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Patch V1.2 Moved to April


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Going to have to agree with the last post! Swtor is already losing player base because the game has such a beta feel to it and all bioware is trying to do is make there lil chump change by extending patches to a more consumer friendly time period. Well what's going to end up happening is the player base will either get fed up and head back to their previous mmo or just get bored with the game and quit. I believe we saw this just recently with Rift and their player base. But w/e I will continue to play as long as I feel like my money is well spent or until bioware goes under and we have another f2p on our hands (can someone say lotro). In all honesty though if players don't feel like they are getting there money's worth they will stop playing, we see this mortality in Mmos from WoW, so bioware take a page from mmo history and don't be some money grubbers it's only going to hurt you!
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I don't mind waiting, because illum will be getting fixed next patch!


We can hope that there will be more and more improvements in the weeks to come before 1.2 as well.


By Ilum getting "fixed," you mean that we will, never, ever, ever have to set foot in there again? Because then yeah, it's fixed. :cool:

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A lot of people have left and more are leaving by the day.


This news of no major fixes until a month away (at least) means only more will leave.


In my guild, we started with a bang. 10-12 people online every evening working together while leveling. Everyone hit 50, we cleared the Ops for a couple of weeks and did lot of PvP. People got decked out in Rakata and BM gear.


Now, for the last 6-7 weeks, only two people in my guild haven't unsubbed yet -- me and another guy. We log on once a week (mostly Sat evening). PvP a bit, run some HMs and PuG EV if possible. Then log off for the rest of the week.


Rest of my guildies have canceled their subs and they have no intentions of coming back. Some have given up on MMOs, some went back to playing LOL and try out DOTA 2 beta, some others went back to single player RPGs.


I have been trying my best to persuade them to re-sub. At this point, I am also getting frustrated since I am running out of selling points for the game.

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By legit, I meant the issues that most directly affect gameplay, not immersion. Immersion is great, but I'll take a combat log over Day/Night cycles any day.


As would I, but does that mean things like "Day/night" cycles are not "legit"?


The fact is that one of the many criticisms about TOR is the fact that the environments don't actually feel "alive" or anything more than a movie set which people pass through whilst doing their class story.


Of course, those aren't their actual words, but that's how I would summarise how some people are feeling on the matter.

Edited by Tarka
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Did you really just attempt to argue that that post is in any way deserving of our attention or respect? You've actually been arguing quite compellingly up to this point but you've tipped your hand now. Subtle troll is obvious.


So, just because you disagree with what I said, I'm a troll now? Seriously?


People who post on forums are not primarily wanting YOUR attention or respect.

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So, just because you disagree with what I said, I'm a troll now? Seriously?


That's how it works on these boards...


Negative points/criticisms about the game? You must be a hater. Go play another game.


Positive points/reviews about the game? You must be a fanboi. Enjoy mediocrity.

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They are better off delaying and getting some testing in than pushing out a broken patch imo. If it lands as badly as 1.1 did then they will have way more people permanently gone. Delaying allows better testing so that doesn't happen. I am not even surprised by the delay tbh since they have so much in 1.2. They have whole guilds being manually copied over so they can test the content for 1.2
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So, just because you disagree with what I said, I'm a troll now? Seriously?


People who post on forums are not primarily wanting YOUR attention or respect.


No dude, because if you're as intelligent as you appear to be you could not possibly think that post was a reasonable attempt to improve this game. You wouldn't attempt to defend that guy unless you were arguing in bad faith.


I'm not suggesting people are looking for our attention or respect, but you are clearly implying that we should give it. Which is ridiculous.

Edited by Mr_Jonse
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And yeah, the game has been losing players.


On my Level 50 Marauder, me and my roommate are both DPS (re-rolled from Tank and Healer) and we cannot find a tank for any instance but for HM BT and FE. Any other instance, nope, gotta wait for the guild run normal EV/KP or wait for the weekly HM/Nightmare OPS runs.


My other character is a 50 Sin Tank and you have no idea how many whispers I get just chilling in the Fleet. Sometimes, I see three to four groups looking for a tank (usually for the same instance) and they never end up finding one. And I'm talking at peak times (5PM-9PM) and on weekends throughout the day. When the game came out (Dec-Jan), the Fleet always had 200+ players on peak times; now we're lucky to get 180 at peak times. The number of players on the fleet usually hovers 130-160 on average at peak times.


From anecdotal experience, population has gone down (hell, this is my third guild and finally found one that is actively participating in weekly OPS), two of the guild that I was in died due to inactivity, and now that I'm on the other side of the fence playing a DPS, I completely understand people's complaints about their inability to find a tank.

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No dude, because if you're as intelligent as you appear to be you could not possibly think that post was a reasonable attempt to improve this game. You wouldn't attempt to defend that guy unless you were arguing in bad faith.


I'm not suggesting people are looking for our attention or respect, but you are clearly implying that we should give it. Which is ridiculous.


Are you trying to suggest that only those who incessantly praise a company without question, is deserving of respect / attention?


Just because one happens to disagree with someone, doesn't mean that they ARE being unreasonable with their arguments. To ignore everyone's opinion on those grounds would be a little myopic in my opinion. Only the devs are really in a position to decide who is being unreasonable and who isn't.


Everyone has at least some subjective opinions. Who's to say YOUR opinions are any more valid than someone elses?


Besides, the previously quoted poster has every right to suspect EA / BW of manipulating dates. It wouldn't be the first time that a company has done so. And it won't be the last.

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This is very bad news. A lot of people subs end around march 20th, i am sure many wont bother resubbing. I know many people on my server that have unsubbed and waiting for 1.2 to decide to keep playing or leave.


Maybe if they release 1.2 patch notes early then bioware might be able to save some people from leaving but the longer they postpone 1.2 the better it is for Guild Wars 2 and TERA


I know I won't look back at SWTOR.


1.2 is stuff that should have been in the game at release and I don't see any info about the patch that helps with the endgame problems. There's absolutely nothing to do but pvp or pve. UO and AC1 there were tons of things to do if you didn't feel like pve or pvp. In Daoc they made pvp fun, so fun that's all you wanted to do. SWTOR just has nothing to grab ones attention for more than a few months, it feels like a console game not an Mmo.

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For those who missed it, here's a low rez copy of the patch 1.2 trailer:



I know I won't look back at SWTOR.


1.2 is stuff that should have been in the game at release and I don't see any info about the patch that helps with the endgame problems. There's absolutely nothing to do but pvp or pve. UO and AC1 there were tons of things to do if you didn't feel like pve or pvp. In Daoc they made pvp fun, so fun that's all you wanted to do. SWTOR just has nothing to grab ones attention for more than a few months, it feels like a console game not an Mmo.


I gotta agree, whilst 1.2 brings in features that should have been in the game at launch, and includes a warzone, a flashpoints and an operation. Nevertheless, in my own opinion, it doesn't "flesh out" the game a great deal.

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Just because you happen to disagree with someone, doesn't mean that they ARE being unreasonable with their arguments. To ignore everyone's opinion on those grounds would be a little myopic in my opinion. Only the devs are really in a position to decide who is being unreasonable and who isn't.


Everyone has subjective opinions. Who's to say YOURs are any more valid than someone elses?




>I mean really why was this beta version released to begin with? Oh I know to catch the Christmas rush


>I'm not paying you money for a beta product while you manipulate the next patch


>your bleeding like a stuck pig


>What a sorry company


Respecting other people's opinions is one thing. Disingenuously attempting to defend someone who is blatantly putting things in the most inflammatory way possible is entirely another. You're promoting an agenda. And it's obvious.

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Call it a conspiracy if you like, but it wouldn't be the first time that content patches have been "scheduled" for a specific time period in order to encourage greater revenue.


Wait.. Are you trying to tell me that in a capitalistic economy, when a business makes a decision, they do so with profits in mind? Good lord, it's amazing any of these companies have the cash to make it through a days operating expenses... :rolleyes:

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>I mean really why was this beta version released to begin with? Oh I know to catch the Christmas rush


>I'm not paying you money for a beta product while you manipulate the next patch


>your bleeding like a stuck pig


>What a sorry company


Respecting other people's opinions is one thing. Disingenuously attempting to defend someone who is blatantly putting things in the most inflammatory way possible is entirely another. You're promoting an agenda. And it's obvious.


Pointing out how different people can have differing, and yet still perfectly valid, opinions is not "promoting an agenda". You are essentially attacking me for having a different perspective to you.


Whilst it can be argued that said poster isn't exactly being "tactful" or diplomatic in expressing their opinion, that opinion is still valid, to him. As well as being unsatisfied at the current state of the game, said poster is also suspicious of BW's motivations in "pushing back" the date to April. It wouldn't be the first time an MMO company has done that.


Now, can you prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that such statements / suspicions are in fact incorrect? Or do you just believe they are? If the latter is the case, then who is being more unreasonable?


Besides, who is the troll? Someone who honestly expresses their opinion, no matter how "inflammatory" that might be, or the person who attacks that person and attempts to discredit their opinion, just because they happen to disagree?

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Pointing out how different people can have differing, and yet still perfectly valid, opinions is not "promoting an agenda". You are essentially attacking me for having a different perspective to you.


Whilst it can be argued that said poster isn't exactly being "tactful" or diplomatic in expressing their opinion, that opinion is still valid, to him. As well as being unsatisfied at the current state of the game, said poster is also suspicious of BW's motivations in "pushing back" the date to April. It wouldn't be the first time an MMO company has done that.


Now, can you prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that such statements / suspicions are in fact incorrect? Or do you just believe they are? If the latter is the case, then who is being more unreasonable?


Quite the contrary: I think it's possible he's right. They're a business not a charity. I'd respect them less if they made stupid decisions that harm their revenue and (ultimately) the long term success of the game I'm enjoying.


What I'm 'attacking' you for (if that's what you prefer to call it) is blindly ignoring how unreasonable he's being in the way he's expressing his opinion, because it suits your view that people who criticise this game and BW in the way that he is are being unfairly 'attacked' (there's that word again!) by sycophantic Biodrones. You've chosen a viewpoint and are jumping through hoops to justify it.

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Quite the contrary: I think it's possible he's right. They're a business not a charity. I'd respect them less if they made stupid decisions that harm their revenue and (ultimately) the long term success of the game I'm enjoying.


What I'm 'attacking' you for (if that's what you prefer to call it) is blindly ignoring how unreasonable he's being in the way he's expressing his opinion, because it suits your view that people who criticise this game and BW in the way that he is are being unfairly 'attacked' (there's that word again!) by sycophantic Biodrones. You've chosen a viewpoint and are jumping through hoops to justify it.


I'm not, what you call, "jumping through hoops" at all.

It is often customary to respond when someone is talking to you. :)


You posted in response to what I've previously posted whilst calling me a troll. You also accuse me of having "an agenda". Purely because our opinions differ on this matter.

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Yay!!! Another thread full of whiners whining in the face of a content patch that's going to address almsot all of the issues they've been whining about, so they now have to whine about it not being soon enough, which is how you can tell they'ev got nothing real left to whine about!!!! Yaaaaay!
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