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Your joking right? You gonna nerf BH??


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If you all read the part about the BH nerf you will notice it is not in quotes. The quoted part in that area is about how some ppl will like the changes and others won't. Also might I point out this article came from IGN, I would take anything not in quotes with a bucket of salt.


I would like a reworking of arsenal tree so that we are not so reliant on TM as much. While they are at it maybe make merc pyro more viable to use. Long story short I'm not worried.

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Let's be honest, BW's track record with nerfs is not great, we are probably screwed. I sincerely hope they don't mess with merc healing. We are defniitely not overpowered and I'd hate for it to become unplayable.


I hope one of the Devs comments on this.

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Nerfs/Buffs come and go across most (if not all) classes at some point through the life of any MMO.


The only thing you can do to avoid it is have one of every class and switch what you play as things are at the time, or find a class you love to play and stay with it regardless of buffs/nerfs.


Especially with Mythic behind PvP. Get used to it. They love doing it, they done it for the 5 years I played DAoC and the 12 months or so I lasted in Warhammer. A lot of the time through incredibly poor "reasoning".

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I feel the same way. Im a bit taken back by the idea of Nerfing the BH. I play a Merc and I tell you its a pain in the butt that you have to stand still to use your abilities to kill anyone. Its great in PVE works ok but PVP wow.


The Jet bst knock back seriously dont by you time for jack and ****. I think their are way to many stuns in pvp with all the classes. I think they need to give the BH merc a Jet jump ability to escape. The cool downs on the merc are long enough.


The disadvantage of the BH merc is if you cant escape melee range you are toast. Your only effective from range.


Shouldr slam is a waste. Give me grapple or give me Jet jump!! Ill be happy.


I guess we will wait nad see if we are happy BHs or pissed off ones!!!

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Dont have time to read all the posts here but my interpretion by the article is that nerfing bounty hunters means no nerf to troopers. And nerfing a mirrorclass when they are more or less identical couldnt possibly mean a big nerf by simple logics.
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now that i think about it, i will guess they gonna change our heat system to be on a base 12 to be like the ammo system of trooper


still just a guess.


They should make the ammo system base 100. making it base 12 just hampers what you can do cost wise with our ability pool. It was a stupid f'ing mistake they made from the start with troopers. Cut your losses and make troopers 100 ammo bioware.

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Tracer Missle doesn't do as much damage as grav round.


They wanna wack-a-mole some one nerf the Trooper Profession.


hmm where do you get such information?


i found the following where both skills deal the same damage (concidering same gear)





Edited by Quantemoq
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So they decide to nerf the BH, not only did they nerf the dmg (wich is just fine for me), but they nerf our healing so hard that i feel like a lv10 healer in a lv50 wz.. Full champion gear and i can't keep myself up...


Anyway, i don't want to wait till they fix such things, im not a guy with 10 chars, i try to play my toon as good as possible. And they nerfed my only 50 that im playing atm.


Canceling my subscription as we speak :mad:

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Anyway, i don't want to wait till they fix such things, im not a guy with 10 chars, i try to play my toon as good as possible. And they nerfed my only 50 that im playing atm. Canceling my subscription as we speak :mad:


There's going to be a lot of that. First BW nerfs stabbies which were the ONLY subclass that sage/sorcs feared. Sure, stabbies were OP, but who were the biggest beneficiaries of that nerf? Sage/sorcs. Now they are going to nerf BH which is the only class that can come close to them in dps (despite being crappier in healing, debuffing, etc.). BW completely dropped the ball on this and is demonstrating a total lack of vision.

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When are you guys going to do some research before you start whambulancing about something that BW didn't even specifically say?


Why don't you read the thread before you start being alarmed that people actually know the truth.


It's already been demonstrated that dps sage/sorcs have a stronger spam attack, better stun/interrupts, better cleanse, better heals, better DoT, more resources AND better debuffs from a single tree than commando/merc have from either dps tree. It's laughable that anyone would even attempt to dispute this. But clearly BH needs the nerf. Right, BW?

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Why don't you read the thread before you start being alarmed that people actually know the truth.


It's already been demonstrated that dps sage/sorcs have a stronger spam attack, better stun/interrupts, better cleanse, better heals, better DoT, more resources AND better debuffs from a single tree than commando/merc have from either dps tree. It's laughable that anyone would even attempt to dispute this. But clearly BH needs the nerf. Right, BW?


What if I said they both need nerfs?


Also, exactly who demonstrated that Sorcs have a better cleanse than Mercs? <.<

Edited by Varicite
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Just to add my two credits...leave the merc the heck alone. There isnt anything that is OP in the merc line. People whine about TM but its hardly OP and does moderate damage.


As to the pyro powertech, I really cant say as Ive never ventured down that road. There are other classes that are in need of nerfing, but not by very much. I think the game is pretty decent in terms of balance. Anyone that says otherwise should be doing comparisons with equally geared classes with the specific rock paper scissors classes. Random encounters in WZ's are hardly representative of any one class vs another.


Unfortunately many nerfs are a result of "player feedback" which in my opinion means absolutely nothing. Any changes to characters should be done based off of hard numbers and controlled internal tests. Not raging whiners who just lost their 4th wz to pre-mades.

Edited by Hotheaded
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Also, exactly who demonstrated that Sorcs have a better cleanse than Mercs? <.<


You're joking right? Merc Cleanse costs 15% of heat resources. Sorc Purge costs 6% of force resources. This isn't even up for debate. A sage/sorc loves it when a Merc Pyro attempts to DoT them - you are simply blowing up your heat stack for no effect. In contrast what is the Merc going to do when the sage/sorc DoTs him?! The sage/sorc's basic DoT does about the same amount of damage as IM, but instead of costing 25% of heat, it costs 7% of force. Yes, not only can the sage/sorc blow up the Merc Pyro's resource stack when defending against DoT, it can do so while attacking with DoT too! And those are the damage stats BEFORE the sage/sorc applies his DoT debuff. Did I mention the sage's DoT debuff also contains a self-heal that properly used will provide you with 2x more health/healing than Heroic Moment over Heroic Moment's 20 min CD? AND it's useable in PvP?


But yeah, clearly it is BH that needs the nerf. Right, BW?


Look, this situation isn't something that came out of the blue. EVERYONE who played multiple characters in beta knew the Sage/Sorc was OP. This wasn't something discovered in the last days of beta either. Midway through the beta process, everyone knew it. And to a man we all expected BW to nerf the sage/sorc to restore play balance. But here we are 3 months after launch and the only class that sage/sorcs feared (and then only on a situational basis) got nerfed, i.e. stabbies. And now BW is planning on nerfing the only class that can even get into the neighborhood of sage/sorc dps.


How could this have happened?


There is only one possible explanation.


The fact that everyone knew sage/sorc was OP led a ton of people to roll sage/sorcs as their main. And amongst those bandwagon types were the "low skill, but I want to be powerful" types. Now BW prides itself on keeping voluminous PvP match statistics. BW is probably thinking to itself - "Hey, sage/sorc isn't OP 'cuz their damage stats are inline with other classes". But what BW hasn't accounted for is the low skill level of all the wannbe sage/sorcs. Any competent sage/sorc will tell you that sage/sorc owns EVERY other class 1v1. EVERY class. This will become evident when ranked wz come up. People will create 8 man premades, they will queue for non-Huttie matches and they will REFUSE to accept tanks and non-sage/sorcs in their group. Count on it. And then BW will look like the village idiot for nerfing semi-viable classes but not sage/sorc.

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The Assasin/Shadow tank build needs to be nerfed far before BH.


not sure if serious.... Nerf the only real vital pvp spec for that class ? By all means go ahead and nerf it but id expect a buff to the infiltration spec so I dont insta-die just because somebody looks my way...in all honestly nerfs need to stop all together. instead give the classes that are weak a buff or just fix the stuff in the class before nerfing everyone to sh**

Edited by Rilok_Singz
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not sure if serious.... Nerf the only real vital pvp spec for that class ? By all means go ahead and nerf it but id expect a buff to the infiltration spec so I dont insta-die just because somebody looks my way...in all honestly nerfs need to stop all together. instead give the classes that are weak a buff or just fix the stuff in the class before nerfing everyone to sh**


You do realize you're saying this in a thread talking about nerfing the only real viable dps tree for Powertechs, right?

Edited by Varicite
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You realize there are no offical posts on any class nerf or buffs right? just speculation of ppl...


As it said in the Dev tracker....


So pointless thread is pointless? yep...


You wanna take that back now? Or do you like having egg on your face?

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