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New Skills for JK's in 1.2


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Maybe they'll change Enure. I'd like to see it act more like Temp hit points rather than the way it acts now. Damage tics off these Temp hp first, and if the buff ends before all THP are used, then those THP are lost, and it doesn't subtract a like amount from your regular hp.
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My guess is they realize that Sent is all but useless longterm without the option to shift to something other than DPS. Ask yourself this... how effective are you as melee DPS in large scale open world PvP? How many times do people call for Melee DPS for a Operation?


If Sent isn't superior DPS (and I'm not calling for it to be), and it's equal or less than other classes then it's inferior because of its inflexibility. Any other class will match the DPS and have the option to tank or heal...


Here is my guess:


Focus and Combat get a DPS buff and Watchman becomes a melee healing class.

Edited by Kurso
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Hopefully, they will give us some incentive to play a melee class. As it stands, there are plenty of benefits to being a ranged DPS/tank/healer class, but there are no benefits to being within AoE range. If there were a DPS boost that put the Sentinel ahead of the ranged classes and maybe a CC immunity (even if it's for 10 seconds with a 2 minute CD), it would make the Knight class more useful to large groups. How many times do you see PUGs looking for melee DPS?


The lvl 50 Sentinels can do quite a bit of damage, but I'm convinced it still doesn't compare to the lvl 50 Troopers or Smugglers in my guild. And for the class that was (supposed to be) "so good at DPS that they can't do anything else," it kinda blows. I've had to roll a Shadow (which is more of a mid-range DPS/off-tank) as an alt to be a viable option for end game PUGs. And for someone who loves playing the Sentinel, that really blows.


I dunno. I am cautiously optimistic about the patch.


-The Mullet

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i think we will get force pull (back) as a "new" ability, or maybe some form of CC immunity.


if they slightly improve the defense tree, i'll be happy. just a bit more threat for AoE tanking and maybe a little dps increase for single target tanking, that's all we really need, imo.

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My guess is we're getting a Push or Pull ability to make us more viable in WZs(mainly Huttball).


That would be my guess as well and would undoubetly be lovelly, preferably a pull since we are dps

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They should make something (probably OP) but still...


Anything that shoots you between 25 meter or 30, your character can deflect it like in the movies :p




On a more serious note, I have no idea why the Sentinel and Marauder do not have a Push or something to keep people off their back for a second. At least something like Force Choke or Stasis that eventually allows us to throw the person around :p

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"Force Stutter": The Jedi Knight feigns jumping into the air repeatedly to confuse his foes. Those unfamiliar with this ability will think the Knight is gliching out causing them to perhaps ignore him.

Channeld ability with a cost of 5 focus.


Or something along the lines of: In order to help alleviate the JKs mobility problem we have decided to remove the minimum range of Saber throw.


This has promise. How about the Knight leaps into a pack of foes, then immediately bursts into dance, confusing all enemies in a 10 meter radius for 5 seconds, making it impossible to cast spells or use abilities due to hilarity.

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I really hope it's something along the lines of:


-CC immunity or some sort of CC counter.

-Survivability improvements either via self-healing and/or better mitigation abilities.

-Better abilities to escape (Juggernauts mainly).

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The buff I prefer to get is to make us better at generating threat when tanking. With equally geared sage and shadow consulars in the main group I run with, I can never hold aggro except for when my two taunts are off cooldown.
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Tanking tree seems very MEH.


I would like to see some of the defensive talents from other trees moved into it personally.



This is a TERRIBLE idea. The defensive tree needs to be completely gutted, yes. But your purported suggestion would only make Vigilance very MEH as well.


NEW ABILITY means new ability. I think there is a good chance it will be a Pull type force ability and fully expect the Defensive tree for Guardians to be completely redesigned.

Edited by TheLakers
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Does anyone know what the new skills are?!


Nopers thus this thread!


Our Juggalo brethren seem to think BW is reworking all our abilities.


That would be awefull. IMHO... no matter how great they made it having to relearn every skill at 50 would be very painfull.


p.s. Thats right I just called my sith mirror classmates a bunch of bad music loving clowns.



p.p.s. The rumor I heard about the new ability; We'll be able to stick our hooded heads into our oversized butts and hear our whinny hooddown butt to big cries echo all about!

Edited by VoidJustice
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im pretty sure this game will die after the patch, this big patch is going to boost som classes kill otheres, and thats when a game is over.


this might be something that happens and it is true when you mess with someones "main" too much they just say to heck with it.


the game is badly balanced for classes and factions <when a different companion alone made my juggernaut tank a snap to play early on but my guardian is still struggling with normal mobs on ald>


my healer types and ranged DPS all have decent CCing ability which is what makes them so easy to play but melee got slight increase in armor and it doesn't compare.


i for one have already cancelled till they get their crap in order because though i like the game and concept of the game i will not be happy with what will be constant sweeping changes that will not balance PvE nor PvP because of the weaknesses within some classes vs other classes.


i agree that trooper/bounty hunter tanks are way over the top just as healing with them gets pretty easy after you get your heal as hit ability BUT they are going to nerf it into the ground if it exists at all and i am sure the sorcerer bubbles will end up "fixed".. when these things cause the game to be unplayable for those classes they will "fix it again" and then the whines will have them changing it again.


this game is no quake and therefore "balance" is not 100% ever but they added companions and this made the fact that you get you companions in differing order a problem as some can now gear for one faction while the reverse class on the other side is a "beggar looking for hand outs"

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"Force Stutter": The Jedi Knight feigns jumping into the air repeatedly to confuse his foes. Those unfamiliar with this ability will think the Knight is gliching out causing them to perhaps ignore him.

Channeld ability with a cost of 5 focus.


OMG I laughed out loud at this. +1 internet for you.

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haha, I predicted this in January...I said to those of who were concerned about JK power that looking on the bright side, we'll never be nerfed, that we only had improvements to look forward to. Now the foamy nerf hammer is coming down on other classes, and I can almost hear the whinging.


Almost?!...With the thunderous crack of the nerf hammer the whining has allready started!

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