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  1. I just cant resist saying this anymore. And i do have a merc myself and thought of this while playing him; It would prolly be good buisness for BW to actually make a class that truely retarded ppl can play succefully. And when i say retarded i realy mean mentally inferior ppl. Truely retarded ppl tends to have social problems/unemployment and hence tends to spend much time home, maybe on the computer. In every country there are tons of these ppl, so why wouldnt swotor try to flirt with them by creating a 1-button monster? This is not an insult to the merc class, in that case it would be directed to me aswell.
  2. Hutball is a pointless wz for a large portion of all players; DPS. As soon as you go up against a good premade you will learn that the amount of defensive cooldown, stuns, pushbacks, the power of heals, sprints, leaps in this game makes it 95% impossible to DPS a a good ball carrier down. In those few games where most people has been playing a hutballclass and doing it good it goes like this; Whoever takes the ball from Mid first scores, Cause the short distance from Mid to goaline is easy to dispatch quick with all the utility and defensive cooldowns the good hutballclass has, like tankassasin, warrior. And ofc the tanks, the hybrids, the healers, the utilityclasses will claim that hutball is a tactical mastergame since they get a huge egoboost from it. The 2 most important things a DPS can do in hutball is to identify whos the most dengerous ballcarrier in the enemyteam and then DPS him before he gets the ball. As soon as he gets ball he will leap, sprint, , pushback, stun, burn def cooldowns and you wont kill him unless massive team support. The other role is to DPS one of the healers, but a good healer wont go down for some time. Hutball is by far the most class-depending Wz and hence the worst, making the 30-40% that plays DPS subpar. Force classes got an enormous advantage over tech users. The only 2 tech classes that can compete with the forceclasses would be a merc healer or a PT tank. They would still be worse in hutball than a sorc healer and sith warrior/assasin though. Voidstar and Alderan providers important roles for both DPS, tanks and healers and hence isnt mal-designed.
  3. And jugs/sages can do close to 1M so whats the problem?
  4. I did actually unsub, i played a 50 PT, V65 as main. PT post 1.2 will only have 1 role to play, and that will be PVE-tank, and that doesnt appeal to me in a game with soulless/boring PVE. Regardless if you try AP/Pyro/shield in pvp there will be another class that can do what you do and do it much better. Sure a good PT player will still be a good player and beat bad players, but as soon as you go up against another good player/op class you will lose. So you wanna be a pvp-tank? A jug can do it better So you wanna be a pvp-utility/dps player? Any sith can do it better So you wanna be a pvp-dps? Gunslingers/maras/juggs/assasins/sages can do it better So you wanna have a fat burst? Operatives/juggs/assasins can do it better So you wanna be a WZ-winner? Any healer/pvp-tank/mara/tankassasin can do it better I can understand the need to reduce our dmg somewhat. However doing that by such a huge amount as in 1.2 it would have to be compensated by giving us some survival tool or team utility. Judging by prevoius nerfs in this game that is unlikely to happen. 3 months of proving unable to balance pvp is what makes me unsub, not this nerf particullary.
  5. Dont have time to read all the posts here but my interpretion by the article is that nerfing bounty hunters means no nerf to troopers. And nerfing a mirrorclass when they are more or less identical couldnt possibly mean a big nerf by simple logics.
  6. Grapple rarely works anyway so i doubt any dps Pyro would mind.
  7. Well i could claim that sages do 5-9k lightning strikes and 1.5-2k DOT's. But that doesnt make any sense at all just like your post. Im playing a BM PT pyro with some parts BM, some rakata/champ, so not perfectly geared but decently. I have never even seen a crit of any kind above 4k coming from my guns. Usally i leave wz with highest hit neing 3.5k-3.9k. Im fully DPS speced and i doubt you can blame my skill since it all boils down to gear/spec and pressing a couple of buttons. Im sure though that with perfect equip you can do 4-5k crits. But so can any class.
  8. *A full DPS-speced pyro-PT gives up alot utility/survivability to be a good DPS class. *There are several classes that actually can beat a pyro 1vs1 tankassasins, mara, good healers etc. *Any class with DOT-cleanser can negate a large portion of pyro dmg. *A pyro has range 30m but has to come into melee range 4-10m to blow the big burst. To get into that range they pyro has no reliable ability to capclose except walking. That leaves the Pyro as the most squishy melee range class in the game(i consider operatives more durable with restealth and heals). *A pyro that doesnt get focused(they die quick) will sooner or later get unlucky with the railshots procs and overheat leading to abysmal dmg. ****Conclusion: A class with low survivability and little to no none utility that has to fight within melee range will ofc deal alot of dmg. Once in a while that pyro will get lucky and crit on 5-6 attacks in a row leading to a huge burst 13-16k, and when that dmg kills someone with little to no insight of the pyro shortcomings it will lead to forum QQ.
  9. Reding the forum and studying the skilltrees there seems to be little doubt that operatives has the biggest burst out of all classes. Seems fair to me. My question to the level 50 out there is, who comes second in the burst department in endgame? That is including all stackable consumables etc. Examples of real dmg numbers in lvl 50 vs lvl 50 fights are very appreciated. Thanks!
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