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Information so far on Ranked Warzones from Guild Summit


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I still see no fixes concerning long load time kicks, long load time voidstar speeder rides, speeders not appearing in Alderaan, the Alderaan turret being truly fixed, force leap/jet charge throwing you outside the warzone, the force push kill stuck in ground deserter combo, the sync issues with force speed/any stun...


I guess on tournament base-level machines on LANs, most of those shouldn't be an issue, but in terms of the overall interwebs, these things do cause losses.

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I hope they elaborate on this as well. With the changes coming of 4 max medals for valor, Healers getting kill credit for healing a DPS who is killing etc, that could get really hairy.


If I was a healer I would just find the higest geared DPS in my group and follow him around for the entire match. Its possible healers could rank up huge medal counts which could really throw off the ranking system if not done properly.


This is of course all assumption but it is food for thought.


so you'd follow around a guy for a whole match so you can get 2 medals?

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I still see no fixes concerning long load time kicks, long load time voidstar speeder rides, speeders not appearing in Alderaan, the Alderaan turret being truly fixed, force leap/jet charge throwing you outside the warzone, the force push kill stuck in ground deserter combo, the sync issues with force speed/any stun...


I guess on tournament base-level machines on LANs, most of those shouldn't be an issue, but in terms of the overall interwebs, these things do cause losses.


Not to mention quiters for solo Q... All part of why I'm staying rather cynical about the ranked system.

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Whatever they do, it's pretty obvious at this point they aren't going to fix open PvP. On the contrary, they are doing everything to eliminate it entirely it seems.


All these things they are doing is pure desperation to keep 1/3rd of the player base from quitting when their 90 days are up.


Are these good ideas? Yes if band-aid fixes are the plan.

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Whatever they do, it's pretty obvious at this point they aren't going to fix open PvP. On the contrary, they are doing everything to eliminate it entirely it seems.


All these things they are doing is pure desperation to keep 1/3rd of the player base from quitting when their 90 days are up.


Are these good ideas? Yes if band-aid fixes are the plan.


Same thing I said in the open world pvp thread.


It simply does not work in a 2.faction game anyway. WAR had tons of open world pvp and it failed terribly due to zergs.

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They better have 8 man rated warzones or else this whole rated thing will just be an absolute joke. It won't be based on any skill and matches will be determined before the game starts on which team gets queued up with the worst players. Edited by Schwarzwald
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My take on a rank system ...


Burst DPS for the win. Every time.


On a 1 vs 1, full spec healers need not apply. They lack the DPS to do anything and if faced against a player with interrupts they are done.


Tanks also need not apply. All a dps has to do is prevent you from doing leaps and it is game over.


As to full groups, it depends on the warzone. I know quite a few PVP players who design their groups to play Huttball because that is what pops for the Imps most of the time. Get into Civil War and it becomes a lost cause within the first two mins of that match.


As for Voidstar ... I have seen more games won and lost over the whims of when a barrier opens. I have seen half a team in voidstar get stuck behind a barrier for 20 - 30 seconds. That isn't a loss because you played bad. That was a loss because of bad timing and the beck being stacked against you. And then of course if you are playing defender for round 1, you may not even start the match with a full team as team mates end up stuck of a speeder for 30 seconds.


No, to be a true test. You have to do an arena style contest. No objectives, and no obsticles to over come. You can't placate to certain classes by allowing them to use their skills to exploit their surroundings.

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Thank you for posting this. I was waiting for someone to do this.


And this screenshot just confirmed my fears and might be the final nail in the coffin for SWToR for me. I kept thinking that BW can't be that dumb and would not allow full Operations to queue for Ranked Warzones but it seems I was wrong. It's already bad enough that you can't queue with more than 4 friends in WZs. But not allowing full 8 man Operations to queue for Ranked Warzones thus removing any incentive to keep playing? Sorry Bioware but this was the last straw for me.


I'm sure others are thrilled about solo queue Ranked Warzones but I just can't keep overlooking Biowares mistakes.

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My take on a rank system ...


Burst DPS for the win. Every time.


On a 1 vs 1, full spec healers need not apply. They lack the DPS to do anything and if faced against a player with interrupts they are done.


Tanks also need not apply. All a dps has to do is prevent you from doing leaps and it is game over.


As to full groups, it depends on the warzone. I know quite a few PVP players who design their groups to play Huttball because that is what pops for the Imps most of the time. Get into Civil War and it becomes a lost cause within the first two mins of that match.


As for Voidstar ... I have seen more games won and lost over the whims of when a barrier opens. I have seen half a team in voidstar get stuck behind a barrier for 20 - 30 seconds. That isn't a loss because you played bad. That was a loss because of bad timing and the beck being stacked against you. And then of course if you are playing defender for round 1, you may not even start the match with a full team as team mates end up stuck of a speeder for 30 seconds.


No, to be a true test. You have to do an arena style contest. No objectives, and no obsticles to over come. You can't placate to certain classes by allowing them to use their skills to exploit their surroundings.


No offense man, but you have no idea how this game works.

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My take on a rank system ...


Burst DPS for the win. Every time.


On a 1 vs 1, full spec healers need not apply. They lack the DPS to do anything and if faced against a player with interrupts they are done.


Tanks also need not apply. All a dps has to do is prevent you from doing leaps and it is game over.


As to full groups, it depends on the warzone. I know quite a few PVP players who design their groups to play Huttball because that is what pops for the Imps most of the time. Get into Civil War and it becomes a lost cause within the first two mins of that match.


As for Voidstar ... I have seen more games won and lost over the whims of when a barrier opens. I have seen half a team in voidstar get stuck behind a barrier for 20 - 30 seconds. That isn't a loss because you played bad. That was a loss because of bad timing and the beck being stacked against you. And then of course if you are playing defender for round 1, you may not even start the match with a full team as team mates end up stuck of a speeder for 30 seconds.


No, to be a true test. You have to do an arena style contest. No objectives, and no obsticles to over come. You can't placate to certain classes by allowing them to use their skills to exploit their surroundings.


No, stacked team comps will win. A Sorc, Assassin, Powertech and Jug team in huttball would absolutely blow past everything.


Voidstar on the otherhand is more about a balanced group comp. You need burst, but you also need Healers and certain classes dedicated to killing healers and being tank killers.


Alderaan will be all about group cohesion and movement. I don't think group composition will matter as much in Alderaan as others due to the nature of the warzone's map design.


Bioware has already stated that they are changing the game balance for longer drawn out fights. I consider the surge nerf to be the first step in this direction and in the long term, I don't think heavy burst teams are going to be the ones that win games.

Edited by Schwarzwald
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I saw solo ranking in Bloodline champions. It was based on w/l ratio and it was influenced by series of wins/losses. Won't work in SWTOR since there were 3v3 or 2v2 fights in BLC. 8v8 makes your impact not so noticeable. However if it would be based on the other metrics: inflicted/guarded/healed dmg, interrupts, ball carrier kill, capping turret, placing/defusing bomb, pass/score in a successful goal run, etc. -- it might work fine. Edited by Alkei
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That SS is awesome, doesn't show a lot but does confirm a separate solo and group queue which is great. That being said, they still have to implement all of it right and that remains to be seen.


Same here.

This is perfect, if Solo Q gets to play Vs other Solo Q'ers and you get a solo Q rank AND a separate group Q rank for premades that would be incredible.


I would be happy as a solo Q person playing against premades and getting ranked with them that way, but I would love a separate ranking as well.


Either way this is good fun for solo Q people.

Edited by richardya
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so you'd follow around a guy for a whole match so you can get 2 medals?


+1 for 10 kills

+1 for 25 kills


Thats max valor according to the new patch notes and I didnt have to do hardly anything.



It was really just an example of how it could be unbalenced if they dont take everything into consideration when figuring out the ranking. I could farm raking just for basically doing nothing which is really my point.

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Surprised more people aren't noticing the fact that BW is not allowing 8 man Ops groups (full premade) for Rated Warzones and are instead doing two separate groups of four. I don't mind them allowing the option for a group of four to queue but why not allow a 8 man Ops to queue? They could even add an 8 man only queue specifically for these. I just don't understand why they aren't doing this.
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[quote name='Noldat']What about the screenshot confirms the 4 person only?[/QUOTE] The fact that the screenshot only shows "Solo Ranked" and "Party Ranked" means there is no option for "Operations Ranked." A Party consist of FOUR people. Party =/= Operations Unless their UI is worded incorrectly or if Bioware suddenly changed the meaning of "Party" so that it means 8 man Operations groups, then I think it is safe to assume they aren't including 8 man Operations groups to queue.
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If they don't tie MMR to the gear, then there wouldn't be a reason to exploit except for epeen. Tying rating requirements to certain gear was a terrible idea that incentivized gaming the system rather than purely competative play.


You make it sound like anyone needed to MMR exploit to get 2200..........


The gear was retard easy to get, people exploited for high ratings/titles/epeen/the fun of it


Take your pick, but it sure as hell wasn't for gear.

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The fact that the screenshot only shows "Solo Ranked" and "Party Ranked" means there is no option for "Operations Ranked." A Party consist of FOUR people.


Party =/= Operations


Unless their UI is worded incorrectly or if Bioware suddenly changed the meaning of "Party" so that it means 8 man Operations groups, then I think it is safe to assume they aren't including 8 man Operations groups to queue.


it is 8 man ops.


so please less qq from everyone. Just sit back and wait instead of making speculations....

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