will be kinda dissapointing if the people don't comment on your strange appearance, for example, in quest dialogues.

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Thank you for the pejorative and ad hominem attack. Learn to debate indead. :rolleyes:


YOU are the one perpetuating the meme. The meme that is this:


ALL MMOS do 'X' so THIS MMO also HAS to do 'X'. If they do 'Y' instead (e.g. something that the originator or perpetuator of said meme does not like/approve of/or want) then MMO in quesstion is FAIL.


THAT is what you are doing. Period.


BTW, when one resorts to name calling then one has lost an argument. :rolleyes:


Well, if you want to take me including you in a group called "forum lurkers" as an ad hominem attack, you are more than welcome to it. I'd like to point out though, that while personally I can't stand the entire "meme" concept, I think you don't even grasp its meaning at all, since development patterns in MMOs clearly don't constitute a meme.


I'd also like to point out that, while I try my best not to become infuriated and resort to name calling, the assertion that "once you resort to name calling you have lost an argument" is obviously fallacious as the fact that one person insults another has not a single thing to do with the validity or veracity of an argument. That in fact is another kind of ad hominem attack.


My point still stands, you were trying to argue against my point of view on the most ridiculous grounds that only the World Wide Web debate team would find acceptable, and I called you on it.


BTW stating an opinion and following it with "Period." is a tactic that only works with the easily intimidated.

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Ever hear of a guy named Siddhartha? He too had everything a Prince could ever want...and he gave it all away and became the Buddha. His story has inspired billions, and is on par with the story of Jesus of Nazareth for global influence.


I don't know....seems like a good source of story to me. How about rolling the Sith Pureblood Buddha? Body type 4, farm to pure DS then devote yourself to getting as many LS points as possible without farming?


God now we're dragging Buddhism into this? For the fortieth time, how would your explanation account for the inordinate number of cross overs we are likely to see in the game world? It is meaningless that it may be RATIONAL regarding the story mode for these things to occur in a single instance. This is a MULTIPLAYER game first and foremost, and you cannot disregard that reality simply because you are in favor of these changes. It doesn't alter the fact that these changes do violence to both the lore and the integrity of the game.

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Well, if you want to take me including you in a group called "forum lurkers" as an ad hominem attack, you are more than welcome to it. I'd like to point out though, that while personally I can't stand the entire "meme" concept, I think you don't even grasp its meaning at all, since development patterns in MMOs clearly don't constitute a meme.


I'd also like to point out that, while I try my best not to become infuriated and resort to name calling, the assertion that "once you resort to name calling you have lost an argument" is obviously fallacious as the fact that one person insults another has not a single thing to do with the validity or veracity of an argument. That in fact is another kind of ad hominem attack.


My point still stands, you were trying to argue against my point of view on the most ridiculous grounds that only the World Wide Web debate team would find acceptable, and I called you on it.


BTW stating an opinion and following it with "Period." is a tactic that only works with the easily intimidated.




You are basically saying if everyone is jumping of a cliff to their certain doom then you too must follow.


I am saying that you don't have to follow the majority as my rebuttle.



Just because one game comany does one thing, why must another game company do the same thing even if ALL game companies up to this point in time have followed the same path.


HOW is that off topic or not cogent? Your ENTIRE argument is fallacious by perpetuating the lemming meme. *boggle*


How is it that YOU are not perpetuating the meme?


BW is trying something different. YOU don't like it. I do. I dissagree with all of your points. I think there are others that also feel as I do.


When all has been said and done it is you that are acting like the kid who owns the ball and doesn't want to play by the rules of others so takes his ball home because he is upset so noone else can play.


So in "World Wide Net Debate Team Lingo" u madz bro? :p:rolleyes:

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God now we're dragging Buddhism into this? For the fortieth time, how would your explanation account for the inordinate number of cross overs we are likely to see in the game world? It is meaningless that it may be RATIONAL regarding the story mode for these things to occur in a single instance. This is a MULTIPLAYER game first and foremost, and you cannot disregard that reality simply because you are in favor of these changes. It doesn't alter the fact that these changes do violence to both the lore and the integrity of the game.


I do believe I addressed all of that above. Remember, back when you asked people to address your posts, point by point, in their entirety and not pick and choose what to respond to?


Yeah, I did so. I notice you did not respond to any of those points, but instead chose to get offended at a proposed RP solution to someone else's complaint.


You have said:

Please carry on though with another 22 pages of the same commentary that responds to anything but what I actually posted.



EDIT: Since so many people seem to want to pick and choose which aspects of this they want to respond to so they can have the last word without actually addressing the issue,


And yet you ignore the posts that do exactly what you request.


You want a discussion of your points, respond to the post where I addressed every singe one of them.


Or keep trolling.

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what is up with these RP neckbeards?


Look, BW is giving the OPTION to roll new classes as different species, if you don't like it, then don't do it. If it offends your delicate lore sensibilities that other players choose less-than-canon species for their class, TOO BAD. It's a video game, not a movie.


this thread is as obtuse as the guy objecting to the crystal alignment restrictions being lifted. Please go police police your RP server, not the entire game.


Good luck with that.They can't seem to except that others have a choice as do they.Let the player decide.Take it or leave it.It is up to the player.I want a Jawa Guardian.

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RuQu, I am honored that you took the time to respond in such thoughtful detail to my arguments in this thread. I agree that you have a solid way of looking at the situation, though I still see the actual reasoning concerning how so many of this realistically small number of defectors could end up mostly at the fleet(and also in the Republic play areas) as requiring both a willingness to accept the patch changes at face value, and a preference for them. I don't think, looking at the information from a strictly rational perspective, one would be willing to make so many leaps of faith to justify what is definitely not the norm in such a situation.


I think the most valid response is(and tbh I hope you guys are right) the one stating that I am most likely way off about how many of these cross overs we will be seeing in the months after the patch hits. If this is the case, rest assured that I will be happy with the outcome and that my concerns were not realistic. My intent was to post my concerns, and see what people thought about them. I did this because I really feel that these changes could have a very negative effect on the game. Maybe a lot of people don't care about this kind of thing, but I do. This is a new game, and I hate to see the developers making such silly and potentially destructive compromises so early on, when there are so many other paths they could have taken.


Anyway, thank you for taking the time to provide me with some insight into how one might look at the changes in a positive light.

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I do believe I addressed all of that above. Remember, back when you asked people to address your posts, point by point, in their entirety and not pick and choose what to respond to?


Yeah, I did so. I notice you did not respond to any of those points, but instead chose to get offended at a proposed RP solution to someone else's complaint.


You have said:






And yet you ignore the posts that do exactly what you request.


You want a discussion of your points, respond to the post where I addressed every singe one of them.


Or keep trolling.


Sorry I was writing a response, took me a couple minutes.

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If you want me to address your post point by point, I will. I thought I'd just sum up my feelings as I appreciate your literate and well thought out post, but personally don't find the arguments substantial enough to change my point of view.


Though I do accept them as a good way to view the changes, if you are in favor of them.

Edited by Cancrizans
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